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PROFESSOR: Welcome back to 7.

00x, Introduction to Biology,

the Secret of Life.
This week we've got three lectures for you.
The first is about amazing proteins.
You'll see all sorts of proteins and we'll talk about the
structures of proteins.
In the second lecture, we're going to talk about enzymes, those remarkable
proteins that carry out chemical transformations in the cell.
And then in the third lecture, we're going to talk about biochemical
pathways, how enzymes are strung together to carry out whole series of
In particular, we're going to talk about one pathway called glycolysis
that breaks down sugar.
In addition to the lectures, you'll see on the course website we've got
some lab videos for you this week.
Nathaniel is going to go to the lab and show you how
to purify some proteins.
He's going to purify green fluorescent protein and also an enzyme called
Brian is going to show you how we really know about the structures of
proteins through x-ray crystallography.
And then finally, the problems this week are particularly cool.
We have electronic problems this week where you can actually see and spin

around in zoom in on proteins to really understand their structure.

And we have a game for you, the web-based game called "Foldit," where
you yourself can fold proteins.
Glad to have you back for week two of 7.00x.
Looking forward to it.

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