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Aurora Aguiniga, 1

Title of the Resource: Everyday Mathematics Lesson Activities

Audience: Parents and Teachers

Topic: Elementary Math

Author: Everyday Mathematics by the University of Chicago

APA Citation:
The University of Chicago. (2015, October 7). Retrieved from Everyday Mathematics (McGrawHill):
Paragraph describing the websites characteristics and how the website could be used as a
This website acts as an online supplement for the Everyday Mathematics Student Reference
Book. It is consistent with the common core and follows units from the textbook. It is very
helpful for teachers who use this book in their classroom because it contains selected answers to
book problems and includes vocabulary. However, it can also be used as a guide for teachers or
parents who do not use this textbook because it provides math activity suggestions for every unit.
This website could be used for Pre-K through sixth grade.

Title of the Resource: Adaptive Learning Online Program

Audience: Students, teachers, and parents.

Topic: Math Online Lessons

Author: graduates of Stanford, Berkeley, and Harvard

APA Citation:
Free Math Worksheets and Problems. (2013). Retrieved October 10, 2015, from
Paragraph describing the websites characteristics and how the website could be used as a
This website allows students to work through complete online math lessons, according to their
grade level, that are consistent with the common core. It could be used for first through eighth
grade classes. The program is very interactive. It allows students to select their own avatar, move
up different levels within a lesson, and it tracts the students achievement to provide progress
reports. Since every student is at a different math learning level, the program is supposed to
adapt the difficulty of tasks to the students learning level. Unfortunately, this site requires

Aurora Aguiniga, 2

students to sign up with a valid email address and includes a membership fee. However, the site
provides different membership options, such as household, classroom, and school memberships.
Parents can get a membership as a practice tool for their children at home but it can also be used
by elementary educators as part of their school program.

Title of the Resource: Practice for Kids

Audience: Students

Topic: Elementary Math

Author: John Banfill

APA Citation:
Banfill, J. (2007). Fractions. Retrieved October 10, 2015, from
Paragraph describing the websites characteristics and how the website could be used as a
This website consists of mini-lessons, practice problems, and games for students to interact with
the content they are learning at school. It could be used for general practice in kindergarten
through eighth grade levels.

Title of the Resource: Math Lessons, Worksheets, and Games.

Audience: Students and Teachers

Topic: Math

Author: Mrs. Glosser

APA Citation:
Math Lessons. (1998). Retrieved October 12, 2015, from
Paragraph describing the websites characteristics and how the website could be used as a

Aurora Aguiniga, 3

This website consists of lesson ideas, worksheets and games for students to explore math. It
could be used for elementary school children since the games and lesson are easy to understand.
Teachers can also benefit from the website by obtaining lesson plan ideas and other resources.

Title of the Resource: Resource Room

Audience: Students and Teachers

Topic: Math

Author: Denise Hanson, Vi Maeers, and Harley Weston

APA Citation:
Hanson, D., Maeers, V., & Weston, H. Math Central - Welcome! Retrieved October 13, 2015,
Paragraph describing the websites characteristics and how the website could be used as a
This website consists of different activities and resources to enhance math comprehension. It
could be used by students to gain deeper understanding and knowledge. There is a section for
teachers where they can find organizations and other helpful resources. Students can take
advantage of the FAQ section or they can also ask any math question they have by sending an
email to the publisher.

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