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The reflective piece Big ol Rodney relates the challenges the character in the story faces as a
result of being obese. The writer uses a combination of dialectal variation, register,
communicative behaviours and attitudes to language to develop character and add local colour.
For the purpose of this portfolio, however, only two will be discussed: dialectal variation and
language registers. Dialectal variation refers to changes in language due to various influences for
example geographical, social, group and individual factors. Related to dialectal variation are
dialect (any variety of a language spoken by a group of people in a given speech community,
country or region), creole (a language that comes into being through contact between two or
more languages) and patois. Different variations of dialect are used in the reflective piece.
Mesolect (refers to sub-standard English or a mixture of creole or patois and Standard English),
which is seen in the piece when Mr. Rodneys wife is speaking to himself, Babe I ave warned
you for this excessive eating of yours buh you doh listen and you hardly walk. Also Acrolect
(which is Standard English) was portrayed among the doctors Weve lost him, theres no pulse.
Basilect (which is complete creole or patios) was also portrayed early in the reflective piece doe
aks fi when mango does be inna full swing he affi eat a whole basin all me he self.
Language register is a variety of a language used for a particular purpose or in a particular social
setting. The five levels of registers are casual, intimate, consultative, formal and frozen. An
example of a language register used in the reflective piece is formal register. This portrayed at
the hospital among the doctors Hurry were losing him! I think he is having a heart attack get
the defibrillator. Another register used is intimate register. This is depicted in the conversation
between Mr. Rodney and his wife. She tells him, Babe I have warned you for this excessive

eating of yours but you dont listen and you hardly walk. This register reveals that Mr. Rodney
and his wife share a close relationship or bond.

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