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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 02, 2015

Who should women of today consider as role models? What lessons can we all
draw from them and practice? Bhagawan lovingly reinforces today.

Unbridled freedom is destructive of dharma, and it also harms the woman

herself. Mixing in society without any discrimination produces ruinous results.
Of course there were educated women in the past, but they never gave up
their dharma, they never forgot the goal of Atmic dharma. Education must be
built on the basis of discrimination. Sulabha, Savitri, Anasuya, Gargi,
Nalayani, and other such models of chastity, and devotees of the Lord like
Meera or yoginis like Chudala, were born in this country of God (Bharathadesa); they strengthened dharma by their adherence to it. It is through the
examples of such great and holy women, with their character and conduct
inspired by devotion and spiritual wisdom, that even today simplicity, humility,
and devotion shine in the hearts of most Indian women. Today, women
should draw inspiration from them and efforts must be made to live as they
did in the past.
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 5.

A woman can master any subject related to the objective world that is prominent today, but she
must never forget the welfare of the spirit. Baba
02 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: A`j-k`l dI, iks qrHW dI mihlw nUM,AwdrS mihlw kihxw cwhIdw hY?aunHW qoN swnUM,ikhVw sbk is`Kxw
cwhIdw hY Aqy aus dw A`iBAws krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: A`ncwhI AwzwdI,Drm dw nwS kr idMdI hY Aqy ies dy nwl-nwl,ieh mihlw dw nukswn vI krdI
hY[smwj iv`c,purK Aqy iesqRI dw Byd-Bwv r`Ky ibnW,imlxw-julxw,smwj dI qbwhI dw kwrx hY[ipCly zmwny
iv`c vI mihlwvW p`VHIAW-il`iKAW huMdIAW sn pr aunH W ny,kdy vI ,Awpxy Drm Aqy Awqimk Drm dy lkS dw
iqAwg nhIN kIqw sI[is`iKAw dw nINh-p`Qr,cMgy-mwVy dI pihcwn dI nIqI qy r`Kxw cwhIdw
hY[sulwBw,swiv`qrI,gwrgI,nilnI Aqy hor,ies qrHW dIAW Drm dw pwlx krn vwlIAW pqIvrqw mihlwvW Aqy
hor Bgvwn dI BgqI iv`c lIx mihlwvW ijvyN mIrW jW cuVwlw vrgIAW XognAW qoN,mihlwvW nUM is`iKAw lYxI

cwhIdI hY[[ieh swrIAW,Bwrq dyS iv`c pYdw hoeIAW Aqy aunHW ny Bwrq iv`c,Drm dI AwsQw nUM mzbUq kIqw[ienHW
swrIAW, mhwn Aqy piv`qr mihlwvW dy sdwcwr,brqwau,BgqI Aqy A`iDAwqimk kMmW dy kwrx hI,A`j k`l dI
bhuq swrIAW mihlwvW dy idlW iv`c,swDwrxpn,hlImI Aqy SRDw-Bwvnw ,cmkdI hY[A`j-k`l dIAW mihlwvW nUM
cwhIdw hY ik auh,purwxy zmwny dIAW sdwcwrI mihlwvW qoN pRyrxw lYx Aqy ausy qrHW dw jIvn ibqwaux,ijvyN auh
jIvn ibqwauNdIAW sn[(Drm vwihnI,A`iDAwey pMj)[
BwvyN,A`j-k`l dIAW mihlwvW,ies sMswr dy hr ivSy au`qy mhwrq hwsl kr skdIAW hn pr,aunHW nUM hr Awqmw
dI KuShwlI dw iKAwl r`Kxw, nhIN Bu`lxw cwhIdw hY[(bwbw)[

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