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Industrial Revolution
The industrial revolution was from 1760 to 1820 and it was a time
where people where inventing new things or improving ideas
already made. Some examples of these are chemicals, cement, gas
lighting, etc. The industrial industry began in Britain some famous
people of the industrial revolution are Andrew Carnegie who became
rich from the U.S steel industry and John D. Rockefeller he became
rich during the industrial revolution in the oil and rail road industries.
One invention from the industrial revolution was sulfuric acid it
was invented by John Roebuck and it was invented in 1746. Another
invention was bleaching powder invented by Charles tenant around
the 1800s this invention really helped put the textile industry by
reducing from months to days. Cement was also invented in this
time period in 1824 by Joseph Aspdin this process really helped
construct Thames tunnels it helped construct Londons sewer

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