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Year 7 Humanities

Assessment Notification
Teachers: Mr Brewer, Mr Santella, Mr Greaves
Date of Assessment: November 2015
Due on: Refer to teacher instructions

UNIT: Disasters


Question: What category Saffir Simpson scale is typhoon ____
This is a project based Assessment that will be done in class. You will have all 3 lessons to
work on your poster in class.
You can do research and printing at home beforehand in preparation.
Now that you have been studying weather and typhoons, it is the time to put all that information together.
Your assignment will be to create a poster about a previous typhoon that has hit Hong Kong or a tropical
storm of your choice. You will need to research a Hong Kong typhoon based on the following research

What category Saffir Simpson scale is typhoon ____

Research/investigate the typhoon: create an action plan, collect sources, and extract relevant
information from those sources, and create a properly cited bibliography. See resources on the weekly
for help in this regard.
When the research is complete, you need to create a poster on A3 or A2 paper about that typhoon.
The poster must include information on the development of a typhoon, a map of the storms
path and a description of the storms associated weather. Use weather and typhoon vocabulary!
The poster must include a description of the effects of the typhoon and associated damage.
After collecting information on the damage and characteristics of the storm, you must determine
the Saffir-Simpson scale category and include an explanation. Use weather and typhoon
Your poster must also include a graph of data you collect, 3 annotated pictures and a
bibliography of sources used.

You are expected to do the research aspects (plan of investigation, location of sources,
bibliography) at home. These should be brought to the first class with you, along with any paper
and stationary that you would like to use for your poster.
Here are some resources to help you start looking. You can also do a Google Search and come up with lots
of information, but keep your sources reliable.
Government of Hong Kong detailed annual report on Typhoons
University of Science and Technology paper on Super Typhoons in HK ("This will help you to choose one")


You will be marked on the following criteria:

Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding, Criterion B: Investigating and Criterion C: Communicating

Expectations for Criteria A:

i. use vocabulary in context
ii. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts, using descriptions,
explanations and examples.

Diagrams and description that illustrate the development of a typhoon.

Diagram/map that show the track of the typhoon.
Description on the damage IN YOUR OWN WORDS caused by the typhoon in paragraph form.
Information relating to the damage done and storm surges is presented in paragraph form IN YOR OWN
Relevant storm details (wind speed, air pressure, duration, storm surges, etc) are shown on a separate
Explanation of the Saffir-Simpson Scale rating of the storm with detailed evidence IN YOUR OWN

Expectations for Criteria B:

i. formulate and follow an action plan to investigate a research question
iii. use methods to collect and record relevant information

Plan of investigation, relevant sources and references are shown in a booklet, folder, hard copy portfolio or
Properly cited bibliography is included (cite all sources in alphabetical order and in the proper format. Use or another bibliography website for help.

Expectations for Criteria C:

i. communicate information and ideas with clarity
ii. organize information and ideas effectively for the task
iii. list sources of information in a way that follows the task instructions.

Research Question is shown on the poster.

Paragraphs are all clearly written IN YOUR OWN WORDS and focused with a structure that clearly
demonstrates understanding.
References are appropriate and related to the topic. References are all located in one place with the correct
MLA7 style of referencing.
3 Annotated pictures of the damage done are presented on the poster
Graphs are correctly labelled
Pictures are appropriate and relevant with annotations that are relevant to the topic.
Layout is well organized and tidy.


Sample Layout


Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding


Criterion B: Investigating

Criterion C: Communicating


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