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Oral Topics for Level 19

1. Sleeping Habits:
a. Do you think you have healthy sleeping habits? Explain.
b. What things can disrupt our sleep? Which ones have you experienced? Which is the hardest to deal with?
c. How can stress affect your sleeping habits? How can you alleviate stress?
2. Technological addiction:
a. Can technology create stress? Explain.
b. Do you think it is possible to be addicted to technology? Why or why not? Give examples to support your
3. Water:
a. Why do you think water is scarce? Why do some people have no access to clean water?
b. If we have water shortages in the future, where do you think we will get the water?
c. What can we do to protect water now and in the future?
4. Creativity:
a. When you have an impasse, what do you do? How do you come to a solution?
b. Are you a creative or a practical thinker? Give examples to support your answer.
c. How do you express yourself creatively?
5. Art:
a. What do you think about true art?
b. Which of the following could be considered art? Why?
6. Humor:
a. What is funny to you?
b. What effect does laughter have on people?
c. How can humor be used to make people feel better?
d. What is the relationship between humor and stress?

7. Kinds of Humor:
a. What are some kinds of humor?
b. Have you ever played a prank on someone? What happened?
c. Has someone played a prank on you? What did you do? How did you feel?
d. What do you think of parodies?

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