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ae reer | Romanot£ rere P| Pee pecan ert lcan summarize a grade level text. Read Aloud/ |Model: The Bad [Case of the Stripes Connection: Readers, when I lwant to tell a friend about a book I want to give them a jsummary so they [can understand the main parts DoF the book. When summarize I focus on just the, MAIN details of la text. Teachit |-Read aloud Bad [Case of the [Stripes “Model how to fill in the [summarizing chart Active |Engagement: -Have students Hturn and talk to summarize the )|story using the boxes provided. while using @ grade level text. Read Aloud/ Model: The Bad [Case of the Stripes Teaching: Pull low group) Use a text ona level (GHI) -Together work ‘on summarizing using the graphic lorganizer together, Imodeling how to find the characters, problem, solution..ete. Active Engagement: -Students will actively find the main parts in the book provided ‘Independent: -Students will ‘complete the chart in their notebook (with their level text provided) **all other students /Med/High group) while usinga —_| |theme ina given grade level text. | |text. [Read Aloud/ Read Aloud/ |Model: The Bad | |Model Text: Bad (Case of the \Case of the Stripes stripes Teaching: (Pull | |Connection: (each for 15 | |want to talk to minutes) lyou about why “Show and model | |some authors 3 other graphic. | |write books. organizers to | |Some authors help them lwrite books to summarize (they | |help a reader or [can choose which| |to give them ‘they like best.) | Jadvice, This is call the theme of Active a story. For |Engagement: jexample... (hold -Students will | ipa few familiar jactively be texts and state [involved in fillrg || themes) parts of the new graphic Teaching: lorganizers. -Create an |anchor Chart Independent: with various Students ‘theme ideas on will choose which | |it. summarizing | |-Model how to lorganizer to use | |fill in the graphic land summarize | lorganizer when fromagrade | |finding the level passage | |theme of the provided. story. RL 4.1 Summarazing| | RL4.2 Summarizing | | RL 42 Summarizing | | 42 Theme 42 Thome [Teaching Point: I] |Teaching Point: I] |Teaching Point: I| | Teaching Point: I| |Teaching Point: I Jean summarize | |can summarize | |will find the Iwill find the Readers, today T [theme ina given text. Read Aloud/ Model Text: Bad Case of the stripes IConnection: Readers, today I want to talk to you about why ‘some authors write books. ‘Some authors lwrite books to help a reader or [to give them ledvice. This is call the theme of la story. For example... hold up a few familiar texts and state |themes) Teaching: (PULL Low GRour) -Refer to anchor chart -Share with the ‘students a book lon level GHIT. “Model how to pull out the ‘theme of a text. (Give examples land let them ‘choose which Page 1 of 4 ‘theme fits best) 2015-2016 ) 09/27/2018 - 10/03/2015 Wook View Trdependent: | [Independent | [**All other ti eqfttse aradefevel | freading with | Jtudents egosement: | [Active pssage and have} [choice matric | ndependent || Have the Engagement: students rend | [Technclogy with |Jreadng wih | [sade rn |-Have the ‘ill ou choice matrix. choice matrix land talk to [students turn a \izer on Technology with | |discuss the. land talk to their own. ‘themes (theme | [discuss the -After they will | Teaching Point: Z lof BCOFS) ‘themes and how independently | |witl use ito find a theme, read. ‘transitions while [rdependent: writing a rreazhing Put '-Students will | |Endependent: personal Tesching aint, | |readagrade | id th ree err ey [evel toc and | wil find the aa HE psseomnl illin their own | [theme of a text reaching Point: | connection: | |arrat phe on ther level, - fuittuse cemrection _|fetemems to | organizer in ||they il record ius white | ;NOM Hat YOU | [continue writing | ther notebooks. | [hs in ther writing a lor more |my draft. -after students | |notebook. personal paragraphs, lets | |Connection: aires narrative, fedd transitions. | |*writers you | |'™6°Pe*4entlY: | | Osher students We've aluseda | | have done some Is |Connection: wil: I*Now that you DVD to fast \great personal ~ *Technology feeward through | |rarratve writing lereup ch El have written two] /a movie, lover the past ieee Jor more “Transition words | |+wo weeks. rg Nera Tr rdependent paragraphs, lets | |do the some Today you will | {Teaching Point: | leading Group- pret ||ectesmme | [eam ro | iy Bee | nee We've aluseda | |yriters--they | [fo finish the | \petseral DvD to fast | |move us alang to | |persaral narrative Forward through | |qhe‘mportart | [Parratives you | [elements to la movie. rt of oUF [continue writing Transition words | |Erory." storie my draft. ‘Wing Narratives do the some Model: Toda , ‘hing for Model: you will reread _ | (Connection Teach eeococthey | [Write the word | \Your uniting and | [writers you | Jer Nenad wes along to | [transition on | [alenty think | (Rave done some | ee ans the important | [chart paper. | Jabout the next | |9"e0t personal | |p eare lpart of our "Lets explore | part of the narrative writing f story." this word... arrative that | [over the Pest | connection: Trans means will bring it to | [Wo weeks. "Today is a big Model: lacross or the end. ‘Today you will | | day because we Write the word | |change. [Students pair | {have some time | Va rite the transition on | | Transitions share ideas for | (*@finish the | | ding to our chart paper. | |words help fherest of the | [PETER | Ipersonal connect eres [events of their | | ranted, narratives, AS ina p we have all along Page 2 of 4 id a di dled Clb dl EB) (09/27/2015 - 10/03/2015 2015-2016 Wook View FTrans means | {rarrative so the | [personal we will read locross or lweiting smootly | |rarrative, Model: Today | jexamples of Slehange. lconnects form lyou will reread | Jauthors work. Transitions levent to event. | |Independent: | |your writing and | | This time we will words help pass out lwriters,I want | |silently think | Inotice the lconnect events | transition word | |you to get as far | jabout the next | lendings, notice imapersonal | llist™ Jas you can with | |part of the what the authors narrative so the ||-TURN AND | |your personal | jrarrative that | |do, and then do lwriting smootly | |TALK.which | |rarraztive today.| |will bring it to | lit ourselves. |connects form | |have you used Dont rush to end | |the end. levent to event. | |before, are since that ist | |Students pair | |Model: Pass out lthere any you | |good writing. | |share ideas for | |Read through transition word | |dont [Just stay Ithe rest of the | |different types list™ lurderstand>? | |focused on your | jevents of their | lof endings. |-TURN AND personal personal ‘Model creating TALKwhich | |"Zm looking at | |rarraztive and | |narrative, land ending for have you used | |my personal get as far as you Imy personal * before, are narrative short | |can. If you get | |tndependent: | |narrative. “today there any you | |write. Ihave | |stuck look at our | |writers, Iwant | |you will practice jdont ladded some list of personal | |you to get as far | |writing different! lunderstand? Icharacter Irarrative jas you can with | |types of endings |development and | Jelements or use | |Your personal | Jand then you will "Im looking at | Jalso mare about | jone of the what | |narraztive today.| |pick the one you Gjmy personal ‘the setting, just | |can you do when | |Dont rush to end | Jiike best." Inarrative short | |like you did. Now| |you get stuck | |since that isnt write. I have [I want tomake | |strategies. good writing. |Independent: ladded some ‘sure the ‘Just stay ‘Students will character different parts | |Closure: focused on your | |write 2-3 [development and | lof my writing are| {Students read | |personal different lalso more about | |connefcted with | |drafts toa rarraztive and | Jendings and pick ithe setting, just | | transitions. partner \get as far as you | |the best one. like you did. Now | |Remeber that ean. If you get IT want to make | |writers use stuck look at our | |Closure: [sure the transitions to list of personal | |Share out different parts | |move the reader rarrative different lof my writing are| |along thorugh ‘elements or use | |endings and give ‘connefcted with | |the story. one of the what | |a glow and grow. transitions, ican you do when Remeber that | |Model using lyou get stuck lwriters use {transition words strategies, {transitions to | jon my personal move the reader | |narrative, Closure: lalong thorugh [Students read the story y [Independent drafts toa q Practice: partner. "Writers today las you write, add Page 3 of 4

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