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The Role-Playing Game

Keith Foster
1st Revision

ZOIDS are the registered trademark

of Takara-Tomy

(Previously Tomy)

In the summer of 03 I worked a normal day job. I went in at seven and got home by four. Every day I came
home to Reboot at 4 oclock and Zoids Century Zero at 4:30 and quickly grew to like both shows with a
passion. I didnt know much about Zoids at the time and the Zero series didnt reveal much about their
background to the viewers.
But the lack of background information didnt keep me from recording each and every episode onto my
computer. I quickly compressed each episode to DivX and wrote it to CD so Id be ready by the following
day. Soon I had the entire season in my collection.
About six months later I noticed that another season of Zoids was being shown early in the morning on
Cartoon Network. At this time I had been transferred to a third shift position at my job and got home every
morning at 6 oclock. I had just about enough time to quickly boot my computer and record each episode.
Unlike the Zero season, Chaotic Century, spanned two seasons and revealed much more about Zoids, their
backgrounds, and the species that created them. It was like a treasure trove for me and these two seasons
quickly found their way into my permanent collection.
Fast-forward about a year and Zoids Fusors began airing on Saturday nights. I recorded these episodes as
well although I didnt really care much for the direction it was taking. I guess I was recording them more out
of sentimental value than interest. Cartoon Network quickly pulled the plug when ratings dropped and the
season was never continued. I recorded up until that point.
I guess that means I have a copy of every Zoids episode ever shown in America sitting in a CD case over my
computer because the last series, Zoids Genesis, has not been shown up to the date of my writing this.
But I digress. Let us rewind to right before Zoids Fusors was broadcast.
There I was, I had every episode of an anime series that I loved on CD, about four hours of downtime at
work every night, a boss who was only there for about two hours of the four we were actually working, and a
It was inevitable.
One night I got bored and actually designed a new Zoid in Hamapatch (A free 3D modeler). I named it the
Tracker Hound and gave it a special ability to match its design. A week later I actually began writing rules
for a role-playing game based on the Zoids universe and soon after I began bringing in my episode library so
I could insert images from the series.
So this book is a result of boredom combined with an obsession. Due to copyright issues I cannot sell this
book although Id never want to. Ive actually been offering it for free on my website for years. Its just been
recently that Ive merged it all into one document so that I could put it up for download.

-Keith Foster
PS: As of September 5, 2014 Ive edited this book to include page numbers and made minor corrections.

If you like this game then please check out my other books
Available at:

The Price of Freedom, Part 1 of the New Empire: Earth War Saga
New Empire, The RPG Core Rulebook. Another free Role-Playing Game by
yours truly.

Table of Contents:

- Rifles


Table of Contents

- Semiautomatics


What are Zoids?

- Pulse Weapons


Planet Zi

- Anti-Vehicle


Character Generation

- Armor


Zoid Creation Rules

- Items & Equipment


Combat & Actions


- Vehicles and Transportation


- Action


- Vehicle Equipment


- Combat


- Zoid Weapons


- Determining Damage


- Cargo Class Weapons


- Called Shots


- Zoid Armor


- Blocking


- Zoid Equipment


- Called Defensive


Zoid Catalog


- Grappling


- Zoid Index


- Vehicles and Damage


- Hover Cargo Specs


- System Freezes




Optional Rules


- Known Past Inventions


- Experience Points


Organoid Rules


- 1s and 10s on a Roll


Integrated Organoid


- Bullets and Re-Arming


Zoid Battle Commission


- Human/Zoidian Healing


- Team Classes


- Zoid Healing/Repairing


- Battle Requirements


- Zoid Evolution


- Point System


- Optional Combat Rules


- Battle Rules


Skill List


- Judges and Judge Capsules


- Skill Descriptions


- The Royal Cup


Republican/Empire Catalog Descriptions 18

Player Character Sheet


- Catalog Summary


Zoid Character Sheet


- Melee Weapons


Zoid GM Sheet


- Non-Lethal Weapons


ZBC Team Tracking Sheet


- Pistols


What are Zoids?

Zoids are living mechanical organisms that can be piloted or roam free if let. Zoids can be either equipped
with weapons or tools depending on the need. Theyve nearly replaced most vehicles on their home planet
Zi. Zoids vary in shapes and sizes, always mimicking animals, whether they are actual, extinct, or mythical.
A Zoid begins its life as a large metal sphere (its core) and its limbs grow out of this core. Once the
computer has completely formed (outside of the core) it comes online and the Zoid comes to life. The core
always exists inside of the Zoid because it is its source of power. If the core is ever removed the body
becomes worthless. Any parts that grew from the core lose their strength and become a brittle metal.
Although the core can live on if not damaged and will slowly grow a new body if allowed (Minus any
memories or information that was stored in the computer).
Zoid derive their power from a large construct called the Zoid Eve. This was the Factory that originally
produced Zoid cores. Its currently buried but still sends out the energy that Zoids utilize. Without it they
would become useless hulks.

Planet Zi:

What follows is the known history of planet Zi from the Chaotic Century & Century Zero seasons only. This
is only a summary of the most important events of the planet and not a detailed description of each battle
between the continents.
The species to evolve on Zi a millennia ago are known as Zoidians (by humans at least, and true bloods are
referred to as Ancient Zoidians). They are the species that created Zoids and the Zoid Eve.
They didnt create Zoids for fighting and war although thats what their function ended up being. Zoids were
originally intended for use as workers, transportation, etc. Having a single power source (the Zoid Eve), was
much more economical that refilling vehicles constantly (and cleaner too). That was all about to change.
It is unknown who created the Death Saurer and why. This was the most powerful Zoid to date and also
drew its power from the Zoid Eve. No number of Zoids could destroy it. It ran on pure hatred and
exterminated most of the population on Zi before the Ancients created two scorpion-type Zoids that were
able to stop it. The specifics of the battle are unknown but the result was the Death Saurer being separated
from its core.
All that is known between that era and the arrival of humans is that whatever Ancients didnt die out were put
into stasis, only to be awakened sometime in the future.
Not much is known of humanitys arrival on Zi. It can only be assumed that Zoids were wandering the
planet untamed on their arrival. It must not have taken long to learn to tame these living machines for
everyday use. From examining old ruins left by the Ancient Zoidians humans learned of the Zoid Eve but
were unable to locate it.
Humans slowly spread over the planet and developed separate tribes and nations. Warring became
commonplace and Zoids were the weapon of choice. Humans were reliving the path of the Ancients without
even knowing it.
Centuries after the arrival of humans the first few Ancient Zoidians were revived. Their awakening was
unknown to the rest of society for quite some time before the first revival of the Death Saurer.

A rogue general of one of the major empires of planet Zi found the Death Saurers core and was able to grow
a smaller version of it (although he was under the impression that he had resurrected the full version). His
intention of controlling the world was thwarted by the cooperation of his own empire and its closest warring
nation known as The Republic.
About a decade after the destruction of the resurrected Death Saurer the few Zoidians to survive had become
known to the general public. Two of which had decided to pursue the destruction of humans (the weaker
race). Once again the Death Saurer was revived, although this time in its full form. The Zoid Eve was also
fully resurrected for a short time before being buried again.
The Death Saurer was once again destroyed. This proved that humans were capable of holding their own.
Although 60% of Zis population was lost in the battle peace, was attained afterwards. All the nations to
survive ceased warring in an effort to avoid the Zoidians original fate.
Nearly a century later brings us to the current time. Zoid battles are now a regulated sport. The Zoid Battle
Commission has about as much power as the current government. Luckily theyre just and fair. Most of the
economy revolves around these battles, as gambling is legal and regulated.
There are still small tribal areas around Zi (although technology is not absent there), but huge cities exist
throughout the nations. Giant skyscrapers are common, as many businesses also exist. Space travel is
common although no one has attempted to leave the system. Many satellites revolve around planet Zi daily
(The Zoid Battle Commission uses orbiting stations to quickly launch Judges to the scenes of scheduled
battles). Technology has progressed to the point that Zoids can be grown by human kind and a few scientists
have managed to create new breeds on rare occasions.
Little is mentioned of Earths existence. No contact has been made in centuries and what little information
on human kinds origin has barely survived to todays date. What is known is taught in schools.
The surviving Ancient Zoidians have interbred with humans to the point that they are more human than
Ancient Zoidian anymore. They are simply known as Zoidians now. Very few Ancients remain.

Main Character Generation:

Hit Points: Strength x 2

2 + (1D8)


2 + (1D8)

Intelligence: 4 + (1D6)

2 + (1D8)

Preferred Zoid: Name the Class of Zoid. Character then gets a +1 Bonus to all Piloting/Weapon Skills for
that Class.
Armor Class: (1-10, 1 is base, worn armor accumulates)
Starting Skill points: (Intelligence x 3, Skills can only be 1-10)
Starting Cash: (5 + 1D4) x 1,000
Experience Chart: (Levels & Bonuses*)
0 2,000 Level 1 Basic Starting Package
2,001 4,000 Level 2 +1D4 HP, +1D8 Skill Points
4,001 6,000 Level 3 +1D6 Skill Points, 1 Attrib. Point
6,001 8,000 Level 4 +1D6 Skill Points
8,001 10,000 Level 5 +1D6 Skill Points, +1D4 HP
10,001 12,000 Level 6 +1D6 Skill Points, 1 Attrib. Point
12,001 14,000 Level 7 +1D6 Skill Points
14,001 16,000 Level 8 +1D6 Skill Points
16,001 18,000 Level 9 +1D6 Skill Points, +1D4 HP
18,001 20,000 Level 10 +1D6 Skill Points, 1 Attrib. Point

* 1 Attrib = Just 1 extra point to add to any one Attribute,

Learning a new skill after Level 1 requires 2 Skill Points
Race Modifiers:
Human: +1 Dexterity, +1 Initiative
Zoidian: +1 Intelligence, +1 Charisma, -1 Strength
There are no Classes in Zoids. The skills determine what a Character is good at so that the Player can choose
where they want to excel.

Note: Players can create any past for their characters. They can also choose their profession and what their characters
look like and how they act. Even though things will happen around the characters that they cant control, theyll still
always stay in complete control of themselves.

Zoid Creation Rules:

Zoid creation is a lot like creating a character. Since Zoids use the same scale as main Characters the creation
rules are nearly the same. How a Zoid looks is completely up to the creator, but the attributes are rolled and
distributed as follows:
Hit Points:

(Strength x 3) + (10 per Evolution Level)


2 + (1D8)


2 + (1D8)


2 + (1D8)

Basic Armor:

2 + (1D8)

Evolution Stage: (1-3, starts at 1 regardless)


(9-30, Main 3 attributes combined (Strength, Mobility, & Intelligence))

When creating a Zoid you can give it one specialability that makes it stand out among the rest. The
exact rules for the special ability are up to the GM.
Just remember that you could be inadvertently be
creating a weakness at the same time.
Also remember that creating a Zoid thats too strong,
fast, and intelligent will be harder or even impossible
to handle. The higher its potential the higher the
pilots skill needs to be in order to control it or even
to be let in the cockpit.

Buying add-ons at equipment shops can increase

armor. What armor is available for what Zoid at any
time is the GMs discretion.
The spots where weapons and defense equipment can
be mounted are pretty much the same for any Zoid.
There are typically 16 mounting spots, 3 on the back,
2 on the head, 2 on the Belly, one on each side, and
one on each appendage (not including any weapons
that are specially built into the Zoid, like Charged
Particle Cannons in Genosaurs).

Tracker Hound
-Created by: Keith Foster

Note to GM: Creating Zoids is usually left up to you (in case you want to increase the size of the catalog that the players want to
choose from). Remember to also create a price (if itll be listed), and a basic weapons package for it.

Combat & Actions:

How major actions are accomplished is determined by a characters skill for that particular action. For hacking a
computer the character would use his Computer Skill, for attacking an opponent from one Zoid to another using a
cannon the character would use his Zoid Weapon (Ranged) Skill
Most combat rules are well defined, but when the character
tries to do something without an opponent (like hacking
that computer or running through an obstacle course with a
Gun Sniper) the GM picks a Target # (1-20) for the
character to beat. The Target # depends on the difficulty.
Doing physical actions (jumping or lifting something)
would require the character to use his/her appropriate
attribute instead of a skill. Heres the formula for using
ones skill or attribute to beat a target number set by the
Target # vs. (1D10 + Skill/Attribute)

Rolls equal to or exceeding succeeds

Before combat begins all players (including NPCs) most roll Initiative (Unless the attacker has successfully snuck up on his
opponent). This determines who attacks first and what order multiple characters will attack in. The higher # goes first and
so on.
The rules of combat always have a target # thats determined by the opponent, whether the other Zoid is piloted or not:
Opponent is a piloted Zoid:
1D10 + Zoid Weapon Skill vs. Opponents Pilot Skill + Zoids Mobility
Opponent is an unmanned Zoid:
1D10 + Zoid Weapon Skill vs. Zoids Intelligence + Zoids Mobility

Opponent is Human:
1D10 + Weapon Skill vs. Targets Intelligence + Targets Dexterity

Note: When rolling your 1D10 there are two special rules to remember. Rolling a 1 that player automatically misses (or worse at
GMs Discretion), and rolling a 10 is an automatic success (even if the target # was out of that characters reach) plus that target
loses 1 point of Armor/AC (That piece or armor is shattered and must be healed/replaced).


Determining Damage:*
Total Damage for Round = Total Damage Dealt that Round Targets AC/Armor
Called Shots:


A character can make a declared attack at a particular

part of a target (head, arm, weapon). The attack is
rolled as normal, and if the attack succeeds the target
is hit, but if the attacks succeeds by 3 or more over
the target # then the called shot also succeeds. Head
Shots kill (Humans/Zoidians), or Disable (Zoids)
75% of the time.

Grappling is a contest of strength between two

opponents. Both characters roll 1D10 + their
strength attribute. The character to succeed wins the

Blocking can be made in Melee or Hand-to-Hand
combat. When attacked the target can chose not to
dodge but to roll an opposing attack.
1D10 + Armed Combat Skill vs. 1D10 + Targets Armed
Combat Skill
1D10 + Unarmed Combat Skill vs. 1D10 + Targets
Unarmed Combat Skill

If the target succeeds then he/she blocks the attack

and no damage results. An unarmed target cannot
block an attack from an armed opponent or viseversa.
Called Defensive:
A Called Defensive can only be made in Melee
combat by an unarmed target. While being attacked
the target can choose to block the attack by grappling
the weapon in the opponents hand. The target
forgoes a normal dodge in order to grab at the
opponents weapon (the handle preferably), this gives
the target a 2 to his dodge.
If dodge fails then the target was hit and takes
damage as normal. If the dodge succeeds then the
target now has his hands on the weapons handle and
the two characters can grapple for the weapon.


Vehicles and Damage:

Normal Vehicles handle damage differently than Characters or Zoids. A Vehicles Hit Points are handled as a
Zoid (being metal or armor) as is its Strength, Mobility, and Intelligence. But its Armor Class helps the
Character(s) inside when attacks are specifically directed at them. It doesnt help the vehicles themselves unless
its directly stated in their descriptions.

System Freezes:
A Zoids combat system manages its weapons and fighting styles. When it freezes the Zoid completely
freezes also, leaving it unable to move or determine a course of action (just like a desktop computer which
locks up). This is believed to be a life preservation technique on the Zoids part, no matter who programs
the combat system a system freeze is always a possibility.
Once a Zoid is under 5 HP it must roll after each attack on it resulting in damage to determine if its combat
system freezes or not. After each damaging attack the Zoid rolls a 1D4, 1-3 results in a system freeze,
rolling a 4 means the Zoid can keep fighting.
Also, after every major occurrence that affects or can adversely affect a Zoid (Laser claw/blade attack that
severs a limb/weapon, a nearby major volcanic explosion) it also must roll for a system freeze (only once
per occurrence).


Optional Rules:
These are optional rules for those people out there that want things well defined. Included are all of the
things that are missing from the main rulebook.
Experience Points:
Experience points earned can be a pain to figure up. So here are some suggestions to help GMs decide on
what certain actions can be worth:
XP per Zoid defeated: *
Experience = (Zoids Potential + Pilots Zoid Pilot Skill) x 10
XP per Common Action:
(If Target # was over 10)
Experience = Target # for that Action x 10
* If a character defeats a Rev Raptor (Potential 14) and the Pilots Zoid Piloting Skill was 5 then the character
earned 190 Experience Points for winning the battle ((14 + 5) x 10).
1s and 10s on a Roll:
Whenever a character rolls a 1 or 10 things can either go extremely well, or extremely bad. These rules are
designed to save time and arguing. Note that the GM should make these rolls, not the players.
10 while Attacking:
Target takes full rolled damage plus loses 1 point of AC until repaired or
grown back
10 on a Common Action:
Automatic success regardless of the Target #
1 on an Attack or Common Action:
(A failure regardless, roll a 1D6 to determine outcome)
1 = Critical Failure (Gun jams up until repaired, Computer being hacked shorts out)
2 = Major Failure (Gun simply doesnt go off, Computer being hacked locks up)
3 = Mistake (Character accidentally shoots something in line of sight, Hacker makes a mistake that
causes the system administrator to track them)
4-6 = Minor Failure (Character misses, Computer denies access)


Bullets and Re-Arming:

For those who noticed that bullets and such arent included in the main rules its because most people find it
annoying to keep track of clips/rounds and continually running to town to buy more. But for those that like
keeping track of details like that:
Reload for Regular Guns = 20 per Clip (max rounds held by weapon)
Reload for Zoid Guns = 100 per Clip (max rounds held by weapon)
Human/Zoidian Healing:

Zoid Healing/Repairing:

People normally heal the number of HP per

week as their Strength Attribute while resting.
Medical treatment cuts that in half. First Aid can
recover the number of HP immediately as the
Providers First Aid Skill (Target # 10 on roll).

Zoids heal the number of HP per day as their

Strength Attribute while resting. While repairing
a Zoid the Mechanic uses the number of HP
he/she is attempting to repair (can be lower than
the HP lost) as his Zoid Repair roll Target #.
The GM decides how long the repair for that
amount of HP will take (At least half of the time
it would normally heal, possibly less).

Zoid Evolution:
Only the GM can evolve a Zoid (when they deem it
appropriate). A Zoid cant evolve spontaneously
(unless temporally with the aid of a high level
Organoid), it forms an Energy Cocoon The
appearance of the Cocoon varies per Zoid, but it can
only be penetrated by a Zoid Examination Suit
(Normal weapons cannot affect it). A Zoids evolution
takes its (new) Strength Attribute in days to complete.

Optional Combat Rules:

Blind Fire:

+8 to Target #

Near Darkness:

+4 to Target # (Night Vision negates, Thermal if heat is involved)

Reduced Light:

+2 to Target # (Night Vision negates, Thermal if heat is involved)

Heavy Rain/Water:

+1 to Target # (Thermal negates if heat is involved)

Bright Glare:

+2 to Target # (Thermal negates if heat is involved)

Smoke/Heavy Fog:

+3 to Target # (Thermal negates if heat is involved)

Target Running:

+1 to Target #

Target has Partial Cover:

+2 to Target #

Two Handed Shooting:

+2 to Target # (Only capable with Handguns)

Using Dual Knives:

+1 to Target #

Using Dual Swords:

+2 to Target #

Skill List:
Social Skills:
Etiquette (Specific)
Organoid Companionship
Vehicle/Zoid Skills:

Physical/Combat Skills:

Car/Truck / (B/R)


Bike / (B/R)


Hovercraft / (B/R)

Armed Combat / (B/R)

Boat / (B/R)

Unarmed Combat

Airplane / (B/R)

Firearms (Regular) / (B/R)

Copter / (B/R)

Firearms (Anti-Zoid) / (B/R)

Vector Thrust / (B/R)

Projectiles/Throwing / (B/R)

Zoid Pilot Ground

Demolitions / (B/R)

Zoid Pilot Air


Zoid Pilot Cargo

Zoid Pilot Water

Technical Skills:

Zoid Weapon Melee / (B/R)

Zoid Weapon Ranged / (B/R)

Computer / (B/R)

Zoid Repair

Electronics / (B/R)
Zoid Genetics / (B/R)
Military Theory

Skill Descriptions:
Concentrations: Concentrations are a specialty within a certain skill. If a Concentration is desired and
picked out then the character gains a +1 bonus to it, but all other Concentrations under that particular skill
receive a penalty of 1 (not to go below 0).
Physical/Combat Skills:
Stealth Governs sneaking around, moving quietly, tracking (and covering ones tracks), and trailing another
character without his/her awareness. This skill can be used through a Zoid when piloting.
Concentrations: Urban, Wooded Wilderness, & Cavern

Athletics Gives the character an increased maneuverability.

Concentrations: Running, Climbing, Lifting, Jumping, & Swimming
Armed Combat - Character is knowledgeable in the use of hand-to-hand weapons.
Concentrations: Edged Weapons, Pole arms/Staffs, Whips/Flails, & Clubs
Unarmed Combat Martial Arts Knowledge.
Concentrations: Disarming, Offensive
Firearms (Regular) Can use all types of hand-held firearms.
Concentrations: Pistols, Rifles, Submachine Guns, Grenade Launchers, & Tasers
Firearms (Anti-Zoid) Knowledgeable in use of large high-power weapons designed to damage Zoids.
Concentrations: Rifle-Type, Missile Launcher
Projectiles/Throwing - Can throw weapons/objects accurately.
Concentrations: Bows, Crossbows, Grenades, Shuriken, Knives, & Darts
Demolitions - Governs the preparation, measuring, and setting of chemical explosives
Concentrations: Powder Explosives, Plastic Explosives, & Home Chemical Explosives
Technical Skills:
Computer Fluent in use of computer interfaces and programming.
Concentrations: Hardware, Software, & Zoid Combat System Programming
Electronics - Covers all electronic equipment besides computers.
Zoid Genetics - Studies of how Zoid-cores are born, operate, and mature. Also the understanding of how
Zoids heal and operate on a genetic level.
Concentrations: Evolution Level 1, Evolution Level 2, & Evolution Level 3
Biology Understanding of how life forms operate on a genetic level.
Concentrations: Zoidian, Human, & Animal
Medical Knowledge of medicine and how to implement it.
Concentrations: Emergency First Aid, Operating
Military Theory Military Experience and a working knowledge of how branches of the military operate.
Concentrations: Air Force, Naval, & Ground Tactics


Social Skills:
Leadership Getting others to follow your character through example and authority.
Concentrations: Political, Military, Commercial, & Moral
Interrogation Character is trained to extract information from others.
Concentrations: Verbal, Forceful
Negotiation Governs any interactions in which both sides seek to out ahead.
Concentrations: Bargain, Bribe
Etiquette A special type of skill that requires a Concentration. This skill is used for the character to blend
into a specific type of background. Examples would be: City, Urban, and Country
Organoid Companionship This skill is only accessible when the character has trained an Organoid. It is
used whenever that character tries to give its Organoid a command.
Concentration: That particular Organoids name.
Vehicle/Zoid Skills:
Car/Truck Refers to driving any vehicle with four wheels.
Concentrations: Cars, Trucks, Semi-Trucks
Bike - Refers to all vehicles with 2-3 wheels.
Concentrations: 2-Wheeler, 3-Wheeler
Hovercraft - All hover vehicles, regardless of purpose.
Concentrations: Passenger Craft, Cargo Transport
Boat - Fluent in the use of watercraft.
Concentrations: Motor Operated, Sailboats
Airplane - All fixed-wing aircraft.
Concentrations: Propeller, Jet, Glider
Copter - All Tilt Rotor Aircraft.
Concentrations: Passenger, Transport
Vector Thrust - All Vector Thrust Aircraft.
Concentrations: Propeller, Jet
Zoid Pilot Ground Any ground-type Zoid.
Zoid Pilot Air Any flying-type Zoid.
Zoid Pilot Cargo Giant sized Zoids (Hover Cargo, Whale King, Ultrasaurus)
Zoid Pilot Water Any swimming-type Zoid.
Zoid Weapon Melee - Governs use of any physical hand-to-hand type Zoid mounted weapons.
Concentrations: Blade, Claw, Tail, & Shield
Zoid Weapon Ranged - Governs use of any other ranged type Zoid mounted weapons.
Concentrations: Cannon, Missile type
Zoid Repair A working knowledge of how most Zoid components work and how to fix them.
Concentrations: Movement Systems, Thrusters, Shield, Sensors


Republican/Empire Catalog Descriptions:

Weapon Descriptions:

P = Personal / Z = Zoid / I = Anti-Zoid


The amount is strength a Character or Zoid must be to carry Weapon. If the Load equals the strength of
the User/Zoid then its mobility/dexterity is 2. If the Load is 1 less than the strength of the
user/Zoid then its mobility/dexterity is 1.


The amount of Hit Point damage the weapon does.

Base Price: The listed base price for the Weapon (GMs Discretion).
Description: The Description for the Weapon.
Armor Descriptions:

P = Personal / Z = Zoid


The amount is strength a Character or Zoid must be to carry Armor. If the Load equals the
strength of the User/Zoid then its mobility/dexterity is 2. If the Load is 1 less than the strength
of the user/Zoid then its mobility/dexterity is 1.


The Armor Class or rating.

Base Price: The listed base price for the Armor (GMs Discretion).
Description: The Description for the Armor.
Zoid System Upgrade Descriptions:
Base Price: The listed base price for the Upgrade (GMs Discretion).
Description: The Description for the Upgraded System.

Item/Equipment Descriptions:
Base Price: The listed base price for the Item (GMs Discretion).
Description: The Description for the Item.

* Some Types Z Weapons can be mounted on the head or side. If the Zoid can handle the Weapons Load x 2 then the Weapon
can be mounted on the head or side instead of the back.

Catalog Summary:





A/C: Other:

Archery, Arrows



Archery, Bow


Archery, Explosive Arrows


1D10 + 4






Crossbow, Bolts



Crossbow, Explosive Bolts


1D10 + 2






Hand Razors









Per 10 Shurikens

Staff, Metallic

100 / 250


Standard / Collapsible

Staff, Wooden



Stun Baton



Throwing Knife



Net Gun


Entangles Only

Net Gun, Electric


Out for 1D20 - Strength Rounds

Stun Gun



Out for 1D20 - Strength Rounds




Out for 1D20 - Strength Rounds

Taser Whip



Out for 1D20 - Strength Rounds




12 Rounds, 300' Range




9 Rounds, 150' Range

Palm Pistol



Illegal, Single Round

Revolver, .38


1D6 +1

6 Rounds, 360' Range




5 Rounds, 400' Range




2 Rounds, 100' Range




Single Round, 2,000' Range

Human Weapons - Melee:

Per 5 Arrows

Per 5 Bolts














A/C: Other:

M-16 Assault Rifle

Damage per Round, 1, 2, 3

Shots per Round, 90 Rounds,
420' Range




Damage per Round, 1, 2, 3

Shots per Round, 30 Rounds,
360' Range

Pulse Weapons:
Pulse Pistol


1D10 + 4

Or Stun: 1D20 - Strength Hours,

6 Rounds, 360' Range

Pulse Rifle



Or Stun: 1D20 - Strength Hours,

20 Rounds, 420' Range

Anti-Vehicle Weapons:

P, I



Single Load, Personal/Zoid

Damage, 1,000' Range


P, I



Single Load, Personal/Zoid

Damage, 1,000' Range

Pulse Cannon

P, I



2 Rounds, Personal/Zoid
Damage, 1,000' Range

Personal Armor:
Full Body Suit


Full Body Suit, Lined


Lined Coat


Lined Vest


Partial Body Suit



Partial Body Suit, Lined



Riot Shield


A.C. only when Defending

Standard Helmet


Thick Leather Coat


Thick Leather Pants




Audio Player






x50 Vision Enhancement

Binoculars, Low-Light


x50 Vision Enhancement

Binoculars, Thermo


x50 Vision Enhancement

Bug Scanner


1' Range

Personal Equipment:
See Description
Radio, CD Player/Writer







A/C: Other:







Electronic Tool Kit


First Aid Kit




Goggles, Low-Light


x50 Vision Enhancement

Goggles, Thermo


x50 Vision Enhancement







Laser Discs


20 Blank CDs

Lock pick Kit





2 Hour Duration



5 Hour Duration



Portable Flashlight


Portable Headset Phone


Portable Lab


Portable Phone


Portable Stove


Portable Wrist Phone


Radar Jammer


Radio Jammer


Ration Kit


1 Week Worth



50' Length

Signal Tracker


Still Camera




Tracking Signal


Video Player




White Noise Generator


5' Range

Zoid Examination Suit


Strength = 10, 5 Hour Air Supply

Vehicle Tool Kit


Zoid Tool Kit


2 Hour Air Supply

Uses Video-In
Scanner Included

2 Mile Range, Multi-Frequency

Phone and 2-way Radio
See Description
Phone and 2-way Radio
Phone and 2-way Radio

5 Mile Range
1/4 Mile Range, Illegal

60 Mile Range







A/C: Other:

Cargo Truck


HP: 5 Str: 4 Mob: 2 Int:- Arm: 3

Dual Prop Plane (5 Seats)


HP: 1 Str: 2 Mob: 6 Int:- Arm: 0



HP: 1 Str: 1 Mob: 2 Int:- Arm: 0

Helicopter (5 Seats)


HP: 2 Str: 2 Mob: 5 Int:- Arm: 0

Helicopter (2 Seats, Cargo)


HP: 4 Str: 5 Mob: 5 Int:- Arm: 1

Hover Board


HP: 1 Str: 1 Mob: 4 Int:- Arm:-

Hovercraft (W/ Curtain)


HP: 1 Str: 2 Mob: 5 Int:- Arm: 0

Hovercraft (W/ Curtain, Cargo)


HP: 5 Str: 6 Mob: 4 Int:- Arm: 2

Hovercraft (W/O Curtain)


HP: 1 Str: 2 Mob: 6 Int:- Arm: 0



HP: 2 Str: 3 Mob: 3 Int:- Arm: 1

Jet (30', 18 Seats, 2 Pilots)


HP: 3 Str: 4 Mob: 10 Int:- Arm: 1

Jet Ski


HP: 1 Str: 1 Mob: 4 Int:- Arm: 0

Motor Boat (12', 5 people)


HP: 2 Str: 2 Mob: 4 Int:- Arm: 0

Motor Boat (20', 7 people)


HP: 3 Str: 3 Mob: 5 Int:- Arm: 1

Motor Boat (20', 3 People)


HP: 3 Str: 3 Mob: 6 Int:- Arm: 0



HP: 2 Str: 2 Mob: 3 Int:- Arm: 0

Sail Boat (30' Long)


HP: 4 Str: 5 Mob: 3 Int:- Arm: 1

Sail Boat (40' Long)


HP: 5 Str: 6 Mob: 2 Int:- Arm: 2

Single Prop Plane (2 Seats)


HP: 1 Str: 1 Mob: 6 Int:- Arm: 0

Single Prop Plane (5 Seats)


HP: 1 Str: 1 Mob: 6 Int:- Arm: 0

Sports Car


HP: 2 Str: 3 Mob: 5 Int:- Arm: 1

Trike (2 Person In-Line Seats)


HP: 2 Str: 3 Mob: 3 Int:- Arm: 1

Vector Thrust Prop Plane


HP: 3 Str: 3 Mob: 6 Int:- Arm: 1

Vector Thrust Jet Plane


HP: 3 Str: 4 Mob: 8 Int:- Arm: 1

Yacht (50')


HP: 6 Str: 6 Mob: 4 Int:- Arm: 2

Yacht (70')


HP: 7 Str: 7 Mob: 4 Int:- Arm: 3

Vehicle Cloak


-5 to Hit, See Description

Vehicle Radar


10 Mile Range

4 Barrel Cannon



Belly Gun






Booster Cannon






Dual Barrel Blaster


1D6 x 2

Dual Barrel Cannon




Vehicle Equipment:

Zoid Weapons - Guns:


Damage per Barrel

Most have Mobility 9 or 10

Damage per Barrel






A/C: Other:

Dual Barrel Gun



Dual Vulcan Gun



Long Range Buster Cannon


3D8 + 6

100' Recoil

Mega Cannon


5 per

3D8 + 4

2 Zoids Needed

Mini Gun



Mini Belly Gun




Vulcan Gun



1D4 per Round (1-8), 160 Rds

8 Pod Missile Launcher


Single Load

8 Pod Missile Launcher, x3


x3 Load

14 Pod Missile Launcher


Single Load

14 Pod Missile Launcher, x3


x3 Load

Drop Down Missile Launcher


Single Missile, Single Load

Rapid Fire Missile Launcher


x6 Load, Fires 1-6 per Round







Missile, Heat Seeker



Missile, High Yield



Missile, Magnetic Spike


Missile, Spike



Special, See Description




1D4 for every 3 Mobility Points

Chain Saw



Dual Chain Saw



Electro-Net Gun


Fires Net Pods

Electro-Net Pods



See Description

Laser Blades, L1



See Description

Laser Blades, L2



See Description

Laser Strike Claws, L1



See Description

Laser Strike Claws, L2



See Description

Laser Strike Claws, L3



See Description

Multi-Blade Attack System




2D4 per Round (1-8), 320 Rds

Missile Launchers:


+5 Hit, Negates Cloak/Smoke

Special, See Description


2D6 Apiece

See Description, Needs Int of 8

Charged Particle Cannon, L1


Total or 2D10

Back Mounted, See Description






A/C: Other:

High Intensity Dual Cannon



3D6 + 4

60 Shot Load

Integrated Cannon



3D8 + 8

10 Shot Load

Ultrasaurus Cannons




Damage per Shot, 40 Shot Load

Beke System




+5 to Mobility for 5 Rds, 3 Uses



-5 to Hit, See Description



30 Ton Lift Capacity

Drill Attachment


Str: 3

Drill Attachment, H. Intensity


Str. 3

Heat Sensors


Jack Hammer



Str. 3

Jack Hammer, H. Intensity



Str. 7



10-Mile Range



20-Mile Range, Takes all Room



50-Mile Range, Takes all Room



See Description



Sleeper System

700 x Int

Smoke Discharger


Trailer, Cargo (Covered)


Load 3 loaded, HP: 7 Arm: 2

Trailer, Flatbed


Load 3 loaded, HP: 5 Arm: 1

Trailer, Lab


Special, HP: 10 Arm: 2

Trailer, Medical


Special, HP: 10 Arm: 2

Light Armor


Standard Armor


Enhanced Armor


Heavy Armor


Maxis Armor


-1 Mob., -1 Str., Rare

Polarity Armor




-1 Mob., -1 Str., Very Rare

Cargo Class Weapons:

Zoid Equipment:
See Description, Not on Int. Org.

Str. 7

Intelligence only 1-6

500 per Recharge, See Descr.

Zoid Armor:


+1 Mob., +1 Str.

Melee Weapons:

Archery Bow:


Type: P

Type: P

Load: 6

Load: 3

Damage: nil

Damage: nil

Base Price: 120

Base Price: 150


Description: Pistol type Archery Bow.

5 Archery Bow for shooting




Type: P

Type: P

Load: nil

Load: 1

Damage: 1D4 Normal, 1d10+4 Explosive

Damage: 1D2

Base Price: 20 (for 5) Normal, 100 (apiece)


Base Price: 20
Description: Basic Knife used for very close

Description: Standard Arrows for Archery

Bow. Explosive Arrows do damage
to anything within 6 of its impact


Type: P

Type: P

Load: nil

Load: 1

Damage: 1D4 Normal, 1D10+2 Explosive

Damage: nil

Base Price: 20 (for 5) Normal, 100 (apiece)


Base Price: 20 (for 5)

Description: Small throwing Darts. Tips can be
dipped in any liquid to meet certain

Description: Standard Bolts for Cross Bow.

Explosive Bolts do damage to
anything within 6 of its impact

Hand Razors:


Type: P

Type: P

Load: 1

Load: 7

Damage: 1D4

Damage: 1D8

Base Price: 80

Base Price: 40

Description: Three long razors attached to a

glove. These can be worn even
while holding another weapon.

Description: Giant wooden Club. Can easily

turn the tide in a hand-to-hand fight.


Stun Baton:

Type: P

Type: P

Load: 3

Load: 2

Damage: 1D6

Damage: 1D4

Base Price: 120

Base Price: 80

Description: Straight Long Sword. Sheath

can be worn on belt or on back.

Collapsible metal Baton.
Easily conceals in shoe or

Type: P

Type: P

Load: 3

Load: 2

Damage: 1D4 Wooden, 1D6 Metallic

Damage: 1D2

Base Price: 20 Wooden, 100 Metallic, 250

Metallic Collapsible

Base Price: 50 (for 10)

Description: Small throwing Stars.

Pole about 6 in length.
Metallic Collapsible uses a push
button to collapse to 1 is length.

Throwing Knife:
Type: P
Load: 2
Damage: 1D4
Base Price: 30
Description: Knife with metal handle thats
equally balanced for throwing.


Non-Lethal Weapons:


Taser Whip:

Type: P

Type: P

Load: 1

Load: 6

Damage: Stun Damage, Knocks opponent out

for (1D20 Strength) Rounds.


Base Price: 200

1D4 + Stun Damage, Knocks

opponent out for (1D20 Strength)

Base Price: 1,000

Description: Small gun that fires 2 electrodes

connected by thin wires to the gun. A
roll of 1 for damage means that the
Taser misfired. If damage equaled out
to less than 1 then opponent was just
disoriented for that round and cannot
fight back until the next round. Tasers
are now reusable, it takes 4 rounds for
the gun to reel its wires back in. A
Taser is good for 4 uses before
needing to be recharged. Range is 40.

Description: This special Whip comes with a

rather large backpack to power it.
When turned on the whip is electrified
and discharges on whatever it touches.
The effect also carries over to any
electrical equipment it touches. Easily
destroying computers, shorting out
vehicle engines It has also been
known to subdue Organoids the same
way as Humans. A roll of 1 for
damage means that the hit the user by
accident, the user must then roll for
damage. If damage equaled out to less
than 1 then opponent was just
disoriented for that round and cannot
fight back until the next round.
Net Gun:

Stun Gun:

Type: P

Type: P

Load: 2

Load: 1
Damage: Stun Damage, Knocks opponent out
for (1D20 Strength) Rounds.

Damage: No damage Normal, Stun Damage,

Knocks opponent out for (1D20
Strength) Hours Electric

Base Price: 99

Base Price: 200 Normal, 1,000 Electric

Description: Small handheld device with 2

electrodes on the tip. A roll of 1 for
damage means that the Stun Gun
didnt activate. If damage equaled out
to less than 1 then opponent was just
disoriented for that round and cannot
fight back until the next round. A Stun
Gun is good for 4 uses before needing
to be recharged.

Description: This net gun comes in two types:

Normal and Electric, both types are
about the size of a standard assault
rifle. The normal type simply shoots
out a 15x15 black net to incapacitate
a normal sized victim. The electric
type does the same but also energizes
the same as a stun whip. Both types
have a range of 50.


Palm Pistol:


Type: P

Type: P

Load: 1

Load: 2

Damage: 1D4

Damage: 1D6

Base Price: 100 (illegal on open market)

Base Price: 400

Description: This Pistol is the size of a normal

Humans palm and only carries a
single bullet. Range is 150

Description: Slightly bigger than the Colt. 12

bullets per clip. Range is 300
Revolver .38:


Type: P

Type: P

Load: 2

Load: 1

Damage: 1D6 + 1

Damage: 1D4

Base Price: 500

Base Price: 200

Description: For the classic look and feel. This

gun holds less bullets per round but
packs more of a punch than any hand
held gun. 6 bullets round. Range is

Description: The smallest pistol you can buy on

the open market. 9 bullets per clip.
Range is 150



Type: P

Type: P

Load: 3

Load: 3

Damage: 1D4

Damage: 1D10

Base Price: 300

Base Price: 200

Description: A small rifle. Bullets are loaded

individually, 5 shots per load. Range
is 400

Description: A short-range rifle that does a lot

of damage at point blank. Shells are
loaded individually, 2 shots per load.
Range is 100

Type: P
Load: 4
Damage: 1D8
Base Price: 1,200
Description: A long-range rifle, great for
assassinations. Bullets are loaded
individually, 3 shots per load. Range
is 2,000


M-16 Assault Rifle:

Type: P

Type: P

Load: 5

Load: 6

Damage: 1D6 per bullet (3 bullets per round)

Damage: 1D6 per bullet (3 bullets per round)

Base Price: 900

Base Price: 1,100

Description: SMG about the size of a large

Character can choose
wither to fire 1, 2, or 3 shots per
round, each shot is rolled for
separately. 30 bullets per clip. Range
is 360

Description: SMG about the size of a Sniper

Rifle. Character can choose wither to
fire 1, 2, or 3 shots per round, each
shot is rolled for separately. 90
bullets per clip. Range is 420

Pulse Weapons:
Pulse Pistol:

Pulse Rifle:

Type: P

Type: P

Load: 2

Load: 2

Damage: 1D10 + 4 or Stun Damage, Knocks

opponent out for (1D20 Strength) Hours.

Damage: 2D10 or Stun Damage, Knocks

opponent out for (1D20 Strength) Hours.

Base Price: 1,500

Base Price: 2,200

Description: Pistol sized gun that uses

experimental electric pulse technology. Gun
recharges fully in 4 hours from a normal outlet, 6
shots per charge. Range is 360

Description: Assault Rifle sized gun that uses

experimental electric pulse technology. Gun
recharges fully in 8 hours from a normal outlet,
20 shots per charge. Range is 420


Anti-Vehicle Weapons:

Pulse Cannon:

Type: P, I

Type: P, I

Load: 6

Load: 7

Damage: 3D20 Personal / 1D4 Zoid

Damage: 3D20 + 6 Personal / 1D8 + 8 Zoid

Base Price: 1,200

Base Price: 6,000

Description: A small Anti-Vehicle Missile.

Launcher is disposable and fired
from a shoulder-mounted position.
Range is 1,000

Description: Assault Cannon sized gun that uses

technology, Cannon is fired from a
shoulder-mounted position and has
a 1x1x1 rechargeable battery that
sits next to the character. Gun
recharges fully in 8 hours from a
normal outlet, 2 shots per charge.
Range is 1,000

Type: P, I
Load: 6
Damage: 3D20 Personal / 1D8 Zoid
Base Price: 2,000
Description: A small Anti-Zoid Missile.
Launcher is disposable and fired
from a shoulder-mounted position.
Range is 1,000


Full Body Suit:

Partial Body Suit:

Type: P

Type: P

Load: 3 Normal / 7 Lined

Load: 2 Normal / 5 Lined

A.C.: 5 Normal / 8 Lined

A.C.: 3 Normal / 5 Lined

Base Price:

2,000 Normal


Base Price: 500 Normal / 2,000 Lined

Description: The partial body suit can
easily be worn under baggy clothes
without being noticed.

Description: This is an armored uniform

typical of what S.W.A.T. or security might
wear, not including boots or helmet.

Riot Shield:

Lined Coat:

Type: P

Type: P

Load: 1

Load: 3

A.C.: 3 (While defending, 0 otherwise)

A.C.: 4

Base Price: 250

Base Price: 1,000

Description: This vest is tailored with
metal plates concealed inside.

Description: A clear shield about 4 by

2. A characters armed combat skill is
used during the round while defending.

Leather Pants:

Standard Helmet:

Type: P

Type: P

Load: 1

Load: 0

A.C.: 1

A.C.: 1

Base Price: 80

Base Price: 80

Description: This pair of leather pants is

thicker than any normal store bought
leather pants.

Description: A typical motorcycle-type

helmet. It comes in varying shapes and

Lined Vest:

Thick Leather Coat:

Type: P

Type: P

Load: 2

Load: 1

A.C.: 3

A.C.: 1

Base Price: 500

Base Price: 100

Description: This vest is tailored with

metal plates. It is designed to be worn
outside of normal clothes.

Description: This leather coat is thicker

than any normal store bought leather coat.


Items & Equipment:


Bug Scanner

Price: 8,000 Base + 1,000 per Attribute


Price: 500

Androids are self-reliant

programmed to befriend
their owners and do
assigned tasks like repair,
Theyre programmed to do
almost everything so their
determines most of their
An Androids
determines what they use
to get around (1-4 Four
Legs, 5-7 Wheels, 8-10

Small hand-held device

that scans for any radio
transmitters or electronic
devices with 1 of its

Price: 20

A handheld device that

always points to magnetic

Price: 20
Description: a portable water container
that has a shoulder strap.

Audio Player
Price: 75


Description: A small radio with attached

CD Player/Writer. Can
receive any local channels.

Price: 1,000
Description: A rubber suit that fits other
the wearers clothes and
armor. It protects against
radiation. Has a 2-hour air

Price: 30
Description: A regular sized backpack to
hold any number of small

Electronic Tool Kit

Price: 500



/ 200 Low-light / 250



x50 vision enhancement,

Low-light gives clear vision
in near pitch black,
Thermo-graphic gives heat
weather/time & through
some thin walls.

Description: This is a simple tool kit for

working on computers,
small robots Its about
the size of a suitcase and
has a handle for carrying it
around easily


First aid Kit


Price: 100

Price: 1,500

Description: A basic kit of bandages,

medicine, burn creams,

Description: A regular computer laptop.

Uses regular CDs or
networks to transfer info.
Also has a small scanner
and printer installed so the
user has everything they

Price: 20
Description: Can either keep your hands
warm on a cold day or
protect your hands when
working with something

Lock pick Kit



(illegal to buy on open



A toolkit for picking

standard locks. Illegal for
anyone except locksmiths
to own so theyre very hard
to buy on the open market.


300 / 400 Low-light / 450



Same as Binoculars, but

hands free.

Price: 1,700



Price: 50
Description: Metallic handcuffs. Used
to subdue another person.
Price: 600

Miniature Solid-state
small lens about the size of
a button. Can record for 2


A video display that fits

over the users eye. It can
be hooked up to any video
Recorder, Laptop)

Price: 500
Description: Miniature Solid-state Audio
Can record
about 5 hours of audio at
good resolution.

Laser Discs


Price: 20

Price: 1,000

Description: 20 Blank CDs ready for




Voice communication
device with 2-mile range.
Can be configured to
frequencies and hot-wired
for others. Its about the
size of a button.

Portable Flashlight

Radar Jammer

Price: 50

Price: 3,000
A standard LED
Flashlight. Battery power
can last for months of
constant use.

Description: A Radar Jammer is about

the size of a cell phone and
scrambles any radar signals
within 5 Miles

Portable Headset Phone

Radio Jammer

Price: 300

Price: 1,500 (illegal if used within any

city limits, or without
property owners consent)

A standard cordless cell

phone that attaches to the
ear of the user with a
microphone going down to
the mouth.. No monthly
Can also be
configured as a 2-way radio
with another portable
phone of any type.

Description: Jams all radio frequencies

within mile of device
(give or take terrain layout).
Ration Kit
Price: 50
Description: A pack of MREs (Meals
ready to eat) that will last
about a week. They can be
eaten cold but taste better
heated up.

Portable Phone
Price: 200

A standard cordless cell

phone. No monthly costs.
Can also be configured as a
2-way radio with another
portable phone of any

Price: 200
Description: A facemask that filters out
most gases and pathogens.

Portable Stove
Price: 100


Description: A small Stove to heat food

on. Comes with a few
metal pans and mugs.

Price: 30
Description: 50 of thin, strong rope.
Signal Tracker

Portable Wrist Phone

Price: 200

Price: 300


A standard cordless cell

phone that attaches to the
wrist of the user. No
monthly costs. Can also be
configured as a 2-way radio
with another portable
phone of any type.

This device locates and

tracks any frequency its
tuned to. Built to be used

Still Camera
Price: 40
Description: A regular still image digital
camera with mini printer
built in.
Price: 20
Description: Just a pair of sunglasses.
Can help with working on
a bright day.
Tracking Signal


Price: 500

Price: 30

Description: A small device about the

size of a candy bar that
transmits a signal that can
be tracked.
frequencies are available.
Range is about 60 miles
with regular terrain.


White Noise Generator

Price: 3,000
Description: Small device about the size
of a Walkman that clips
onto belt.
It detects
sounds and immediately
sends out the correct
opposite sound to cancel
out the original.
human ears cannot detect
the process and hear
nothing at all. Can cancel
out most small sounds
footsteps) with 5, but
not large sounds (yelling,

Vehicle Tool Kit

Price: 900

A time-telling device.
Comes in both wrist &
pocket models.

A normal toolkit for

suspension systems, and
other various vehicle parts
(Mini torch, hand tools,
jack stands). The kit is
just small enough to fit in a
car truck.

Video Player

Zoid Examination Suit

Price: 75

Price: 4,000

Description: A 13-inch screen television

with attached CD Video
Player/Writer. Can receive
any local channels.

Description: A bulky chemsuit that also

protects against major
radiation. Has a 5-hour air
supply. Suit increases the
wearers strength to 10.
Suit needs to be recharged
after its 5-hour use period.

Zoid Tool Kit

Portable Lab

Price: 4,000

Price: 3,500


A normal toolkit for

working on Zoid systems.
Armor cannot be repaired
with this kit, but all
mechanical systems can be.
If the Zoid doesnt have
enough time to heal an
injury by itself then this kit
can be of great use. This
kit is very large and can
barely fit in the back on a
full sized pickup.

Description: This lab is a collection of

tools and devices. The lab
fits in a small portable
trunk about 2 x 2 x 4 in
size and contains the
following items:
Microscope w/slides
Bright Lamp
Burners (2)
Beakers and Test Tubes
Incubation Chamber (about the size of a
Instrument Tray (Scalpels, Tweezers, Pins,
Tape, Needles,
Small Refrigerator
Chemical Cabinet
Centrifuge for Test Tubes
Toxic Analyzer
Small Generator to power all the devices


Vehicles and Transportation:

Cargo Truck

H.P.: 5

Price: 4,000

Str.: 4

Description: A large truck capable of

weapons, people...
vehicle is 4-wheel drive and
can handle most terrain.

Mob.: 2


H.P.: 1

Int.: 0
Arm.: 3

Price: 10,000

Str.: 1

Description: A Glider is usually only

used to joy ride because it
has no power of its own. It
has to be towed to a high
altitude or launched by
some type of catapult. A
Pilots skill is used to keep it
aloft (one-half an hour per
each Airplane skill point or
Glider concentration skill

Mob.: 2
Int.: 0
Arm.: 0


5 Seater / 2 Seater

Price: 25,000 (5 Seat) / 35,000 (2 Seat

Description: Helicopters come in one of
two types, Passenger or


H.P.: 1


Str.: 1


Mob.: 5


Int.: 0


Arm.: 0


Hover Board
Price: 500

A high-speed surfboard
capable of carrying 1 large
person or 2 small children.
Very maneuverable and runs
off a combination of fuel
and solar power.
H.P.: 1
Str.: 1
Mob.: 4
Int.: 0
Arm.: 0


C 2 Seat / C Cargo / NC 2 Seat

Price: 9,000 (Curtain, 2 Seat) / 50,000

(Curtain, Cargo) / 15,000
(No Curtain, 2 Seat)
Description: Hovercrafts use air pressure
to hover over the ground
and water. Crafts with no
curtains are faster, but need
more power to levitate.
Cargo type Hovercrafts
usually can carry up to 2
large vehicles plus the 3man crew.

H.P.: 1


H.P.: 1

Str.: 2



Mob.: 5



Int.: 0



Arm.: 0




H.P.: 2

Price: 2,000

Str.: 3

Description: A small vehicle capable of

transporting up to 7 people.
This vehicle is 4-wheel drive
and can handle most terrain.

Mob.: 3


H.P.: 3

Price: 35,000

Str.: 4

Int.: 0
Arm.: 1

Description: This is a 30 long private jet

capable of carrying up to 18
people plus the 2 pilots.

Mob.: 10
Int.: 0
Arm.: 1

Motor Boat
Price: 4,000 (12 Long, 5 People) / 8,000 (20 Long, 7 People) / 9,000 (20 Long, 3 People) / 2,000
(Jet Ski)
Description: Motor Boats are classic Speedboats. They come in various shapes and sizes but the
pricing is dependent on its stats.
12 Long / 20 Long / 20 Long / Jet Ski
H.P.: 2


H.P.: 3


Str.: 2




Mob.: 4


Int.: 0


Arm.: 0


Mob.:6 Mob.:4


Arm.:0 Arm.:0


H.P.: 2

Price: 800

Str.: 2

Description: A small bike capable of

transporting up to 2 people. This vehicle
is 1-wheel drive and can handle most
terrain because of its size

Mob.: 3
Int.: 0
Arm.: 0

Prop Plane

SP 2 Seat / SP 5 Seat / DP 5 Seat

Price: 18,000 (Single Prop, 2 Seat) /

20,000 (Single Prop, 5 Seat)
/ 25,000 (Dual Prop, 5 Seat)
Description: These are simple Propeller
powered aircraft.
come in various types but
their prices are dependent
on their stats.


H.P.: 1


H.P.: 1

Str.: 1



Mob.: 6



Int.: 0



Arm.: 0



Sail Boat

30 Long / 40 Long

Price: 30,000 (30 Long) / 35,000 (40


Sailboats make great

pleasure ships, but arent
very fast. They only use
fuel for their generators so
that makes them very

H.P.: 4


Str.: 5


Mob.: 3


Int.: 0


Arm.: 1


Sports Car
Price: 3,000

H.P.: 2

Description: A status symbol capable of

transporting up to 2 people.
This vehicle is 2-wheel drive
and best left to roads or
smooth terrain.

Str.: 3
Mob.: 5
Int.: 0
Arm.: 1

Price: 1,500

H.P.: 2

Description: This is a type of threewheeled Motorcycle. The

dual wheels are either in the
front or back dependent on
the buyers preference. Two
people can ride it front and

Str.: 3
Mob.: 3
Int.: 0
Arm.: 1


Vector Thrust Plane

Price: 35,000 (Propeller) / 40,000 (Jet)

Prop /



H.P.: 3


Str.: 3


Mob.: 6


Int.: 0


Arm.: 1


These planes have their

engines mounted on their
wings. They can hover (with
the engines vertical) or fly
normally (with the engines
They come
either as Cargo Type (Load
is Strength) or Passenger
Type (12 Seat plus 2 Pilots)


50 Long / 70 Long

Price: 50,000 (50 Long) / 70,000 (70

Description: Yachts are huge Pleasure
Motor Boats.
They are
usually owned by the rich
and famous.

H.P.: 6


Str.: 6


Mob.: 4


Int.: 0


Arm.: 2


Vehicle Equipment:


Price: 4,000

Price: 20,000 Base Installation + 3,000

per (Every Point of
Vehicle Strength 10)

Description: 10-mile range. Mounts on

top of vehicle and has a
Load of 1.

Description: A cloaking system renders

a Vehicle completely
invisible. This creates a
5 to hit the cloaked target.
A computer maintains the
cloak and any damaging
impact disables it because
of shape changes to the
vehicles surface. Driving
through water or mud
would of course give the
equipped vehicle away.


Zoid Weapons:
Any weapon can be mounted on any part of the Zoid (Head, Back, Side L/R, Head, or Arms if
If only one weapon is mounted on one side of a Zoid, or if the weapon on one side has a different
load as the weapon on the other side then there is a 1 penalty per every 2 points of load difference
to every action. (example: A load of 2 on left & a load of 5 on right would create a 2 penalty to
every action)
Unless otherwise specified every stock Gun, Cannon, Blaster can actively hold 20 rounds per
barrel before needing to be physically reloaded.
Mini Gun:

Dual Barrel Cannon:

Type: Z

Type: Z

Load: 2

Load: 5

Damage: 1D4

Damage: 2D4 per Barrel

Base Price: 1,000

Base Price: 5,000

Description: Just a standard Zoid

mounted gun with a single

Description: Both barrels of this cannon

can be fired together or
one at a time if needed and
negates any long-range

Dual Barrel Gun:

Type: Z

4-Barrel Cannon:

Load: 3

Type: Z

Damage: 2D4

Load: 5

Base Price: 2,000

Damage: 1D6 per Barrel

Description: A dual barrel mini gun


Base Price: 10,000

Description: All barrels of this cannon
can be fired together or
one at a time if needed and
negates any long-range
penalties. This setup is

Type: Z
Load: 3
Damage: 2D4
Base Price: 3,000
Description: A single barrel cannon. It
fires rounds much bigger
than a standard gun and
negates any long-range

Mega Cannon:
Type: Z
Load: 5 per Zoid
Damage: 3D8 + 4
Base Price: 8,000
Description: This cannon is so large that
2 Zoids are needed to use it.

Dual Barrel Blaster:

Type: Z

Type: Z

Load: 2

Load: 4

Damage: 1D6

Damage: 1D6 X 2

Base Price: 1,500

Base Price: 5,000

Description: Blasters fire small plasma


Description: Both barrels of this blaster

have to be fired at the
same time

Long Range Buster Cannon:

Type: Z
Load: 7
Damage: 3D8 + 6
Base Price: 20,000
Description: This Cannon is the closest
you can get to a Charged
Particle Cannon.
equipped Zoid back 100.


Mini Belly Gun:

Belly Gun:

Type: Z

Type: Z

Load: 2

Load: 3

Damage: 1D4

Damage: 1D6

Base Price: 2,000

Base Price: 2,500

Description: This 3 barrel mini gun is

special in that in can
attach to a 2-barrel
cannon or a regular belly
gun if the Zoid can
support the combined
load for that body part.

Description: This 3 barrel gun can be

loaded anywhere on a
Zoid but is specially built
for the belly.

Vulcan Gun:
Type: Z
Load: 4
Damage: 1D4 X Shots fired per round
(8 max)
Base Price: 8,000
Description: This Gatling Gun comes in
varying shapes and sizes
but always fires 8 shots per
round max and holds 160
rounds (8 X 20).
Dual Vulcan Gun:
Type: Z
Load: 7
Damage: 2D4 X Shots fired per round (8 max)
Base Price: 15,000
Description: This version holds 320 rounds (8 X 40) and can fire up to 8 dual shots per round


Booster Cannon:

Drop Down Missile Launcher:

Type: Z

Type: Z

Load: 3

Load: 1

Damage: 2D6

Damage: Nil

Base Price: 17,000

Base Price: 700



This is the cannon that

comes with the lightening
saix. A Zoid must have a
mobility of at least 9 to
equip it. Itll give a Zoid
with a mobility of 9 a
boost to 14, or with a
mobility 10 a boost to 15
for 5 rounds while
traveling in a straight line.
The boosters have 3 uses
max and recover 1 use
every 5 hours.
boosters can be cut off
prematurely for a change
in direction and then
engaged again but the
short duration will still
count as a full use.

8-Pod Missile Launcher:

Type: Z
Load: 2 Single Load / 4 X3 Load
Damage: Nil
Base Price: 2,000 Single Load / 4,000
Description: This launcher can fire all 8
missiles or less at once.


This is just a simple

exposed missile launcher
that can fire a single
missile. Its usually loaded
on wings because the
missile drops down about
a foot before igniting. The
launcher can also support
bombs as well.

14-Pod Missile Launcher:

Type: Z
Load: 4 Single Load / 6 X3 Load
Damage: Nil
Base Price: 6,000 Single Load / 9,000
X3 Load
Description: This launcher can fire all
14 missiles or less at once.
Rapid Fire Missile Launcher:


Type: Z

Type: Z

Load: 2

Load: Nil

Damage: Nil

Damage: 1D4 Standard / 1D6 High

Yield / 1D4 Heat Seeker

Base Price: 6,000

Description: This launcher is best used
up winged Zoids and
holds a payload of 6
missiles. It fire up to all
six per round.

Base Price: 500 standard / 700 High

Yield / 1,500 Heat Seeker
Description: Both types of missiles can
be fired from any type of
launcher. Heat seeking
missiles give a + 5 to hit
cloak/smoke penalties.


Spike Missiles:
Type: Z
Load: Nil
Damage: 1-2 if impacting
Base Price: 700 (Apiece)

Spike missiles are fired

over the target and
barrage the area (100
square feet per missile)
with thick steel spikes.
On a successful hit roll
any Zoid in the area must
roll to dodge (Mobility +
1D10 vs 5 + 1D10) or be
hit with a spike. The
resulting area conditions
reduce any Zoids mobility
in the field to 4.



Type: Z

Type: Z

Load: Nil

Load: 1

Damage: 3D6

Damage: 1D4 per Every 3 Mobility

Points of Zoid

Base Price: 700

Base Price: 700

Description: Bombs can only be

dropped and have no
propulsion system.



Blades are usually

equipped on the sides of a
Zoid. The attacker and
target must be in close
proximity for the attack to
work and one action is
needed to charge at the
target if the blades are
attached to the side. If the
blades are attached to
limbs then the attack can
be made immediately if
the opponents are side by

Chain Saw:

Electro-Net Gun:

Type: Z

Type: Z

Load: 4 Single / 7 Dual

Load: 2

Damage: 2D6 Apiece

Damage: Special

Base Price: 3,000

Base Price: 2,000 / + 1,000 per Net Pod


Description: To determine outcome of

an impact: Roll 2D4 vs
target Zoids Strength. If
the attacker successes
then the target Zoids
rendering it immobile.

Chain saws are close

opponent has no added
effect to damage.

Multi-Blade Attack System:

Type: Z Load: 3 (Intelligence of 8)
Damage: 2D6 per Blade (6) / 1D4 per Gun (2)
Base Price: 12,000
Description: This is an all purpose weapon. It is equipped with 6 blades for up close combat
and 2 guns for distance combat. The blades are energy charged and can be spun
(like a mixer) in 2 sets of three to create 6D6 Damage for each set or they can be
used one at a time to slice. Because they are on limbs of their own a charge is not
required for an attack.


Laser Strike Claws:

Type: Z
Load: Nil (Requires Claws on Zoid)
Damage: 2D4 + Special for L1 / 2D6 + Special for L2 / 2D8 + Special for L3
Base Price: 10,000 L1 / 17,000 L2 / 25,000 L3

Laser strike claws replaced the existing claws on a given Zoid. A keynote to
remember is that if the added claws are ever destroyed the Zoid can only re-grow
the original claws that it had. 1 round must be taken to charge the target Zoid for an
attack. On a damage roll of 6-8 (L1), 11-12 (L2), 15-16 (L3) the target Zoid loses
one of its weapons (first side, then back, then head). If it has no weapons then it
loses one of its front limbs. Laser strike claws are energized and share the same
properties as laser blades.

Magnetic Spike Missiles:

Price: 1,500 per Missile
Load: Nil
Damage: 1-2 if impacting

Spike missiles are fired

over the target and
barrage the area (100
square feet per missile)
with thick steel spikes.
On a successful hit roll
any Zoid in the area must
roll to dodge (Mobility +
1D10 vs 5 + 1D10) or be
hit with a spike. The
resulting area-conditions
reduce any Zoids mobility
in the field to 4. Any
bullets or missiles will
veer off course because of
the magnetic fields*.

*(Beke Systems can analyze and compensate in 2



Laser Blades:
Type: Z
Load: 1
Damage: 3D4 + Special for L1 / 3D6 + Special for L2
Base Price: 13,000 L1 / 20,000 L2

Laser Blades are normally equipped on the sides of Zoids and draw their power
directly from the Zoids core. The player making the attack can make a called shot
during the round it takes to charge the target (slice a mounted weapon, a limb, or
the target itself), and on a damage roll of 11-12 (for L1) or 17-18 (for L2), the called
shot will be sliced through and destroyed.

Charged Particle Cannon:

Type: Z
Load: 8 Back Mounted Cannon / Nil Interior
Damage: Special or 2D10 for L1 / Special or 3D10 for L2 / Special or 3D20 for L3
Base Price: 30,000 Back Mounted Cannon (L1 Only)
Description: Also known as Plasma Particle Guns, CPCs are the most destructive weapons on
Zi. They come in 2 types, back mounted and interior, the latter of which cannot be
bought because its part of the Zoid. The L1 CPC has a 15 radius and completely
destroys the target if 4 over the target # is rolled during the attack. The L2 CPC has
a 30 radius and completely destroys the target if 4 over the target # is rolled during
the attack plus the target has a 1 penalty to dodge. The L3 CPC has a 100 radius
and completely destroys the target if 4 over the target # is rolled during the attack
plus the target has a 3 penalty to dodge. The only known objects immune to
charged particles are energized blades or shields.
Notes: If the charged particle blast hits the
ground then everything is
destroyed within a 2-mile (L2), or
4-mile (L3) radius of the impact
zone. The CPC also takes 1 round
to charge up for each round firing.
The CPC can also destroy the
Zoid firing if it has no armor
equipped (50% chance).
range of this weapon is also nearly
unlimited (500 miles at least).


Cargo Class Weapons:

Gravity Cannon:

High Intensity Dual Cannon:

Type: Z

Type: Z

Load: 24

Load: 11

Damage: Total within 1-Mile Radius

Damage: 3D6 + 4

Base Price: Not Available

Base Price: 12,000



There is only one gravity

cannon on Zi.
It is
currently in a museum in
New Helic City. There are
also no shells remaining in
existence. The specially
made shells were designed
themselves before impact
and create a temporary
singularity which crushed
everything within one mile.

This weapon sits on a

rotary-type base and one
gunner usually mans it
it can be
automated. It has a 60
shot load (30 per barrel).

Integrated Cannon:
Type: Z
Load: 16
Damage: 3D8 + 8 per Shot
Base Price: 50,000

This is a smaller single

version of the Ultrasaurus
cannons built to be
concealed. The cannon
has a 10 shot load.

Ultrasaurus Cannons:
Type: Z
Load: 20
Damage: 3D10 + 10 per Shot
Base Price: 150,000

These cannons are mounted on the sides of a cargo class Zoid (2 on each
side). The shells alone are the size of a normal Zoid. The cannons have a 10
shot load each (40 in all).


Zoid Armor:
Light Armor:

Polarity Armor:

Type: Z

Type: Z

Load: 1

Load: 10

A.C.: 2

A.C.: 11

Price: 2,500

Price: 35,000 (Very Rare)

Other: +1 Strength, +1 Mobility plus any

Normal Penalties

Other: -1 Strength, -1 Mobility plus any

Normal Penalties

Standard Armor:
Type: Z
Load: 3
A.C.: 3
Price: 4,500
Enhanced Armor:
Type: Z
Load: 4
A.C.: 5
Price: 5,500
Heavy Armor:
Type: Z
Load: 6
A.C.: 7
Price: 9,000
Maxis Armor:
Type: Z
Load: 8
A.C.: 9
Price: 20,000 (Rare)
Other: -1 Strength, -1 Mobility plus any
Normal Penalties


Zoid Equipment:
Beke System
Price: 10,000 Base Installation + (2,000 x Intelligence) + (1,000 x Skill Point)
Description: A Beke System is an Artificial Intelligence Sleeper System that is installed right
outside of a Zoids Core. It not only has an intelligence attribute but also the
following skills: Zoid Pilot Ground/Pilot Air/Pilot Cargo/Pilot Water, Zoid Weapon
Melee/Weapon Ranged, Military Theory, and Computer. Each of these skills
requires at least 1 point on installation. A Beke System cannot be installed in a Zoid
with an Artificial Organoid, but a true Organoid can join with the Zoid and override
a Beke Systems control.
Price: 15,000
Description: Boosters attach to the back of a Zoid and give a +5 to their mobility for 5 rounds
while traveling in a straight line. Boosters have 3 uses max and recover 1 use every 5
hours. The boosters can be cut off prematurely for a change in direction and then
engaged again but the short duration will still count as a full use.
Price: 20,000 Base Installation + 3,000 per (Every Point of Zoid Intelligence 10)
Description: A cloaking system renders a Zoid completely invisible. This creates a 5 to hit the
cloaked target. The Zoid mentally maintains the cloak and any impact disables it by
distracting the Zoid whether damage was dealt or not. If damage was involved then
the cloak cannot be reactivated until the Zoids repaired. Walking through water or
mud would of course give the equipped Zoid away.
Price: 8,000
Description: A crane attachment is mostly
used on Ground Hugging

Zoids like the Gustav and

replaces any item or
weapon currently there.
The crane has a lifting
capacity of 30 tons.

Drill Attachment

Price: 6,000 Standard / 20,000 High Intensity

Description: A drill attachment is about the size of a Zoid arm or leg and has its own power
source, but charges off of the Zoids Core. The standard drill has a strength value of
3 and is meant for rock/cement cutting. The high intensity drill has a strength value
of 9 and can cut metals. It can replace an existing limb or be held at a 1 to all
actions using it. The drill has a 1D4 damage as a weapon regardless of type.
Heat Sensors
Price: 8,000
Description: Heat sensors give the pilot the ability to see the heat signature of any object
regardless of the time of day or conditions. This add-on renders the target Zoids
cloaking system or smoke discharger useless and can see through some walls (wood,
paper, and thin metal if the target is close to the wall).
Jack Hammer
Price: 5,000 Standard / 15,000 High Intensity
Description: A Jack Hammer attachment is about the size of a Zoid arm or leg and has its own
power source, but charges off of the Zoids Core. The standard Hammer has a
strength value of 3 and is meant for shattering rock/cement. The high intensity
Hammer has a strength value of 8 and can hold up while forming/pounding metals.
It can replace an existing limb or be held at a 2 to all actions using it. The
jackhammer has 1D4 damage as a weapon regardless of type.
Price: 3,000
Description: The shovel must be attached to a Zoid in some fashion. Usually its used on
Guysacks (replacing the claws) or any type of Ground hugging Zoid. The shovel
has a strength value of 7 for moving most metals/earth or for demolition. The
shovel is too slow to be used as a real weapon.
Price: 4,000 10-Mile Range / 15,000 20-Mile Range / 30,000 50-Mile Range
Description: A radar system gives a clear view of the battle up to its particular range. You cannot
see details of objects inside their range, just their location, and walls cannot be
penetrated. Radar dishes are mounted on a Zoids back, and because theyre light
theres no load restrictions. 20 and 50-mile range dishes take up too much room to
share space with weapons or items on a Zoids back.


Description: Shield systems protect the

equipped Zoid and are usually mounted
on the head, but can be fixed aiming in
other directions during installation. The

Price: 15,000 Base Installation + 3,000

per 5 HP

only area not protected by a shield is the

area opposite of it, and itll absorb all
damage that the oncoming attack deals up
to its max HP. Then any damage leftover
goes to the equipped Zoid. There are,
however, restrictions on how strong a
shield can be for each Zoid. A Zoid can
only power a shield as strong as its
strength X 5 (example: Zoid strength of 4
can only power a shield with a max HP of
20). Shields recover 1 HP per 10 rds.
Sleeper System
Price: 700 x Intelligence Attribute
Description: A Sleeper System is a computer that fits into the cockpit of a Zoid and replaces the
Pilot. It can be programmed for anything (holding the Zoid in one place until
needed, battling, transporting) A Sleepers Intelligence can only be 1-6 and is used
for all of its Zoid Skills. Potential doesnt apply to a Sleeper System
Smoke Discharger
Price: 7,000 / 500 for each recharge
Description: A smoke discharger creates a dark cloud mile in diameter around the equipped
Zoid on a still day or night. The cloud disperses in 10 rounds normally, minus one
round for every 10 mile per hour of wind present. The cloud creates a 5 to attack
for any Zoid not equipped with heat sensors, Radar reduces this modifier to just -1.
Trailer, Cargo (Covered)
Price: 1,500
Description: Only certain Zoids can tow a Cargo Trailer. Each trailer can support up to one
normal sized Zoid. Its Load is increased up to 3 depending on cargo size. Another
trailer can be hitched up behind it.
H.P.: 7
Arm.: 2
Load: 1


Trailer, Flatbed
Price: 1,000
Description: Only certain Zoids can tow a Flatbed Trailer. Each trailer can support up to one
normal sized Zoid. Its Load is increased up to 3 depending on cargo size. Another trailer can be
hitched up behind it.
H.P.: 5
Arm.: 1
Load: 1

Trailer, Lab
Price: 6,000
Description: Only certain Zoids can tow
a Medical Trailer. This trailer contains
means for holding and examining
contaminated materials (both biological
and/or radioactive). It is equipped with
an external crane for transporting objects
in or out. This trailer has no hitch in the
rear but can be towed behind another.
H.P.: 10
Arm.: 2
Load: 3

Trailer, Medical
Price: 5,000
Description: Only certain Zoids can tow a Medical Trailer. This Trailer is a small portable hospital
with 20 beds. Using it cuts normal healing in half (if the user has a Medical of at least 1or Biology
Skill of at least 6). This trailer has no hitch in the rear but can be towed behind another.
H.P.: 10
Arm.: 2
Load: 3


Zoid Catalog:
(Zoid Name):
Land Transverses all physical terrain
Water Zoid can swim and sustain pilot underwater (Non-Water Zoids have a
20-minute air supply for pilot)
Low Alt. Zoid can hover on the ground and reach a distance of mile from
ground in short bursts
Med. Alt Zoid can reach a distance of up to 5 miles from ground
High Alt. Zoid can fly to the tip of the atmosphere where air is extremely

Price: The current price for the Zoid

Very Low Nearly impossible to find
Low Hard to find, usually involves a lot of traveling and false leads
Common Normally found in most major towns or cities
High Easy to find. Bought in nearly any town

HP: Hit Points amount to how much damage the Zoid can take before being destroyed
Strength: The physical strength of the Zoid
Mobility: How quickly the Zoid can move about the battlefield
Intelligence: This number determines how smart the Zoid is on its own
Basic Armor: The Zoids armor rating without extras
Evolution Stage: Evolution stages for reference
Potential: What any characters Zoid Pilot Skill x 3 must equal to or exceed in order for the character
to pilot that Zoid
Basic Weapons: A list of the Zoids weapons plus damage (Any missile launchers that naturally come
with a Zoid are X3 Load)
Special Abilities: Anything special about that Zoid (Shields, Cloaking)
Description: The Zoids basic description
Cons: Anything bad about the Zoid
Note: Any attribute in (Red) = 2nd Evolution Stage, (Blue) = 3rd Evolution Stage
Load Rules: - If 2 Weapons are placed on a particular part of a Zoid use the total of both loads.
Ex: If a Zoid with a Strength of 8 has 2 Back Mounted Weapons (a Load of 4 and a
load of 2), then the Zoids Back has a total Load of 6 currently on it.
A Zoids Head, Legs, Arms (if applicable), Tail, and Sides have half of the Load
Strength of the back or Belly (Str / 2)


Zoid Index:
Berserk Fury




Cannon Tortoise


Rev Raptor




Saber Tiger




Shadow Fox


Double Sworder






Sniper, Geno


Geno Saurer


Sniper, Gun




Spino Sapper




Stealth Viper




Storm Sworder


Gun Bluster


Tracker Hound




War Shark




Wolf, Command


Hammer Head


Wolf Konig


Hel DiGunner






Iron Kong


Liger, Blade


Hover Cargo


Liger, Shield


Ultra Saurus


Liger, Zero


Whale King


Lightening Saix


Hammer Kyser








Death Saurer




Death Stinger


Red / Dark Horn


Geno Breaker


Base Zoids:

Special Zoids:


Berserk Fury:
Type: Land / Low Alt.

Description: The Berserk Fury is a

Dinosaur type Zoid that grows in
intelligence as it evolves. This package
includes no armor so if one is found
for sale be sure to buy armor extra.

Price: 10,000
Availability: Very Low
HP: 22 / (32) / (42)

Cons: While firing the charged particle

cannon the Berserk Fury is stuck
facing that direction.

Strength: 4
Mobility: 6
Intelligence: 6 / (8) / (10)
Basic Armor: 1
Evolution Stage: 1 / (2) / (3)
Potential: 16 / (18) / (20)
Basic Weapons: Charged particle cannon
Special Abilities: Normal Boosters on legs
for low Alt Flight.

(Shown with armor and extra weapons)

Cannon Tortoise:
Type: Land

Description: The Cannon Tortoise is great

for carrying large back mounted long
range weapons. It gets stronger and
more armored as it evolves.

Price: 7,000
Availability: Common
HP: 25 / (38) / (54)

Cons: Slow, Can only be equipped with

one back mounted weapon.

Strength: 5 / (6) / (8)

Mobility: 1
Intelligence: 3
Basic Armor: 6 / (7) / (8)
Evolution Stage: 1 / (2) / (3)
Potential: 9 / (10) / (12)
Basic Weapons: None
Special Abilities: Trailer Capable

(Shown With mounted Cannon)


Type: Land / (Low Alt.)
Price: 4,000

Description: This unit is great in mass. It

gets faster and gains low altitude flight
as it evolves.

Availability: Common
HP: 16 / (26) / (36)

Cons: None

Strength: 2
Mobility: 4 / (6) / (8)
Intelligence: 3
Basic Armor: 3
Evolution Stage: 1 / (2) / (3)
Potential: 9 / (11) / (13)
Basic Weapons: Small wrist guns (2) 1D4
apiece, front claws (2)
1D6 apiece
Special Abilities: None

Type: Land

HP: 31 / (44) / (57)

Description: The Dibison is an army in

itself. Although it has permanent
mounted back cannons it can still
handle an extra back mounted weapon
behind it.

Strength: 7 / (8) / (9)

Cons: None

Price: 15,000
Availability: Common

Mobility: 5
Intelligence: 5
Basic Armor: 7
Evolution Stage: 1 / (2) / (3)
Potential: 17 / (18) / (19)
Basic Weapons: Permanent back mounted
cannons (15) 2D4 x #
fired, small tail gun 1D4,
horns 2D6

(Shown with head mounted missile pods)

Special Abilities: Long range radar


Double Sworder:
Type: Land / (Low Alt.)

Description: A giant insect type Zoid

Price: 25,000 / (30,000) / (31,000)

Cons: Cannot use side mounted weapons

Availability: Very Low

HP: 28 / (41) / (54)
Strength: 6 / (7) / (8)
Mobility: 5
Intelligence: 6
Basic Armor: 4
Evolution Stage: 1 / (2) / (3)
Potential: 17 / (18) / (19)
Basic Weapons: Pincers 2D8 (3D6), head
mounted guns (2) 1D6
Special Abilities: None

Type: Land

Mobility: 4

Description: A giant mammoth type Zoid.

When using the grapple claw to grab
an opponent roll Characters Pilot
skill vs. target Zoids mobility. If the
opponent is dragged into the
Elephanders tusks and receives 2D10

Intelligence: 5

Cons: None

Price: 20,000
Availability: Very Low
HP: 34
Strength: 8

Basic Armor: 6
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 17
Basic Weapons: Trunk grapple claw
(special damage), trunk
rapid fire cannon 1D6 x 3
Special Abilities: Shield (HP: 20)
(Shown with extra weapons)


Geno Saurer:

Description: The Geno Saurer is a very

rare Zoid.
Special facilities are
needed to engineer them and they are
very combat motivated. Their claws
can be whipped forward to the
distance of 500 and grab an
opponent (Characters Pilot skill vs.
the opponent Zoids mobility). The
other Zoid can be either dragged to
the Geno Saurer for a point blank
shot or thrown into another
opponent within the 500 range. This
Zoids evolution changes it radically

Type: Land / Low Alt.

Price: 45,000
Availability: Very Low
HP: 34
Strength: 8
Mobility: 7
Intelligence: 7
Basic Armor: 7
Evolution Stage: 1 / (Special)

Cons: While firing the charged particle

cannon the Geno Saurer is stuck
facing that direction.

Potential: 22
Basic Weapons: Permanent head mounted
gun 1D6, Charged particle
cannon (L2), Whip Claws
(special damage)
Special Abilities: None

(Shown with back mounted gun)

Type: Land
Availability: High

Description: The Godos is usually left to

physical labor like construction and
demolition work. This Zoid has
never been known to evolve.

HP: 31

Cons: No evolution.

Price: 4,000

Strength: 7
Mobility: 4
Intelligence: 2
Basic Armor: 4
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 13
Basic Weapons: None
Special Abilities: None


Type: Land
Price: 22,000
Availability: Low
HP: 40 / (50) / (60)
Strength: 10
Mobility: 2 / (3) / (4)

Description: A large dinosaur type Zoid

capable of carrying massive firepower.
Cons: Because this Zoid is too big to
kneel down completely any shortrange back mounted guns would be
useless (As if youd really want to
replace its basic cannons.)

Intelligence: 6
Basic Armor: 8
Evolution Stage: 1 / (2) / (3)
Potential: 18 / (19) / (20)
Basic Weapons: Back mounted cannons
(2) 2D8 apiece
Special Abilities: Can carry 2 side
mounted weapons on
each side.

Type: Land

Mobility: 5

Description: The Gordos is very

rambunctious during battle (the
reason has always been unknown),
and this Zoid bonds very closely to its
pilot over a period of time. Each
time in evolves it gives its long-term
pilot a +4 (to his/her pilot skill) for
just that Gordos.

Intelligence: 6

Cons: None

Price: 7,000
Availability: High
HP: 28 / (38) / (48)
Strength: 6

Basic Armor: 5
Evolution Stage: 1 / (special) / (special)
Potential: 17 / (17) / (17)
Basic Weapons: None
Special Abilities: None

Gun Bluster:
Type: Land
Price: 22,000
Availability: High
HP: 28
Strength: 6
Mobility: 2

Description: The Gun Bluster is a walking

armada. It isnt very fast but is great
for providing cover from a distance
with the ability to fight up close if
Cons: Cannot equip with extra back
mounted weapons

Intelligence: 4
Basic Armor: 5
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 12
Basic Weapons: Cluster of 8 guns on
back: 3 cannons 1D8, 3
long range guns 1D6, 2
short range guns 1D4
Special Abilities: Trailer capable, cluster
can heal

Type: Land

Mobility: 1

Description: A Gustav is a giant pill bug

that is mainly used for transport but
comes in handy for special missions
that requires a Zoid with a lot of
armor. The cockpit can fit 4 people
comfortably and 6 squeezed in. It's
also the only Zoid that uses wheels
instead of legs

Intelligence: 2

Cons: Slow

Price: 5,000
Availability: High
HP: 34
Strength: 8

Basic Armor: 10
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 11
Basic Weapons: Concealed front doublebarreled gun 1D6
Special Abilities: 10-mile range radar,
trailer capable


Cons: Cannot use side mounted weapons

Type: Land / Digger

Price: 8,000 / (10,000) / (15,000)
Availability: Low
HP: 25 / (38) / (51)
Strength: 5 / (6) / (7)
Mobility: 6
Intelligence: 4
Basic Armor: 3
Evolution Stage: 1 / (2) / (3)
Potential: 15 / (16) / (17)
Basic Weapons: Tail gun 1D4, claws 1D4
Special Abilities: None
Description: The Guysack is a scorpion
type Zoid that is usually used in desert
regions. No matter what color it is
originally it always changes colors
when it evolves


Hammer Head:
Type: Water / (High Alt)

Cons: The evolution 1 type cannot be

equipped with back mounted
weapons because of its built in missile

Price: 13,000 / (17,000)

Availability: Low
HP: 28 / (41)
Strength: 6 / (7)
Mobility: 6 / (4)
Intelligence: 4
Basic Armor: 4 / (5)
Evolution Stage: 1 / (2)
Potential: 16 / (15)
Basic Weapons: Special: Evolution 1 has 4
forward torpedo launchers, 1D4
apiece, and 8 pod missile launchers
(aimed up) on back. (Evolution 2
loses the 8 pod missile launchers. The
forward torpedo launchers convert to
also handle missiles 1D6 plus the
original torpedoes 1D4)

(Evolution 1)

Special Abilities: None

Description: The Hammerhead is one of
the only Zoids to become easier to
control after it evolves. The first
stage of its evolution is a fighter class
sub with a single cockpit but it
increases in size dramatically when it
evolves. It gains a cargo space
(enough for 12 people comfortably), a
2-pilot cockpit, and 2 separate areas
for use as a kitchen and bathroom.
But the biggest difference is that the
2nd stage evolution gains the ability to
hover and fly. Its commonly used as
personal transport.

(Evolution 2)


Hel DiGunner:
Type: Land / Digger
Availability: Low

Description: This is a Gecko class Zoid

that is extremely versatile in closerange combat, especially in caverns or
closed in areas.

HP: 22

Cons: Cannot use side mounted weapons

Price: 12,000

Strength: 4
Mobility: 7
Intelligence: 7
Basic Armor: 4
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 18
Basic Weapons: Tail Blades 1D8, belly
gun 1D4
Special Abilities: Can climb strait up any
walls and across any
ceilings that can support
its weight

(Shown with back mounted weapon)

Type: Land
Availability: Low

Description: This Zoid can visibly cloak

itself from radar and visuals. Its
evolution gives it a slightly slicker
appearance and great speed

HP: 25 / (35)

Cons: None

Price: 20,000 / (22,000)

Strength: 5
Mobility: 6 / (8)
Intelligence: 6
Basic Armor: 5
Evolution Stage: 1 / (2)
Potential: 17 / (19)
Basic Weapons: None
Special Abilities: Visible Cloak

(Shown with back mounted weapon)


Iron Kong:
Type: Land

Mobility: 3

Description: The only Zoid to mimic the

appearance of the human race this
one is also the strongest. The Iron
Kong is very slow but makes up for it
by being extremely versatile at longrange and short-range combat. It
gains the ability to handle more
damage when it evolves

Intelligence: 6

Cons: None

Price: 20,000 / (25,000)

Availability: Low
HP: 40 / (50)
Strength: 10

Basic Armor: 8
Evolution Stage: 1 / (2)
Potential: 19 / (19)
Basic Weapons: Punch 2D4
Special Abilities: Can use an extra back
mounted weapon on
each arm using the same
rules that apply to mount
weapons on its head

(Shown with weapons equipped)

Liger, Blade:
Type: Land

Description: This is the second evolution

of the Shield Liger. The only ability it
retains from its previous form is its
shield. The blades can be positioned
forward and out to the sides to fire in
those directions

Price: 20,000
Availability: Very Low
HP: 25
Strength: 5

Cons: Cannot use back or side mounted

weapons unless they attach to the
blade base (Load 2 or less)

Mobility: 9
Intelligence: 7
Basic Armor: 5
Evolution Stage: 2 (of Shield Liger)
Potential: 21
Basic Weapons: 2 Side mounted laser
blades (L2), blades fire
short-range bolts 1D6, belly
gun 1D6
Special Abilities: Shield (HP: 15), Back
booster (mobility: 12 for 3
rounds max)


Liger, Shield:
Type: Land

Description: The Shield Liger is a high

performance Zoid that is great for
close combat. Its evolution changes it

Price: 12,000
Availability: Low
HP: 25

Cons: Cannot use back or side mounted

weapons because of the weapons
already present

Strength: 5
Mobility: 7
Intelligence: 7
Basic Armor: 5
Evolution Stage: 1 / (Special)
Potential: 19
Basic Weapons: 2 concealed 4-pod sidemounted missile launchers
1D4 apiece, concealed
back mounted gun 1D6
Special Abilities: Shield (HP: 15)

Liger 0:
Type: Land

Intelligence: 6

Description: This is any customizers

dream Zoid. Like the Berserk Fury it
comes with only the single weapon
thats built into it and no armor.
Keep that in mind when making your
purchase. This Zoid has never been
known to evolve although it is related
in some way to the Shield and Blade

Basic Armor: 1

Cons: None

Price: 7,000
Availability: Low
HP: 28
Strength: 6
Mobility: 8

Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 20
Basic Weapons: Strike Laser Claw (2D4
plus special)
Special Abilities: None

(Shown with armor and back mounted boosters)


Lightening Saix:
Type: Land

Description: This is the fastest land Zoid

available. It has not been known to

Price: 18,000
Availability: Low

Cons: None

HP: 22
Strength: 4
Mobility: 10
Intelligence: 6
Basic Armor: 4
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 20
Basic Weapons: Back mounted Booster
Cannon 2D6 (mobility: 15
for 5 rounds max)
Special Abilities: None

Type: Land / Water

Description: This a small Crayfish type

Zoid that can only carry a single pilot
in the lying down position

Price: 8,000
Availability: Low

Cons: Cannot use head or side mounted


HP: 25
Strength: 5
Mobility: 3
Intelligence: 3
Basic Armor: 5
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 11
Basic Weapons: Forward gun inside head
area 1D4, 2 rear guns 1D4

Abilities: Claws


(Shown with battle damage: Right claw missing)



Type: Land

Special Abilities: Even though the head is

connected to the body directly it can
still handle a separate weapon as

Price: 4,000
Availability: High
HP: 22

Intelligence: 1

Description: The Molga is a Caterpillar

type Zoid. Its the only other Zoid
besides the Gustav to use wheels
(although it still has middle and rear

Basic Armor: 5

Cons: None

Strength: 4
Mobility: 5

Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 10
Basic Weapons: Concealed back mounted
cannon 1D6

Type: Med Alt.

Description: The Pteras is the standard

flying Zoid for most nations on
planet Zi. Its extremely versatile for
it works in all terrain and can use
most weapons and items available for
flying Zoids. The Pteras is rumored
to have evolved into a Zoid called the
Ptera Striker but no physical evidence
has ever been found

Price: 7,000
Availability: High
HP: 28
Strength: 6
Mobility: 6
Intelligence: 3

Cons: Cannot use extra head mounted


Basic Armor: 3
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 15
Basic Weapons: 2 2-pod missile launchers
on neck 1D4 apiece, and 1
head mounted gun 1D4
Special Abilities: Can use wing-mounted


Type: Med Alt.

Description: The Raynos is one of the

fastest two air Zoids in existence.
The back mounted radar dish can be
removed in favor of another weapon
or stronger radar but that would
decrease speed dramatically

Price: 17,000
Availability: Very Low
HP: 22
Strength: 4

Cons: Cannot use extra weapons or items

anywhere except on its back (refer to

Mobility: 10
Intelligence: 4
Basic Armor: 3
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 18
Basic Weapons: 5 barrel forward gun 1D4
apiece, 2 rear guns 1D4
Special Abilities: 20-mile radar

Red/Dark Horn:
Type: Land

Special Abilities: Head plate counts as a

physical shield when Red/Dark Horn
is attacked from the front (HP: 20)

Price: 17,000
Availability: High

Description: Red Horns and Dark Horns

are basically the same except for their
colors. Neither breed have been
known to evolve

HP: 37
Strength: 9
Mobility: 4

Cons: Cannot use head mounted weapons

because of head plate

Intelligence: 3
Basic Armor: 7
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 16
Basic Weapons: Horn 2D4, twin back
mounted vulcan guns 2D6


Type: Med Alt.

Description: Redlers are the only dragon

type Zoids known to exist. They
make the perfect fighter because
theyre nearly as strong as the Pteras
but faster. Redlers have never been
known to evolve

Price: 12,000
Availability: High
HP: 28
Strength: 6

Cons: None

Mobility: 7
Intelligence: 4
Basic Armor: 5
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 17
Basic Weapons: None
Special Abilities: None

Rev Raptor:
Type: Land

Special Abilities: None

Price: 9,000

Description: This Zoid is great in close

combat because its small and

Availability: High
HP: 22

Cons: Cannot use back mounted weapons

without removing blades

Strength: 4
Mobility: 6
Intelligence: 4
Basic Armor: 5
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 14
Basic Weapons: 2 arm mounted guns 1D4
apiece, 2 back mounted
blades 2D8 apiece (destroys a
weapon on opponent if
either dice rolls an 8), front
claws 1D4 apiece


Saber Tiger:
Type: Land

Description: Saber Tigers are great

fighters because of their strength and
maneuverability on the battlefield.

Price: 9,000
Availability: High

Cons: None

HP: 31
Strength: 7
Mobility: 8
Intelligence: 4
Basic Armor: 5
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 19
Basic Weapons: Bite 1D4, belly mounted
gun 1D6

(Shown with extra belly mounted gun)

Special Abilities: None

Shadow Fox:
Type: Land

Description: The Shadow Fox is a mystery

to most Zoid researchers. Theres no
record of it up until around fifty years
ago and theyre very rare to find. If
they were created recently then
theyre the newest Zoids to be created
in centuries

Price: 8,000
Availability: Very Low
HP: 31
Strength: 7
Mobility: 9

Cons: None

Intelligence: 8
Basic Armor: 5
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 24
Basic Weapons: Strike Laser Claw (2D4
plus special), Zoid size stun
net concealed in tail (special
Special Abilities: Smoke discharger, heat,
stealth, and cloak sensors,
back gun can aim 90 degrees
to either side

(Shown with back mounted vulcan gun)


Type: Low Alt. / Water
Price: 7,000

Description: The Sinker is a stingray type

Zoid that is much faster in the air
than in the water

Availability: High
HP: 28

Cons: Cannot use head mounted weapons

Strength: 6
Mobility: 7 (air) / 5 (water)
Intelligence: 2
Basic Armor: 5
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 15
Basic Weapons: None
Special Abilities: None

(Shown with missiles under wings)

Sniper, Geno:
Type: Land

Description: The Geno Sniper is the

second evolution of the Gun Sniper.
Its evolution changes it into its own
small armada

Price: 25,000
Availability: Very Low
HP: 41

Cons: Cannot use top head mounted


Strength: 7
Mobility: 8
Intelligence: 7
Basic Armor: 8
Evolution Stage: 2 (special)
Potential: 22
Basic Weapons: 8 independent missiles
apiece, 2 8-pod missile
launchers 1D4 apiece, longrange sniper tail gun 3D6, 2
arm guns 1D4 apiece,
extendable strike claws 1D4
Special Abilities: None

Sniper, Gun:
Type: Land

Description: The Gun Sniper is a dinosaur

class Zoid thats great for long-range
Its evolution changes
dramatically into the Geno Sniper

Price: 13,000
Availability: High
HP: 31

Cons: Cannot use top head mounted


Strength: 7
Mobility: 8
Intelligence: 5
Basic Armor: 4
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 20
Basic Weapons: 2 8-pod missile launchers
1D4 apiece, long-range
sniper tail gun 3D6, 2 arm
guns 1D4 apiece
Special Abilities: None

Spino Sapper:
Type: Land

Description: The Spino Sapper is a

dinosaur class Zoid that is best used
for close-range combat unless
customized for other uses. The back
mounted saws easily extend forward
past the head or to the sides of the
main body

Price: 13,000
Availability: Low
HP: 34
Strength: 8
Mobility: 6

Cons: Cannot use head mounted weapons

Intelligence: 4
Basic Armor: 7
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 18
Basic Weapons: 2 back-mounted chain
saws 2D8 apiece (a roll of 8
on either dice results in a
destroyed weapon or Zoid
body part)

(Shown with extra tail mounted gun)

Special Abilities: None


Stealth Viper:
Type: Land / (Digger)

HP: 28 / (38)

Description: The Stealth Viper is the only

snake type Zoid to exist.
evolution gives it the ability to travel
underground and also makes it
slightly longer

Strength: 6

Cons: None

Price: 6,000 / (8,000)

Availability: High / (Low)

Mobility: 5 / (8)
Intelligence: 4
Basic Armor: 6 / (7)
Evolution Stage: 1 / (2)
Potential: 15 / (18)
Basic Weapons: 2 side head mounted guns
1D4 apiece, (after evolution:
1 extra tail gun)

(Shown with back mounted cannon)

Special Abilities: Smoke discharger and

heat sensors

Storm Sworder:
Type: High Alt.

Intelligence: 5

Description: The Storm Sworder is an air

combat Zoid made for dog fighting
and close-range combat. Its basically
the air equivalent of the Blade Liger
although it can be equipped with
other weapons as well. Its evolution
changes it into the Stealth Storm
Sworder whose color will always
become black

Basic Armor: 7

Cons: Cannot use head mounted weapons

Price: 20,000 / (30,000)

Availability: Low / (Very Low)
HP: 31 / (41)
Strength: 7
Mobility: 10

Evolution Stage: 1 / (2 SSS)

Potential: 22
Basic Weapons: 2 wing mounted laser
blades (L2), 1 head mounted
laser blade (L1), triple sword
missiles (3, must be fired
together) 1D6 apiece
Special Abilities: (After Evolution - Radar
and heat stealth)

(Storm Sworder level 1)


Tracker Hound:
Type: Land

Description: The Tracker Hound doesnt

come with many weapons and has
never been known to evolve, but it
has an ability to track other Zoids that
no scientist has ever been able to
understand or duplicate

Price: 9,000
Availability: High
HP: 25
Strength: 5

Cons: None

Mobility: 8
Intelligence: 6
Basic Armor: 4
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 19
Basic Weapons: Special Laser Claw (L1,
uses du-claws behind paws)
Special Abilities: Ability to track any Zoid
or Zoid Core that has been
in an area in the past three
days even in bad weather. If
the Tracker Hound has
encountered that Zoid before
then itll know what kind it is
by sensing its trail. Its rarely
able to track air-born Zoids
because of the altitude

(Shown with back mounted cannon)

War Shark:
Type: Water / (Digger)

Special Abilities: Back mounted booster

(Mobility 10 for 3 rounds)

Price: 7,000 / (15,000)

Strength: 5

Description: The War Shark is a great

underwater fighter.
Its evolution
gives it the ability to travel
underground as well.

Mobility: 8

Cons: Cannot use head mounted weapons

Availability: High / (Very Low)

HP: 25 / (35)

Intelligence: 4 / (6)
Basic Armor: 6
Evolution Stage: 1 / (2)
Potential: 17 / (19)
Basic Weapons: None

(Shown with back mounted missile launcher)


Wolf, Command:
Type: Land

Description: The Command Wolf is

usually the base firepower for every
army. Theyre extremely versatile and
make great companions.
evolution changes them dramatically
into the Konig Wolf

Price: 8,000
Availability: High
HP: 28
Strength: 6

Cons: None

Mobility: 7
Intelligence: 4
Basic Armor: 6
Evolution Stage: 1 / (special)
Potential: 17
Basic Weapons: None
Special Abilities: None

Wolf, Konig:
Type: Land

Description: The Konig Wolf is the

second evolution of the Command
Wolf. What it loses in strength it
makes up for with greater speed. Its
side mounted cannons can be
maneuvered like a Blade Ligers laser
blades so they can be aimed forward
and up (for long-range), down and
forward (for close-range), or two the
sides (for intense close range combat)

Price: 12,000
Availability: Low
HP: 25
Strength: 5
Mobility: 8
Intelligence: 5
Basic Armor: 5

Cons: Cannot use side mounted weapons

at all or back mounted weapons
unless the pilot doesnt mind losing
the cannons long-range ability

Evolution Stage: 2 (special)

Potential: 18
Basic Weapons: 2 side-mount cannons
2D4 apiece
Special Abilities: None


Type: Med Alt.
Availability: Low

Description: The Zabat makes a good

night bomber because of its ability to
see everything in the area no matter
what the conditions

HP: 25

Cons: Cannot use head mounted weapons

Price: 14,000

Strength: 5
Mobility: 7
Intelligence: 5
Basic Armor: 4
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 17
Basic Weapons: None

Abilities: Stealth and Cloak

detection sensors, pilot
can see at night as good
as day, 20-mile radar

(Shown with wing mounted guns)


Hover Cargo:
Type: Land / Water

Description: The Hover Cargo is a giant

snail capable of holding up to five
Zoids throughout its body. It has an
internal maintenance center for
working on other Zoids so characters
can remove weapons or armor
themselves with ease. The Hover
Cargo also has a magnetic catapult in
its uppermost section for launching
Zoids out in front of it

Price: 80,000
Availability: High
HP: 55
Strength: 15
Mobility: 4
Intelligence: 1
Basic Armor: 15

Cons: None

Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 20
Basic Weapons: 2 forward cannons 2D4
apiece, 2 side cannons 2D8
Special Abilities: Zoid hovers so it can
travel on land, over water,
and under water
Type: Land / Water

Description: The Ultrasaurus is a biggest

transport Zoid, being capable of
holding up to 150 Zoids throughout
its body.
It has an internal
maintenance center for working on
other Zoids so characters can remove
weapons or armor themselves with
ease. The Ultrasaurus has a large
door on its Belly for offloading Zoids
to the ground or it has a smaller door
on its back for launching flying Zoids.

Price: 800,000
Availability: Low
HP: 85
Strength: 25
Mobility: 2
Intelligence: 4
Basic Armor: 20
Evolution Stage: 1

Cons: None

Potential: 31
Basic Weapons: 4 front cannons 2D4
apiece, 2 rear cannons 2D4
Special Abilities: None

(Shown with 4 side mounted cannons)


Whale King:
Type: Med Alt. / Water

Description: The Whale King is a huge

transport Zoid, being capable of
holding up to 40 Zoids throughout its
body. It has an internal maintenance
center for working on other Zoids so
characters can remove weapons or
armor themselves with ease. The
Whale King has an elevator-type door
on its belly for lowering up to 6 Zoids
to the ground or it can open its
mouth for Zoids to use as a ramp

Price: 120,000
Availability: High
HP: 61
Strength: 17
Mobility: 9
Intelligence: 1
Basic Armor: 12
Evolution Stage: 1

Cons: None

Potential: 27
Basic Weapons: 8 side cannons 2D4
apiece facing outwards
Special Abilities: Zoid hovers

Hammer Kyser:
Type: Special Alt. / Water

HP: 61

Description: The Hammer Kyser is a

crossbreed between a Whale King and
an evolved Hammerhead. Only one
has been known to exist and was
destroyed shortly after discovery

Strength: 17

Cons: None

Price: Unavailable
Availability: Unavailable

Mobility: 6
Intelligence: 5
Basic Armor: 12
Evolution Stage: 2 Special
Potential: 28
Basic Weapons: 6 forward cannons 2D4
apiece facing outwards
Special Abilities: Zoid hovers, able to
reach low orbit


Death Saurer:
Type: Land

Description: The Death Saurer is the

embodiment of evil on planet Zi. It
was created by the ancients for some
unknown reason and nearly became
the cause for their extinction. The
Death Saurer does not have a cockpit
and can only be controlled either by a
Zoidian who has joined with its core
or a normal human (who the Death
Saurer truly controls in the end) who
stays within close contact with it.
Either person must be truly evil at
heart in order to be associated with the
The Death Saurer was
destroyed over a century ago and any
remains were buried with the Zoid Eve

Price: Not Available

Availability: Not Available
HP: 100
Strength: 30
Mobility: 15
Intelligence: 15
Basic Armor: 20
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: None, no true pilot
Basic Weapons: Rapid-fire head mounted
gun 2D8 X 3 per round,
Charged particle cannon
(L3), back aimed back
mounted gun 2D4, back
aimed tail mounted gun
2D4, 4 8-missile pods
mounted on tail 1D4 per
missile, forward aimed belly
mounted laser 2D6 (slices
Zoid on roll of 10-12)

Cons: None

Special Abilities: Full body shield (HP:

cannon can freely alter aim.
Core can survive outside of
Death Saurer for centuries
by attaching itself to a host
(this gives the host near
immortality, but the core
feeds off the hosts evil)


Death Stinger:
Type: Land, Digger, Water

Evolution Stage: 1

Description: The Death Stinger was

created from two advanced scorpiontype Zoids that were originally created
to destroy the Death Saurer back in
the ancients time of near destruction.
Since the scorpions were created
especially to destroy the Death
Stinger inherited this trait 2-fold and
lives to fight without consideration
for any lives involved. This Zoid was
last seen in Zoid Eve over a century
ago after its core was ripped out.

Potential: 52

Cons: None

Price: Not Available

Availability: Not Available
HP: 85
Strength: 25
Mobility: 15
Intelligence: 12
Basic Armor: 20

Basic Weapons: Forward claws 2D10

crush damage, rear claws
2D8 crush damage, blades
on front claws (L2), back
mounted sonic cannon
2D8, 4 tail cannons (2
aimed off to each side or
forward together) 2D4
apiece, charged particle
cannon (L3)
Special Abilities: Full body shield (HP:
50), although the Zoids
potential is 52 any truly evil
humanoid can pilot it.
This Zoid forgoes the
pilots experience in favor
of pure destruction, but
good people can pilot it if
they are skilled enough

(Full body shield causes the Zoid to glow red)


Geno Breaker:
Type: Land / Low Alt.

Description: The Geno Breaker is the

evolution of the Geno Saurer. They
gain many auxiliary weapons and
abilities at the cost of the original two
guns. Their claws can be whipped
forward to the distance of 500 and
grab an opponent (Characters Pilot
skill vs. the opponent Zoids mobility).
The other Zoid can be either dragged
to the Geno Breaker for a point blank
shot or thrown into another
opponent within the 500 range. The
only Geno Breaker known to exist
has not been seen in decades. Exactly
how this Zoid was coaxed into
evolving is a mystery

Price: Not available

Availability: Not available
HP: 44
Strength: 8
Mobility: 7
Intelligence: 7
Basic Armor: 10
Evolution Stage: 2
Potential: 22
Basic Weapons: Charged particle cannon
(L3), Whip Claws (special
damage), 2 leg mounted
rapid-fire cannons 1D4 X
3 per round, side mounted
claw/shield plates (claws:
3D6 crushing damage,
shield plates HP: 30)

Cons: While firing the charged particle

cannon from the ground the Geno
Breaker is stuck facing that direction.
Shield Plate must be intact to engage
Energy Shield.

Special Abilities: Shield (HP: 40), can fire

charged particle cannon
while flying and can freely
alter aim by using this


Hover Cargo Specifications:

Type: Land / Water
Price: 80,000
Availability: High
HP: 55
Strength: 15
Mobility: 4
Intelligence: 1
Basic Armor: 15
Evolution Stage: 1
Potential: 20
Basic Weapons: 2 forward cannons 2D4 apiece, 2 side cannons 2D8 apiece
Special Abilities: Zoid hovers so it can travel on land, over water, and under water
Description: The Hover Cargo is a giant snail capable of holding up to five Zoids throughout its
body. It has an internal maintenance center for working on other Zoids so characters can remove
weapons or armor themselves with ease. The Hover Cargo also has a magnetic catapult in its
uppermost section for launching Zoids out in front of it
Cons: None
This is an in-depth look at the Hovercargo for those who own one.
The Hovercargo can carry up to five normal sized Zoids within and can launch those Zoids five
different ways. There is a bay door in the rear for entering/exiting the cargo area, either side of the
cargo area opens up and folds down for exiting the cargo area, and a magnetic catapult above the
cargo area for launching Zoids out in front of the Hovercargo. The head also holds a single Zoid.
There are eight separate living quarters in the rear of the Hovercargo. Each of which has one fully
equipped bathroom and one queen sized bed, along with closet and bedroom-type amities. The
forward habitable areas contain the bridge (on top), planning room, dining/living room, and storage
The hover system takes up the entire bottom part of the Zoid and keeps the Hovercargo 5 feet off
the ground while in transit. The Zoid just sits flatly on the ground while parked. This mode of travel
allows the Hovercargo to travel over the large bodies of water or, if reconfigured, to hover over the
ground when underwater and travel in that mode. If launching Zoids while under water the cargo
area (or forward bay) must be flooded before opening.
While normally slow (Mobility of 4), the Hovercargo slows to Mob 3 if traveling underwater.
Traveling over large bodies of water has no effect to speed.


1. Personnel areas
2. Zoid areas
3. Mechanical areas
The floor of the cargo area acts as an elevator, which moves along the back wall to deliver a
Zoid to either the second level storage bay or the magnetic catapult on the third level. The
storage area in the head holds a single Zoid for travel or repairs. To enter and exit the entire
head flips up and back so the Zoid can walk/run out the front.
The mechanical area in the top rear of the Hovercargo is the engine for forward/backward
mobility. The actual engines extend out to either side of the Zoid (the rear cannons are
mounted on top of the extensions).


This is a list of items that were invented and used throughout the series but are not sold in
the open market. A lot of these items were only used for a short period or by an evil faction
that was eventually defeated (the inventions being forgotten or lost).
Even though some of these inventions no longer exist this list reminds players what can be
invented and used throughout the game. When inventing something the character should
use its skill(s) that is deemed appropriate (Computer, Electronics, Zoid Repair), and the
GM should take into account the price and availability of the parts needed and a place to
Example: A character (Cynthia) is attempting to create an Android from
scratch. Shed need a shop to work in (if she owns a home it would do)
plus tools to work with (Electronic Tool Kit would do). Shed need the
parts (easy to come by. The GM should determine the price). And shed
need her Computer Skill (to program), and her Electronics Skill (for the
Electronic/Moving parts). The GM would choose a target # depending
on the difficulty for each skill, lets say 12 for Electronics and 13 for
Computer. The GM also decides that building an Android (after
collecting all the parts) would take about a week, 3 days for the
building (Electronics) and 3 days for programming (Computer) with
the Attributes shes specified that she wants it to have. The GM also
decides that each success over the Target # will take 8 hours off of the
projected time.
So Cynthia is now ready to get started. Shes bought the tools and parts
she needs (Electronic Tool Kit, plus parts from the local Flea Market that
the GM supplied and priced). She also has a place to work.
The Body: Cynthia has an Electronics skill of 7 and building the body for
the Android usually takes 3 days (according to the GM). She rolls a
1D10 and rolls a 6. This gives her a total of 13 (7+6=13), so 8 hours are
taken off of her 3 days (The body is completed in 3 days 2 hours).
The Brain: Cynthia has a Computer skill of 7 also and another 3 days
to program her new Android. She rolls a 1D10 and rolls a 4. This gives
her a total of 11 (7+4=11), so she failed and has nothing to show for
those 3 days. Cynthia has time to kill so she tries again and rolls an 8
this time, which gives her a total of 15 (7+8=15). The two extra
successes take 16 hours off of her original projected build time. So she
finishes programming it in 2 days 20 hours.
So all in all it took Cynthia 9 days and 10 hours to build her new android.


Known Past Inventions:

Charged Particle Resistant Shield:
Description: This is a modified type of shield that uses the same technology that naturally
occurs when Laser Blades interact with normal shields. The shield itself gains immunity to
Charged Particles but it still feels the force of the blast and takes damage from it (2D6 for
L1, 3D6 for L2, 4D6 for L3).
Dark Judge:
Description: Dark Judges are androids created by a rogue faction some time ago that tried
to take over the Zoid Battle Commission. The Judges arent known to exist anymore but
were programmed to judge battles in favor of the faction that launched them. They would
commonly overlook infringements by its favored team and strongly enforce warped rules
against the other team. This made battling against the faction extremely difficult.
Battle Jack:
Description: This is a giant sphere (about twice the size of a normal Zoid) that can be
launched from a large cannon (usually from the head of a Whale King). The sphere then
rolls at high speed on its own (controlled by whomever from a distance), usually towards any
Zoids on the battlefield, and impacts them head-on (4D6 damage on impact plus a 3 in 4
chance of a System Freeze).
Energy Barrier:
Description: An Energy Barrier is exactly what it seems to be. The user sets up multiple
posts about 30 high and 40 yards apart and when energized they create an energy barrier
between them. The barrier itself doesnt damage anything contacting it but the impact itself
could do damage (GMs discretion, same damage as running into a wall). The barrier is easily
strong enough to deflect a normal sized Zoid. The HP of the barrier is determined by the
GM when the system is created.
Dome Shield:
Description: This is an Energy Barrier taken a step further. Its set up the same way as an
Energy Barrier but the posts must complete a large circle. When energized they create a
large energy dome (Black, so light cant penetrate) that covers the entire area surrounded by
the posts. The barrier itself doesnt damage anything contacting it but the impact itself could
do damage (GMs discretion, same damage as running into a wall). The barrier is easily
strong enough to deflect a normal sized Zoid. The GM determines the HP of the barrier
when the system is created.
Different Armors:
Description: This is a generalization of the different armors that have been created for
Zoids in the past (Jaeger, Snyder, and Panzer type Liger armors The modified Elephander
armor). This is included to show that characters can create custom armors. The GM
usually has to work closely with character creating new armor so that things arent taken too
far. Itd be really easy to create an invincible Zoid that way.

Organoid Rules:
Organoid creation is usually left up to the GM. As a rule theyre very rare to come by and
are definitely NOT bought in stores. Organoids are easiest to train/befriend right after
birth, but its still possible with an older, experienced one.
When training/befriending an Organoid role a 1D20, then subtract your Strength +
Intelligence. The result is the number of hours it takes to train the creature. A role of 20 is
a Catastrophic Failure (meaning the Organoid got away); a role of 1 is an automatic
success (The Organoid is trained in a matter of minutes and was more willing).
Hours Training = 1D20 - (Strength + Intelligence)

Hit Points: Strength + (Level x 10)


2 + 1D8


2 + 1D8

2 + 1D8
Intelligence: 2 + 1D8
Level: 1-5 (Starts out at 1 regardless)

Organoids do not use an experience-based system like Player/Characters do. They usually level in
battle and only when the GM thinks its ready to. It could take years for an Organoid to reach its
max level, or just a few months It depends on the pilot and the circumstances.
Level 1:
* Organoid can fuse with a Zoid and handle the weapons & defense systems for the Pilot (Pilots
skills double when piloting Zoid. If the Organoid is piloting it alone then its Intelligence is its
Piloting/Weapons Skill).
* Organoid triples Zoids normal healing speed (Only when fused).
* Can completely restore seemingly dead Zoid to max once (If the core is alive).
Level 2:
* Organoid gains the ability to fly long distances (wings or thrusters).


Level 3:
* Gains ability to carry one humanoid in its chest cavity while flying.
* Can evolve one Zoid to the next Evolution Stage (takes a few days), OR it can restore another one
seemingly dead Zoid as level 1.
Level 4:
* Organoid Quadruples Zoids normal healing speed (Only when fused).
* Can increase Zoids Mobility to 10 for 10 rounds once per day.
* Can completely restore a Zoid to Max (If the core is alive) once every 2 months.
* Can carry an extra person in flight by carrying them in mouth, claws, or on back in addition to a
person in their chest cavity.
Level 5:
* Can instantly evolve a Zoid to its NEXT Evolution until it leaves it. Afterward, any extra parts
gained falls to the ground and the Zoid returns to normal. The Organoid can only sustain this
# Rounds = (Strength x 2)


Integrated Organoid:

An Integrated Organoid is a highly combat orientated AI that is permanently attached to a Zoids

core. This AI learns from its past battles and betters itself. Who built these Organoids is unknown,
but a makeshift Integrated Organoid was built shortly before the Ultimate Death Saurer battle by a
major in the Empire.
This type of Organoid cannot be bought and are nearly impossible to find (there are currently only
two known to exist). One of which was not even noticed for years after the Zoid was bought.
This type of Organoid has the following bonuses:
+1 to dodge any Zoid it first encounters
+3 to dodge any Zoid its battled before
+2 to the Zoids normal Intelligence

Note 1: Any Zoid with an Integrated Organoid chooses its own pilot and will reject anybody else
that enters the cockpit. It cant eject its pilot, but it can refuse any and all commands.
Note 2: It is the players responsibility to keep track of what Zoids his Organoid has battled before.


Zoid Battle Commission:

The Zoid Battle Commission (ZBC) regulates all sanctioned battles in the current government.
They handle everything including the mainstream bets on competitions. Although the joined
planetary governments donate to the ZBC for continuing operation they earn enough money alone
in bets, pay-per-view, and live shows to operate on their own.
The ZBC central is currently located on an Ultrasaurus so that they can move where needed
throughout the allowed zones outside of cities. This transport Zoid has been proven big enough to
support any and all Zoid battles and the coordination of all the judge satellites in orbit. Smaller
facilities owned by the ZBC exist throughout the central continent as redundancy, but usually are
not needed.
Registering with the ZBC is free of charge. To keep a proper registration the team must keep all
changing information regarding their team up to date with the ZBC and complete all offered battles
as required.
Team Classes:
The ZBC operates by splitting Zoid teams into separate classes, starting low in class and working
their way up through battles. The higher the ranking, the better the prize money. The prize money
is split up among the team. The challenging team is also legally allowed to offer added prize money
(to entice the opposing team).
Class C (Starting class, $1,000 per win)
Class B (2nd class, $2,000 per win)
Class A (3rd class, $3,000 per win)
Class S (Special Class, $5,000 per win)
You progress through these classes by defeating a certain number of teams in each class. Each class
varies in its difficulty to surpass and there are rules governing wins, loses, and forfeiture*.
Class C: Must have 20 wins to proceed to next class.
Class B: Must have 30 wins to proceed to next class.
Class A: Must win The Royal Cup to proceed to next class.
Class S: No progressing (unless another class is ever created)
*If a battle is lost then one win is taken away from that team. If a team forfeits a battle then 5 wins
are taken away from that team. Teams can be dropped down in class if they lose or forfeit that
number of wins.


Battle requirements:
Class C: Any battle challenge must be accepted, regardless
of class of offering team.
Class B-A: Team has a choice of turning down any battle
challenges from teams lower in class than them.
Any challenge from their class or over must be
Class S: Any battle challenge can either be accepted or
turned down.
Point System:
Each individual pilot has a number of points to determine their standing among other pilots. 10
points are given for each opponent that a pilot defeats in battle. These points stay with a pilot
throughout their career and regardless of what Zoid they pilot in the battles.
Battle Rules:
Cockpits are a No target zone. This requires that all team members brush up on the specifics of
their opposing teams Zoids. Any time that a cockpit is targeted or hit the battle is immediately
cancelled and no prize money is awarded. Although points are still distributed as earned per each
Judges and Judge Capsules:

Judges are androids under the employment of the ZBC. They orbit Zi in a small fleet of about 20
satellites and are launched down into a battlefield right before a battle starts. If the opposing team is
late then the battle is forfeited to the team that is present. Its the judges responsibility to scan a
battlefield before declaring the fight for anything that might pose a problem (people, vehicles,
dangerous weather).
The judge keeps track of the points distributed in a battle and enforces the rules. It also broadcasts
the battle through the ZBC to television networks around the world. Intentionally attacking the
judge immediately cancels a battle and results in a one-month suspension from Zoid battles
(However, there are no written rules protecting the judge capsule).

The Royal Cup:

Every two years there is a major tournament consisting of the entire A Class and two B Class teams
(elected in a drawing). The winner of this tournament progresses to Class S.
The morning of the tournament 20 judges are launched down to a predetermined region with
multiple types of terrain, then the teams are released into the area. When two teams enter a judges
domain it declares the battle and the winning team can either progress on to another
judge/battlefield or stay and wait for another team to wander to them.
After each battle the team is given a piece of a file showing the finish line for the tournament. It
takes five pieces of the file to determine where the finish line is. Then its just a matter of the team
making it there first.
The team that wins The Royal Cup keeps all the points earned through the battles but wins no prize
money. The only reward is progressing to Class S.


Player Character Sheet:

Players Name:

X.P. Level:

Characters Name:






____+___-___=____ Height:_______


____+___-___=____ Race:_______________________




____+___-___=____ Preferred Zoid:

Hair: _________ Skin: ______


Age: ______


Init. Modifier:___
Total A.C.:_____


Load (Any Modifier):

Damage: Rounds:



Load: (Any Modifier):







(Concentration) Base: Modifier:






Zoid Character Sheet:





Armor: ____+____=____

Weapon Placement:
Left Arm/Leg


Right Arm/Leg

Left Side

Right Side

Left Leg

Right Leg

Target #:
Str.: ____+___-___=____

Any Customizations:

Mob.: ____+___-___=____
Int.: ____+___-___=____
Other Armor:


A.C.: Weapons:




Special Abilities and Cons:


Zoid GM Sheet:

Weapon Placement:
Left Arm/Leg



Right Arm/Leg



Left Side

Right Side







Left Leg

Right Leg




Zoid Pilot Skill:

Armor: ____+____=____

Str.: ____+___-___=____


Mob.: ____+___-___=____


Int.: ____+___-___=____
Other Armor:

Rgd Weapon Skill:
Melee Weapon Skill:

Load: A.C.: Special Abilities:




ZBC Team Tracking Sheets

Team Name:



Current Wins in Class:


Team Members:

Team Leader:



Current Points:



Current Points:





Tactical Planner:

Current Points:

Current Points:

Team Owner:




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