Txhawb Hmong California Directory 2010

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It ls seloo.t€d from fhe richest farmilar~d and processec b~l tJ~e p reducer with thwee' g ®nerattions of experience.

IF rom the 'farm to 'yo UI r d ~sh~ Sun Fat T~ an Jasm h"M~ 1Ft lee 'iis Vler~l m uch concern abo ~t 11~,e q ualUy and t ~ e nutrithJ ~l 11hJ r 1 ~ e consumers, Jlasm il~ e R ice, all so known as Th ai Horn ~v"el i IRi,oe~j was 10 rii 9 i nalilly' produ ced iiin Thai ~a,n d. Flro,ml its u n~ q ue ch ar,act:eriiisti,c olf natu rai srom a and textu ~j you csn teste more thar~

a d ish of' rice, The' ;3jIFo:m1i3!, comes from the pr€'m~ u m seeds and fertl lie so im land:; no ,artific:iaJ or geneti(~; mod ify' (GMIO)., Su nif,art. Thai ,J as,ml~ ne FUoe is the ide-al cholce for h~a~th consclous consu mers,


1M o.v tfP.bEJ II[.M 0:0 8 ~'tel!iAJ

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'n».IN T.i.VA irnn! 'iI!;W itA :ulii) fSiW I~ IlIN,ii.! jt,NIIi Ttmi.i' MIIJi.GIOSA

.. ;1.'


USA MQ'it Np'iej Hmo~b

Q~~~ '[':f;'naj '[',ag Nrtn.o LWIlti, 'Y'tliJJl Moll'

USA ,111 ealil'OSe ~hi:i:e '('Or tlhe Hm~ng Co:mmun~ly 110010 Bagl

T-.d'!IJIV Thl!.~~, Nt~ '[:iJ;W [~a Zoo TruMlji :Pl:aM, .L W~]l Y!Ilim Txuv

TMi'!a_od ~" Jasrnilfiiij Fragrnl1t Aioe 5mb Bag

Sun Fat Brand Thai Jas:mi-ne' Rice always LOOK" TAST,E and SMELL, so DELI,e,IOU'S

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Gover tlhl'(~~ Kids will ~ hellp you complete you r cfilill(j 's appliicat1i on iin V,o u r lalnguage,!~

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Hu n;yvgpeb th'N~'l txog kev pab cuam kho mob nkeeg rau to} tsev neeg ..

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• HI00 Ithry' ~Ollrfmil'ies;

• A[~ess ~[ir IllnlFtmnrts olnld Mo,1he rs fAI,~:'

• KO'~$etr Pe~mal1Jejlilfie' (jh~il~ IHen ~th ~Dlm .. Hleo I~h~ Kids


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Yo,u ins'ute to protect the th',;ngs' thet ere importent in you', life,.,

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,CaJ~' us today tor B' tree Q'uots'. Fast and Ff.ie.ndly· ,8swio€.


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**. We Sell More* * *

,New and Used' 'roy:otas to the

Hmo,ng C'omm,unity than' any o,th'e't' Loce! De'B'le'1;, Because 'we offer THE LOWES'T ,PRIICES!

~ .fpl'NiiYiI if ,~ hl'Lo:l% [m'()ii'l1a~Oi1!ru N C"'o'!.l' Y!5I. r-

HmoobVeej Sill Pab .HmoolJ

Yog Li Peb ThtaJ Pab HrruJob Ua 1S'BUg

1 /(f!I: ..

- 'U

3"1 '1',3 High/en'd' A Vie"nule' • Seime, ,Ca'l.ito'rn;:a 9316162

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H W+I~ s

Koua CIhIB &if8$: RBpres&tltaliVffJ'

(659) ,355,-'7,01115

J ~* Hm~~g,. 'Thai & Lao wf;[ha@pens~,~alJJ~omot'iive.,oom


Pieh hiei ~U's H m oob

Kuv muag tsheb tao ntau xyoo, 10-$ lawm

listeeJl '~D our RADIO SHOW



Every Tuesday 8aml'to9am Host Koue ,Cha

Mlu~j tswv yi fin pab tau Inaj sa,wV' daws, vaws, foQoj s lalb nryiam

Lalrge Sellection of USEID Cars!

'7 'Vears!' 100 i'OO 0 miles, Pl"e-Ownedi


,Used' Toyotas},' Ac,urss" &: ofher Imports Full S'ervic;e ,Depar'fme,nf1

,Din'8'-ln' or Ta,k,Si O:utl Sen.ior ,O'is'coun,t

Party' R,Dam availabl!e fair UIP to 10Q1eolple Party Room Available' ,at' no ,extra charge

t!SS9) 2a2,-8478

5,; ,5,5 North Blackstone Ave,

(Ju,st' FNJrth of' Shaw)


2010 EDITION 3



Like most minuriry businesses, I fout.u:l trust in m.l' own community first .. BO,(]fIJ. Long ·V[_~~ of A.pp]e V ideo Productions, 'W~S 'my very 'first client opening the first [] f [n~ny dOOfS rot 'my business, '0 ver t1lfilC! ] was abl c to slowly grow 'my business ~brnugh his cootacts anlCil :~-] i s belief ~.{1 me, Trust is s,o:ll11elthing that .i s very hard Ito earn. OI!JJly through hard work, dedication and performance can 'you earn h.

Nly busi ness was ;il!J hie to grow over the yC'~fS because of the opp ortuniries the I Imong comlll!i:lnitY' bas giv,e'riL to me, I believe most I·ltnong businesses are oni,y ·a,b~e to, grov,l because of the ~s.up'po:rll: fmrn O'Ll1l" COn:1Jl11Luni.'ry .. Likewise, OUI" oOI.n~:1itU1~.t.V ean only flourish if Hmong businesses and. their partners giIve back ito nurture the conununiry, It is ~ support system that we must ~PP:['iS':(]~ltC~ understand and ~]ue.

] \\o"Ul'~ '~D take ch is oppo'[ ~lni'tr '~D thank all the adoernsers and business own,ers who ha ve supported. 'I xhawb, especially those. wJUJ unconditionally supported. us from the vel~y lbe:g,inning when Txhawb was jus.t an idea. And. to readers, please Slll,PPOU 'Our advertisers, They make it pcssible 'for us to produce Txhswb. I also want to tl1~n_k al the WiF.jtcj'~ ~'[iIlst~ phot.ogrnphe[s and ~ny designers and sales team ror putrring up v,;r.i'tl1 me and I.n)' crazy ideas and. for pu'slling thenlsdves 'to the edge of their cl'eati.vity to' make Txhawb 'so unique and be?!J'I);J.d:fu] "

] h~ld ~'X~awb .t? ver.y high s'~~nd~;'[ds ~:o the fO'nn of ~~ti stic c;i\.pi('e ssion and. i nn:o:~~ltive'

(I,., """gll' T'''' lJ,..""rw,: n~" ,,,.,. ~"']':Cf.1l'T ""'''PI''t;''''n''''ll~~''''' ,,, , 'n'~""""'"' .... "1"'1 ~"" ~ .""',,,. ""0 '·· .... "il'~'~ "''Ll'''''''11t..1''''', ... ''''1', ~ ....... of ' .... '1 ...... """ "" ..... _,.!)

,!...:; i:"],1J <-'. = ,(~rlrtll, . lO Jh.~ .~ ~ 'J ~ ... J..iIL. ,r., 1/ ~ IL !~:_dL.JJlL,I,Il, liiU ..... , UlJ:\t''"'.r~"''l 1C1.~ • .IILI.JHLJJ-lI.~'lI3. .. "'"l.·_ .1L[i:'~.O. J~ IIl1.lL.I !I illll;.,_Il,Il •• L .. '. 1l.:.I •• .IJ.U."".· 1tl.,IlIJfJl,

efi;el~gy' to conceptualize, design and produce. Our team focuses on every derail to ensure that we can produee something that the Hmong c;oilu·rJ.'):unit),1' CaO proudly s~y ]S positive, 'beaJ.iUtuftd and W~~5 created ft70m within the' hearts ~OJ~:I minds 0 f our community .. Txbawb belongs to the :[i]I.UO:f.iJg cornmunirj; b is. a place w:h,ere v.u; can have a,clCCSS eo resources and hear inspiring stories 'Of oOllrnge and success, I welcome :any input arid :saD.[Y ideas to help shape ' xhawb inro what 'Our community needs; irt to be." Please call. me 'OJ[ email your though ts ~nd suggestions, to; lii!J'fyar.ll&'@}-r.:i!Jngdcsign.nct

ll!Ougn 00 pul rOt11h Our ~~ (!~rM:,. 't!I"Q, ~ not ~~ ~8iY bu$~ ,;lMll!'O$idMCO, ~n CMtf4! ~01iJliLil. If 'I!OOi fftI~ )'Ou ~ :JOur ~ing~. P!Il~.E!' >9iru !,ill ,illi:i;1]J! Of' ~f(lj) 'I.!!~,~ rtlU r M~ ~o Wi!1 00 ~re ro ine!!.!@,yoo f'!(I;(t ~ Ilr you tgO ~ !'(IjI ¢(Ii'lWillt OII,~ $tQl'}' thil't i'!"I!.!M !:Ie. '~,

pl~I3' iili'r!<ii! ~Mm'too I'illty~O~<L"",l;).e9m~ - - -

!nrt.rfOO1iOn msffidin~ OOd~. t~l!OM nl,.l!it!'b~ 0Ji!~ ~MiS ru !~)'I) ~ ~b~~!~ P)OOttrd~ ~.iIJl in~~. ~YI'" ~t ~_{lti!ltg M~ ItOOio. ~~(!~ingl Cai»,Pai!ji'i. TIllie j)w!)li$!'!e1 ;do, i"!O~ .gU;:U,"i'!!lOO tl'i(l' oOOrrlXtli'iB't!3; ~' .,,11 rii1lr.~~iOil ~Cli'!toOO lin tll'iS, FAi~J!ei:lit:~, i"!Oii' U'ICt eoiYfj}!Ct'!») oo:.senoe I)j' ~ ~ (1m is-$iOi'l9.: IheF>ei'ore, ~ r;e~i1rSib~it)i lor MCUi'iileY ean be ~U~.

Kev Caw Lig Cho:j

Pab Cuam Rau Cov Raug Mob

A Law Firm Specializing in Handling Accident Injury Cases

PI"6OOty stJj)poi1l1ng

Ian Vetfrartll Insorute of Fresno

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• MaUlS Talus I[Cycle~ Sib Tscn

(II Isis 1M lLJa~ Ntam PC\( Hwm Tshe b (InsLlr,ant9 JI

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IO'Vler ,20 Years Serv'i:f~g the Central Valley Hmong i& Lao' Communuy =========, Sacra ffirnllen1'o '.' Chito • OnHrmlle .' Yuba City • Marys~lille • Stockton '. Merited it) Modeste '.' Fweslmo

11 ~5'1 Rii\(,e,r IP',ark Dr.:, ,St~ 298 ,S~:u:;r!awinef1bJ~, CA 95,81 S

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I f yo u wish to din e' whe re you are treated m(@ a celetmity; then Pocket 81:s Sush ~ g, G riilliis your" 11 cholce. vou r ro ad ls cooked cellcou srry ~ n front off you w~ i lie you wait, Fr'8sh sushi ls served dlaji Iy and use only the fi nest ingredients. We, took

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feb Yog Hmoob

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ll: z

" i!"1I!!lYO ,S'j;

N W+~ 'S

Much of her life 'WaS shaped by the

Cll_- - ,. 'a,: • ..11_ .. 'JL 11_ b h

.nrtsnan reugtolil) a 'paul that ner brot er

chose to follow after- the church helped to reserrle her famHy ,in the Unired States in. 1. 979. She _grew' up in Sto ekron learning about God and. the Bible bv

, ~

a ttendi ng church services viid1J her older

brother, wi th her sis ter and with

mi ssionaries when she was older,

But her faith a nd all she had. learned

a bou t 'religion '\VaS put to the test when

h 11, b hi h

s e 'was cnosen ny a , 19' er power 11:0

become 'tIJ, shaman at ·age' 21.

":;;,111' t d fE ] 1 .

":.lII. na SU.! 'rereu t aree years tr;rlng to

understand is this God 's work or is this 'the Devi l;l's work); ~ says Lor, an ,eighth grade teacher in Stockton ..


Lor w-as first j ntrod uced to JIm 00'0'

, ,. ',','" ._. _-,' -," , " =" .. " '-;0'

o shaman ceremonies '2IJ,t ag~e ~ 10 or 1[ 1. (5

N At 'that age~ you, always want to sneak a

Ii peek under the shaman's veil to see what ~ evil was really behind it, she ] okes,

I,.) uJ



She remembers ch]n'ldng' 'that shaman


~ ceremonies or .H!mnng "kev ua :n.eeg'" is

~ too long. It requires early morning

:5 preparation and, a ]Ol1g- day of w~iLing t.:l around, She and her niece told each.


:! other that they would. not have an y

I shaman ceremonies when they galt older.

Jl 3 f1l ..IE


Afeer garadu~tirtg from 'F rankli n I jgh School am: age 16 'a nd enrolling 'at Delta College, or got sick. For the- next five


years, she lived with constant aches, pains and fu:tigu,Ie;, The doctors dJdn,''t k now 'what it was and all the chiropractors could. do was massage her. They told her to. take T}lienoI for the pain,

Du'dng 'the -6 fib year of her illness, JAr woke n.:!_) one night and 'fold. her mother she was dy.~ng"

"I felt every single little cell on my body

',. ,~,]' rfi·, ,'~~ . "',

Just siow Y nrt ~way:;,' Lor says, It VIaS so

hard For 111e to breathe and ill couldn't feel :m'Y bad Y' 'aoy.L11.ore. ,:"

I Ier mother caned. a shaman rhe next day to perform '~. ceremony or ua :n.e-e_g, ,As soon a'S Lor was placed. on the bench in front of the ra neeg Of altar, she began. to shake and 'move her legs up and down .~ n the motio 'i"jI 01'£ a It'ik am "eJ n

,Il '..., ,Iir ".!I,..ll. ""!1. _ ~~,I~, , :~. ~ ,~

Her eyes were closed as ,~f someone forced her eyelids shut, Then she had her fits t vision. It W·aJ.S dark" pitch black, 'but she could. clearly see a dark road in front of her as if this \VaS the road to be taken,

The peop le ..:ii ro: Co nd h 00"'" move J he r f;"';o' ,

, 1'1 ..... ~;: :'~' .,;; P., ,:!i,.lll..l!. "",II.~ .. :v~.,.;Ci, ~I.,;;'. :1I.!,m

the bench ro 'the couch an.d she continued

1 k d' h '1 Th '[

, , . -: , :r.':Ii .". _ .. ".'.' .- .~l-':: . . • - -: ,1-' .",

to s :1ta .e an· move er egs., ,,' e snaman

restarted the ceremony and 'Lor mimicked the shaman's every move from the couch without ever opening her eyes,

They said that Lor's ,illnes'S was mob neeg Of the treason behi nd her slickness WiS the

lli b 1

ca ng to secome a S aaman,

S· ... 1 has ssl d h if h

UIC~ tncn, no one: I· as as ~{~" .. er ,]:. s ne

wanted to ua neeg- or be' a shaman,

She just became one.

"On that day, I dunk I cried. the hardest," Lor says ab ou t the experience, "J wasn't scared. I jlllS t cried a nd couldn Jt s,top ~ .. ,

I think the old rae died 'that da,y and someone new' reborn bees use that day I think ill just matured more than I ever did."


.... - :_. __ .' I, .. ,". ><. I .'.

Lor's transi don ,into a. shaman happ' encd q uickly; She 'started practicing almost

" '" ied .'" 1= .. r- - dS" ..... 'L ,- Co id -, f'

irnme iarery un,. er me gut ance -0

another more s easoned shaman,

Shaman custom sand. rituals are not t'a"uglil.'t and, 'cannot be Ieamed, , t JIUS 1[ happens, Lor says, There are no instruction 'manuals

or cl ..... "" s"'s to '"", I~p

,_ ~~ g " ..,_... I e- L'i:iL.K.'!......,

'The first night Lor perfor rned, she saw a vision of a [1l:2IJn. 'weruring a white pantsuit with a, red. sash, She' liter asked her mom to sew her' a simi [at" on tfit to wear when she performs ceremonies,

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The second nigh.t) Lor says she heard the sound of the drum 'Used, du:dng the ceremo mv turn in iI-,O", ,oJ, calmin g' Chinese

. ~ J~' -~, IL.J !fc~! '~-If}1r. ~J!U " . JLILI ~~.

flute, On. the third, night~ the sound of the flute turned j nto 'words corning from a monk. Then she started r-ep eating everything she heard, She has spiri t helpers who help her n~vjgllte the spirit 'world and its rules, Her main spirit helper has a sttomg influence on, 'or who speaks

CL,'" 11-, 1:'"

.D"j mese wnen performing shaman

ceremonies as we]] as some Thai, Laotian and Cam L"""..],j" , ,

aIL,;!" , ',' au ~ IlJvUlJI.aJ:fl.

1Ii .or r.r""'!,"'C:" h .... r in co-'- rm ation from her Sp'J" ~~~j,iI' ,~Lv b""'!~ ,~,!i;,.." ,i, ".IL, " "ill~_" " " '" l~,'!;". 'I ,,1I.l!,.

helpers and, together solve :1?1~ blems, ask P ermission to enter and leave homes


and for help to Hn.d lost spirits" If that doesn 't work, they will go to 'a higher po\ve r for help, Everything that she do es .011 rhe other side has to happen according to a certain set 0 f rules.

"~E" .. 'I. - - - - "''''' hat ~-: ,-111 f

' :ve:ry snarnan, no matter W nat i:{ifl.u, 0.-

shaman you. are, you have 'to go through the steps," Lor says. "'~\Xfe 111UI}f think that

rl " . ld" " "

, re s pl'flt wor .,,' ,] S not structured, but

evcryth ing Is S 11:[ uctured just like here,

Thes 'L " '[.1" ,"'" ~ " - " h ,,- -- 11..., :",

,B,e.r na ve nei laws we " ave (0 go uy ..

Spiri ts are only seen 'when they want: 11:0 be, 'or says, 'Those that don't want to he' seen, won't appear ~nY'--\!here.

In the spi rit world, Lor sees vivid, color images of people or situations. She hears names and can see 'what people are "i"ve:aring down 'ItO the color, A.nd sometimes there's nothing.

"You can ua neeg straight through and not sec anything,' ~ says Lor who started nerforrnin g: shaman cerem 0, ru ies t:'-it" p'-'~0p' ':1""',

lJ.! . .ILUlJ. .. .l.1,.J.Ul •. ,a .!dllJ.J .. LJL~ ... I, .. L· liUlI!. ".·L'Ii,.J.I. \0.,..

outside her family in a bout a 'month. '

She' jlokes that for a period of her life she' hated J : I:mong cloth ing bOCl1.u.S~ rha t's a]I she 'Saw people 'wearjIlg on. the other side.

During he'[ first ] ourney into the spirit world" when looking in to the si tua tion

I' ,f :'1 ,- 1'1': '.' ., .. t- ~', ,',,' '" .', ~ ," · '.. rnb .. , :

0" aman wnn root paln~~uO~ rememners

seeing th c image of a chi ld sitti fig on g,logr

She learned that the child, an orphan,

': 1 i' 11,:, '" "','Il~ .. L., "' .. I' , 'd '[_ ,' .. ~, ',I: useu IL.o ,J!l'\ e W,l tn rue man an _ ' ,11$ wire

before getting sick and dying. She was

told '~he child '00'9.$ taken by evil spirits

0:[' d ab

. ',~" - itlo !ii

Tha t was Lor's first confrontation 'with an evil entiry, one she wasn't prepared for, And ]t fo'l lowed for a while b ecause she didn't know how' to block it out,

That inlage stands out for Lor who says her] ourney in the spirit world sometimes plays out like a story or movie scenes with details, Sometimes there are no

. 11

].lllages at:a .,

In another case, she was asked to loa k into the situation of a, gid 'who, was sick and couldn't ea fE Of take care .0 f herself. Lor 'went into the spirit world and saw the gir ]'s mother who bad d ied years before,

The mother said her daughter was not bcing loved or cared ~o:r so she carne to take tile girl, or said she told the mother to ,go ~l\V~~:.y.

One of the r ules in the spirit world is the dead have to go away~ she said, They can'c ~ta,y around.

or doesn't know how 'many ceremonies she has performed since becoming a sham an nearly 10 ye'Elxs ~go,

When she first starred, she performed between two and foui ceremonies on both Saturdays and Sundays, and some in between on the weekdays at her home .aftcr returning home from

scho 01 0 r work.




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'Once Lor was able to understand her gj ftJ' she' 'W'JS able to return '10 school to study

li"b 1 ,..:.'II· C lif .

',-era stwules at ' " a ttornia State University;

Sacramento, She gr~d uated in .200 S and recei ved bel' teaching creden tials a, year Ia tel'.

She speaks quickly about her experience as a, young shaman and admits that she is physEcall Y 'tired and mentall y exhausted of helping people all the time.

Bu t she looks ather g1 fut as something to be proud of and a way to help people. I ... or 'believes shamans are God js helpers,

"There's 80 much evil, out there 'as well as good a nd he can't keep ti'ack of ir,' ~ Lor s:ays.

'''111''_'' 1 d i b ,C '1-.;;

, it s a :1Ju:·' J10.', lor rum and :so that's why

he created shamans and, whatever you call it to be the mediators. , .. because 'there isn't anyone who can go into the spirit world and back, \V.bat the role of the shaman is

; b h di '

jIUS1t to be t .. at me, .lU1TI, to resolve it,"

For as long as the Hmong people have

" ted 1 II • •

existe " S,D las snamamsm and. 1 es not

gQ.]~ng '~w~y~ Lor says," C ulturc is changing

d h ' ill 1 .

~ i ::-.J".. ... ",. '1 -'"1' . ~. ..", .. - - I' ; I ' ", ,".

an, s am an I sm \1.!11 C aa nge to

accom moda U~' it.

It seems 'to be happcni ng already. ill n the lias 1t fe\v years alone, there have been 'more

, f 'Il .;('J, choosi

=r== 0' a J[ll~1.er po,\ver ,1oosmg young

adults like 1.01' to practice shamanism. EVCll those who 'know little 'II Imong language are b eing picked to carryon me teadition.

Til is occurrence should. relieve those who think sbamaniam may disappear as the elders pass on, 'and the. younger genem1ti.on becomes more A:rn,er]canized.

Th . f' t '

ie mainstream acceptance or snsmamsm

.. 1 s: 1 l1ifi"iiil'Y • L,~..-. ...... L. "

as a too ror 1e:aili~ IS caret m-J;g tne attennon

of local and national news as well, Through the work of the comrmmity based

organizations and non-profits like Hmong Health Collaborative

(~" "'~Ml"" hrn onsh " C 0 ~'g)' ' 'h' "." ", ,.,', ",,'.

w w w,,],I, , .. .' ,iL ,lib, u ',.' 1,.Ii. " :; S ,aman,l.sm, IS

• II II Il 11 d

galmng mainstream recogrunon am ,

now ate able to work alongside doctors, in at lea st one 'C:£I)l] fornia hospital so far, 'The collabora tive j s a partne rshi P

r- " . 'i" =

o rune COmlD'llI,rut}f orgaruzatl0ns

d .. ' c 1l_ in th C~"I.: c '

':;u, .vocanng tor cn:ange mi ne .,i;wtor.111~

healrh system, to help I ~ Im,oog people.

The Fresno Bee and The New York, Times recently featured stories 'On the initiative and its start at Mercy Medical Center in Merced,

Irs a positive (hJ~ng,e and a helpful 'One for those' like Lor.

"People always think shaman is a reJigj,on, but I don't think it is," she "I 1· '1 . ,

sa) s~ rrun x it S our 'wa.y

of life. \Vlierl you take shaman away from the


Hmong culture, you're

not going to have much.'


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,_ When ~y ffia mi ~y was 'vi~siirll~ng SUmllriver in Central Oregon, I baug hi a t ... sni n 'w~liIthe quolte: iii'Dream it'. Wli',sh it" Do it~'

I iho~~~t Ir!:~oul~d ~e,~ '~r~a~ n_lotto of success for Im~ ohildren. Success ls to dream a dream that. you truly' desire, rs II~ nlt~~8~srry pursue that dream, and one day ultl mla]e~y reach ing that d~Tea.'ml. Otten, many dream 'won derl'u~ dreams when tlhey am, younger on~y to be forgotten as they ,get older, ~ike a dream iin your sleep that is

'Torg etten when you awaken,

Dreammgis easy, The challenge is

h ~. n' " l'rlr ..... in to th .. -;t drea --:1 and ,- ·tm~·ln' ,_a ,g~ .. gv". .. a .. , an __ '., . WU !I&J ..•. g

towards i.t until it COffi·CS to fruition. Achieving your' dreams is pas sib le by taking a simple and systematic: approach.

Clarify your dream

The first step' in 'teaching your dream i~ ~,clllev~ .clafitjl about what your dream renlly is, "Take time to really focus and think about your dream, \What is it that J7DU would like to accom pUsh? I magin.~ _yourself alread y SUCCiC'S'S ful at pursuing this dream, 'Wl~~ta.'r would it be like? Describe )fOlLlr success with. as much details as. possi ble, Be as as vivid as you, can ..

And most importantly, write it down, Putting yO'!JJt dream clown on l,apet brings clari t]!' and make s you to :;!J .. ccounra ble to. yourself Talk to your family' and close: friends a bout yonr dream, The 1110re you talk about YOUT dream, and, visuali ze yourself j n this environment, the Ino1'"€; real it becomes to you.,

Oneof the biggest barriers to reaching our dreams an~ other dreams, Along the Uo-1lY, another dream comes a].oF.l:g and leads us down a di fferen t path, 011' sometimes we meet someone who nag such an impact on OlU li fe that we are inspired to chase that p ersons dream instead of O'(I.f own, \X/]ll.ether VO'1[U.

- -~'

consciously choose to. pUl":-5ue this new

direc tion Of not, it dl stracts V()U from


lrleiiIJ!C:hing Yo'iLur =s=

Alo ng the path to s UCC-6SS, many

di stractions will keep you (tom, reaching yOlJ"r dreams. The eolotion is sim pi Y' to remove these dis tractions-often 'casictr., said thea done. M,any people don't a,c_hieve their d reams not because tb ey fail, They simply lose s~gbt 00 fit and in, pursuit of another dream, Removing distractions w,Ul help you to stay fo cus on your tatget.

Create Manageable Goals

A'c::hieving a gtea'li big dream may seen, to. be an insurmountable task But when you. break it into small manageable steps, 's'n}f dream can be. ach ieved, An,alyze your d ream and think a bout the stcps needed to. get: there, For example, if your dream is to start your own business, what skills or triUJrung 'will be req uired? '

How much moneywill you need to get started? \X/h,o. can, YO'll, talk to that can ~ve you. insigh r into this ,i.ndustty? ,\Write down the se steps,,, Otganlze them inro concrete yearly goals that you can 'work

towards, -

A, sirn ple to 0], to help you. achieve )rou.~\ go~l is to. create a To Do list of concrete actions that will take you, closer to your gad. BY··W'1.1tiing down the steps required, you will a! ways have a reference when looking for the next steps, 'Review' this list regill.~.dy and do something e~ery day rhat wiUj, take you closer to your dream,

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Focus and Determination

The plan.omg phases of reaching )fOl!l'r dream ate important but 'm~ny people fail :i n the execu tion, Plan n:i ng j s like a runner gearring up and gctti,]]g into position before a race. Getti ng ] n 'the, correct line and ffIJ,cing' the right ~ray are essential to the

ru nner's success, bur he 'will only' win through ex ecurio n. Re'aching' the' end nlay be daunting, but staying focused and taki ng 'i t one step at a ti me, the runner is, a ])'1 e to complete the race, So; it j s with the rasks to reach ing you.r dreams. Create

_ . . d _. - - .

, I ,., , -

" .'. . "', '11" I .. " I· . ··1"'" r' f! ' -,,' ·,'1:, '.

tasks that are not roo. ,h~,11'ge. an: persistently 'ii.,'i!; ork at accomplish

them one a'[ a time and you reach the finish Iine,

MIQ~f~ ~n~~~Ii"!a n C'E'-' PI,alfl,s ,A,<;,ceprlte'd Medlii-(;,all I m:h~;l1itli-'O:a I a Heall'lhiy' IFam ill~es,


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As lUy generation of Hmong-Arncricans move 0'.11. to parenthood, I 110pe that we win help inspire our children to dream dreams worthy of their life's pursuit - dreams that \\rill take O'U[ I-Imong people tonew levels of success, E,.1100uTage your children to be bold enough to dream, to stay focus and 'work rclcntlesslv towards that dream, and tl1.CV will be successful.

.. J ..

About the' Author

C· 1k D

' .. ~ ,.. J" . I '! 1

huck Yang) J~ .,.

Chuck Y ~ng ],5 founder and 'Chief Executive Officer of IQu~.si time, a, software COlfip:9.ny that develops web applications to help y:01Ll, and. your COlnpany be more productive, Chuck is a graduate of I .. ewis & Clark 'Law School in. Portland, 0 regon, I-Ie' also holds a, masters in -I.,:nginee'fing Management and an undergraduate degree from U CSB.



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Kao N'" Vang, D!.M.,D., always knew he wanted, to help people at an e'ady :a~ge., "'M, wanted to study in 'a field that I could use- to help others," he S~ltys~ "especiall y my communi t}l .. ~'~ Finishing with honors from, Me . ane ] Iigh S cl1001, he went on to obtain his B~A, in chem istry 'from Fresno State. in 1998;, he completed his Doctor of Dental Modicin,e from the Un:i:vcrsity, of Pennsylvania and began a

• _,JI U' Me" H" 'Ii" 'F mill' & Co" • D' " has b ." 2000

one-'year .r-eslcu.len.cy at_: I,. ].8 C m,e:.. -arr y'" Losmeuc ,.,entRstfy~ las been opel~atlng smce . , .• ' , " ",.

"The JOY of helping my clients-e-being able to. relieve them of their pain-is a rewarding experience," says. Dr, Kao N., Va'l1g) a promoter of dental hygiene" "There ]5 still a lack of k:no\v,[,edgc' in our Hmong community; and I'd Iike to educate them more 'alb out how to maintain ,and, keep their teeth for as long as possible, Having a dentist screen you, can help detect and .pr-event infections early on. If you, have a blister' or bump inside your mouth, that's not nor mal, }fOU, need to be seen and treated, .irn.moCHa.te~.y,"~_ at vis:iti.ng your dentist can lead to sOlnetb]ng as serious 'SUs oral cancer, explains Dr, Kao, ~l,,' :"ven what you, eat can affect you" Plastic or metallic parts of an organ replacement are reservoirs .fO.I harm ful bacteria accumulated from your mou thm This. can, lead, to a. heart attack. As a Doctor of Dental Medicine, unlike a Doctor of Dental Surgery, my job is. to survey YOU,[ body and how it affects 0.1' is affected by your teeth, My job is not limited to only oral examination and

-_ . n


writer Burlee Vang

photography Tudor Stanl ey

Kao N. Vang D,M,Q,

4304 E Ashlan Ave Fresno. CA 93 7 26


Dr, Kao N. Vang's philosophy on. success is: anything is possible; believe in yourself-if someone can do it" ) ou can do. it. "I always wanted 'be in control," he says, regarding his education and occupation, "If you want to be a successful individual, yon must be stable and self-sufficient, and

b 'kj d f- h d 1 del 1 d f "

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)fOU must ea. [1., o. resource-e-per .. alpS as an 6. ucator, ro e mor .' .. ) or ea. ,er~ ,{)or )pour comrnunrty

And 0 f course, you, mus t seek p'lleven ti ve care to s.tay healthy," D I. Kao N. 'Vang 0 ften donates to local Hrnong elementary and high school events, and is c urrently a member of the California Dental Association, Fresno Madera Dental Society" and the Vang Unity Internarional riou,nda.don+

-- ... ,--

writer 8urlee Vang

Ch·· C···h, .-] _'. V·',: ,. c· .: .: 1"-'_. ,f,-: ,G···· . ··d· , 'k B-·'·· ·'1 B·· ,i····d· . ,., d ··V··::· .'.,. ··]d !' " ' .. ,. . _. Gi ~. . .. -. lJ.-, .. :; , _;_ c· ] 0" .',. -

nue ' ,~aces . an.g~ owner 0" ·,00 UC. .at, on s an . amgo.· nsurance ... : roup! uas come a .onb wa.y

in the Am,e dean busi ness ve nture. ~'When ill first arrived in this country nfl 1979 ~ in San 'F ranci S.CO~ = S9:W a lot of bank s-high buildings overlo 0 ki eg the ocean, I wan ted to sit on the' top 'flo or of th ose buildings, I 'wanted to be' a. banker, That was success." Settling in Orange County" he' began 'working as an account executive for Bank of America until he was relocated to a. branch in Fresno, There were no Hrnong tellers or' account executives at the time 'and Fresno's Hmong population was just g·'o\.ving. ~'E . liked my job, but I began noticing how bank 111~,nagers and vice presidents were being laid off each time banks were merged or bought out,' ~ "says Charles, "I realized that there was no g-ual":antee for me in that business, I had to look f01L" something new ~,~,

ph otography Tudor Stanley

In. 1992~ he went into media, I-Ie founded. Asian Broadcasting, a conglomerate of Hmong television (aired on. Channel 43) and. radio, He al so _pu rchased and 'rook aver C~1Jj fornia .Hmong Times, a local newspaper, and renamed it Hmong Times and introduced the co:ncel't of Hmong radio to the Fresno market, ~~I saw that OlU:' community lacked. information, I knew it was hard for other people to connect and work with us. That's why I got into media," Chue continued in ,that venture fOlL' five years, But pu:tting on a nr show W{3,:s Co.srly. In addi tion, the :ncwsp~per~ which was giv.en out :frccly~ suffered from the lack of p~·t1rons and financial support from ad vertisers, "Hmong people weren't r·e;.{l]}Y reading in those days, I also knew the market 'WaS

""'m' .... ,]·1 iI';o ~ ~ 'iJ'~ ·C"L" . ..:!!. 1 n owi .... g l ... ..:!!. woul d ."..""", .~.- "'" .... ,·b· ~.;o, '''''0' '-¥Ii .... 11 e .... ] ~"'il"1·"g from h ~ ~ ;:; £j;fV"! C"" ~

0' .... .d. ";' ;j ~',i oJ .. ·~.I. ""] . ....:.j, K.u. "w .u. ,hO;;;: ~(_ !.,.-II ... _.~.J. IL lUI..... ~~, .h". '-_ h.u.~.l'(:.. ~ .11. .... iJ.,", K:' ..• .. "" .. ].;j 6 .... ' ... -"", .:j,.

Ch ue Charles Vang Vangold Insurance Good luck Ba il Bonds

381 N Blackstone Ave Fresno, CA 93701

I·:· 19·9'·7' .• ' f-t' _. dl'i· (ir. '-11 . > •... , .... ····-]·1"· It b I"~ lL, '·,dl· .C· .. ~ .. ,,.... ···,t·· "+, __ ..J .G··~··· ·,d· 11" I -k B, /1 D: ,. dl nd ,:.'r '·'01, ]d n . . ~ ~ .. er _0] no ex. _ e nsrve re sea:rc~' ] n J) .. ~I~. UJ on _.s~ .. ~"i. ue s ar \I.~l . 00. .~L.UC.., ~l lU 0.11 _ san,·., J ~~U)b'o·, ,

I· .... , f"U 4,. ..... j 1"","""':' ·T·l"',t:!! two 'b"'~ 'I S'·I ..... ..:;,·f"(',t);""" hsv e· 't1f.· riv ... ..J 11'''"' tJ'I;o;; ·e· Is iC! fj twelve U'e~ j-"I:" 'H,'I iC! ~ ·d·· ,,c,oifI ·0· ,'f- '("11 ' .... ,;"',;Q;,f'!(p 1l.. ,i'iI S lon ~F r-1l...t.iI.ii' eed

~.L,II~ .. "L!,~!L.I!~~!!! ,~,¥ ~·~v ~'. I ~Jr'~il~~~ ~~,.' I," ~J,l!.~' ~_~ ~:.I.,~~ ,~. "~~ ~'W~~~¥~ .)" . !U\,~~--!, ,~~ ~ ,'-mr,~" ~~U;,,-"'-~ra~ ~,I~. ~ ·.·ttl~'b ~£J!;l~_,t'~'b¥"

~ '1' ·o,;r.;,e' 'I;, ~ ~ .-Ji rriva 'I ~'ii' Sao 'p- 'i'\i'ii .... ,;"'.; SrA '~I''''~ oifIl!.,. out ,........,.i].i"iI fjP t·' .. rouoh t·, F~I·"'·I ~ ~ 'ii',.JI 1l..'''''''W··· much lnOli 011 i"i'"O'i'T'io iIiI:Jj: sh 'i"ii oflo·t· ~'TiOW.·· .

.;:I' _ ...... JlbOJ< .~",. ,I.] "@" ~~!L'. ~.~. .L.".!b~ .... ~ '\".'!.J:.. 11"..;) .. ~ ~ . ""'~. ;O.~JHII,6 il .. ,h v _ 6'"' ~ U"=!ll!.."~ !I!!.~'!!'U 1.tv _. . .~. ....1; t ,J' _ .iil!.i';,....... L~~.[:"," OJ< .. ~" ,t·~·V 1 !!....

much money you make," His business phil 0 sophy is: look at your comp,any in the long ron, find 1. way to cater your product to everyone=-not just the Hmoog community, think of how you can be convenient to others, and above all) do it with honesty because you'll be in p,attne rship with your customers for a long time, "Honesty matters," n his years in Fresno, Chue Charlles "ang has served as president for Central California For u.rn on Re fugee A ffairs and on boards for Ci t}l 00 f Pte's no Planning COll1miSS~On., Cham b er of Comrnerce, Central Valley Public Television, and Fresno 'Unified School District's Measure B, and C committees .. He ran £0'·' ,City- Council in 1. 996 with Blong Xiong as his carnpaj_gn ma.na.get ..

559.4 9 7.8889



After gr-adl-l;a,t~ng from U'C Davis. with a B.A .. in economics, Paul ,C. Lo attended 'UC,LA, School of Law and, b ccame the first licens cd :[",:1 m,ong attorney in Cali fornia, He has belen in practice si nee 1 994,. I 0 2003~ after leaving a parmersh ip flrrn in Merced; he [a uoch ed the Law Offices of Paul c. Lo wi tb offices in Merced and Fresno,

"For the prust 15 years) I have had, the pleasure of representing Hrnong clients in the Centra], ,r aUe}<,~~ he says, "'~1 work hard for' my clients, and 'I treat 'them, witb respect, fairness, and honesty" I.JXc i'Oiti~Uy handles a wide arHy of cases mcludin (i1 criminal defense, family lflW, p ersonal injlu.ry, and general civil! Htigation.m For the past ten years) however, his. practice has been. in the areas of pers'onali injury" employment law, business law, and genera], civil lit]ga tion, When a 5 ked, to define the word succe 5 S" Pa 111 says, "Succe s s is the person who has found the career that gives him meani ng and sa tis faction], who is blessed wi th a s upponi ve and loving s:pouse., whose &,mily and child ren are' honest, descent, and hap 'piV, and who is con tent with his s tation in life, whether he has little or 'til, lot."

" ;f

writer Burtee \lang

photography Tu dor Stanley

ill n .2001;; Paul C. Lo also founded S EA ~ AI:}A (South, Eas L A sian Am.erican Profe s sional As socia tion) to better the Southeast Asian community through 'ceSOU'('Oe5 provided by' worki ng and busi ness people. Since its exis tence, 'more than $ 50,~OOO in scholarship 'money have been raised and given to Southeast Asian students. in Merced and Stanislaus counties, Their website is VlVwl~s.ea"'alja.olg Aside: from his involvement with SEA:gA,PA) he has served on. the board of Hrnong National Devclop]:nen.'t~ Inc., and was also an elected member of the Merced Citv School District board of trustees from, 1999 to 2005.

-- - _. ._. , . J' . -. . - _. . . _. . - .-

Currently, he is a member of the U'C Merced Foundation Board of Trustees and the Merced Mercy

M,-·...:a:·· ·IQ, ,. l.lfi .. · .. · B",·····,.;JII·,,··.'fT·· st ", 1 ,.~,'~]", toftlu M .... ,·, ", ed Co Chl~···· A> .. 1.~"']ll· .. ·~ sider "F ecuca pQUTICla non oam 0.. IU S ees, JleS],Cl.eI1 Ii.. n tne ,.I.. erce QUo ... ) Dar, ssoctanon, ann oresn en I!..

of the b o ard o:f hi s church, the Lao E'\1'B.ngelic~.[ 'Church of ,Men~ed. ,A fte:r having accomplished so rn u cb P aul i'C"~ I i""I; C' "t';]'-[ find I!i1, ,: ...... ~ ~"';,~ T'I,~ , .. io .n from ..... v ,po'ry' h- umbl '"" CO'U 'iFII ,d· 1<'11 tion H~ am deepl v in soircd bv ,my

'_ ~]) !ill!. _, '.'........., 0' ILl. 1.1 ,l.[ _,~ ,U"I,0'!r:-',~,L'A,LJl "". ,,,[] ~ . """ , !!"I "iL.II, .' ,..... :[1. _ ,u. '~'l.J! ,1..[.. ,II!. _ .. ' , _ """1;,..,1, ,1,.1 I - "'.n~ ~ II. 'I;,.- - . J " "

"C· ,.- d lc· ", ]1 " ~"ifj" , nd b" .. ',' '.-", f- h }"11'-" .. '.C . -,1 d-I".-';· . L ,r , \V~ r and

p~~, ents ana ~.J1e strugg es, sacn aces, a,DJ·' ., ravet yo, t e . -imong peop e -ullng tne ., iemam war an.

its ":!I fterrn ath l' 'fie c lud in g th ... man '\l !?'~'~I .... cesses ~O- the I::_]T i7']C on g" = A'·" me ,j~~'''''''lin c omm t1l0-1'tV.~)

,~ ,'"' "'" !I. "",,.L, "....... :" ,·.111.1" Jl . '. . .ILl..... ,tt 'J .11 '!.;I: ,"=' ........... .;;Ii i:1I ' .. .:l' ]" ' . .._" , :-JIl~.lL '!.J'", . ' " .IL. ,Jj, .... ;[UI..l. . ,I" ,iL J"

law Offices of Paul C, La

849 W20th St Merced I CA 95340


writer BoNhia Lee

Cha fang Lee and. his daughter Krn,oYoua Pa I. .. ee-Hind s are descended from a long lineage of Hmong 'merchants, who started to practice business in, Laos as, early as 1965~ After losing everything in the war, IChafong resettled his family to Santa Ana] CA in 1,'979',. 1= e decided try his luck at business again in 1984 when he started "Lee's Gardening '& Services':" in Merced cutting grns~s~ cleaning homes, offices

- ,JI ;'-'-, ' , ": A' __ ,f' -,- ,'.,- " --,,',,-,:, -- " " ",- ---, -- 'I", '~, ' .abl ",-', "i-," ,-- ~:~]', , ~: 'V~,,"'d- "&'-/' ""! 'h'" - 'fi~ -- 1-;(18"-7

ano apartments, _: rtcr SSlVJog some extra money; Jt1C 'WaS a r c to open .cc sv 1. tco ee asr Ion in tv

'selling movies, clothing and f~ bric, f. is store was one 0 f o rill Y' two Hmoog sto res ,~n Merced at the time,

HVO-U come 'to' ,,., his countrv but 'U'i01 ~I d" 10' ,"","iI" ~,: "","""""-';1I':r '''00,'' 1k,f!j"", v,o~ ~?ro!!; ()'IO~'"i'g" ~"O do 'j'~ t",,;7!, (:'''''\r~ ~'~.vJL;i; ~:!jJ -ent 1"'0 M', ere ~ .J

,[!i,!- _ ..... ' -" 'i;". W,I ,.;;I' "",__....._"'!!,:~" -!Il,J~ ,-,,_,_ Jd, _ ',U"I, II". ~';::!LJ.'''-r._ ',_ ~,Ill'~I", J-'!;"-U' ...... ,b"J!l,!L I!. U -" )!;,~r;,.. 'iJ'~J~' Wi;". '!;<"''i:"..U,_ 11".' ,r;,.. ..... ~

and. saw tha t this 'would be a good, opporruni 1:y.:")

photography Tudor Stanley

The family built on the success of' rhe Merced store and 'Opened Ul?' the 6.~OOO-s-quare-foot Asia Supermarket in Fresno on Belmont Aveoue in 1992~ Three years later, the family 'moved its store to a l2UJrger .25~OO[)-s.qu,HJre-f,oot building at Tulare and ,Chestn.tu: avenues. In 199.5,~, Chafong Lee founded Hrnong Union Teadiog, Inc., becoming an international distributor of Asian goods, born Laos, Thailand, China and Korea 'ItO stores across America, ~"I am the firsr I hmong:person 'to order goods from overseas," he s'ays" n 2(JOO) he' opened the first and ~~!gest H1TIOng Shopping Center j n Brooklyn Center, ,MN"

W'i,'-I .. 2:2," 1"-'" '-' 'I '8:-'5: "--"1 -' '", ·,JI the laroc 'S···· ... ,1k .•... A-' ""'1 ,- ·'--1' I,,:j ' .. , -IJ1 '. ,- ... ~ h

··_101 ... , uruts on. ... : units, It served t ,c "a(gcoutu,cast . :.$,I,aO cornmunrtics lin ana arounc t "C

Twin CO: iti ""'~

1.-·V'iiJl" ..... _. - .~~!iJ

As ia Supermarket

4818 E- Tulare Ave Fresno, CA 93727


De spite losing the shopping center to the ICity of B rooklyn Cen ter who exercis ed eminent domain to obtain. the pli'operty in 2006~ Lee carried on with the help of his fa-mily to grout their other supermarkets, In 2007, Asia Su perrnarker in Fresno underwent a success ful redesign and remodel of their Fresno store which is now under the ownership of Lee's daughter, Kao Youa Pa ee-Hinds, Kao brings conte:ttnpora.'ry business rnan-2IJgeln.ell t knowledge from her BS from F resno State's 'C'raig' S chool of Business, They still believe in reinvesting back into the community and donate- time and money to srudent Q:rganiz'fttions., They credit their CQ11Ltin ued SHCceS s .in the: Hmong supermarket bus] nes s as a result of honesty to your customer, to yo'ur vendor and to' yourself Lee says. Hinds says success is putting 100 percent 0'£ )four effort into yOU1r' business" "If you only do it half way~ you,~re only' go:ing to get half ~.va:y results,' she says., "If you do it '1 no pe",e-ent) then ynu get the feedback, the feeling ths • .fi: '\110-'" accom 'in~~~t",,;"3!_:] somerhine,"

you ~""",:I,,, ,~_;I,h,;;iJ;~...,U to· ".".,1. ,~,Jl 1::;'


':r-' , 1


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Q a



E· I·' ." 'D" =]. - ,X'· "'7 -'" 'O_-·· C',: 'I, -0 JI t: .. , .. '- . -. -' . -,~' ,;·1!....I't- , .... ~~ 'Id-' h lr ' .. ,,,,1!...,.._. ,'I"·' . 1!...,_I'I,""1..... . ··'Jll.._. . - ., ., , ar y Ofl.)r, .ee z, ~ aog'$ ..,-,,~ ~10pO::] tor a. career tna WOw ~ ie P OU,lelLS uve a neanny anc~ narmoruot s

life. "During my high school years ill wanted to become a teacher," he s'ays~ "and then, when I was in college I wan ted to become a pediatrician or a psychiatrist. It wasn't until I came across a friend 'who, was in Chiropractic College that I started to become .inte~tested in [he field, The .friend provided great in sig)'l't on. the impact ch iropraerors have 1 n P eople ~s live s H e also discus sed the busi nes s aspect of ehe career, '~nd highlighted the benefits of being one's own boss .. Beinga chiropractor has enabled me to he a 'business. owner, as well as an educator,"

:D I:. Lee X. Ya:ng received his. Doctor of Chiropractic from Life West Chiropractic College in. Hayward,

California.iand ha beer -_-', I,_·t"i,,'ii··· c .. -,-. ··~·'···'I,~,'I'· ... ,., .... ~ ... - '.'._ .,.,:., •. - .... he ,5.:"-',",-''-1---: -r,"_-', -"''''. -'i"_'i''IL.,:~:--_

. - . a rrorrua ~ :an. ias nc en p rae J CJ ng tor ap prox im a tc y seven yealLs In ~_. e acramenro area, 0.[ ~ i] m,

succes s is. measured by hi s abil It,']l to improve the quality of li fe for his, paden ts and by the support from, friends and :&rnil.y. "Now if succes s was defined and measured by monetary items, then I would have [.0 s:ay I'm still he:amng toward succes s"J" he says., "The chiropractic profession does, not focus on In'a~king

b hasi 'I) 1 r- . .JI. '" h ~ . f' I" C: f'

money, out ernpnasrzes on, the va ue Q' ,prO'Vh.:alng a service to smprcve t ,:,e quauty 0, tte : or our

patients, The w~lle of h ard wOl:'k and good ethics, along with the SU.pPOir t from n1y fam i ]y; flr] ends 'and community, has ~1-w~ys. been 'my foundation" ,M)f job has been made enjoyable and valuable."

Throughout his years 0 f practice, Dr, Lee X. Yang has participa ted in nu lTIerOU$ functions involving health, and wellness, ed uca tion, and entrepreneurship, He has s:p cnsored/ CQ- sponsored and donated,

'1- ·.··"1·.· -',0' . ," . -d'· fund '-'-', - ,,,,,;L.,., '-"" iore and emo ".--,-~. :'1 _)l. -·I'-.:'.'I:-cl-:I ]1.-',1111·:' .bec ·-'1',

to events, prOe,rams, an "' unaraisers mat pro.lTIote an ,elnpower S,tlh .. tents an , ]n,(~lV1C~Ua s to .- ecome

thriving citizens in their community; "I have ~ belief of 'being the change you want to, see' and being proactive about the changes you, want to see,'" he s,ays. "Business owne '5 and leaders have the necess.ary skills, to ols, and knowledge to seize the opportunity to set an example, to influence people, There's '2U, B,u,ddh is t sayirD.,g: He who experiences the unity of life sees b i sown. Sel f _] n all. beings, and all beings in Ius own Self and 10 oks on everything with an impartial eye. ill f we, as business owners and communi ty leaders are able to genninely give to our community without personal interests or gains, then we can

d h .. ,1- k llfll' d d ., £ 11-' '. d ",,1 • u ,

enc,our-:aJ,g:e an ,C.O:;1.c, otners to rna, te sen ess acts. an .. ecisrons 'or a co ecnve an 'ILtlnV]ng C\a..nlllnuruty~

writer Bur1ee Yang

Dr_ Lee X_ Yang D.C. Advance Chwopractic

6685 StOCKton Blvd. Suite #1

Sacramento, CA 95823

91 BA27 _0118

writer 8urlee Vang

photogra phy Tudor Stanley

Pao Yang

Devry University

7575 N. Fresno St Fresno. CA 93720


Assuming the position 'Of Director of Admissions at Devey University was not an obvious career choice for Pao Y~ng when he attended its Pomona C'~;mpus in 1992~., After receiving his B,.S. in :"],.ecttonic Engineering, he began working with Siliconis as a Product Dcvclopmene Engineer, designing ,e-onlpu.1Dejf' chips, .. At the time, he was also referring students to Devry University, promoting the education A '. 11.. d ," ," .' d ,", 'p. . '. . '\V!t '''-l =." 'k- ," 0" 'f' ,c 'j ij.', - ," r-~, - d . . d 'j '0' .,' ,C ' als . . D':' . , u' ," , .. ,", ,-~ J!.1e na attameo m vornona. "1,,1\ cU.1L e WOf. J:flb ror .;J']l~,COrux an, sen, ]0.0 rererrais to '.' evry . mversiry,

he took the opportunity to apply for an open Admissions Advis.o,r position in. the Bay- Area,

I"]' c 'ii:noll! ';:0. '~""I J" re ,,'lI 'p a r r - ~,; m £!j; oil! 'i'II or_] "',",'ri ~ ;?'i; 'b) ,p. ," '0'" In a ~i n ta ~i 'li '1"" J" e D'1'1I 0":1:' n D eri ,t"'j ,p- 'J" ob T' I W·" '0" y., "",~ ,~. (1 ]- ril tcr

~ ,].. w ~"" ,j!;]" ..... lil . ,,'- _ I!"I!"., .'i;".o~ ~,~,!L ... I, ....... ~., ~ 1'1;". I!,.,. ,. _J: _ I!,. ,J: _ lJ."~ 'I;".,t.!Lb, ",-,,,,,",I l,Ut::; . ,,'. . ,_., " ....... ,~.IL.;:)' . ,~_. ;,

h e abandoned his work with Siliconix and too k on the full- time' ]X~'S ponsibility as a .D e V~ y U niversity Ad-lnis&ions Advisor.

':iI:'iIl' f ll ]- d - hId ,~,~ P" .!iJ:'W·· 'l I d D "= U" '. .,

:"ill hnal y rea tzen my passion WrnJ.s to ae p students, says "·a.D,, ,c,:,l'fl.t , •. 0 now' ar Lievry mversrty

is not a jo'b=becau,se Res. what I like to do." Moving to Fresno, he began conducting high. school presentations and workshops to p,['omote the education provided at ,DeVry. In. 2005,) he '\VaS part of the team responsible for establishing De'V'ry University; Fresno, and In 2007, he helped

1 l 11 . B k fi 1& A· D' . fAd .. -W- . 11 l ." ,',

, .. ' ." . -, I , , •... -. . 1-. ","..", [[-. "," I. .'. . ... -"I'! I '1-, .•• [- " ", ,.[ ", .•.. [[. 1- ""1 :. -. -!II' .'. .a ,'. r- •. 'I. I -I . I - ..•.. '"

a1J.Un.C.1 r I" e. campus In . axers Ie. ~.S.· SS1S1L3nt .·.lre,crO.r 0".: .. mrssions. . U" r 1,e two 1..1:115 ntunons

exp.e.riencin,g a. su,cc~ssful growth, Pao quickly assumed the M'etro Director of Admissions, P 0'51 non oversee'lng born campuses,

;>~I probably have forty or more relatives who have graduated from :DeVry University," Pao f)'ays. Including his s(ho~ling~ he' ll1~.s. ~,e~n wi~' De-!llY U·rJlver.si~f for fourteen year~., 'CU'rr~n1dy~ Paa YaD:g is .finis:h~g ~js M.B .. A. with an emphasis m Project Managen1e.nt. \1f!hen asked a bout what makes De Vlliy U:rnvers1.ty distinctive from other ins timtions of h ighe r educa tion, he' says, "One Q f the great fea tures of the un iversiry are ires, classes, 'which are small and 'can provide one-o n- one' with professors. There is also a multitude of different advisors to guide the students, You have yOU.lr admission advisors, financial advisors, academic advisors, tutors) and even '2Jj, student success coach, And, 'W hen YOll graduate~ a career '00 visor is. assigned. to assist you

'", !':;j' -]:'j' CF ,,". ]-'.1'-1 . ',' 'I" Wi ,t ", y ".'], I' '9'· '00/ "f "~. . ... ,.,. .. h- " ,""" ,. ", ii..., .. I .. ',.' '-I'.. " ,'. .' I ' .,,]'1 ,,",' d :'j I

In. EJnCIUlo emp ,O} rnentv x .. nil) our srudents, " . /0 0, tnose in rne acnve ]OLLJ market are emp oye U1

career-related positions within 6, months of gI3"duatinn with an average starting salary over :S40~OOO a yeat. 'We)ve put people in high positions at Kaiser Perrnanente, Valley's Children I Iospital, Hitachi, Cisco Systems, Intel" 'B'ank of Alnerica) EA-Eliie1ctJ:oruc M'bS (Game development), among In'any others,"


Ai b h B " ~ " "" H'" j k h ~d 'b "" d . " " d h . d 11 " 'lb' 'Ii . hes j

1',-" . ,,' ,'I ..•.. '_'_ '·1 ",,"1·7'·,' .... I "'. " . "1.'"' , ", ,-II I .... ~ ":"-'1' . '", '·'·r .' ' . .'.'.' , . 'I' ',~ I" "-',' " II '. I

tt ,0 ug .. , "en~ amJfl . . err a way S new" e .. , .. ec0111e a ." ,0 eta s,orn.e. ~J l! e want-e. tea. i . ty to " .eat

others wi thout the use 0 f medication. "There's not. m uch medica tion involved .in the chiropractic

, . '. '··I'"."""iI""~,·, ",c. ,~; h· .. " < "'f'iI' is tl..,;" ",.=.:!I . I , 'I ~, " ." ';<-:->i'" " .... " - Q' th '. 'b· ·d' ".'_11 L ..... ~ - 'i'~. rl·.· ., rirh .", ,t

pracn ce, .c says" " ,!. IS cas t;O on one s n.C1fVOUS s YS rem, tncar.u.tl.b !._ e 0 ry can .!!.I ea!L na'l,,~l:li'af.,y \VL 1.0 ur

chemical ,in terference-s-that '\VaS wha t a ttracted me mast t,c. the career, My grandfather treated people wi th his hand'S 'and through natural herbal medicine, In the same '\~la.y~ I now use: lDy' hands to. treat the entire bo d y-thc bones, muscles, tissues, and nervous sy:stem,:~'~

writer Burlee Yang

A£t.e'o attending Simpson University for four yeals~ Benjamin Heft went to Life Chiropractic College

'Lv1 "'iL'I= d C 'I~'C ,', c n' D " Chi ,', '~I t, b f 1 ~'L •

Wes.t U1 r: ay'\va.v ~. .aur.o:tnla 100,[' rus .. octorate m 1:_J.llu."o_l:~r2IJ!Ctl.c", ,-c nave neen a success' 161 ;c.nJ:[ol)i":acto:t'

For more than. nine years," he says, "Bur 'ill have been doing business in general for more than. 15 years, I've been runniog a successful Hrnong-Asiao market for 18 years, In addition, I've been a, real estate inve star for more than. five years now .. ill think alli ll1y businesse s are go.~ng well because of lDy hard \'v'o[l~ and, f£i!'mHyjs, unconditional support," For Benjamin Herr, success 1S a continuous j01U:rnc)';. a ~)r .0 f li fe, "'I t ] s a bout dis cover] ng yo ur ul rima te purpose' and persiog it with ever ything you have and

I . d S' . b II Yo 1 illi d II b .

. , ."". '1" . - ".", I . - "". . -- " '". - ..", I" "" .. - '"{ . - I -". "". ,""" ·1" ," -, 1-'" .. "_." ," "

evet'} tl1ng you, o.uccess. ts not a . out l11,On,e) at a '. : OllJ may accumu ate a 1.1"']].011 '. ouars, '. ur In

reality, you, still might ,]ack success. Success does nnt ::d,ways equalmoney-s-ir's the feeli,ng you get when

,," ..••. '".'.,' .. ' I' ·li-·, "'!"I -,' -'t'~, ""1' W"":':'h""'-'"' I : _ '.,~. ,i ·,,1"- i'" I"· ,'" _ '11-'11,··,: 1L.. _.::" ]l k ,II,:L, ,," .11.., '. 1, .'1- . it I I kes _.::

you. acco.mp ,:S~1 some ~1:lng+ _ ren see peop e lmprove tneir ncann mrocgn ,my l1e,p" 1_ rna es me

f l lik d d d W]l1 I ienrco f di . d

,-", 'J"'," ' .. ' .. " .. ' ", .-"-~'~.' ", ", .:' "'. ," I I' I .. ,-~_ ,,:". '.' '~_ - ',- ,"' " -I" '-"1' [ I . ' '~, 11-'-: - "'.:'':'' 11.1, II' - I .", . "_ , . :1. r. ""':'1 '--11 .. ', '-"j

ee e a goo per son an '. ,0 eta '. .. ien i see a pa tl enr go . r 0 m a poor con. 1 non to a :S trong an

h altl "1 ' ... "r .,j. '". ,;,~l. it" .. ' '. '} ~', '. '1' .. ,t;',. Ih··,~.'1"· ", '.";' ... ,;.,'J)~".' ,.'~

nea 1~ recovery, it morrvares nlj .lLj~SS on ror ,. ,Clp.~ng otners,

photography Mykie Vang

Dr, Ben jam i n Herr D.C

Chiropractic Care Center

646 E~ Camino Ave Sac, CA 95815

Dr. Be oj amin Herr contribute s Iocall y to as many Hmong events and. organi za tions as possible" J-Ie has. helped ~l?onso:t the Hmong t' ew 'Year as well as banquets and. functions .flegatding student

educe 'i>i'011L ~H:VJ;;e.·· n CAd' I unitv ; n ... 1L·,·e.· =]:.JIi' t~'1L,i1"');il"lig corn '['lI'1' ~ iru - t"v' j! h r-< """'!i't;r~ ';:if'lj;'V~, - lso n ecd j ....... ""'1(>:>!Ti"Uy ,,"",)1 ~ icat e '. ,P-"!I:1'""'" lr.y' . "-'iOI"'"

""_ ,1L'I. ..... ~l,.u ... ".!! , • 'V'!.'., '"" 'LJ __ ,_ J ,[ I, m, :lIlJl,.l. "-".iI .. iL . 'l;".'l;"J'11, .IL 'UL,I, ,I-l~ , ..... .,;J,n] Q. ·w' .... ill. " .... L ,'L,'LJ' ,11., ..... <j1!. . C(l.U .. " <;'~. . ILr V 'L- , ...... ' ,'!o".

about education so that 'we can create Hmong business leaders with professional skills in dif{terent areas ,',' H"'" currently serv es "lj;(' board j"",i"",n. ... ,L;po11', t:"of".li~ Hmong ·D:··,I· strict .0' 'ver Seas Trib .... ,1 Serv .. 1·,C"P'.;. P resident

,I!JI, "=,,;'ll.:l\. , ........ .Ji.,.IIl ""'11,1.0,. .:l .... Jb . ~ .:~,;:) ·tll..!!.·, ~~,.l"".L.Il .II U'bJL, j[;U.R. r. ,.~JI; . . .'. <::I," ...... ~ . .......t:IIr.1l ,111.,., Ci . ~ .... JL .. ," ' .... ;:Ii:;. .L ... .J<],. !i...J1,JI.

of Empowerment Institute, Hmong Heritage, Hrnong N ew Year, ar[1ong' luany other o.l1'galliz'ati,ons.

}' "o!> '~,." d ~ '~I]- ';::0. '0" w··· 0, rk - ed '0' .ve f" "'" .;cr",o'i e trai 'Ii' i ,PI"j, 0" 'I" ,.e.n. d ers from \1~ i:'J; ~,"i' '~, m "IiI'~,." "'lI ; ~ 6D d Laos n. oir'Io d C'].. ,'1 na

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Story By Burlee Vang Pho to ~r:a P fl: h~ T ud or S la 11 It: )

"I t's actually a distilled liquor" not a wine," says Rirma Her, 28t co-frrurtder of Haw] Brother's Distillery, located 'at 1100 Garden Highway in Yuba City.

With his sister; Na.ncy H'er" they"ve come a long way to introduce caw dlawb as the next American alcoholic beverage ..

Rinna's knowledge of making c~,w dlawb is a, centuries old tradition passed down from one generation to the nexr, "I see it as somerhing worth preserving," he says, having acquired the trade from his pa.rents. "You'll find that caw dlawb plays a huge tole in Out community,"

~he: d~dn~k rep:r~sen1tS _£ri~[ldship~, commitment, and [Iesp~cr.

Back '~1''1I Laos the arrival and dep ,· .... rture of ;<'I, sucst relative

n, J "II. :nu;;:).~" [J!" ;t~. .IUL '!,f O:L , ;~lIJ, , , G ..... ,. ,4 Il."-'I.L'. '.- i1~, 0,-""'0:::; ~, .... "1,llI." .....

or old friend in one's h0111e would be addressed wirh an o ffered sip of caw dlaw'b. During rhe ceremonial ptucess, of v.redClings and funerals, the drink is poured into tiny plastic C:Up5 and given to lk:'ey paedcipaots, especially male

familv m I ,;;:!O m ib ",,~,~ _ elde rs _ F.I nd clan lead flT"~ i1f r .-JI] ~O.' I"" .... s ; 'F~, I'A .. , d,... ...."" ';"r.!L..;;J';. ';"r. __ ..... .;;I~ ,~,I"l _ .",. ~ ..... iA,, __ ..... ,L,Jl. 111.11,. ,~,,;:;I _ ,I,~.;;J ,II.L.;;J

medicinal pwposcs when mixed with 'herbs. Traditionalists 'will use it as a rughte,'ap, tor health rejuvena non" a remedy for 111 u scle and i oint pains, or even as treatment for a nasty ,\w;sp sting. And then, like other alcoholic beverages

• ,-- I _.. , : t '.:':" "-I dl .' ult ," . .,. ,,'' ,~'I·'·_,· 'b'- 'b' . lts o ,,- ," .. ",,'I

in mDS \\,.0 n ,C 'IJ- tur cs, caw !i.JI" ~,W as 1 5 common r oie

in C',Oi',]· .... 1 g-- .... rherings In A'-:" m eri r~ ""'-·1,""1,. '11':1,. <'!> 'I[ 'I I'm I o,ng

"" .;;1 .,,,", ,~~!L[,~""', ,U,,'';':''. " 11..11, ." ,'I."..!L. , .... <1l,,:; w,,~ .a ",~, ...... r ' '.ILL,

community c]inlging to its. traditions, caw dlawb is still popular for tile same reasons,

~" hop e my re-invention 0 f the drink wi ~ 'I be used. for these C ultural practi ces,' ~ says Rinna.

Ta king clas se s and a treading can fere 11 ces ,j n alcohol ferlllenmtion and distillation~ Rinna rewed tl],e similarities. bet\wee'O the skills, passed down from, ,aJllces:tot:S and the techniques. l1sed by d"ve A'm,erican distiller. "It's in the saJ:T.J:e./;~ h.e :revea]s. h~ ] u'St ] .. c anl0d :l11011'C technical. te:rtn.s, f'Or the p,ro ce s s. The omy eli ff,erence is: di:ffere1T~ gli."ains. and, di ffere:nt ye'as ts equ,aLs cH fferent flavors. n

The early phase is a manual proces s, carrled o;u t by Rill na 'and his sibLings., Short-grain 'white 'rice is. steamed over several small stoves "rlsiFlg :sta!nd~rd p:ropan,e tanks .. \llb,en co oked, the rice is, cooled and hand -mixed with y'ca 5t in large s rainless :5 teen tra ~l'S) and then it is moved inro Fermentation tanks to be blended with

W~I 1he;;,'-;';' '';:1 let it si t ,CO'i' 'h'!fl.n '''0 .-j;-'~"'i ree ''1;1<7'"'' eke l!~ sa 'i;i"":- Ri ,. n n .0'] ~":T'ii-;~;':" Q

~!!l,~.Aii . . ~t, ~ . JL l"L II. V\ V ~. ", !i~[IL~~ .- ·WI~.. PI:i)1 i:!I' .J.~ ,.~. I. ,,&. JL.!b ~ ~l

pe clod of j US! waitir],~,'" After fermentation ~ the llilquid is trans [erred into at copper still, Three stages, of alcohol are produced: the

h ead "" h ...... t1I rts and tails ,~,;"".~~ __ ~~ ","";<11.: IL.;::; ~~I I~_, 'L~['.

~ The heads are so harsh that ,M use them for a sanitizer or cleaning solution," He C0111pareS the heads to nail polish remover, The tails are saved and fed] stilled. The hearts, "the part you wan t," he describes, are bottled in a, fine glass bottle spO'fting the : -~9;wj Brother's DI~ stllery's go]den. ],Qgo.], ~, pa,] ntsub design known is

,,~ '~'~, ],t:' • jI'~

- an elephant s ][ootp,r-u'1L t.

"'(then asked about the ill fference between his product and what you get [[On1 traditional 11 0 memade caw dlawb, Rinna boasts, "Unlike mine, they doo't dilute theirs" and they keep all. the heads,

h 0t'!i rts, .... nd ,- 'F;"i ,;'! ~ 'Il .. o"ir""'~ whv 1ir,.,.',T• g'.80'''-' ,II' lh,.." r 'iL-,,'i" $"i"II ;ng ~;O'i"!i ~,0'11 .... : O'i"II 'fr', om

,!i;'ij:L.!L. IL ) Zll,J, _. L~ 19.. , ,~,4!l., 0;) "!IV" ~'J l U!I,.U, . GL LI,uZi.i!. II.) 'LLIL ,loU, ., ~:.I..l~~,II.J, ,l,l. _ _""

YOlll'i' ,tll.., """O;<'ll~' ~ll ;i"'I,'!lnn ,~,,", 1!"""~ 1ir S'il'A'I'l'1l ach ''Ii,.,1 ... ,,,,",'''''. nnl'l d n n ~~ ,i, j. I '1Jo~i!" ii -1- ke

!wil!L ]"I.Il. £~,IIl., I[]!U"v.-\' .1:,.11, LU' j W''l .. ~, -~ !LU,L ,.l1ft ,_. r ,~, vr ,! .aJ''i;..,\1L Jl ""i.,;! ~ '.. JLI.~~ JJ,IL. ,II., ~ JL", Ii..r

dli."iribcing poison, It nnght 1111s't,e stronger than Iny product because of the burn, but ~,e5 actually only 12{}-130 proof My stuff won't burn as much, but irs t 80 proof 11 bout 90~/o alcohol. The finished product is 90 proof, 45°10 alcohol,"


Going in to the distillery business has been a h ugf' fisk for Riona and Ius fa:m,lly. Riona, who worked as a, Sutter County Sheriff's Department detective, had to. quit his, job because state law prohi bi 11:5 being in law enforcement and holding '9., JJ,'q uor license in. the same jurisdiction.

"People \V'o~~d th~k, you:jI~ nUJt~~ trying. to go. ~n~o this b~siness~~" he s 11'yS" smiling. To launch such a business, 1 t ] S :3" feG.UJ~:em;en t to build. 01l rent a fad Hty with all equi pmcnts ] nstalled prior to su bm itting :!It di s tillery H tense applica tion. ','):":ou have to :ri s k :S'pendjng a lot of n:noney berore you can eve.n :subrnit ;an al)pl1ica'tiol1. You don~t kJ110v;,l if you'~11 be 'a:l'P rove d, after inspection" I talked to a lot of pe,ople: who 'were already jn the business befo'-'e decided to take tbe' cl1an,ce.,"

Rinoa ,[ecaUa, the application process 2L.8 a. grueUng cxpe:rience. ~ ~Y01L], will be rejected :For everY' ,]]]:tdJ.e HUBO! ec[or. QUI' :ru.pplic'a riO]} got kicked back se:vend citlles be.fo'-·e ir finaJly pas~H~d 1ih1}ough,.~l'

I-lis p'~ an:s to op en a distillery be,g~n in N overn be~' of 200 - ~ and. prqg r,es sed in to D!ecembe:r 0 f 2008 when. a federal per.mi t: 'was.

I have i;(uJI1' b~"Udi~~g cust()~,'1,1' homes fr()~i 2,., (J()(J s(J It to Olitf J 3J, 000 9:'1 It .for (?''IJ.'e'r 10 years.

Custom H10[m~S, I Re,mod@,ls I Addition:s I Pa.tiilos, Meb tub Vti;~j tub 'tsev' ,Z;OOJ 20.0 tsas'm 'fhSlWj' Yuav 'tshaaj mleb Jub' koob, YU8il,xyaav m\€b Jub, moo

C ample te· SeNJces from P~anning + 'ora;Ring to Con8troction '. Bonded and ~'nsu"ed '. State' Cer1#if!id

1-176 ~- 6' M' 0 Fit S· 'II C:A 93:265 F' (559) 5S' 9 2'31-1- E' "I h fib@r,

, :1:- ~, ',- " '.=.'1 >'"!Ii .~':. " .i .~ J •••• I' "',:".' ':.. .",. ': '-, '_~I ,)~ :'=: '- 1.1 .:. II <.", ," .-:-. .' "'1 .. ' _ .. ' .' f .. ·

, .' ,eagan _ -ou I" '," pnng'!ll e~ . ". '. . ... ' ;ax, .. ,'. . ." .1., " -- ,mal. ID ,i3ili1lgll Gimes IP€'OP Jepc.oo:ml

fio:aHy 0 brained. Three months after, a state permit followed, "That one cost us several thousand dollars, unlike 'the federal permit, and has to be renewed annually'

A]'I ] 'b,,' ]" ,- ,tl· F ""1 '. ~. B, : ,. ... '11...' ':, ,- '. d - .. -:"';::0. '.'. ,.', -'. .: I. "'. " d- +,' .' .. , a eJ;s on, _ ~1Je ,,~W], 1'0 ~".uer S pro .. lU:;'1iN m,re :requure _ ~O

run 'mrougl1 inspection to avoid ]ufringjng upon ad.verrising laws, ~~\We cannot depict sexual content," stays Rinna. ~':t\11i.d all OU,[' models have to be 24 ');rE'a1~S of age~ well above the cbinJdng age~ because some 2] '_ year-old might loo k 18,.'~'~

11\ DREA~1 I~ "[ IE j\rAJ<l}\(~ I

\'Vhen asked why the beverage 'will. be marketed as Baijiu instead of caw dlawb, Rinna says, "The name 'Baijiu' is sweeter on the tongue.. rs harder for non-Hmoog speakers to. call it the '\\iay 'we call i t. Plus, in Asia~ 'Hajji lJ;~, is already the most rreoogrd2ed name for the: dri nk, leu be easier to market. ~~ Rinna and, his famil y hope to make this alcoholic drink as popular 'a'S 'what the: Ja.panes,e- did, ul,]'th sake: and what the Koreans did with soju, "This is new, di fferent from everything you can find. ,m America, You won't find it anywhere," A bottle of 'B'a:ijiu. from Hawj Brother's Dis tillery retails at S.29 .'99. So] u, vodka, and bourbon will soon be: added to. their list,

I ts a dream in the rnalJcing for Rinaa Her and his family., Like any business, the re has been 'much sacrifice and. hard ': ",o·'rk· Often 'JI!l ;, ....... ,oI'i '.,' -/I'~] ~n,unl ·d .. 1-11'';:; ,...,igi'J1 -ts ~t hls distiller

We" . '. . Il.. ,~\4A'!)!,.!iP.. W,.l, ;:I! Y ""', _ 1 . .!hJ! ·~,u' '.' lll.. "... d.oiJ' ~ilJ.I ~ ~,y~

k . 'l " duco h ]k"

" "',', .' '1 ' r n r ', ' . - II -I I ',- '-- i" 1- , !'

eepr ng an e} 'e on 11 is prD .. ucnon, C ec Ing temperatures

Of} his machines to make sure everythi ng is functioning

1 '!!'\'''!!' d id 'j' ~, h 11_ '~!)

proper y. -' -we '. ], .,'. nt nave rnucr W nen we were }rou ]];g,~'

he reve al s, ~~\xre went to The Salvation ,Ar my for OUi' things, I f "He do it right) (JUf whole fa,m] 1y a nd the generations 'ItO come can really benefit from this,'

Fot more 1 n formation on hO\1t,I to bur products made by ~'-Ia\\,lj Brother's Disttillery or to stay updated on their other prog-re:ss, pleas c con ra c t them a t the f ollowi r~g :

1100 Garden. High \Va'.)'; Suite .200 ',"" b C- C'A 91:::if,_1If'i'il

j, ur a i nYi .... ..r~, ... .,j'-:/ ,';I ,[

Ph: (530) 763-4467

www.Haw] Brothers Dis tUMery. corn w\'fF'iAf.tn~r£p~ce,!,colll/h~wjbrothersdistil~,'e'i·Y

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S - - -t",- ·'C· -. -·A"'·- - • S· ".- .. ,.- - - .. -, - .-.

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,- .,.. .-", ['.-' l; I~ •. ',.' .'-

Sian i ouse _ . .o . _ 1E!',ms

Ll~lb fooked '& R~w B:eef '& Oh~(b~ ~h uoh Poobl

Cnterilngl/ Po rty T mys AVD~ IClble '·Arln n ce Owd en Well [aD me, ID- ila:i[il 1 dDIV~ ~ wpo:k' i~l~m _ ilD!~lm

- I"',,",'!II - -- --l iI __ __ '1;\1,,",'_ !Ill [l1~11 IW! P I~I

,Sa've $2",100 off ,umJh}~ni!WeO(kTJ .sUtrfa'1 Jasmine Rfue OOJ1:) or 5W.b CamsE!' Rice wh~~ ",otJ ii)$~ Mr OO~l'on'$' In th~ bOo.~f-



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t ,_ , nergynn" as _ e,en ,,,,va. Vie, WI., , "e' ,mo.ng commuru:y Of a .ong "me. n, e pas, ye,arsi,

"f; h' o,~ ,Ii."'!on,,;;'j;.li'''i! i"li ...... rea me H' m' o'ng- H' ~s + ...... nl' E\'''h ~b' ~+ ,.. ............ +h tm . "B',ii"'iIag-lOd" ~ -- Hm'- . "on' n S f;- - Ae" n+i"li #'lifi"iim'" R' ............ ,it'!;'O''IIi,'O' lot' H'"nh

Jr., , ,aid' '~~vj'iI'~'U,(~: [, ,ll[;;',:': ,L-,[,u,.',$ A hJ~ ,U1w'vt" v .. :U\l;il:~: ci' - uy, .'..:. · i::; : .. ldJU!:" iL.d fj! 0', IIW'U~ci: "'~~'i ~ ,~i:J" .'

,School in Fre's!1loj end the Hmo'l1,g InternationB'J' New Ye'af Fes,tiv;iJ'J' in FresnO', Txhawb Hmong California Directo~, and has ,parlicip'atif~d k]' the 28th' Hmong In:tternati:onal 8,pons 'TotJrname.nt' in Minnesota',

I-n· 2<·0'· 0·'. '~=2'O··· 'iii'" M_-' .,= -15·l'iIi IJIL/,li' txesen ,~ Tif...;Oj So "u·n··d· .-',oiIi"C'

,[. .: .. : .. ;:; [' .".,. u~, " " l ' .. IJ.J' fhI'~'l~J[~' ,f'" ~w . I~ l~' [, i~' .... ' .. ' .". I .. vI ~!il

The ~Kuv ,H~ub Koi'~J ,~Ilbum Ic~n be tound a:t major Hm\ong 'I~stlV:EJ'J's .in Sa.cra,m~nto and Freeno, local HmiontJ' Store,sj an.line' at' www"sound@.fSlmusic.,comJ and ltunes.com

Zoua Yang put a Hmong 'face on the, news lin CI I Story by BoNhb Lee

goodl way clnd In,ot cis ,0 'topl,c fo,r a ne'ws storv. P]II'Lr-~b~ rLl1.h .. ~ ~ullq

For a bout a decade, she stood j n front 0 f me news camera as a broadcast journalist to tell stories about the Hmong community and to. help the Hmong people understand

h " . j .... '1 d·

, O\V to in teract wt t 1 tne me 1m,.

She's _ carried a deep sense of resp onsibility to tell all her stories. accura 1tcliy 'find fairly in order to better portray the H lnong community .. And others in the- C0111munitY' have put that responsi bruty on her shoulders

e.e w: ell

~!.J ~.~. ~J~'

I 'I :er pride in bel ng Hmong is the reason she kept her Hmong name as 'a =r=r=

.'1 1 ,", . ]1 1" '=

me reason sne msisten 'On "Jav~ng a " mong

wedding ceremony ev;en though her . husband isn't Hmong and the reason. that for the past two yeat:s she has 'been documenting the Hmong community's search, fo-r '(1 voice as it rallied 'behind General \Tang Pao,

"If ),- -)u~re not out there to accurately portray ortell the stories 0 f your community someone else will and there isn't i1Jj, _gu;a:rant,e"c rhey're 'aJ'!i"v:;tys going- to get 'those stories rigbt~:; ~ Yang says a bout reporting,

Ai though no longer a broadcas t jouenalise 1today~ she- con tinues to ed ueate the

community a bout the media in a new 'U/Ry-:

She is now the communications director at Fiest 5 Fresno County, a public organieation created to enhaoce tile lives

'0· 'If, ,.",,'u... ·]d·· i'~ _ .. 'If-· .. - ... 'b''',·· tl ,,,,-'L -, 'I··· .. , .,._: 5

" ~.!!,Il . _ten ,.rom, .]r 11 ull'Oug,l age '.

'~'~Being in news, I saw how people 'who have access to. public relations firms know how' to pitch their stories," says Vang, .32;,

"~S······o, I ' .... '1,..·0; 'g' he 1·..:'1, ve .•. , t ,,'k~;UI ." t· ., - .

.. . Ul U., ).1 '.,.' ldV g~, ,e~, s JuS ~lere

and ] can help, people to advocate for stories to get on the news and impact haw i 1L gers. covered 'by educa ring folks how to better tell their stories."

The Media BU,g

'!~l1;g first a ppeared in front of 'the camera when she was irrvired 011 to Ben ,H., Vue's

'!'~H -- - - L'lJi'i ]1 '~'l! - 11 ,,,. 1

" 'wong ,ill ocuay; television S lOW' on

1<1 ...• XT Charm el 49 to t~;d k about how a young gi~~, straddles being l:lmong and gn1wirtg up in Amedee. while being successful in school,

'fang and her family were resettled in Mobile, Ala, in ,] 980.. Three years later, the fam'i~.y moved to Fresno and lived in the hotlsirtg proj ccts ncar the fuirg:r.ollrnds.,

She attended. \X!in.ch.d1 Elementary School and gl"aduat,ed valedictorian from Edison High School. That yeaJ~, she received it scholarship to study education in. college with plans 'ItO evcnmally become a school counselor.

After appearing on Vue's show; Hmong parents called in ~skin.g for her to come back, on as a! role model for other I I mong gir]s In the community Vue invited Vim.ng , back as '[:,0- host,

She entered her freshman year' at Califoenia State University; Fresno undeclared and unsure 0 f what she r'C~U y wanted to do, ~'llt the experience of being on television lli.ngered wi th her,

';;~I - id ~Vl - ld I"' - '1'1 d 0J-" ),::;

~ S,tl, ., wOW) cou . , Ie-a~y· ,() t llS~ sa,ys

Vane ~ Rod' man S'· .... hola r "'i; if'- J:.;"i·'l'!I1:"i"II 0' S''" tate

_ I! b~' Q :oJ J' "Jt"I. - "-~ ~ . I~- ~llz. L_I;'" m ¥~~lll, - ~.' ~

"You look around and see there's no

:~' Imong pcrson on TI" so maybe it's nor. for me ] rem . ember beine reall 'P' frl 11 ~,It-oVII'~'''''-d H

• •• " , t. 1'1 , ",' L. ,O!!-JI... ~ _.~ jI..\-,. :l 'k~J~--" !LL.t_ll.IL-.· II

But journalism professors at Fresno State encouraged Yang to pursue her dreams and she went for it. With no j 0 ur nal ism, trai ni ngJ she connected with a professor who helped her get: a :rught news writing jo b a 11 KF,RE~ the news radio channel for KJ:\lfp H, Channel ,26,.

Tba t summer, 'Tangs gra,nd &, ther died

C • il M- -

IOlLC~:ng ncr to. move- to .JL iF1 ncsota to live

with her parents. The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities made an exception and allowed 'Vang to start; school that rill. She worked full-time and took 20 c redits

d d-I bl ". .

an .mo re ~ ~;emes:te:r ·J)U, n e malO:r1ng 1 n

history and broadcast j ournali SIn so that she 'would gradl],~.'te on time,

~F:i! '-.ilL

, - i, ,i M'- ...J.~

Working m r ema

Vangis first 'big' s'toty carne '-'ight before her senior year at age 20 when she

was inteming at KSTP Channel ,5

]'0 Minnesota

Twenty- f.~1JJr-ye~:lr-?,]'d.,~ou~ .. Her h~.~ '. just s tl'fIlnglled. her SIX children to death HI a St. Paul public housing eomplex 'and,

di . ...'I,..,_

U"Ne n ews 'm ,oJ1'i'iI 0 iJ]'p rs we re 'I scussi ng-. tne

:!IJ", I l!!!~ ' __ !i)' '~~!It-!P].L~t:'a;"~ __ '. _n" ~. ~ ~, •

story. Van.g interrupted, gave her two-_ cents, and they asked her if she w~.n ted the story.

She ended, up getting an exclusive interview with the womans husband. who '\VaS hiding out in a n.earby. horne, but not until after exp[aini.:n.g to him that he could gett into a lot of trouble for spe-akiu..ig to her,

"I'm Hmong," Yang 'I'd i"j'1 th" k vh - .

J '_'.' 1!l1. .. ,,- .. ' .. " _ . r- .

sal_.~ . Ie:,. lD W .. en,

you':re a Hmong person, you can't take

advantage of people

a- nd not fe el bad

I I . j 1lI'.) 11.11." . 'J : .• ~J •..• J

about It,"

She pulled him aside and ~ked h.~.m, ifhe \VaS sure he wanted to be interviewed

b ecause ir wasn't just 'ti;ullring Hmong pe'-'son to Hmong l:>ersoo. ,Anyth~ng he said was going to be broadcast all over.

"This was my \Vay to make sure he knew wha t he ~s g,e'ttl ng into," Vang says.

In. 1999,). 'V:ang ].e.ft her contract a yeRr early 'and carne [0 KSEE in F resno ro

-1 1 uld i t1 d work

see lOW'S ae co I' ". In.'. uence an WOl:'''

on stories 'about the' Hmong co mmuni 1ty~

Some of the stories she covered :i ncluded an ,in depth 10.01 at the life of ~ I Imong s trawberry farmer, the Mongolian Boy

• _.'1 1 .. 'I • id f

Society ga.ng rape tnat aon the SU1.C]: .e 0'

a, YOU-rig' F resno :Iigh School Hmong couple who drank silver ,demning ;so]1JJtion. 'V1irig has. also covered the 'Lad ~'~terson. case, the Marcus \Xfes.son mass killing and the afrermarh of 'me September '11 am.cks. on New York C]ty.

experience j s because I am H mong'; I ca~ d?' a much better job 'than anyb ody else can .... "be~:[lg Hmong ,give'S me more contex and. allows me

1l_ • ,C_ ~ 1 :io')'

to cover tJuln:gs 'l110.1re :rau.y.

But perhaps the _miost memorable work ya~ is most proud of 'WaS her half-hour sp ecial J n . 2iClO 1. called "I nul of' Tears: The Hmong Story" in which she documented the :[ " unallg j ournc}r from Thailand. to the US. using her 0\\1.0 .fanilly's stoty~

"It 'was :it deliberate piece and it was kind of sea-q' toO do because ir.' w,-as, a :fOC~JS on my :fu:mHy~!'~ 'V ~ng said,

But exposing her' fanlllly ~n.d pit1cl1ing the su?eciaR to news managers at the ume ·\WS worth 1 t

"I t's being used still in a lot 0 f (lars ~:room:s throughout P resno U 111:6.cd,_ it's 'at the cOt~nt1':;. lib- 'I~ji.-ry~ the class e s at The university are llL~t,ng ,]:t to teach about Ht11oag' history;" Vang said,

_jJ" , d chanei

B;y then, the meeua .. ~n:' ustry was .-, langtr.tg,

She didn't get to write as much as she wanted to o.il work on, the in. depth reporting tha t

she loved.

] n 2004~ Vang left television and got 'a jio b workinsr on the other side .0 f communi cations

eo d 'b'l· 'I" 'IL

doi ng advocacy 9J)1 1'-";1., 'I C re anon S WOf.lt

fo 1(" First 5 Fresno CO'U.rD. ·ry.

She 11i.OW' oversees radio and television commercials for the ~genc)'~ handles its . media ,c.lmpru_gn,s and works on the _g1'OUp)$ pu blic policy and advo cacy pr-ograms.

"It ~l~S a good opporru.nity_ for = to ].e~rn

a new' skill, but aliso '10 plU the skill s tha' ~. have to good. use because we deal with a lot 00 f

fi d '[l • I 'IJ.... - ilk· 0 -

non Pi1'O 1 ts an .. teaching r H~n1 ,:nO'\V ,~o n ette~,

ad vocate fot children and services,' "ang said,

And the career change helped her personally too" She had. no time to dare 'while in. news, btu: since then, she go't married, had two children and. earned. her master's degree,

Sh e still serves on a number 0 f boards j n the communi ~y such as Channel 30's

.Advisory Committee, the Sto~e .s aup ,;

.Advisory Committee, the advisory corntnnree for j ournalism 'at F resno City College where she will also be teaching mass coromcoications next semester,

'V ~n.g admits that jou:rfialisn~ Is a cha]1e~gi.ng field requiring 1"epo[ tel'S to have a certam toughness to them, : t's sad not seeing more

I mong people going into. the field, she says.

l},'t}:t~d!J offi1il!g

.. Spicy Fried POLk Tripe .. Beef Laab

.. 'Whole Roast 'pj,g .. Roast DIL]ck.

.. Pho Long Cheag .. Khao Pia

.. Roast Pork by ':h.'e 'POU][Id,

Try our' famous

Ph 0-' LO'~'n" g Cheng ..

• . '. :" I . ~ .' .' . ,

.. I_ ,I_ ',' C'- " _ . '-'_

,AllMI IDebiil

'~'W,t's, also an, opportunity For someo me to come in and there's that spot wai ti,ng for

1L... n "'1 id

tu"C:ln;'I, ang- sal.

'Other notable names. in the media include Van~o~s vounzer sister SU~31e Pakoua Vaog

., 0' ,J ,- b ~ , " "J" ',' , ,,' '-'' -' ~, ",

who was a reporter at Th e 'F re sn a Bee until recently when she left to purs lie 9 degree in, ,1a"i,,~;

Another relative, Doualy Xaykaothao is 11 radio reporter for N ati 0 nal Public Rad]o~ She is based in. Seoul, South Korea.

~ ~i1I' '-l;' ~ .. 'I. •• c

'-ill 't1LU1~f.:, tnere are ,gn~at: oppornmmes ror

Hmong reporters because file community

will get behind you if you, (report) -

eespoosibly" Vaog said. ,,~ f not done

a ppropriately you can end up hu rti ng the community more than helpi ng it,"

:Hmong and 'the, Media

As a reporter, Van,g helped to educate 'many uf her sources, about their rights wh en. dealing with th e media,

'The media can be Viery helpful, but people have a, right to invite them in 0[' keep them out, she says,

£'_'0 one can force anyone to go on the

d f' b h .

'.=- _'·.I .1' _' ,iii ",:,. "._' ....., " J:Ol"':

r €lear , ror a s to [y>u.t t ~e commumty

'must know that the media have a :dght to

videotape rnyonc :srnl!urul1g' on public pr.operty or the public realm.

''T~' dia i "J " 'V "B h

' lle me- ia :1 S evi ) 'a:ng says, ',.' ut tl e

I-hnong' people tend to h lde b ecaose ou r people d.on't have the tools or- feel empowered enough to speak up,"

In reality, the media has help ed the' H mong community g,et 1111Jcb mor-e connected

esp ecially ehrough Hmong radio. The community knew the charges ~grunst General V~ng Pao were dropped in mid-September because tl'JJey heard i.t on. the radio, Vang s:m.ys.

She admits that she is. concerned, skeptical and cautious of the media herself :~' Ier advice to the I Imong communi ty is to ,engage with. the media, bur know wha t YOU,"re getting :1 n to because a statement can be taken out of context at any time,

~, think its being smart eno'ugh to assess the

",·,h"1 .,' " n "!l:.f-, , -,,, ''',;;T'h -..J~ - - '. b .-

snua non, ''\1. ang sa lIS." e mecua can e a,

vely,good thing ~ f you know how to. engage appropria tely.,~'

She enCOU11lges people to. not run av;,~.y from the media if they are ]00 king' far thoughts fr0111 the pu blic about things s uch as social problems or how the president j s d01 mg.

"'\We need to 'represent so that when they see Asian faces on television, it's nut '

b 'k']'I" 1 tl b

' e-cau~e 'were :~ ~ ~ D 0' e"'c, 1 C·)' 'iI er.but 'SO:"

- ,. , . -,,' " " • " '" ,= lb, ,g", ~. ~' ':J' ", - ',,' "

(pDOpll."",),· r"" ,if'Ij C' ....... fl 'tb i"!I 'F 'O,'ii ''''''?r·i8> ... , ~~'iI-~ t"', ilate ",~ t;;.; 'JI.~ '';';au, : ... ~it;; ! ,,~'- v,foc:, ~ 4!1i LlJ,,,",'U a '~,

'Vallg S~,ys . .:; 'YO u can change the wa.y people view' 'LIS in so m:ElJny different ways. J~

"ang says because' of her raised 'pro Hie 'which was a result of her career," some

'I' I b d ,

i. :" . .... . . I 1- -'1 . ~ - .. - .. ". "," -, .. ',,' I [1[- '. ~.' . ~.- ~. .

p eop e H1, t ne oroa _ er commumty expect

her ro 5pe~,'k on behalf of the community; bur she discourages tha t, She s~.ys while she's proud to. be. Hmong, people .ne~,~ to remember the I ~l1ong commuoug ]jke all other com mum ties, is complex :alld that's what makes us so dynamic,

~~s members of 'the Hmong comm'unilty" we cannot 'wait on other Hmoog people to do good tbings so

. h 'btl "ll '. '.

t se pu . . C Wl ,VilCW us. rn a more

poai tive tight~ Everyone has. a pat'£ to do :;, VaDo savs "Resrardless if a

, ., ~",~.,~ '~'~.' ,. ,.

,.' - dian '" ..... 11 '1_....,

person. IS a CUS,il:O ' , an or soc: w worker

or a news eeporter, if they do theil' absolu te best and do we'U, it is a

" " n" 'm111 f E

pesrtree renecnon on ial,u, O~: us, . v''ery

d"ay, I cStilJ. cllaJh~llige myself' '~'O do better because ] know ,my work is. :at reOecuoo.

0- ,f m' .,.y~,p1.i1i.'" my-'" .. f,,'...I,....:..!:I, ",. ,- ,',.,

." . ' •. o~Jl.IJ." ,', "W,U.ILIY, an my

Cor;.mm- . ,-' - '11'Jm'"'hl,'n

01, ~,. ~~J~-


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M odesto 'T-O:YJotal 45'13 McHenry Ave Mod'esto, rCA '95356 ~2(9) 5r2£l-,299S

NiieUo! ,Ac,l)ura

.4 009 r.JIadiwl1 Aw Sacramento, CA 95-B4."1 ('9i'U5" 334,..16300

l.exus; !Df! Roseyi~lle 300 ~to:ma11 Dr Rosevilre. CA 95661 tBOO:) 88'11 ",3560

l,e(l(US, iof Sa:cra,m'ento ,ZQ-Rf'i F I! ........ n A?i£I

_ Q1",;I'V IJ '!IV I.' ....

Sacramento, CA '95821 (BOO:) 630 ... 4,7,28

Ros~\fUle TO:Yl)la Thu~ t.ee

350 AJutorrna11 Dr

E) ·P"'" r» Ii. F'I~~~ 1 nOS!9\i1,!.'!::i. VI""; .t!,JU!U' _

(916, 267",,3,1166


1.5'1.2 E Mlajn St

,S1ock!ton, CA '95205-

~~O~) 469~0111e

M eua AJJiIt'o

3439 La Grande Blvdl

Sacramento. CA 95a2:3 ('916, 428-84011

Ytia!'s Auto Sa le ,5850 f~ank1ilii'l 1B1\fd ,Sacramento, CA '9582,4

(9'116,' 422:-D601

B &YSaI1o(D

5836 franklilii'l Blvd. Sam.am8flto, CA '95824

(9116,' 395,-4008,

P\aicilfiic Ha'i~' Des.'igin 6964 St:ookh::m BlVd! ,Sooramento, CA '9582-4 (9f116) 424;003:1 ea

,Savvy Sa Ion

82,40 Calvin-n Ad Ste F Sam,lID1e.nto~ OaJUomia 96828, (9111 e) 52;5.-3099

BII:~· ·:·Ik· 03· ··,-Ilt C· \.~ -'·II-m-·-:·

. _..... .\.. j

__ .ao_ , , as o,

,] 9·400 'lFuallljmlie Rd Nofll!1 Tuolumne, CA 958791

(2C19'~ 92· -a seoo

~.::: ~I :'-·-.~;"f- '.'~' ....

_ • ,'. ,_. ". ," r. • ,". " ....• ,'

C;8lclile 'Clf'\eelk iCas~rno "4455 Hwy 116

Brooks, CA 90606

t8,1'7) 77~22:43

Cal(l,itoll Cla 5]I11"J'

,ton'~ N 1101h St ,Sam.amento~ CA '95811 (91111' 446,..0100

Feanu~'r IF,alll!!, Casino 3 Mrerda [11

O~'/II... C' /i. 1l"kr,::1f'I66'

'U""!_~!"'<li"\~ .

~'-3'O~ 533- - . 388" -" .,-

. " .. 1::-." ,',,",,", _-:

E:"., . '., C,.c',.' 1-,.' .' ,.~ •

~.... . ..... ~

,Jlac kson Ralll)clilenia Casi no '~,22'22 New ¥ork Ranch Rd Ja'C~l'I; CA 9~-2

(209') 22315'116,77

Rolli illl 9 !Hiliis C\SI,S:irtD' 2655 BarhamJ Ave C:oFn'ing. CA '9602~ (5S0,,52I,-3500

Thu!1der' VaUey Casi'rllo 1,2QO Athens ,A;'!,IanUia Uocofrl, CA 95648

(91116) 4Oa,..7117

Win- FI:i'V8lf' C~lS:iIllrO'

.2 ~ 00 Redding RamtCherda Rd ~~cddil1g; CA. ~1

(580) 247 .. 1'8291

Lie 'Water IBwrffallo '& Cattle ,Sa.m.amento~ CA

(91111,' 80\2:-'11'1,84


Messmnal M'eats 1230 Hwyg9W D~.mnfgalfil~ CA '95937 1(916) ,865-4440

1'ltlto'r Falini I, jF'alrm Sacram6rno, CA '[!916) ,61,3-,1110

tl~estock. ,_ 'Chick'en & Goats, 1(916) ,47,5 .. 3931


Allpha M'OinlUlflliients 6666 F1rujtridge RaJ., Ste- At S~Cfam~f1'to, CA 95820 ,(911) ,S87 .. 6282

(Soo Ad 00 This Page)

iCarml[clhaJel M.onllJlme'l1t: '7444, AubuII1 1B&vd

Cr~rus, Heights. CA '956'~ 0 1(916) '7:28 .. 429 _

La[ke 'Oro'viilll!e M'onll ment Co., 16:90 Mitchell A"ifi[B1

OrQV[lIe~ CA '9~966

II!!;\~O-\ ~?4', _.A:~'~h

~vQ 0' '~Q I ~£u

S.an JIQaquin MlonlUlliii1;ent Co~ 1800 N 'Wi&s.on Way

StooktQJI; CA ~5205

f~II"Pi;n,\ ,,,,~II'!li~,'f'!i(~A.i:!' 1~1,lI"~1 "t'u~ ~.~

M150i OSOrSPA USA [IIIlC,. 1815 W :2;05'~h 81 Ste 1104 Torr-ance, CA 0050~

1(310) '782-&MO

(See Ad 00 Inside Back Caver)

Sun f'art Trading' 'CompaIilY' 005 VIS~S! W€ri

lMirpita_s, CA 95OC5

1[4001 ::262 .. 333,2

{See Ad on Page 25)

us lradin'- COl1l'iloa· rr:' - - -_. _.- ·9 -- - - .1'%'-. '!I

2675 McQ)n,e Ave

H' ... ......1 Col'!. 1i"Io.lllr,:: . .liI,r,:: . '8¥W~!d, . F\ ,~"""O

1(510) '781 .. ·1818 (See Ad 00 Page 31)

Ane,rffican IFlilfilalnlOe 'One Ylng Van,g

233.0 lFil\Ji~ridge Rdl Sle :3 SSlCtamento, CA 95822 't916} 4,22 .. ,7888

iCapirla' Bwsmness

9GB1 IE, S~O:ikJoo 8lvcll.; Ste. 208 IElk Grove~ CA 95624-

1(916) '686 .. :711'5

fYX [11I1v&s,tlments rong Y" )'Jon,gl

8058 SpOOli'oony Way Seor.arnento; CA 95828 1(',916) ,233-.'71860

Wes'IDe'rlll & Soutbe·rlll IFinan cia '1 X€r Lor

:2289 W MamhilLn S~,e ~ 02 StocktOIl" CA 95209

,tnil iIfii; ~1 ,~-,4' ,n.!!!;~A

~ ~ 1 ',"" 'J ,iii:, g ,~;.#"t'

(See Ad Ott Page 68)

Westle-rlll & Soutberlll IFinan cia .. Yia Her

:2389 W MarcfJIJ ILn S~,e ~ 02 St ocldo 11 , CA 95200 1(:916) 143-,3193

(See Ad Ott Nexl Page)


SaClranrrl@(ftt,o Plr,'o, lialc!kJle, 2300 NoMhgah~ IBlvd

't:;' .... u,""'m.ento. CA nFii:p:FJ'

~~" 11 ,~

1('916) '925 .. 10529


Bt'lIlSlie, [FlIner,al[ Home' 626 Broadway

Chi'oo. CA 95t928

1(,530) ,342-,$842

tong Chengl l8grt!l:'~y [!-Ilalll 6500 freeport 8~vd

'C""'~m,c,r1!'''''' r A ('iii:'< Q~.2 ~~~. ,..;I ~Vi'~" ~_

1['916) ,391 .. 8D60

North S,talr IMem,ori'·al Clh'ilpell 6525 53rd ,Ave

Sacrnmen~D!, CA 95828

1(.1:159) ,aSS-lOllS

lihaQ ,Ii Sons M[er!i1t. Cha p.e'l 300 H8nis AVfJ' ·#'H

~mento" GA~

't916) '921-84;26

Ce;It~~al Med la I nc, 1 &1l0 IHOnl'e-t Ct Milpitas. CA 95035 (,41)8) '956",8618


La Ohrtsto;ph.er Lee' OrO\!'~lIe, CA

(-1180) 512:1-1882

V~n1Jg Design

:2.236 N IFine Ave Ste 101 FresllD, CA 937:27 ,:SS~) 4,54-1,21,2

~JLi'i.~1I;~~ \~f"iO"ili"f\.aol!iff'i'i"i r"1.;i!!;~' !'JIT'r"'~~';I J'~I ~~~.::I) III ~ ..

(Soo Ad 011 Page' B3)

Dlr~, G,ery.''OUlI1rg Viafl1g~ [!l.ll',S" '1355 Floon RclI81B 8 ,Saoramenbl, CA '95822

(~i1'.) 39=3,..4D44

Dlr~! LlI' Peter Vangl EtID!!S\o '1355 Florin Rd St'e (3 Sacramento. CA 95822

"9r1'S'~ 399-991'0

~l 1_

Dyn:alfri io IChill'\'Olpli",a~:1ili~:

Dr. Fue~ Lee [)_C-

7206 FlorIn Mall Dr SfJ.cramefiito. CA 95823 (911'6) 4281'"6,21,4,

(See Ad on This Page)


Adv,llII:oe Chwropra,cUo 'ea re Dr. Lee X. Yang D, c.

6685 StocktO[1J Blvd Ste 1 ·SaoraJiTliBriI~D, CA 958:2:3

(,9116) 421..!011 is

(See Ad 00 Page 45)

Adv,an,oedl'Clhi'roprac,tic: 'Cal~e Dr, lee K Yang, D.C,

43.'30 N IPershing Aw' St® B· 7 StoekJtOIl. CA 952.07'

(209~ 956-,31,66

(See Ad on Page 45)

Fa m i[lr Caf1e Chl'roP'Mc1tic Me Yang

227'5 MYers, St... $tIEL B OIl'OV111e~, CA, 90900

~'5S' '''0'') 533 640' '''0''

.c.::.· . ' .•.• )"', ,:.~_, 'I

F';S; m ·llln "'"'al .. Ei; 'C- 'J", ·1·.....,.t'!Il'"'~· ....... ·I,.. ~ . ~. VUllf!~; .. 1. ~'Ill I W~II ~~IIL ~,

16000 Lindhurs~: Ave~ Sf 90.19 Marysville~ CA 95901

~5Sg) 7'4:2:-,0416,

G.en'ry \\II" M .I!)~ [Inc" 73 W M~~ct"J tn Stf9 A

S~:ockton. CA 95207

(:9" ,e:) 4,15,..9162

(See' Ad 011 Paga 83)

Chi'rOiPf'actic: iCalr,'8 C·lef1t~·r 6416 B Camino Ave Saorannemr~:o~ CA 9561 S

tI11~~ 648 .. 1995

Comm~ 1F',al1fl1li I, ,Cthi ro,piractii~: 3001 Norwood AVf!J

SaofCUiTL'eUil~D. CA 95B.'l8

(Q1Ifl) 64fi~SS2,8

'G e!i'Y'Oung Van 9, ID~DI.S~ 1355 Florin Rd" Sl'fol. ,8 Sacramento, CA 95822 ('91'S', 300 .. 4044,

H'j[lIisiid!e F:almUy Pr,acrtiicei Dr. Cha C- Th~o

4,7'03 En.g e Road St'9 2 cali"micha'fj~. CA 95600






'&"-~~": ' ,-._~


'OfF[1 CIE~ (19 '16) 3I,7,-ifi2:82: ,.. I' LIIL" I 'ling} ~l'O' 'Ii: 'D' C'

. - I iii \ uliiU' -. '. U,~jUfi3, i~ Oi~

66i(j,6, FiIUIIIIIUDGIE: _~ DI", 5 II [: A :$,1\. I·.M! INTO, (,1\, S 8:;UJlI

ro a c

Fue Lee, D~C,~

7206 Flori n M,all Dlr"1Ye

S _. .'. rio. lilliE'S'13

.ac:ramenI:O, ~j, ;;!!,~.. .-

Office: (916) ~,lB-6114 Fax: (916) 42,8-6215, 'Celll: ('916)"11 5 -2-463



Ru sseU VanlQ lnsuranee It, Flll11slnciifd :Eh!il'Vices

6524 ,Assembly Cl Sle 47' SacramenlQ, CA '95823

(9116) 42Bi"i2267

GI & V' Lall1dscaphilQI 16609 24 St Sso~ffi-efJ1b), CA 95822

(91'~~ 4,'117 .. 1'91,5

KOi IFang j' Ph.,D' .• Clinicall PsychologEe4t

'(2'-4.0 E SolJthga~~ Dr S~,e 13 SaiD!'ame!l~o, CA 95823 1[!9116~ ,:296~5I)8t

Am)eliilflsi ,AV~V'a1 Lilfe III1,SiLllli"ilinCe CQ .. Weun-Aye Thul1gl

8250 CalviUil9 IRd PM B #C287 Sacramento, CA '9582B

~~1116,' 2115,-8664.

Her CaIl"IPe1t

Uo. ~ 16.20179 SacrarnemdD~ C~ (911S) 92,0 .. 0998

,Safeco, II nSUIr.anJO€;, Kou )~jon~1

6700 Freeport Blvd Sa,e1103 Saoramenlo, CA '95822 ;~l1 S' 394,..01,01

~l II-

MYX Nurse, S1ta'tions Xa 1. Yang

0001 Amberjack 'Wa,y Savr~mei1to, CA 95828 1(:,9116) '68,1 ~'711)79

Jiru;olln HenihfJge' Illrnsu~,alf1 ee Srlan Lao

,fJ] '~,3 Si:mii C~: ,Sam,ammto~ CA '9582,8

(9111~' 104-986,1


State F'(Jlrm Inlsllll!i';an~e Ohris La

5037 Stocktoo Blvd Sacraroenlo. CA 95820 (916, 456",,8400

Bi:-Clru)~ce I Iii sUlralIl,ae, Services N~ KJurn ::<yooj

Ifl100 Fre~por~ Blvd

Saor,er'fw~mro. CA 9582,2

(9'H'~ ,394~1)106

fr~h~'w "fo:r't, ILiife' IlnslU rance, Chong 1. Yang

'] .~ 00 St8{id]~ord AVI3 S~e, 360 ModeslO. CA 95350

~\!i"jll"iin~ .AIA,··I 3·:3:0'-1

'lI::;U~,I, ~ ,-,:.:, .. : ..... [ ..

(See Ad on This Page)

Ped,o:rmance· Cliliiropraictic Po Ch:ua Her,. D.C,

S., W Ma_Fch Lri! St'9 '1

StcoktOOI,. CA 95207

1(209) ,474-·1330

T'ita n ,Ai[fto ~II1Sl!l~alfi oe ah~o lee'

.5411 FlcrrJ'l Rd Sacramento, CA 95823 (9'16, 422k4624

{See Ad on Last Page}

p'a'rmeJr~5; l'nslLI ranceJ' GIf\OU P' Pao'tang

S1ookion~ CA 95.207' (~09) 411..101,2.2

'Westerlil &, 5o'lJltlhenrn Life' JEm SolJ rtlrtg

,2720 GaWway Oaks Dr., Ste'. 290 Sacramento. CA '95833

(9111 ~,) 92;0,-9aSa

T1hao~s; :Deln'tall lab Ct'lOfIlIg Ctll.Je· Thao 1355 IRlorin lAd Ste 14 ~oramet1toi' CA 95822' li!"!Io1 ii!:\ Gt!ii9·c·",Ji!"!Ion~iII

I,i;!! 1_ IUj' 4~ .. _'i;A!rU'"'if

Tlits Iii ,Autio ~IfiiSl!llf,alil,Ce MayThao

27'01 E. Hammer 1Ln, • .gte, '108 Stoc~ton, CA 95210

,209) 472;..2206

(S&s Ad on tast P~)

f'a'rmer~'s; tnsu r-ance· \rnai Yang

9259 Lagu!ii!a .springs, Dr '~' 220 Elk Grova, CA 95758

(916) 684-'99·58

Western BE, Southern Life, Thomas F.aidac Her

2389 W. March Ln. i Sl\~, 1 02 S~,oc.k10I1, CA '95207

(9r116) 4116",,8309

(See Ad on Thrs Page)

U S,mUe, IF,Bllni I, Dentilstry Du. lPoge H'er, D. D.S.

7'1 T1 BGwling D~' Ste :2 1 0, SaCilamemD, CA 95823 ,t91(ij 428-10114

Natliolfiwilde IniSllJIli"SlnCe $hia Lo

3315 Norihg~I:e' Blvd .s~e 7 Sacrarrb€ftlto, CA 95634,

(9'16~ 6Qr11..'960.5


'WW· .~ .... -:: ···~···w-:: tx .• ······ h-" ··,8i,'IW-,···, ,·b- .. : .. 'C··IO.- .····m'· ··1

. . . " . II ~."' . .. - II· -. .


New' York, Life, Kang Xior1lg

'I 7'00 Standiford ,Ave, S1e 300 Modesto, CAo 95350

(20'~ 668,..g266

AJB,T IHleat'ilfl,g ,& Aiir 282'1 3200 Av.a. SaaamemD! CA 95824.- 1('9161 ,821-.4'158

Clu)ug ,!. Y;aQg, 'Ph,,,~ ~tB - "~"~!I1I:

CA. Im~. L:i~# OB2]701'

'_ eft1' Yo!" ':1 _!.. 'IiInmoee I • illDPOny

1'iOO S~andjfD.rdl ,A:\1'cJrulrnc, S!!l.9 i'~e 360

1¥hldesto~, rCA 9.:53.510

T~ill: 2j]9-4,9'1~l31]7

CeU:: 209·204~091'6 ,FalfI::: 2l00!-49:ru,~.3l3ti, EI"·.m~il:: 'ClJiID!S@ft.mrIC\c~'Jill[kJ ife.comu

'. Ra,th liRA, a no TI,ad itliolrnall liRA '. Ctittica~ 1IIIne85 Iinsu ralrlce*

'. Medliio!311 Illilsulralnoe:~*

'. Mortgagie· Prot:e;QtJion

'T1homas, IF'aidac: Her Sales Mana.ger • Lien OC2'7045

(916) 416-8309

We stlel m &, Soultlhelrn IFin,anlcia,1 GlrlOIUllP

Yla Her

,Sales IRapresen1Ne'i UC # OGC@:!.,B

Wlho~!e Lmfe'

- - - - - - - .

Ulli"ve FSa I lli~e 'l'elrm Life

~ts ~ gm mj',1:ll tk.piJsiI. ~~ OOI!',~-.!n:i~, ,am,oo.r ~ l!;y .8J1If ~.a.~ ~ ooJ~' ~ ;[Ir,fi!lliI~'liy FM ~t.:lw ~~ ~~ Mid .may' ,@!I' ~ ,I'll HlIIM. ,~ IPIIili!:lea, 2n 1§uPd. :and!

~~i i"IlEng)im. ',OO·EflUlitti Ck!RJfii!ffi_1$ ate' inroomiX!naI.

·'elil1~nl~~ii!'~,~~1l1e ne~I~~ In~~

... ~adlca1 bu'urne ~ atrB~ 'IkDUO.h mII1,Ilan1aa loot affitalBd

wfihl ~nl i!, St!uif"IM'lIlJ!,(I,

Tillil .. 'Westernl Southern IlLife llmsuram.clI Com ,alAY' 2319 Weet 1M are hi ILamea Sui~-e 1102. Sme ~n~ CA 95207

fl'C: ~ an:! ~tm IJIle' IMi.!i'lllCe Ccmpan~ '~aw!b;ilTIll!Jte ~lICe O!;im~ ~U.(J_hlo

L· e:2 ~. HMlIl).(I01


Fre;eFlOln La,ul11.d ry 2961 F,r6ep:ID sr/lld Sacramento, CA 95818 1(9161443-5465

Perky Waslh 8; Dlty !Moo \ffii'\9

5001 ·S~ooldon Blvd Sacramento; CA 95820 It916} ,454 .. ,61 '!IS

Sp'e,e D Waslh

7200 Undale Dr Sacramento, CA 9.5S2S ,t916) 429-,:2126

W;,sJhtiim,e C:o~n laUAdll1{ ~ Or211 C'oloma Rd

Ren.....:h ...... ,("" ...... ....-11 , . ", ,r"A t:I~'~7,O .. ~ 'v V I".NI ~,O\!'&!, v . ~.J!;.,I . ,.

f,t:ili1.t!::'Ii. 8' t:!;f'j; ~ I,:~ I 'UJ """, .. ". iiI' :~:;!'


AiflliiE!Hldo,la, Robert &. ,ASSIOC;, INe~1 S- Pha,

~ 4.5,1 R~ver Park. Dr Ste 298 Sacram~nto, CA 95815 f!CI'CHCiiN,"4' 1 ,!CI\C!AQ!:

I,QQQjIl ,"t- __ "~

www.a.mendo1a1egal.com (See Ad 00 Page 9)

Ibaw' Ofti!08S ,o,t B,mo,kliifltillill :& Wroten MaNaLy

1 5-4.0 ~iver Park. Dr fI' 1 001 ~~m.en~o, CA 95615 1['916) '&25 .. 16700

Lee~s iClrili e nita II M,ilrkiet 7,20 Montgonruery Sit O~lte,,! CA,96966

i~SQ) 533,.,848,1

B '& S Oll"ierntaillP',Qod MlslI"ket 4006 Bl'OOkfiald Dr

SaoFetJTLenl;o~ OA 9582;3

(,911~~ ,429\.1661'9

9illilglko!k iOriietiilal M,al!'kiet 555 N IBeale Rd

M~ry.Svilie. 'CA 959cn

f530~ "1 43,..i031:3

liiIi'HjSI';s, Oden&llllMa I1ket 1168;8 N 8~e Ad

MaJY.svill~. CA 95901

~530') 7'413,.."1444,

Law' OHih~es 'o,t [Kim [L., R:Y~Iif~ Chercherilg Lo

654.0 StOOktOflll IBlvd

SeO'l"arneFl~:Oi' CA 95B23

1('916) 4.21-10,239

l - , '0" g. - - c f I~ - - - I!.r I'"J! p. - - ~aw' " ·'.I!!!HJE!iS '0'_' Fran!!\. "'-11.. la~m

Salty Xloog

6700 Fr@epart 8~ Sacramen~D" CA 95822 1(:9161 ,394-1 1'91

law' Ofti,oes [Orf 'Ye 1& Lee' 1610 Arden W8,y~ St€. '~'~ 0

c· ... ~mo!:jn~o' r- A (\i:::,e'1 r,::

~ ..... ""_. !lUi .• ~. , ........ 'U..N .:J;

1('916) ,607..,3631

'ClrystaII P-ul"e W:arte~' :2306 FIOri'n Road SaCr'8lffi€rr~. CA '95822 (91'." -42,11~011;9

(See Ad on Page' 28)

~ .... 1i'~"'5Iri!.o,"""'" LiIU l~iI!lllil;ll r!j,!,;;'1l

,2685 ~o' IUnct~, IBlvu Sacrame€'lll{), CA '9581.5 (9116) 9125 ... 3,7,85

la's M!ark'et:

3820 N, Wesl: In, S~:ockiton, CA 952D4

(~Oe;) 9~'11-4BOD

D' &, [B IMeal Compan!y~ hiMO;, 4910 Franklin Bitvd

SaO~IiYL€IIiI~O. CA '95820

C9'1'6;~ 456~64,25

rsee Ad on Page 41)

'('l,o,kiI ,Sup:erst:ore; Long P. Xiong

1551 Vtineyard Fi:d Ros~lIe, GA 96678 (:9'1'6) 506 .. ,2193

l1imotlhy Pomrykama

14.51 !River Park. Drtl!le, S~:e. 296 $ecarmento;, CA 95815

1(',91!S) ,61 ,4~}9(91)

l &, Y 'Ofie;nrta~ Food M,lfket 5969 Lindhurst, Ave

Ma.rysville. CA 95901

t~'?'A''II ~'Alo!!"iI"'_ezii,,!OG,

\~~U,,. ,f~, e~~


H~r-\; Aslia .. M,ark,~t: '1414 Park Ave Sts 110 Oll[coI, CA 9SQQS

(,530) ,894-11102

(See Ad on Next Page)

M1all"i!tet IBa;slke1: 3845 Mary8\lil!e S~ Sacramento, CA 95838

(:9'1~' 9120 .. 0105,

(Soo Ad' 00 p$ge 41)

La"o IMa ric.et

ssso Franlkfin Blvd Sa_Dr~j_Jrnerrrlo. CA 95aZ4

(91,6) 395,..iD57~

.' -

Asian M;3IJiik,et: 3-4 (' Nord Ava ctJi'oo, CA 9S9Q:6, 1(,530) ,34,2-11740

Co - ~~,"iLii..l <f "h ,- - b ' .

W~~ir'll.IlX 'awe.com


M'e Orj'enf:all Ma nke1lt 3595 Myers Sit

Oroville, CA '95966 1(530) ,534-,344:9

SJ( Pure, Water A. Milni Marlte,t 3315 Norltlgate Blvd S~:e t Saoramef1I:o~ CA 95834-

(9116) 266-,21,52




!P.o. BOX 234008 ,8amamenlo~ CA '9582,3

(9i116,' 421'-5,1'11:2

til mQniQ P[iI$Si'Olfil M,alg azjilfu~! PO l8o~ 19003

Sacramento. CA 95819

(9116' 5t'11-4,1'66


M,ong M,i;)nk,e1' 325 Grand Aw, OrOVille, 'eA '95965 1(,830) ,532 .. 1452

Sill Pe1f' X Mark'et 1400 N IBeale Ad Ma;P/svi:lle, CA 'go'em (.'530) 74,1-10590 (See Ad on Page' 29)

C:. D .. 'Ymd:eo

5834 Fn"a11k1iCil BlvD Sacr,atnet'lto. CA '95624 ;if 0 l' I~' ,.;II.r1;O.;I,"=i;'11 '1

'1~r _ U,' ~~~!_

KJB,lIV a - C!r,'Qlssiings TV 2595 Capitol Oaks Dr S1e 250 s.acramento. CA '95833

'13'" 90i11..,5288

NQdh S:tarlI~ Rice, ce, 2550 S Whitman PI Chioo. CA 95928

11,630) ,345..:8371

Plhrooj Vwg il.ieJels M ark,e!: 582'1 feall1er Ftfv.er Blvd OI~vel1urst, i»; 9696,'

1(916) '9,29-:1556

TriIP~e, M F,ood ,an dllMeat: 5810 Stockton ~I'i,i'd Saor.emento, CA. 958124·3016 '(9116) 346-44:4·4

Cheng Video

,Ei2.t:~·4 fruilridge iR>d 8am:arnef'lto~ CA '95820 ~~i116:' 13.6c-'11668,

Radwo! K·JlAY 0030 S. River Ad

West SaoraJTm;E!r1Itu, (]A 95't%n

(!11S:) 3,7"11 ",,5,1101

T &. V 'O.rie fitall Market

''')'I.:F:i',1;;: "'-I f'; r"i.i- ........... ~ It ~.te. ~~ I~~I ~~~ ~~~

SSorameFu:o" CAo 95815 (9116) 9~2:~67,57

Flri:e!ild~ P\r"C.1dueUo,n 'V:d,eo ,2560 S Wlhi~mar) PI

Chico, CA 95928

t53Q) 34:5;-83;71


,2236 N Rne Ava S~.e 1011 Fres 00 " CA 93702

(5S9:) 454-1 :211


Samtltl,o:ngl M,eat IMa rbt 6235 Frttriik6n Blvd

c'''''~ - - - ......, - iF'A {\~,O"",.ii, ~Clm!tilII~:O, 'U.' . ,~io.!."'.

It911fij ,427 -\5!81 (See Ad 00 This Page)

UC Oriental Malrk.et Kau Yang

235 'W Main St Merced, CA 95340 (209) ,388-199.21

Vang's Mlarrlce't

a4S4, Flo~ir'i Rd .• S1e. 100A S8.ontmenl-O, GA 9582'8 ,(9116,) 3,79'-'9090

H m,ongl Videc

3540 NoMOOd Ave, ,s·acramet'll'O. CA '95838 (9r116) 6411 .. 646,'11

Fri:elflds PIi"ioducUo:n 'Video ,2.500 S Wh'itmaJl ~I

Ohico, CA 95QQ8.

,'5-'>0', QnQ_ .... ~i!'l!~,

\ ~ ,' DIi:iiOr ~-u~~

S '& N IMa rket

32'1; MarysvJlr.e Blvd S®~_merrto, CA 95815 1[\911t;) '929",;7.556

KC VI~deo,

,6229 f~ank1ilill Blvd .samametlto~ CA '95824 (91111,' tr(Ill~-52:11.4.

NlraUlj' Hlmoob W;o:r~dI 'fod .. PO aox 2467

Elk Gr~. CA '95159 (JaO) 622:..'1'(396

S & Z Olfiel'iltall Market: 2302 !Florin IRd Sacramento! CA 95822 1(,916) ,89a .. ;4132

X~orngl~ M lin.' Malnkeil:' 1010 ED Camino Ave Sacr~meFii:o" CAo 9,5615 'r9116j 56a~637,3


6~,20 St,ocktOfi 81vdl Sacramento. CA '95823 (Sn 6·, 422-'110017

S~E,,-A~ Mlall'ke,t

~g Pao ~ong • O'woor 2824 Farmingtrn Rd Sta A Stodkto.n" eA 95215- 1(2,0'9) ,481-41106

(See Ad on This Page)

Yang's Orienta liMa rket

1 ~~n ~ ~ D' ,,",,\no ~l ~t£i, B ~ d. ID orauu b "' 'oJ""' •. '

StDCkton~ CA 95206

(209) 465~a21'9

S,~,E,~A Mar~:~let, laji~laj Hllmoob

Groceries • Food .' Movi'es

~ell:: ,2:09-467=4'106 falX;: 2'09-46.7-41 as

Xeev Pav xyooj Ka Xyooj

2824 Farmingt(')!n IRd.! Ste. A.

S-,t,nnk·.j;,nn. c.·· •.. A_ ~~~I'JI05

. ~~~_ ~~_ -11 . __ ,~~~ ...


~I"'i! ~e.iIL.J A·· ,j!!iIo III A' 'Nil pn,o" DIIII""'~ rln ~~" ~.·._;~i~,~ ~~ '! ' __ "I "" _:". U~~


- - - -- - .


Ope n '7 days a week ,a,:30am - 6:3 Op m

'~Sp~'CiaJ' fJl1g~di.e(,l~I$ C8'J1 be adJJed' ~~n ~qu~st.

1 - n S]'aeplian Pa Heua Vang

(91 S). .,:27'·5267 Cell '1(5,'10) 301 ... 456,'9

61,35, f'1t8tn kU n Bllvd ~ Sacrra.entol C~A ;9582'4

(530) 894-1702


1 4 1 4 Paw Ik. ,Ave _ S t e 11 0

C:h~'I'lc"'" C,A. (11 .... 928

.!U~ ", .,," ~JJ ....


Stali. Pictlilres ,Stiud io Saoramento! CA

1(g1G} ,534-,$425 l:,B., VidEN)

6005 S~ock;ton Blvd Ste 6 Sacramento, CAo 95823

[11i'ili1- £:IiJ A on 1- ,~ICI'IilI' I:,~ I v~ '"'I\it;~ .. , I ~

Vailrl,g 'Viideo

'l006 .24'lh S~, Sacramento, CA 90822 '(916) 391 ~·71 01'


1B,81rcode N i:ghl,ellulb '1890 Arden Way Sacramento; CA 958 5, 1(916) '9,29~OZi2

Dre,HIn U ltra Lounge· 908 '~,5U, .s~:

Sacramento, CA 95814- 1(916) ,533-4144

,Emrp,ire Events C'en1ter 1714 ~ S~'

S®.cramento, CA 95811

'(!916) 4'95-9439


IB,Y IUvesoan Fihll,gerpr'inlt 6680 .s~oc~t(m Hty,o, Boo '7 S~Cf'O!m€nto, CA 00823 ,f916) ,4,29 .. 4;'J12

ClI'Ysta 'Clle~ r IBuli Idiirngl Mawlil. INerliJ Vang

4946 Watt Ave Sle 28 INorith Highlands. ,CA 95660 IfG161 33:2-555.5

,-~ -)J '_ '_ _' '_' _' _'

lEI k H - - - """II - a - - - _' _I, orli1l Vlie_fterS,

M""'""' V.""'lfiii"!l ~ ~I£.I_.~

6"05 Watt Ave Sls 113

INorith Highlands. CA 95660 ,(91e) 338-5123

Hawm Brothelf~, DiiS,tiilllery ~ 100 Gardera HVi!Y Ste 200 Yuba City, CA 95991

[: 1:'~\Ii'l'I'N; "'iiQ: Ii,') ... AlAI ;C:,,",' 1~~1: !!flli.!l'i!i1I' ~f

(800 Ad on P:age '11)

K in 91 C'eiliulir 5800 Wan, Ave

Norith Highlands~ CA 95660 M16:N. a2' 8' ,l'!iiiElk.i!IC,

I~""" I . -';JI 10:'. -.~

M''''"tUJ~ C- ,"'" "'lk~"',iI.,., - - -~~ ~ .. _:. g,~_.~I~!'~1

3281 ,35:d! Ave S:t'@ 2 Sacramento, CA 95824

r,Ai 1- £!::IiJ G' Ii7l! if;;. ,£!:'''·'''.AI I,;~ I Vjl 'a~"'U ill ~. ~

P an'eft P\rilvarte ,security GerYangl

6'1'84, Boone' Or Sacramento" CA 95823 1('916) '68B~5a51

1lhao The!r,apy 8~Thao Sa.cramen~)D" CA l(i9116) 11,2-82114

1hi'rd Eye lPa~r'O'1

2'(51 Ihrlui~ridg@ Rd-, Ste~ 14 S®~_merr~o" CA 95820 Ir916) '91 '9 .. 0979

'Jo'l!Ia~'s Il~ec;tlrlo rntc Ae'pair 2531 Alts! Arden Expr:essway c""'cr;.::!Im.eI1~n._ CA

~-~. _" ~!'

1(:,916) ,84'9~:11'96

Vietolry Consbiuc~ioli'l IEiilab8~h lha.o

SMO 6l st Av.e Sacramen~D" CA 95823 It916j.424-,'1392


Col:dweU Banlk,ell' ,HooaVang

0011 Stockionll Blvd St~ 500 Slac:r~mento" CA 95624- 1('916) 7,43~51)98

iii ite Riea Ity Se"~ ces Ch~iCIJ Sean Lo

7'4..1:2' E1sie Ave Se.cramen~:o!, CA 95828 1(:916) '640-'6122

ExemJltiv,e Real'Ioits IKao Xiorrlg

6;000 StocktorrilBlvd Ste A ~en~o" CA 95fl2'4J 1(!II16) 7,43-,'7,194

G;illtUI Juh.)e Se \/'a.rt,g

SaCifamento" CA 95829 1['916) 525~:24:2~

d,ack~ D,onut Wheell Neng\tang

9372 Madison Ave Orangevale, CA '95662 It916) '98,1-·1,831

JI ill1i1l[m,~S, IDemi

1201 Grand Ave ~ento" CA 915a3B 'tI16) '929-,'71 ''16

Il..mg htbo LIIse Plislh 8. Chips Kham Xiong

OOli5 Elk GrGlle Fmn Rd ;#I F SaonaunemrhJ, CA 958.29

(EJ'116~ 682:.,!0101)


H mOnJgttv To,ul" 7413 E:lsie Ave Sacramento. CA '95828

'~116;' 9494.6259'

Noodle Howse

5800 Madison Awa Ste X .9aoramefiflDr. Ct\ 9584-1 (,9118) ,344 .... 51,89

H mong United l-rarve!1 7'1 00 24~h St Saorarnmto, CA 95822

"g" S'~ 421 .. 2:111

~l 1'-

VarsJty Donuts DO\JaY8~

8732 La Ri~ Dr ~C;~!l'll'ertl~O, CA 958.216 li\l1Io1 ~~ Q~,'" A ~iGO'p'

~,~ Iu.,~ IO~~~~~

Va[l1gl Iintt 'limy-ell ,2330 Frl,lltrtid9® Rd SacramSfllO, CA 95822 (911'6, 3go;;;;a~71


\,iP:-[i'fi;Q I to'III ...... 'nf'lii'l!it~l .... n~I-1 '~-,,jI~ ''lfii::lll~'.::. .' • ~ Illig, 1 """I "g 'I[[r ill ","'G

2330 Fru1trldge Bd.! S~'e. 6 ,Sacramento. CA 95822

"1115) 3~U;, .. 822D

Roeky~; 11M SelfV~Oe, ,2'300 Florfn Rd. SaoraIffio€UtI~. CA 95622 C9'H'~ ,42,1, .. 011 '19

(See Ad on Page' 28)

Wa,liell Velll!t:ureSi Trawe!1 LiooaOha,

Sacramento, CA

(9118:) 2:116-97,89'

,Silml(Jlly Tax ,BeNies JonaJthl;m INengl 'Yang

1010 EI Camino Ave.! Sba:. AS Saor'Qffi€iIIUQ. CA 95815 (~'1'6;) ,46,7 "!6417

(See Ad on This Page)

_ ~H 'flllX: i;, ~tniS,ur,ance ,seniic@ls, 2;831 Fruimdge R'd

SaoraJmefillo~ C-A 956.20

ji911~ ,465",,51,51

\; ~l'

C-"AlLl ,t,C:'1I:l9"~ .ALII:'A '112'!111

I .. __'_' 't~ 'I ~'..: II I




Tax Service

J,onatheln[ Yalng (9116) 467 .. ,6477 jon,a!~henva!ll1l 9 @gmla~il.,com

Fralfiilicii:s 01:00 ('9'116)1 1,52:,~ 9'1 '11'9 '~rlUiilk_otoo,@ hottm,ai l.cem or

Bo-nn IL'"!!IIu

-_ -- ~I_

(",9'16)1 50\2 ... 5300 ehu ee:911 @hotIImiH811il.,com

II d-I'i' 'd-I -I &.: B" To

.' In ..... " IIIVI.,,·.· US' - "tlSmlne,ss, I. ,fIX

- - - - - - - - - - --- -- ~- - - - -, -, - - - - - - - - - ~

.' D- rop 0'·' ff TiO'Y ,8", e· ··11i"!oi!'I' c • e· .

,."IU __.:.__ Ilr~A, '.:.:. <.:.,.11 v- .~. <_,'

• Mobiii~e' Tax Service

• Free Estlrnatesl

www.slmplytaxservlce.corn t,OCaJed insJde Xiong Mini Market)

1 01 0 EIICaminQ< Ave", ,Stla. ,AS '.' Sacramento, CA 915815

Ws merve I:IB ri,JlIi [!In mrJISel ~ ~ an:.' ~ alr~ ~ prurolm 2flII ~ a'I ~ wi'1ho.JI ~ rnIXB. IJi.roount I:aIm'IIbG ~ n;!h ant 1l1IhH 011 IIi' ThBre is 00 ~lIrundl DII aJ1liDpal:lXl w: lulund ~



P!iirst: Used Appl lance 629 N first 8t

FIBS/no, CA 93700

1(559) ,68,1-,1618

Uofli. -1LI-'ii!'DJh- nl"fll .iIIi nnll'I·I9;I11- ,- t'!.1fffJ., n,. ·,ilI,D,Io F"IY':"'_'I:ii!I~l ~'_y ,"~.~_~~" _Jy~ V.!~~_~l~

3200 S Mooney Blvd ViMJna, CA 9G277 1(,559) 73B-!13:27


B:est Auto Bod,' 4678 E Il3f;lmo:nt A'V~ fresno, CA 93702 1[,559) ,:255-,8BOO

D,roIlilEns Tilr,@s &. AlIJr~h.) Repair 200 S, H ighwary 5'9

Ml5'i'oe-rli CA i(1ik:"J'Al1

...... ' __ .... ,1, :~

'(,209) ,564",i0453

CV AlUm, IPallts 2&54 E 'Om.a!i~ Ave Fre.sno, CA 93720 1(,559) 108-5313

II" '11" " 'S'~- .,' ,A, I "1'-', ·11§t..fu,~ !!il!IlIIlil,g e '. '~1i"S ,;I!'1;llJ!Ilia cO!!O.ll!:.r

~655 E Ol'ive Ave

FfeSno, CA. 93700

't,Ssg} ,456-,2239

M,ohwl!e Plit: S,1Dop Fresno" CA 937':26 (,569) ,389 .. 16914

NeUy's Auto IRep\ai r 2008 c. Jans~n AVfB., #6 Fresno" CA 93700 ,(55!) 2146-71,2,8

(See Ad on Page' 11Jjs. Page)

QU;,liitty Auto, Repa~1i' &, Tilres 3665 E Belmon~ A~

F'mno" CA 93702

'('559) 907..,54,28

Soutih CiO I isilo n Aljt~liinlo,Uve C'elflter 2014 E W~bsOOn- A~ Fr~no" CA 007'0. ,£:sg"~ A oe ;i"'j;""GE

,,~~. '.r. ~U~l~.·!~~

Sw nrlse Al!.liIt,o, ICllinh= 45'18 E Belmont Ave Fresno" CA 93703 (.ill'S) 255-1,551

(See Ad on Page This ,Page~

TEe IMotorspon :250 N Sierr~ Vista Ave Fresno" CA OO,("()'3

(56!) 77S~B9.B8

Va 1119 's ,Auto Servioes 4654, E O~i\f;e AV€

F~e'n.r;. r» A l'Ir_":i"7~

.~ ~II ~ • ~ ~

[559) 253' Q2' 82'


, ,.... ....' " ~"'~ -~: ~-'_

VUle Fa,5t Au~,o; Flepamli" 3813 E Belmont Ave Fresnol, CA 93702'

,(:569) ,266-19565

S,UNRISE AU'TO CLINIC Complete Engine Services An1'rl2'rican ,~ Foreign

Si"l;it ,/ fJH 7

,4518 E. BelmQmlt F"8Sm),~ CA 193703 Bus:, (559') 255,.7557

BElLI Shop Manage r


,5·:- ,--5, ;9:··_··,-1.···.-15, '·1- 4"" II'· .. ~, ~

",_ ",_ ",_,- _' _", •• I. '1 •

,6159,~91911~2i3,71 C'e_1

S - 'm-R-"-DI- -r-

.', ",' I ','

. •. I

- - - -- - -

~1,1:3DI P



Nell,'S, liowi'rngi 2>038 IE Jensen Ave ;iiC Flr'€Sno. CA '93106 t559~ 307'''''11684· (S'ee Ad on Thfs Page)

Be_IinOint S'I11,og 4520 E Belmont Ave Fresoo. CA 93703 ('SSg', 25'11 ""\5650

,Smog! E:xp:reSlS, 4623 E Belmon-t Ave F~$rro" CA 93'7'02 ~559' 256".'1,221


B II - T"' €I' •

_ e~ mO'At :_' I re ~:ervl,oe

3324 E. Belmont Av~, Fmsno. CA 93702

(559" 44~j, .. 14fJ2

(Soo Ad' Oil Pa{W'T17fs Page)


F1resno Le:MlUS 117 'iN Palmdon Dr Fresno. CA '93704· (559} 3Q4..5500

H Alrndl'9l I .... ert L. '","" .,~ IJ'I'u, III

Koua Oha

,395 W Herndon Ave Clovis" CA 936112 (559) 355,-10'15, (See' Ad (').n Page 6)

eUl] 'Tir'es

47'H.:t E B6lmont AVfiJ Fmsoo. CA 9:37Q2 (559" 255,.. 7,32B (See Ad' 011 Page 48)

~I jee:gn ~f~ C," ,', 1n"'I;fjli?

I[!"L~~Q~ ~ y ~ y~' ~~

,370 "iN Herndon Ave Clovis, CA 9S6~:2 (55&l' 297'-6911 {;11

Nelly's Auto Repair

'VII~,SlrT UIS ,AT www .. txhawb.corn

,it Odorne~:el" f'iepai'1i' ,~ 'Ughts Fhaipair

,~ Gener,all Mo-t@u" ~ep~ir '" Po©werDOQr8

Wlindow RepaIr

(55Ift)'··" '2"" 46"'" 71' 2"" "'6" ."

'" ' • ,.'. :_-"."':;;:;J ,,: "',.... ,I,_ .,' .', - ,: " 1_ .'" I'. .: ,.'

.' MOltor R~paii'r i!!l' Head' RepaTr i!!l' Walter' IP!l.mnp

'.' ·11;,10&"'"1 1r'II~1i"ii~"r

J"'IihIi;i' IfII "4r"',.:IJ I

.' ~If~d{~

.. IElec~r~caJ~ Shorts, • S~gnal Ugltrts

.. CtnecJk Eirllgine LiglMs .. ,A.Ila:IfmS,

.. IRadinat(lf'

:3,-·t3'f~~i E liE, ·O: .... ~I

II _ _~ _ "_ 01 ~

lb,or1ta or1i Sellm1a Larry I Nengw8J I Kou 3 t 50 H igtlland Ave Selma, CA, 91.3562 f8Bs'l. 154 5250

1,1.":' :'~.':'~ _, _. I .:.: u ',_ .5! :: ~ ::~ .. .:

(SOO Ad on Page 5)



Hot Cut

4M8 N First St Fresno! CA 93710 (569) 280-,1128


G'ood LJUlc~ IBa ill Bonds CharJes \lang

381 N Blackstone Ave FresnQ! CA 93701

( ~ - - - - -

.... '. I . "," ".,1. ;'7'

,,li59 491-8188

(See Ad on ,Page 4)

559 IMotors,

100.2 N Blackstone' Ave F~o" CA,9\3.'701 1[:559) :237=3542


AHolrdaib Ie II m,llloll1s Tou ~u:a.

~ 01 0 8 San Joss Ave! St,e ~ 01

Ctovis. CA 936'~.2

f559) ,824 .. 4'7'55

BlsalLlritty' tMalr~, Sall!olnJ

47'83 IE McKinley A'Vc8: ,S1e ~ 00 Fresno! CA 937'00

1(,559) 462-,1,441

(S€~ Ad on This Pa.ge)

iC &, H Alurtol ,Center' 3420 E, Belmom: Ave.

F~o,! CA,90'702 1(559) ,445 .. 0151

,'alne, Cults; IBetu.I'ty' Sa Ion 1552' N tst St

Fresno, CA 93700

'(.5S9) 233-'1)449

iGtla:zzy's, Amia, Sa~es 4505 E ElelnnO'fl~ Ave Fresno, CA, 9G'702

fll:'lI:lnil, 4' C'Q ,~OI"7' Il~i;lI!iZ!',II! ': ii,ill1I;iI!-'~~'

lee Aldo! Sa_es 4007 c: ~ntura Ave IF~o, CA 9G700 I(S59) ,255-:1224

(669) 233-8208

3119 E. Mayfair Vi ml age' CO'J1!1e~' O'~ 1M~!KIW!ley ,& Fi~s~:

Kayingl Beaully Sal,on 4716 'W Shaw Ave

Qo-vis. CA,98512

(,569) ,822:..!61 ,22

I!(iings lHIalir " Bea'wty Suppliies 4787 E Kings ~n AWlJ ~ae '103 Frasoo, CA 9372'7'

(,eSI) 25'11..i9362

LIDS Salll(Hii

5235 E KIngs C8lil'fOnl ~d F~f"r'I"'" C .. '14. f'Ii~:"'2r

.~ILVI" ~ ~

C559:~ 4.56~09"

Il..~~ Halitr' ,i; Na,ills 3119 E McKinre.y' Ave Fresno CA 937'03

- I - - _

(,66'~ ,233,..,8208 (See Ad on This Page))

M,agli'c 'C1ut

4007 E KIngs Canyon Rd Fresoo, CA 93727'

(,569) 25<'11 ",,51110

INh1lk,edi HSlir 1843 Shaw Av.€' Oovis. CAo 9(36,12 ;56er~ 299\0011,51

" l"

PJrlO, INaills,'& IH1aiir 1445 Shaw Aw' Gte' 20 Oovi8. CA 9~m,1'

(5S9) ,322:",,4'7,4i1

Rea,dy 'Cut:

4583 E Kj ngs C8nyonl IRd Fr®$r"!:O, CA 93"02'

C559:~ ,39'2~,25'94


,;jii"'fl - IC\OO-" =, C"-' ,_ I-b "'I O'V1~S;j: .. ... llJ .•.

500 Clovi$ Ave Oo-vis. GA 9861 2 (!SSg) 298>.19951

'Ctlwb O'ne, Casirno 1033 \tan Ness Ave Fre:soo! CA 937'21

t,561) 49!1..,SQDO (Sre Ad on Page' 15)


(~!111!.J kchalnsii ,Cas ~liliO 711 Lucky IUn Coarseg:dld; CA 00614

tJ6~) 184,..6946

Eag~e Mounta:~1i1 Casi'no ,eEn s R~If\i',atioo Rd Pon:ervdl~B', CA 93257

'551) 78El-8220

~l 1_

Iidii .... ~rnd Il':Iilnil",.i"i;(r-' r!I!, ......... io'!i'ii; IrJf.lrll;=lllj;![;~: ~~~~1' 11Ii~~in(I'll

,2211 Yosemill€; Pkwy

M.e; .......... ..-4 C···· A !'1i!l;i:") . .il1"i

~I~~~ . • ~~~

(209) 722:",5050

Miano Wiill1,d Casiil10 37302: RamJQl1eT~a Auberry, CA '93002 ~'569) 8i5,..436D

'T"'5I ..... Jk" n~JI"'5I, ..... ;i"i> lIi;J1!!i,OJllllllFiIliI iIliI,~1I;;'

'~ 7'225 Jersey A~ Le~. CA '93.245 (559) 924".7751


Bellill M,eliiillOlnalls a, Gnr,81flite 339 N Minrtlewa~ Ave

Clovis, CA, 90012

t5S~) 299",7056,

'Centir,al va~~ey IMoll1ll!1I1mS!n'ts 505 'W Belmont Ave

Fresno~ CA 937:28

i569) 23,1-1,.,

'e lo"iis 'Ce:m,etery IDiis:tdot 305 N ViII6JJ Ave'

Olovis" CA 9~6' :2

~5S9') 2991-605,7

'G'ab~~w\ay M,ell11o\l"lia- 5 W 14th SI

M~rcoo. CA '95340 (209) 723~011118,

M eaehu ml;;S, IMs'mlolrials, 21 W Hemdon Ave

Olcrlfis\! CA,00612

(li6S) 298-2696

M!eroed M,Olrnw m,ents 40'~ E , 5th SI

Meroed. CA 9534D ~209~ 383,..2325,

Cuts, Hi-llih; P-ei1'~ Jllrpm,ts ~ [idu~~ Up do~~

H;m .HM~5lon~W~~ S~, CU~ md plus. Contact· GJ!' uno.

4783 ,- ~ .. ~ 'ckioley' Ave. S te., 100 ,FrreS1fioi CA 9370,3 ~

~ """.

- 'W,


M;ong,o[alili M'QIr1iUlllilt8:nls Tua Cha

4575 IE. PinE!: Ave. F~i1o! CA 93703 1(559) '91,6 .. 1 '751 (Sea Ad on ~e 75)

Mit., View' Ceme'mry Assn., 1411 W Selflloot Ave

FlIeS/no, CA 93'7'28

1(569) ,283-3327'

VisaU,a C!elfl,etery 1300 W Gcshlm Ave

\, r.",,,,,I.,,,, ("iii, 1f'I()""lFi,,'~I~~I ~ ~~~

1(,55:9) 7,34-'6181

Furitum l'elk,

135 SrnlW Awe Unit .A ~$, CA '93612 1(.559) ,299 .. '1)7,55

PC '& NeMoli"king ,Solliltilo:rns 4,{OO N C~estrm1: Ave sae 226 F~no! t»; 93726

liI:'il:ln.'iio 1i'lII8' ~ ~Ci\~'1I"!i!

1,,~!iJ!~1: ,J:,J.:... -~~U~

M 150 !oSOr,SPA USA II ne, 1815 W ,205'lfi St . .s~B 104, Torranoe, CA 00501

,(,31 [0) 1,82-8440

fSee Ad 00 inside Bel;k Cover)

IlJS, li'r8,d ilrlig IComlpal11Y 2675 McCone Av~ H~ard, CA 94545 1(.510) 7,8:1 "" 1818

(See Ad on Page 31)

B Bst DrhiMr~drn,g WaJter 3022' W Qlintol1 Ave 101 Fresno CA 93'7'2:2,-5200

- - ~ - - --

't,55'9) '905-;8564

BhiM QiO' Pu r-e 'Water

2.2'13 E Belmont Ave Ste 103 FresnQ!, CA 937'01

(.liti9) 268.!91,23

'CII~l\(S Pure' IDninl~;jngl 'Wate\r' :2055 PeaO'h Ave :# 104,

Ooviis. CA 9(36,12

(599) ,325..1821 [0

'Cry$b,11 C;leatr IDlI'irillJ.dng 'Wate'r 4;'00 E Mc~j'II1r:ey' fotve

Fr~no" CA 00'7'00

[5(9) 25:1 ~ 1 '97'1

Fiirst: IPuri8 Water' 312'1 E McKinrey .Ave Fresno!, CA 93703 (,569) 491-6111

K~ng Pure W,'at'e~ 4r('S6 E KIngs ~~ ~d Fr~n.o" CA 937'00'

,t~59) ,466~D626

!Ol ive PlUM Wat,ell" 483:7' E 'O[i\iI8I Ave Fresno!, CA 007'27 ,(.569) 453 .. 91,59

Pure, ,& Fresh ,Eh,;iLrnkiinQ 1835 Ashlar) Ave

OovJs. CA 9(36,11

(5S9) 709,-71029

(See Ad on This Page)

Pure, &, Fresllli '1[)lfIilf1kiing 'Water 1144 N IFItS1 S~

F~no" CA 00('00

,[55'9) 233",,477'9

Pure War1tsli" 4-5-54· N Hrst 51. Fresno CA 937'26

- - !I

Ui69) 225-\401,5

S I; 11(. [Pure Wab~{f' 4221 E Shh~~d8 Ave Fre~nQ" CA 937'26 '(,561) 22800;121,5

FlI18JaIs Graduations

• WSddlngs And Morel

,Super !Puris Dlrilnlkling Wall,eli" .24116 E GeUysburg Ave

Fresoo~ C.a. 9a126

,:see;, 22.6-50,28

,Sw perf:o'f iPur'E1 Wate\r

"-'1 ;,29 E KIngs GaJ1iyQn Rd Sla '111 Fresoo, CA 937Q2

(~SS) 25~j, .. 1.3eO

Van~f IPUf1e 'Wateir 3'~ 7' E Shi~lds A~ F~sr\O" CA 931'04, (:559) :22'2=1 '91 '9


- ,

Bllacklbea ml~s,

fa m illy IEnrelrtaiilil rnent ·i!""55 N rl-<.~~n t Frli· I ~ v.J !~~ .1l.II ,-".a.gMa

Fresno, CA, 9372)6

(5S9:) 29~,-90DD

Oal Iinterrnet ILo'YlI1lge 4103 E .A.shlsHll Ave Fresno, CA 937216

,5'9 .. 900 .. 1380

Fll"ieSI10 Clhaftee Z:Oo 004, W 8elroollt Ave Fresno, CA 937:28

~559) 498",,691,0

Isl~uild 'Watetpark 0099 W Bs! rs tow' Av@ Fresr)O, CA 93723

U3S9) 217 .. 6800

Oh W:O'W' Ni!ckel Arcade; 5.2 ~ 7' N BlackS"~me Ave IFresno~ CA '931 ~ 0

(558~ 432:-'l123,

'Wi d W:at,er Adyenrture.s, Wat:e;r' Park

1 ~,t,n3 E S~awAve Clovis! CA 936 11 B (5S8~ 299l-94{58,

Falb 1II1~ess, IFb~'ttfll A{pparell 6t)'~ ,6 N I3laootooe Ave, Flmsoo. CA '93710.

~559'~ 917'-3·045.

u u


-4770 E Clir'JJ'tc~ A'i!9 '1 '1 (.l ~resoo. CA '93703 (559" 91B,.,35:111

New Litle; f'ashioll1s, 5'904 'W Hampton Way Fresno. CA '93122 (559~ lOSioo2305,

va's, IF,ashi~Q;n ,4,790 E Belmont: Ave Fresoo~ CA '9310.2 (559:) 40a,..8339

'W'V!;NiI, txhawo, com

P'ulil& dri filii ng waler ~S a Iglli'ea~ fami ty bu S:in~6~' PlIlirilly d~in~i ng wa~er is: the h~9hei$'t p~O'fi[1: ~flId of bl.Qsiness" Why just "think about ownifilg O(fi!e? Make' it hs:pperlll to Y'OllI, vs« ,aJre' her'e to answer any qlU'eJiMiol'ils and halp you 91s1 SlaOOd ..

You can openjustyour,puTe drinking wafer ,shop.


II' you ,already baR m'arket or sup,erma!-Iciet~ 'we can install s.rstem.s' 'Irlr )fOU ,at ,no GOB' ..



Pu re IDrin kilf1~Q1 Waite r Systems

] 83S A'5~an ",10,3 A 'F (Iovis~ CA 9316] 11 'WW,!,i'!~q:nJIf@w~rters:t:ore.oom[




2904. N B!ackstorle' Ave Ste A IFmsI'1o, CA 95'703

1(559) ,284-,0:7'711

fi'rmili I IDestiny Cons~ ,Se\Nii,. 4ero IE Kings Canyon Rd S~B 2011 lF~o, CA,9G72'1

1(559) 347 .. 40S8

Pi'rs't: Plf"lhJ'M~tr

1:300 E: ,Shaw Ave, 8te ~''7 IF~o, CA 9Gl1 0

1(5Sl) 224-,$600

Ifresno U!11Iire,d Fhllanciiall'Corp', Chua V-®li1g to

2904 N Blackstone' Ave Ste 83 IrfE!mo, CA 9G100

1(559) :226-G43S

Happy Vallier fi'nalAciaW SeR1ices,

2004 N Backs,tOI'\9' Av® Ste A Ir~O" CA 90700.

[t::'~,n.'II. !'!iiOif,t '(II'iI- 9~ 1,:V:~~jl ,~ .. ~ I ' ")'

MiOUl2i Auto Finalllce, '~262 N Mt.aiI'ks Ave IF~O'i CA,93722

ts'lI:'ft\ ,mnll!:: 'Cidl:_I!Cl,AI I,,_~_~~, ~v~~~

UI!1 i01!11 Ban k li)ouaXlong

'7'075 N. M8Jriks Aw, Ir-~O\, CA 9G'?~ ~

i -'lI:'ftt 4-,;t,i:! '~II:N'!i. 1~5oj~J1 ,,':"~_J~_~

V:ali1~g IFinan,ciiall SeNIDces 4620 W Waa~herrnaker Ave: lrr;aooo" CA 9\3722

1(559) '719-8953

Wi:'orld ILelll:diing S:ollultiolll S ~ 530 E: Shew Ave

lF~o,; CA, 93'7110

1(559) 2710".1528

Yang IBr'o,lhell',s Fiirnano lall 624 .s Clovis Aw' Ste M F~O\, CA 9572'7

I(SSt) ,456-,1661


ICallil1T,oltll1 la IHU!1relr Ed uoatiolill Proglli"aml 1220 N Abby S~: S'l'€l' r IFIie&lQ, CA 95'{'00

1(559) ,3S7-,16M

Valli., Rod '& 10 UI!1i 2'704- OIO\l'iS, A~ ClIcMs. CA 936'~ ,2 1(559) ,29.~,,;Mi';ct

--------- -


AJbundalllrce, m fllowers 4.-144,. E Shields Al.v--e

Fre5!f'lO; CA 93726

1',559) ,225~5197

Gene, 'he' IFII'Qll"i!st TCl[Jlly vaf\gkh:u~ 328W Maiflii St Merced. CA 953'40 ,[21l9) 7,22-,57,58

Ms, IR;ai'nbow' IFI',ower,s &, GHls &niH Xonglee Yang

4a05 E Tulare Si

Fresno, CA. 937'{112

Ill!::iI:it!io\ ii"i!""O' .!i:i'li'!iiii!'a

I\I~~~!J ,~,~j 1 . ~o~u~

(S6S Ad on ~r.s P~)


Coole)'" IFun,er:all Serviioes Iln,o" Je:sse E- Cooley Jif_

1M{) IFnuu' AYe

Fr~o, CA 93700

,Ill:' iI!:'O\ ;i"j a!O!Oii"flo.ill '!CI, l'IijJ!~~1. ~uio.!jj!!jV~~

"sUh ICommu nifty 1495 N. Oh.es~nut ,Ave, FresnQ! CA 93700 1(569) ,5,11-.8233

IHdO!ilg Com m unity' C'hape!1 lPao )tjiong

1030 B S~

Fresno, CA 93700 1(,559) '999-(9345

IHmon'g IMe'filfill)m'iiaIIIIClfi.apell '(4-1 w 18€:lrnont Ave

.rrasno, CA 93728

It::'~ il".ii-'7 .... - ii:iI'1- 'ii:iIltili I"~¥'",,.r tCii~· '''f=o I QUO

M illfralf' Melir1l() n1ia~ ,Chape . 1120 W Go~hen Ave

Vi sa I fa; CA, 9C1291~

1(559) '1,3.2 .. 3311

Sterl ili119 .& 8m itJhl p'unerall 'EdwaJld CoopIjr

1484, Fn3s00 S~

Fre6lflo, CA 93700

1(-5S'9) 2eS-i911111

Sitlfal110l'ldi & IEvans; FU ner,a~ 1~OO B S~,

Merced. CA 952'40 lr'ln.m :::--1il".ii!"jj .... 1- '9" 1- 1'~U~jl r ~~ .. ,"lt I ; - I

United 'Cbap:ell SelflJffices Ch~a fu:e '\ISIngl

1146 B 81

FfflSno; CA 937'00

;II::~'O\ iI!::":II''''l!' ''':r''7,l\'!iil) I~,~~~I ;llf ~' ~~" ~'~ ...

-- ---------- ----- --------- ----


Cage \5 llesi:glf1S

4-789 E Madi'SDfl Ave St'81 B FresnQ! CA 9370:2'

1(6S9) 464-8386

Cha D'8signs, 1220 N Abby Sl FreSF1D!, CA 937'03 (,569) ,486""5664

'Ce;nb·,all M,edlia lne, 1840 Hornet Ct Mi!pita~. CA 95035 ~408} S!UIU:i..,S811 ,S

!il' &, IP PrhtUng

1788 N H€lm Ave' St~ 1100 Fresn.o, CA 93727'

C559:~ 453~ 1600

[See Ad on Page 3.9)

~mlpnint So,llurt!:olf1iiS 620 DeWitt Ave',. Ste. 102 OoviS; CA 9861 2

(559] ,822:~B669

IKHI Gr8lphics, IEnt:e\rpriise 1:20 E WaTFl9F' Sf

Fresoo, CA 937'10

(,569) 1901.10023

M,aoy log'o, Serv~oe' 900 E Jolson Ave fresn.o, CA 937'06 (S59:) ,46,7='91,38

Yalllg Desiig n

,2,23t3-N fins AVoS S:tB 101 Fresoo, CiA 93727' (5S9) 454,..1,21:2 www.yangldesLgn.net (See Ad an Page' OO)

Yes Pirint

4.("89 E. Madison Av.e" Ff"8.$OO, CA 93702 C~9~~ ,~UJ4~8366



Eftectiive, Chiiroplf'aJctilc C~are, Dr., Yi9li1g Xiong

41'53 E Olive Ave $t,e 10~ Fresn.o; CA 937'02'

;~5'''1 "'II J!: "'II, 1 AG"7

"ij.~ ~l" ~!iiJI'~~ _ v~~·

Heu C-h:'ropr~u:~ti\c 'Crlll'ic, (599' 22:1: ..,81 ,80

3636" N Hrst S1 .s~;e 123 Fresno! CA 937'26

Dr, lee Heu


Briit:e' CaN Demtall Dr., so \tang

348'1 E Shie.1ds Ave Fresno! CA 937'26 (:569) :22,6""\9911

Dentedh IDe!i1r'tal laboralllolri:es 'feng v: V:a_lllIg

,2434 M St

Msno@'d, CA 95340 1'209~ 722:-1,23'3

\1 :J

Pa m illy ;& Co'sJme1tic DenUs,'ry Dr, Kao N, V8.rIg

,4304- E Ashli3iJ1 Ave

Fresoo~ CA 93721B

(:569) 225,..9098,

(Se-e-Ad on Rtge 27)

Fa,m illy IDema ,Caire, ,4857 E-. Kirilgs Canyon Rd" Fresoo~ GA 93737

(,569;) 25'11-11 '91


Dlr~, Ainong MDUSI MD 3736 N 'lst ,81,

Fresoo~ CA 937:218

(~6S) 222:-9600

K~ngs Wbler:v' MfecUca - ,eUniic 49.29 E King~ Cef'lyon ~d

F~$FW). CA 9-3727'

"~~9''iI ~~.!:".;~A,"',~

,,~~ .. ' ,~ ~~ U~ If U

M auniltai'f1 IF,aJrni I, He,rlilith Care MBli1g Lee,

5D66 N Fresno .s~: 8te '1 'i 1 Fresno, GAo '93710

;569~ 221-6196

'J 1'-

(See, Ad on PiI'gi: 12)

H ElI,i., Mlediicall C,lb,.ic: I ne, 3240 E CHive Ave

Fresoo, CA 93702

(~5~~ 481-4324,


1(,0 Fa rngl~ Ph~D. ,2822 N Blackstooe Ave, Fresoo~ CAo 93703 ~56;' 2291..0,221

~J l~


IIlS~glht Viis i'o 1111 Cent:e(r' Melinda, X~Oflg

i 300 E Herncon, S~:e.. zo 1 Fr~sflO. CA 93720

(::56,) 449 ... 5050

N:afiur,al Vi~hl!n 157157 N Frecsno 61:

Fresoo, CA. 937'10 (:os., 4132:-'1'000

Ailr' C:ond i~ioniilil Q & IH:eatiilil 9 Oheur M.bu9

rrfl800. CA

~5S.9') 006,..,854-1

~, ~

Alii C,lf1petit & 1ml,@! c le8n~ng (~69:) 347-'11.89'

Alii Sa n ,JO:OQIU'illll Gleani'ng Lla Xloog

:292,5 E. Plf)U Dr, Fresoo. CA 93720 (:OS~) 104,..9388


Aimenican Indoor Alir ,Shlilutiiolns P.O. &;:: 2505

Clov~s, 'OA '9361,3

1(559) ,325-'1 '128

,s .. K" I~verg reen 'Yalrd Sell"Vice· Kao vang I Shoua rvIDlJa

FresnQ!, CA

(.litiS) 9D1-1119

Ail , AboW!1 La,wfli :Senr'" ees MiiliY Nhia Vrulg

Fmsno, rcA 93721

1(,55:9) '094-4334

Beaurl!iftlll Carp et C'lealrn~ng

i5'~n,'Ni ,4' ""00; ~i'!j;!CI",iII 1":"~~JlI _f'~~~~

Sw nshiae ,Carpet:

OllorYangl Fresno" CA

(599) ,380-101,a9


Cll1il:le;~, Dn3 Plpery Chia./ Chue

FlieGFlo, CA

1(,569) ,291-,2219

AAA Ilnsur;airiQe May ~a Lee

,,]riI~~ M S',.I'

~ "

M~roed. CA 95348

,tQ09) 726 ... 7,443

C-'Tech Che:n,g VaE1lg FfflSno, CA

;5~1Ii ,n"':l!'8' 1 ,I!"!ioOiIC:' '1!i:.:.',ii;1II~Jl~;J":_"'I_~

All start,e' IlnSilllll",iiim'Ce C'o\o Olleo Syvirmhpha:n

7'00 N Locust 8t

ViSalia CA 9G29~

- - I _ _

(,569) 62.2-1813

Go~den R10'oflill1 9 F~o,CA

1(,559) ,355-(9485

AI_s1tarte' IllnsuII",aIlN,e (;'01. Liz ::<iong

1 ()99 E Cham,plall1 Dr St,e 8, Fre~no" CA 00720

(5S9) 433-3080

(See Ad on Page' 14)

R:I~ghjl' 01111 IC~eanh1lg ,Se;Ni~le,s; Sotia Lee

F~no" CA, !:'l:)'722

'1559) 77'6~51 04


AUtlD • IHlom e • Lilfe • M D,1i;D1rc¥,cle! .. H E!,allth Busiiness • W1orkers' CQ1mlP • B'CUJt· RV ,& IM'D~e

Hu 'm~j rau kuv 1111lub, no" Kuv yuaiV pab kuj ~llRig t~;u nyi}aj

~~ub u@' thiab IDllUS. tag ib tx_),i;s,; Kuv cog lus Has kuv yuav pab ~_gj ~llil~um

pih 10m tx,og thaum xaus, Ila tsaug, ~ -

Arrow Thao Xiong

Your Farmers Agent

CA Lie. ,#'OB170m3 ,ax'long'@far,mersag,e;,nt.com

DaN~d1 Vue 1m SlUlrarnce ,se"~ces 4003 E Kings'~n fAd Ste' 105 Fresoo~ CA 937:27

'~6e:' 46"-1'081

f-';a rmerl,'s Iinsw ranee I=fongl Yang

433 E Keats Ave 8te 5 Fffisoo~ CA 937'10 (~5~) 222:-9558,

fa rmeifS 111I1!EUU rance, Group Th_~o Arrow XiOtig

.4 759 E Oli\f9: Ave St~ ; 02 rMSOO" CA 9370,2

(:5fU1:) 455-11 '97

(See Ad 00 rhis; Page)

Fa ml@it'S 1III1!SIlJ mnce, Gtr{)UP Saf1lg Yang

4903 E KIngs CaJillyon Hd 800' 261 Fd\Slsno" CA 937:27'

~559) 25'11 ",3299


45'06 E Fainmofill Ave Fresno CA 9372\6

~- -~ - -- -

~~6.) 222:",7464

FubJlr,e L!if,€:, Iinsunr,ilnoe Mimi Yang

2000 N. Winery Ave." Sta. 1 03 Fmsoo" CA 93703

(~S.) 255,..11,011

M eua Ilnsutr,81IU)e .AS eliliC)l" Pahoua Lor-Moua

3995 N Fre5ino S~: Ste 108 Flresno, CA 937:216

(55" 22:2:~9:280

(.SeEi Ad on Plrge 76)

Nal1!:i,ol11IWiide llll1slJlI"an'ce Mai Thao

15'1 "!IV BtIDard Ave St,e" 110B Olovis" CiA 9G61 2

(559', 3a2:~~3a65

New York Life,

Uooa Vu

n '1:2 N. Frj3sno si. St,e. 300 Fresoo, CA 937:00

(~5~) 441 ~3e93

Ol:d ,Mutual fi'rllalrn~ Llif'e ~nSil!lr:, Shurrthur Yat'lg

2'904 N BlackstonE'! Ave, St~ A~'1 F'W!soo" CA 937'03

(559) 221 ~384-5

(See Ad 00 Page 815)

"\n, .... ." .... ~l- B' .... n ... ,.·\Ij.

1F'~y.lj.o _II;;' $i _ II;;'!I-!,~' !I~

,2904 N BI~~ton@ AYe' Ste A~,1 rfeSOO" CA 93700

('5'59'" '~' -2" 2'" 1-'-'--:38':'::"'4'-5'

- ~ ...

..... ".... ."_-.',;""" ".

Pir''es1:ige, UN lnsu ranee leng Fang

876 VV AslMll8!f] Ave Ste 1 02 Ch::flliS'j CA, 9(3612

(559) 40E:l .. 6468

(See Ad on Page ;2 1')

Plr''es1:i''ge Li.

1111 SJLilii'8InCe SOIUUOflS XQ!J Fang

875 W ,As!llan Ave" Soo' 10.2 Clovis, CA 936112

(55' 9'''''' 40· I "'8' 64' 68""

••••• : ••• 1. :"'_," : 'rJi!i! 0:: . ::':.'

. .. .. .... ...

(See' Ad on Page 83)

RiUS,'S@!I~ V8l11gl lnsu ranee 1432 M Cedar .Ave

IFlresno. CA '93703

(569~ 252J..9Sa2

,Be!ngl Vanig,~ !Genejulll Agent F,F9soo. CA '93726

(559'" OO~,..565'1

(See Ad' 011 Page 84)

,S,mlte F';a nm IllnSlUIl",il!i1'0e Sob ~erry

.32'lO E Shields Aw F,F9soo. CA '93726 (559" 224-4546

'l"itall1 Illi1sl!IlI',an,oe M~r'ljn too

.5247 E Kir1gfS canyon Rd S~e: '~03 F1resoo. CA 93727

(559~ 415'11 ;;005,79

(See Ad on Last Page)

Vsng:oJld IIIl:s11JI1I"81nCe 38'1 IN 819ckst.ot1~ ,Avel FlI'€sno. CA '93101

iI££i':(' . .ilI~' 0000 !I~~Q,I ~""~QQQQ.

(See Ad on Page .9)



FIf'1esno Wash & Dry' .2332 NI F~no Sl F,i"€snQ. CA '93703

(559, 22a..'1183~

l(iin,g1's 'Waslhtiime' 4925 E KJn!g~ Canyon Ftd F{esno~ CA '93127

(559~ 2:55,-4;1 '1 0

Wash T~lne ~ll ,2774 Willow Ave Clovis! CA 006~ 2 ~~559~ 29~,..'11995,

'Wash T~!ine

,~,9'1 0 E Kings CaJ'lyon Rd F,r~soo. CA '93727 (559:,452:-095;1


Amlell1dolla Rober! ,all1d ,ASS/OlCi. Nerig S,' P1i81

s·~ 6 W Shaw Ave ate 200 r,:,resno. CA '93705

(559" 9781'"401 '9

(See Ad on Page 4)

I rnm iglf,atilon L:alW Oftfffices, of Ph i~llip Kiim, IlinC~

1 ']20" E' O""""'W Ave- ~t:e. ~ n<o,

~ ·Ol~," _,~ _" ~

F~O'i CA,9G710 1(559) "161,,·1040




l!)a:ddiJli1o~ Egig R:alllclll 37'08 N Thompson Ave Oovis. GA 98619'

(569) ,29,11 ~S927


law 'OHice ofJ Jetf're'y' 1:),,, 130hn 2445 'Oapi~DI St Ste 1 , is

IF'~o, CA 9G'?2~

1(551} ,485-,1212

IHmon 9 Cenrlrn IIF,lli'ml 13263 E Shlelds Av~

c .... ~r ("""h, ~F1'~~'7

~I Lr~ J ~ ~iJlU;~

1[.559). 709~984'7

Kiing Poulilliry 1521 N lMap1e AWJ Fresoo, CA 93703 (569) 252:..,8880

law' Ofliices; !D'f~ Patlll C., lo

,.Ii .06'7 E' l.t-': .... g~ c~r'VI-i"t"It"i EiI...t "!'iLI ,_' !i.. ~\hl:'';' ,- ai, .j,""'! riu,

Fr,e&'io" CA, 9\3727

llE!:IEn,\ - ~ - ,~AtiIh I\~~~~ 4~4-'~

(See Ad 00 Page 81)

J'Qey' ,Afillibroise CaUle 47'52 N Dick.e:nSiOtl Ave Fre5lnO; CA 93722

1(559) '696~9i1,81

VallQ '$, Ch~olken IF.anm 3272 N Loon~rd Av@ Fmoo, CA 93727'

(559) 292:=1933


MDIHI'C,ow,S 500'3 S figl AVf!J 'FrootiO, CiA 93700 1(,559) '994-,524'7

L.aw Oftiices, ,of LiCW Maiya, Yang

5'7'01 N 'West AveiillLre' iFilesI'H),! CA, 90'71111

[~5'1l:1ft'N. ~~iif'_:""~iI!"U"fIJ 1 ,~-~~,111 ~~u ~'~

Pali1U)iCdle lLiilves,tocks, 1145 IE GoI~man

ILa I:OfI' , CA 93242'

'1559) '923",4009

T'"mothy l,. [Me rks 47'63 E, Oli\ffi, Ste. lOS

F CA- 95700

1 . -," '.-. ",.- ' I

I IiE!GrI 01, '.' ' , ','

1(5St) ,251-5324

"ff,e,li"ra II..i'nda IP,ilJrms, :21655 s Cmnelia !Riverdale, (']A 93656 1(559) ,eel-,ll ,608

KV F'eed Star,e 4564 E Olive Ave F~rLQi CA 937'02' (55,) ,2:55~912D

Rob:erlI's. Fe,ed ,ll 1P~t: SUIPpl les 457" E Belmont Ave St,e A.

Fres 00 !' CA 937'02'

(569) 454-1869

vnS,IT' US AT' www.txhawb.corn


-N~ -,

~"[C"1 it - '~Ar~l .

'1r.',r'T-RA t '

'il I~ ..

RS P;;aninl ,Il Ha ~e,st SUIPpl(y' 3439 'W HolPand A\l9

Fresoo~ CA 936722

(,56$) 222:-'1'61,8,


A .. P Mark~,t

3645 E Oliva AiI€ Fresoo. CA 9370,2 ~'559') :2158,.,29'19' (See' Ad on Page 48)

A,~J·19 'S,'IIIIf'ilIC.",-,9""k, ai, __ .:~._g .. ·~fr-!'·!I;r.~l ~'I~ ~ !II;i!!!~1 _" J!lj;r.i~,

4818 Elulam A¥6 Fmsoo. CA '937,2.7'

(5SQ:~ 25\2:-7,025 (See'Ad on Page 13)

A'sJian One'S rooell'Y 4·4,7'3 'W i\shlanl Ave F~$[)(). CA 937,22 (569] 2111 ",598,1

(See Ad on Next Page)

Bh1igOi 'G A':u:~ellY 2143 E Belmont Ave Fr~sFW). CJ.\ 93701 (569) 49SF-Oa,'17 (See Ad on Page 1(0)

'C:aIHfcHifilil8 Mark.et 2848 E Belmont Ave Fre8oo~ C.A. 9-37'01 (569) 214,.,11,520



Foo-d I~m pim 4100 N CrOvts Av-e, Fre:sno! rcA 93'7'2'7 1(559) ,294-'1430

Frre.s!l1o Fr'oo d Me rt 1047' N Fresno 8t Fmsno, rcA 937'01 'c:iCi~'IIi 2~ lOa .t,g,ng, 1\'U;;,J:;iiI!j!I ,'CU-ll""~

Golld1en B"owll Asman M,airkJe~:

_ -

1221 N First St F'~no:, CA 93701

'~~m A iO~ li:.i:~iR"l' 1~1~~~Jr. I~~_~¥~~

(See Ad on Page 24)

Go~den Valle;y' A's:ia n Mlarket ~845 E OINe' AVi

F"r:asno" CA 93727

,~~ ;!'Jtl:;!'J 1- 'iCI't:i!\f!I, 1,'iiJI"'~j! ,;go""iCi- I QqQ

lHe;r~ su pe rmairk,e,t 42'4.4 IE ~ings, ~nyon Flo F~no! CA 93'700

IIIl:'IE\t!Ii\ ~iI!::E ,Ii') 011 '3011

It,",iU'o:.l'Jl ,~;;;,;J!ijJl3'"" I!- ' I!

(Sea Ad on ~e 1(3)

Kawl1ee MSlrk,e,t Txawj Xyeem Us roo W Maif1l St MeroedI' CA 95340 1(,209) 7,22-'7-485

11(,,1.., 1rad ilfl,g ComlpaJny' Koua,ile@,

:2'11 W Main Set Meroed!, CA 95340 1(2,09) ,394-3819

Ilii'" 1IL1I11IL,lIh .... - -11.., at If'Iio !,"! !,"! g!l"~e ~

1 :'2'7 NE: 3rd Ave' V1~Jfa, CA 9\3.291

I'EIE'D\ =-]"JiiA EA,n"l, l'I~~~j! ... [~~~~~

lLee~, Co,m m 1lI11l,ity M arkst:

KOlJa, Yang 37 IE 15'Llil $'1:

Merced;, CIJi. 95340 1(209) 722'"'4254

M'C IMalrket 114.5 N Fisher Sl Fr&.SlJ'l0! CA 93700 1(569) ,233-·4'113

Oriient Mlsll'ket 254, Broadway Ave Atwafter, CA 95301

(209) 351-10311

Smart ,Save, Kalla L6~

2'11 W Main St Meroed, CA '95340 '2~ nol 004:- ~O;t ,n

\ .1Uif!lJ I!WIU · ... ou II if}

TIC IFif1eStl Meant: ,Supenmallket KHW MOOS lOOB

4.700 E 6elmon~ AWt,

F'mr'!o" CA 937'02

(559.1 453-1038

(See Ad on Page 30)

T &. 'V !Fe ad Matrke,t 2306 N lFii'e'Sf'lO St Fr*n.o" GA 00700 ,(559) 225~338D

Tihao~ F'ood Ma,rike1lt 4215 IE Butler Ave' Fresn.o CA 93702'

- - - I' - - - -

(,569) 255-,4527

Tsirm IN~ee:j

4,791 E Tu1are Ave Frs~no" CiA 93702' (559) 253-1 '91,5

X,C bJLIIlCky' M1ali"k,et:

4,005 E !<JflgS OaJilYOJl; Rd SI:e- 101 Fresno, CA 007'27

(569) 255-·84,22

Hlmoll1,g ComlmllJlfllity' Radio

Be'n H. Vue -

:204, Clovis Ave Ste 36 C~OV~Sl' CA 9G6,12 (,S69) 288-10405

TIlle' IHlmlo'ngl Tri bune t1f7'59 E ori~ AWf; S~a <1ICU

~""""'''''n- 0\"1; i"" A 1I"Ii1)""'rr'" I~I~ VII~,~r-U&

(559) 453-'9868

HIn1iOIil 9 'fV N etwor!k: 432'5 E Tulare St

Fr~no" CA 007'02'

(559) 475 .. 0045,

w~itw.hmong'l,\"na:two,k.com (Sea Ad on Page 1 04)

KlBl1 F- '900 AM

34,01 VV Hol!afild Ave Fresoo~ CA 937'22 (~6q) :222: .. 0900 ~_8~\l'Jf'$dkJfjtfJ_com

(S~ Ad on Pa:ge 22)

K,Q:E'Q 1.2DD AM

IHlmoi1ig ,Aimler'., Sma:doe s:tin,g 139 'W Olive Ave

Fr~sno, CA 93728

(559) 499""1,2'1;Q 'WWW~.lhehm[mgtildi(). com

(See Ad on Page lO2)

TV Hlnmolil,Q

3235 N San Fernando Ad Ste 78 Los Arlgeres" CA 90006

(~6$) 994,..4862

[See Ad on Page 70)


22:30 N Fine Ave S~;e,. " 0" FffiSOO~ CA 937:27'

~~5~) 454~1 ,211

\lVWVv:, txh'awb.com

Alii P1ro VitCh!,!) IProd:u(r~io!i1s 4,759 E aive, Ave Gte ;Cli Fmsoo. CA 937Q2

('SSSl) 45:1-9686

" ,-

Applle' 'V;d:eoi Produ c!~Ji)n p; 0'- Box '1 '~ 509

F~$flO" CA 937"7'3

(569) 6e6~9S4 7'

Oha asi'a Pr·o.dw)cti:o(n 635 E PiaU: Ave

Fffisoo, CA 93727

(~5') 80$",,8391

C:lassi',c Vide;o IPmdlUlc:ltlOI11I 1,220 N Abby SiS: 13,

Fwesoo. CA 93703

(5S9) 2~O"11.S:2

Hmoob Pl~av 'hee] Prod. Fresno, CA

(~5g) aOG".48S9

til m'Oll1lg Ilnt:e-rnSn:'H1all F1illmlliiilLak,@'r' Org,ain~zaill:ion 122:0 N Blookstone Ave'. SLe G FreSflC\ CA 937'03

~'55gl BOG;oo;Se82

Jla lab IProdLllC:ioIflS, Sanger, CA 9S65 t (5S£n 8,76-17,57

" ,.

P:T., Home' S1l:udi:o, F~Sf\O" CA

(559) 97'4:..'H37,B

P'X, Elll1it,ell1ai'r~me\B1 VtsalJa, CA

(~5.) 9~Ei-8863

eo - ~,k 1LlI'nr;;;A ..... k In - ,,;;!,I -....... - ,gU~y !i1I~-!II!QUU! !Fmytl'I;;~!'Oll1is

4903 E KIngs ,carrryon Rd Sta' 105 r~SOO" CA 9372,'

(559) 456-1086

{See Ad on Pag.e 55)



.. -.~ .~ ~~~-

Glo,ldSl11 P'ailth E)rrrtertamnnlel1t: 41'90 E Belmon~: A'Jffl

!Fresno. CiA '93702

(559') 776,.,4448

Glo,ldell1 'Wiide-a 3"]09 E ir1j\ler Fresoo. CA

(559~ 233,-8833,

Hm"ongl M'Q"'.ti}e S:t~lfe' ,2607 I"!.I R CVitt III Ave fu-eSrlO. CA '93703

t559~ 779lc9a43,

NT Viideo Renta~ 2644 IE Belmon~: Ave !Fresoo. CA '9370'~ (568) 41421..09911

,Shoiw1jil11i1iie ,2194 Willow AW/t. Clovis., CA 936112 I~£nt'i "'l',AICLO'··~rt.:ii~ 'l~~g,', ~r= .... '~~

UJ'lIIe, Sjp@:ciall'itiles .24'~f) E Gettysburg Ave Fte$no~ CA 93726 ~~569; 228,..B098,

Aldo~s Niig htdlub '0'] 7 W Betmont Ave Fresno. CA '93728 (55&;0 292:-9000

BlliSS Niigli'itGI Uib 5030 r'.!I 1 $~' S~: ~resoo. CA '937'10 (559' 227'-6212

C,lub R:o:e

7845 N Palm Aeve

- -

FlfeSno. CA '937 ~ 1

(559) 394,.,5,774-

C\lilw.D TYiphroon ,609 IE O1ive Ave F{9soo~ CA 93728 (559'~ 3113,..1443,

Nile Track

4097 E KingfS canyon ReI St@ '] 1 Fr"1r'eSOO. CA '937,27

I~~~,~ ~!~'11 ... Qn~lI;lj,

!I!W!~~" ~ QU~~

Ale~ IPli10tG S,tudi!o '~ .~ ,48 N Firs~: St

Ffesoo~ CA '93702 (559:' 519'-94991

Ellilte P;hoto, stwoi'O

3602 N I3lackstooe Ave Ste ; 40 Fresno. CA '937026

(55a'~ 228,..33:110

fOnEl'Vleli" Mlemlcm]es ,Stud lo 2314 N Fre81110 s.t

F~o" CA,9G1OO

1(559) ,226 .. 4'13

Mloment: lin Time 107 .8 Filbert Ave

F~IO; CA,90'7:27 1(559) '907 .. ,''1'7'70


4915, E Kings Canyotl Rd

F~O'i CA,90'727

t511:'ft\ '''''100 '!Ci\lf\"''''n

I, :-~ _~~, ~. . ·gf!!VU~· U


AJlII San J O\8,q ui'l1i Cl,ealfi ilfirg IU~, C Xiong

trre&"io" CA 9G720

I[Ssg} 'lr1)4 .. ~9388

Asiali'N1 Vlililaige, $!Iti,Opp:ilfiig Ce{i1Iler Bobby 1. \fang

4900 E fl<ings catiyoo Rd

IFr,aMO" CA 9G72 7

1(559) ,456~,28:44

IChalng lHo,mes

~ 'r616 Moogan Court

Spti~Nille, CA 93265 1(5S9) ,361 ~M99 (See Ad on Page 44)

Colliig:~) Sludilo !May Lea lee F~o, CA9G721 I[Ssg} ,B~4-,1ao

ICY Sountdl SludiJo 1220 NAbbyS~i SteJ

IFmMO" CA 9G703 1(559) 4D8-3283

Dance, IEm powerrru!:lfit SIi~n,g ViSntlg

1016 IE S~

IFr~o" CA,9G700 1(559) 441 ~ 7001

'DeVry' UiniilJe{rsity' '750'75, N Fresno St FresnO'l CA, 90'720

[·5r::::'ft~ .... 01 iC::IO,1!'!k'!ii 1.,:.g~JI' ,~ .. ~~

(See Ad (m' Page 23)

ID L Rec:ycdlirngl!1 LILC, Dan 'JaJJag

'7'19'7 E: Be'lmoo~ Ave IF~o, CA. 93'72'7

- - I __

i,II:'II:'I'!iit ~~tI'!Ii ,ti'!ii!OAII'!ii I'~~~J !~~L-j~

EICCI S;-ys:tefms IK()j1g M~rI;g VSf1Ig 6262 IE I8!!JLier Ave Fr~o" CA,9GT27

1iC!'£D1i. ,!'!iiQ!!P _~.nAIi!iI' l,q~;;1!jl ,~" ~'L"-V:;!'Q

W'!NW. Ix hawb .com

fmlin8X Networks Ye:rYoog

4.305 E TiJlare sr FfeSii1Q1 CA 937'0'2 ,;,4" il5~ ,~('j,"·n,=_ln.,t~;,d '\ ,_1_'-'1 g-~ ~~

FlI"ag fa nee FIJo(ra M~Cha

Fre6lflo, CA 93727 1(,55'9) ,306..(1305

G labal! leal'1l1Wiingl C,enter 4563 IE Santa An~ AllfJ! FrssJ1o, CA 93726·; 236,

1E'~Al1i. 0)1'0" _,~"7"'IiCi::

I'I~U!~J. Io.~ ... -'l~~' Ill' U

Glfreen ,ellea n lng S()Wutions K~ng Chang Vang

Fresno; CA 93726

'1I:'1I:\t!ii~ ""011:' ,oi'!.ii'!iitCiA 1~,!j~~1 ,~g;.J~j~-~y!

Hmoll1,g ILiterailll,!lll'e 4.6'66 IE B~ Avr; Fresno, CA. 93725 11559) ,23,7 .. 011 a

IHnmonig Uffl'ioli1 Trhald in 9 II ne, 910 N Leonard Av.e

Fre6lIlo, CA 93727'

1(,559) ,25,1..(911106

li'tualb'Cha 1111,0"

~,759 E Ol:ive Avt.

F~O, CA 93702

(,sS9) ,495-854:2

tee Aln:lh'ite d 3'335 W Carde1la, Ad AtwQtl(3( CA. 96301

1(,209) 7,2a~3786

Lee iChlareaa I DitSb-i bmo'r ~!JYWl9

:2904, N BlackstonE!1 Ave ~ae 8, rre6lflo, rcA 937m

1(,55'9) '68,1-,4'7:29

M,ero.ed Ce~llualr' fOllJly Vangkh:ue 2000 G S~:

Meroed. CA 95340 1(2,09) ,384-8277

MYRV Ilnterpl"etilllQI SeNices 0.400 E Kings canyoo Rd

Fresno, CA 937'2'7

1(559) ,256316713

N~ 9 ht IHlawk. PnivallDe ,security' 81' E 'awe, Ave St'8i 206

Fresno! CA 93728

1(659) ,443-'1,231

OniemrtaJ Tattoo 1& pffi et'\cill'1lQI F~O, CA937'10

(559) 5-9 Ils-a

.. -_ -, -.'. J', -_ . : I

1, .. , .. _, . .'·., - .... ,1· .. iii "''', .. 1:, .. ,

R:espiirat:cny' Care Pilus 202'7 N Qe~eway' Blvd S~e 11 0 Fresr.noi CA 93727

1(,559) ,252 .. 0101) ~"respiralGrycarepILUs-oom ($00 Ad on Page 39)

iftOQ'81i"''s 'TV' Reipah· ,Sienic8' Roger Hang

Fresno CA

_ !l

(,569) 109 .. 1634

,Simlp!lifh~~d Netw~rk ,fh)I'utiO'I1S 6608 E A1t~ Aw'

Frasoo, CA 93727·6866 (,BSI) 273..,858,2

SpQllliiglht IPllallfini'ng Michelle !Her

4.7'24 M\eri~ 81 r~n.o, CA 93726

(559:) 268~ 19!t2

W~abl{ra S~eve: Moua

2515 E Lamona Ave

F~flO, CA 93rOO C559'~ 2,11,3",,501)7 (See Ad on Page 19)

Yalngl Handy Maim ~ouY.ang

Fresf1O~ GAo 937'01 iSS;) 365,.,9466,

YaIIlQ! Pr.olperty Ma nage1men-t:

P.o. 8CI.X '(60S Fmsoo, CA 93747' ~'5S9') 7ll91..3:122' (See'Ad on Page 54)

Wiilfeless To GrO, 1050 'W Olive A~ Fr~n.oi CA 93,'2'8 (55F$~ 266~,20D\2

XJhllng D'igilta~ Plr,o.chJlct~ons Michael Xiong

Fre:soo! CA 937'10

(,559) 9111-,24111

Xliang Fal!i1f1li Iy Dar' C;aJre' 52.,~t9 E B~Jj Ave

F~OO, CA 93725

(~59:' 264-7687


AtlillS, IR:leal~ty Tormah Her

"147 N M ap1e Ave fij'i~no, CA 93703 ~:569) 3894..364,7 (Soo Ad on Page 1'1)

Bench ma:r1k Mortg 31g:e Stev.f} MOlJa

251.5 E Larnone, A~ Fresno, CA 93704,

(559) 494",,07'66

'C'entl!lJry :21 MOOi3J C~g

2007 'W Sunnyside, Ave VJSaljs! CA 932'77 ~.5~) 134,..'1.890

EWiz:abe,th Yang

1300 E Shaw AVf3' St~ 121 Fresno, CA 937'~ 0

(5S9') 34+."11-2523,

(See Ad' 011 Page 00)

Life' IM'UI'flROO 1lJni~',efNll Life., 'Term ]J;fe ,a1l1lil \\'iluite Llfh


aoth .bidiridlLJiL'~ ReMl"-emem:t ,l\nmu.i!1}" ~n~ Tr:adi~Ll!Jii!d. ]~

Oriti' I Jjl~-' !' - -- - - .•

" ..' \, .,.'.",'

. ca .,' nsura.nce

GaU wikJ1llw' a no-old'~~iM qUfJtel 238'91 Wes,t M1aroh La~e~ Su it~ 1 02 Stt,ac:k~o,'iIiI ~ CA. '9!5:2U,?'



Xer Lor ,sja~~s lR,epm~,e\Fli~aJthfe' OD1,3'1'9'3,

.!::IIi!ttI!~~~I1Iil~Ii!';I;MP:I~~~ ~~~~~'~~!'JI~-'IJ'iII~n~IJIt!~~

I!II'~ n..~~~!JII!~~~~I<!II~~~'~~

"'l"('ij It u

First: Pniodty Finane ~ a' 1300 E Shaw Ave Ste 1'7 Fresno! CA 937'10

,t559) .224-11100

(See Ad on Page 84)

FI!JJtUN Rea Ity .& M,ortg a9:e Sooa XIDnlQl

2050 N 'Winery Ave S~,e ~ 03 Fresno! CA 93lW

;CClt'!iil 2' 10 iClf'!iI"=Ii,!!:i,

1'Ii~;~~I"~j! ... , .' :Q-\~ .. ~

Go,ld:ern K,e.y· Realty ,& MortglCllge 1300 E: Shaw Ave Sta 12']

F~f1o, CA 93710

,(.559) ,224-(2400 VIIWV!I.mygoIdeflkey.net

(See A.d 00 Page 1 (4)

lLiibe_tt, ReSl1 [E;s,tarte tse Her

00;4. S Ches1f'1Ln Ave Fre:sno, CA 93700 1(559) .284 ... 1'724

Rea It, Iflll~n'let, Mal L Fang

(.569) 494-101166 (See Ad on Pa~ 83)

Sherclhi;al Rea It¥ Victor We

1300 E Shaw Ave Ste 111 FreElno" CA 937'10

(li69) 288.,5861

(800 Ad on Page 84)


Arnglk.or IR:,es1tulr.ali1i1t Pho, ~O:gl 4852 E O[i\l.e Ave

Fresno!, CA 007'27

(·559) ,454-10881


~,917' E I<Jt!gs Qi_~ ~d Sl~' 101 Fre®no" CA 93727

(5SI) 704-4263

'Chi rn~ Nhlli'klet 3039 N cecar Ave Fr~nOi' CA 007'00 ~~59) 256 ... ,2346 (S,ge Ad on F%Jge 99)

Chi rna [Buffet

5155 N Blackstone Ave Fresno, CA 007'10

(·569) 222~a41!a

(See Ad on Pa~' 7)

'ChriistY's D:otnlwt:s &. Chilnese :2505 E Bslmont Ave

Fresno,. CA 00701

(569) 442'-1499

_,a HlmongTVlItv

1'o·g'lsho:oj IF:RE:E [TV rail 'peb hah,' HIMoob thoo!b p~liIWS Iluib ntia_j t'ebl

Watch Th,illi, Laos and Hmong

,M IiiUJ!.lI[S; liIew~, 2J4Iii1OYI'$ Tliai Dfaoo~ hi Movies

llveShcws Shopping Channels And much more._

atch HmongTV 7 days a week

Sale'll ite! Bro.x Avanalble at d is:eolllnt price, ..

TslhiuaJ IHmoclV Npme~ Ntsi',ilIli,." Nom YOQJi ri m~ p.ab 'mUllntalu 'yarnl,

I rt<41:$~'!,!" $iiao ~ Mob, Kau \fwm

.. N I:$·ha 'If' qSbzib, ~ Mab lawg

I RQl WlJl;ab I'1Ilab nta$ • Mdb, leji leeg

fhiab IpaJo 'IN '~haiv IrniaU! ¥aim k.ab mO:b •• ,

Gramma IO~:alTlol is, a nali(J[al~ ,orouri'ng plant 81'teHllI d:etived ifOm !lioe Il)llillll1,oil.. GFilmimii 'Ory,z_ii!lIiIol $yp~$ m~$(lle ,deve!milT!eFi'~


Dlou:gh Boy [Donuts 4577 E Kings CEmyon Rd Fresoo~ CA 9370.2

(569) 252:-4.25·5·

(,See Ad on Page 71')

H m'ong P'ood I~:xpress ,4305 E Tulare Ave

FffiSOO~ CA 93702

(~6~) :252:-4.263

long Clh,eng Cafle 4579 E Kings Garrryon Ad F"wesoo, CA 93702

f55~J' 252,~4211

(See Ad' 00 Page 53}

M om 'so Pies. N GOlod~es See Yee Her

7709 N Ftrst. 8~:

FroSi"1(}~ CA 937:2'0

'~6~) 438\.16661

M asag:o R;est~n.l,ralnl 3'] 09 W Noble AV6 VIS8Jia CA 93277

(5S9:) 73!1-98S0


31:21 E McKfn!ey F~$r\O, CA 937'03

(:559) 497"'9261


31.t:n E M!cKtnley Ave Fresoo~ CA 93700 (569) 48fj,..1.2SS

l!"II'h- n. Ij,II '~:B""'l'n l1"li4 R' Qe-4r111 ... ~' .... j, rt __ v- If" ~~·all!IJ. yU __ -1_J~-~ltl~~1 !~~I ~ ~


924, N Court St VIS8Ja, CA 93291 (5S9',73\2:",,3863

Plho New' [Hlo'pe 1.234 N Rr$~ S~, F~$no" eli. 9370.3 ~:55~" 26Si'"1'96D

P~c~kl8it 8 ,Sulsiilii 9 'W PJe:xandeF' ,Ave Mer-oed~ CA '95348 (~Og:) 384".021.2

[CO Ad - .~ ~Ol~ (Vee. on r G!:'jI'" . "I

T1Uilig Dyrna:sty 206:6 W Shaw Aw Fresoo, CA 937'11

(:O5~) 432:·';311,8

,ZiJp1ongu J,ap1anes.e Restal!J.ralnt ,5096 N we~t A.ve

Fresno, CA 93711

~~5~) 4311 .. 2626,



Hm,ongl 1llil,oo:me Tax SeNiice's, 5035 E Bermon~: Ave St6 F

Fresoo. CA 93727

(559" ~52-210\2

HT\R Tax ·Senii~es, l8~trio@ VSlilIg

.~ 700 14th S~ lBak_ar'$fi~ld, GoA 903011 1t;:.6, "0'1'~ C . .o:ii ~ ,..O'A !!"jig .... , \U·. ,'u .... 5, .. "'I'ii:O".·

LUJerty TSiX. Servi;ces !David fQiilg

,237,3 S. Qhe51r1u~ ,Ave FfflSno. CA '9372-5 (559, 2511 =8600

NT1, Acct~ &. 'TlIx. 5~rviees 777 lMilnlll8wa-wa. Ave, S~le .~ 0 Glovi:s" CA ~~ 2

(599) 2'17-9308

p 1&. INI 'Tax. Servioes .~ .533 E Shi€lds Ste A Fresno. CA '93104-

lifil!::~ii"(,~ "'~'_ "J'1t!:":i!o::i! '1~~g, ~lf ~ If U'~l

V8ng:o'ld '[-ax, Services

4'903 E Kings Canyon Rd Sl·e '~03 F.resoo~ CA '93727

(55a, 497'-8889'

(S~ Ad on Pag,e 4)


Ibc,ce!1 '1il~¥e~

,4885 E Kirtgs Canyon Ad Fresno. CA '93727

(559' 45'5:-'11959

RXV' llnF.ivlel[ Rebooca, Vang (559r) 355,..(l1911

DIID" V"::'Q"IU K·'/N: O' ':iW?

._.: I. 1 .. __ .'"




'C,AILL (569) 454-112'11

W1Ii.'IlJ'lli.'ll/· ''''v-h: §lilllilqf."-1 c-nm-' -. ¥1W' rw'IIIf'~ lAJ . I a litw.'1LJII!", .~u l I




A!P~- AmlBlfiicSln

Ptibll~o Affa~~s, .A,S90!t'ial~ion '7000 65'U1 Sl

S~Ctam~n'to, CA 95823

1(911) ·743 .. ,92~

Asilan AdvalncemlBlilt Asso·ciartiolfiljl 111fi'O;.

IM~_ John Thac .. ExeOi.Jti~ Oi~lOl '7240 IE Sout~gat~ D~ Ste F SaCtamento, CA 95823

i\tili1- gfiI iii!"ii.Jlj 81"iJ11i:ihiill I,:~ 1 VI ~,;t;.>"lt". !II' ~

As hli ifil IBusi mess IlnsUtute ,& flieso uII"C!e Ce.nte~r {AlB II R:C:)i '7005 N F~l,Iit Ave·

Fr'9Srlo, CA. 9G.7~ 1

[II!:'~ jjj;o,;o ftt!:·li!iIh 1.~~~I~"~~

'Cenil1f811 Calli~orlfi la 'COifiiSortiuml ChorYang

~ 600 lb!l~o~' Rd Ct{)i.!'is, CA 936'~ .~ 1'5~'£OliI ;i'!j;9'''''-1'111'''~: , - -~~I ,~, ~'-V!l!'~

iCelnil,ell' Foli"

A'~ -iI!;,. . . ii' -M--'

.'. 'SI!aJlfi -."iiIliIe{fl:Oan . ,ed hTtI

~ 45 Niru~h Sl 900 350

S~n Franc'lsoo, CA 94100 1(415) ,863 .. 0814

C@fiVtral~ Vall liley' Asi',an-AIi1i1,e'rh::,i1ll1l Cli'it;;liliiiliber Of C~Olmlmeroe,

~ '78 W~t A{jams St~t

StoC'ktoo, CAo '95204·

1·~ii'l'I;m A ~n 'Q'fiI~n Il~~-~J. I~U~IiiWW

Clllii!Q!O' IHlm(H1igi ,Ad~~ Co,unoil ,Mlr;, 'Yalilig I(SIll u~ulrytJln,d )Oong' ro Box 9126

Chi.......... ,CA'· i"i~Fti~7·

... V~I " . ~..J::5I,.

1(530) ,321-4893

Emlj) OWerliitlielillt Ili1stiflute~, Imo. IMs_ Connie 019

5004· E: W&$10ve:r A'JJ€ St~ 1 01 IFr~o., CA. 9G.72 7

'iEl' iE\f:!I,\ ~ 9· 1 1·iEllfilF-lt

I"~~~J 1£'-' iil .~;:

'F,act: Fh1i(Ung C:omtmilss:ign IMr. GF.;'t Vang

1500 Huntoon Street Or'OVllle;. CA '951965 1(630) ,5320;·7514

F~[t.IR;.,M .,

1940 N Fresno St F~o; CA. 90700 1(559) ,487~'1500

FreslII1lo Ce!ntell" tor' New' ,Afiinericllns 48'7'9 E: Kings Canyotl Rd FresnO., CA. 90'72'7

1(559) 255",1395

GIr!'eat:elf' t~h~!8 f~h OIr:gl~!1 IlllC~ Dr. Too Xa lyfm..!lng, Administrator 4009 Kings Canyoo Rd,

IFlIeSf'lo., CA.9G'?21

Ifll:'~\l!'!iit 1I'lII511':.-,Q.;i!I''".I!\Q' '~~~:J. liii:t._~ ~iIlU

Hnmoli1,g A,melri:c81ili Asso'c~ ,oli San J,oarqUi'rl Co liIiility~ line .. Mr; Jim Lee'.; Pf'\estdent

4.600 N P~rsh.lt19 Ave St~ B Stooktonl" CA 9520;"

liI'!"iifllifill\ "7,jjj ;i"!L~I\".[I!AIn. '~U~J. I ~~"

Hmorl:g .Amelri:can ,COIl11I1l1W mirly

2004· N Blackstone Ave Unit 7 -

F~no, CA 93'700

1£559} .22944:28

HIMOrl:g .Ame(ri:c811li Assn, II ne, 1559 N lBeale IR:d

M~vi]le. CA 95'90~

(.530) 7,4'9 .. 1.680

IHNon 9 Cw Itil rail Cenlter of Brune C:ounty'

Mr .. $or Lor. Ex:eolllln\lle DirrotOif 16410 ~rn:;otnl ·S!:

Orovill~, eA 95965 illl::o:!i;i'llili ~G4' '''''4'''''4' 1l!,~U, ~- _~':l·~_!11:··~_

HnmOll1lQ IHlealltl1 'Colllabcur,iltiiw8 4.87'9 E Kings, ~f1YCOOl Rd

FresnQ! rCA 93727

1(5'9) 266-,11656

IHNOIi1 glint',. Cu 'tu rail Reulfl ion Mr; ~B[1)g ¥Olla Her. Pffi8id'en~:

6 reo E Shields Ave Ste' 101

Fre6lIlo, CA 93727'

1(.559) .252-8182

IHnlO!il:g ILa!ilg!UJag:e hl,S,t, I !1C:. Mr: 81laJ Mao ~6Il9" 'Director

1220 N Abby S~ Ste· A

'Fre6lIlO, CA 937ffi

1(.5Sg) 498-,8454

IHnlO!l'i'Q INlew Liif;e lHelillltih Cienter 38.11 Plorin Rd

SacrameniD,. C:A 95823

'''H1 m 4· "ill' 1 ~2-' 7'

~1IZ!' I '\lI'jI' .'iii:. -, ,Iii:.."

IHnlOIi1 9 IN!ew Yea r tFlnlsno 'I=Imollgl International New Year 1558 N 9th S~

Fre8Jlo, CA saros

1(.559) ·48,7 -,llm1:2

IHnlO!il:g IN!ew Yea r Me:r,oed Merced Hmoog New Y~r

900 Martin Lu~ller Klng J~; Way Me:roed. CA 95340 -

,tilfi'om "l!O.... '''''-:iI'c'A ,'1~~'I: 'd-u~-lii!.·'~

HmOIfi 9 Qlr'gl., .,om" P:a renilt8~

~'d'-I- _. -;if - cO' G' ,~- ~ . ..:I .- .... ..iI.- 11--

~ _.'l!I~i:hIQrS ,~ ~1,u~e~!III':S" _111'1;;.,

Mr, Tsia, Xiong, Pr"esfden[

RO, Sax 188695

S&ar~tmt3nto" CA 95818

1('91 i6~ 95·1-,5;931

iWl1m";-;;lI!"Ii n W·· ji

IIlI ""'III'~.· lomen s

Herm~age .Assioc,. 22'51 Florin Rd Sh~'~ 04 Sa,Qi'ameFtl~o; CA 9582.2

C9'H'~ ·394~14D·5

ILsUl IF,emill, erfi IF I1'eSt'U"J'

4903 E Kings Oafl}!(m IRd .sh~ 281 Fresn.o; C'A 937'27'

(569J 468,..19715

Il..~HJ IF,amiil,· orf [Merced 855 W , ·5'th 31:

Meroed, CA 9534,0

(,209) 384,..1814

L~u) IF,amiihl' orli OIil!kJ!ali1.d Nk Chaosam S. Oh~.o

155'1 23~d Ave 2nd f[OOr OakJanCl. CA 94.006

(5110) .533~88BO

ll.iU) IF.amiibr cd Saor,amem~() 5840 FrM~i!1 BNd

Sanra_rrnerrr~o. CA 95824·

(91'6) 424,../0164

lLa.,o IF,amiily Otrr Salfi Dteg:() Mfi"_ Yang F.ang

8150 Lakeport Rd

S8_~ Diego. CA '92105

lLaJ('j IF,amiil, e,f S'toicl;C!ton 2701 E Hammer In Ste .~ .2:0 StooI4'Of1. CA 95:2.02

(20~) ·466 .. 0721

(See Ad on Next PtJ..gaj

Custom' C-.ake·s'

'o,AM-5,PM Tues, _. Sun.

Il..a Q IKhmUi ASSOici'ati'il(n!1 II11)c., '1044 N EI Dorado St

.S~:ockiton, CA '952D ~

~20~) 463,.,34,1'0

LaiD' Vet':eJII",alllll I net, of Alme·rica 7'1 c~ S. Mitlfilewawa Ave

Fresno, GAo '937,27

(~5~) 252:",,9'''21

Lal(l>'~ian C uLlur.all &, Resea rclill'Cent;e!r' 1 ,,~n 3 Merlday Ln Santa .A!na, CA 92706,

~,71·4:) 54'11-4c53S

NalUon!all Hmon,g Am,eriicilln IFi81i"Im'ers

,2:904 N ·Black'.stooe Ave Ste iCt.

Fres.flO~ CAo 93703

(~6e;) 225,.,5809'

New Amedcillil M1·edial San Fran.cisoo. ,CA

~'4.1.5' 500,..4,11,0

'I l~

Pa!1 'Valllle'y' IlnsUhJte 144,0 'W Shaw Ave·

Fresoo. CA 93(1'1

~5S9~ 222:-7'6·7,8,

'I ,_

Sa,ora mento AS:ia n Paciffic

_. _. - - - - ._- - _.- - .-

Clhalflfililer' ,of Co!mllit1!ere,e ,OO'~:2 H St St:e 200 ·Saoramento, CA 958n .~

(:91,8:) 446-7,883·

WLNW~dou:g'hbo:ydon,.ufsonlinei'!com' 45'75 11E~ King. s C,anvon Rd, '. gll',c~JnO"il IC·····A .. :·· 9- q~7·· 0" ·2·~·

_ "._ .. 1:1' .. ·.. ' i-II w~III.".~ ', .. \. . . .._;II. ,.. I


Co'ver tlhie Kiids

2750 Gateway Oaks Dr S~:e 330 SaDlamemD, CA 95833

'(:9116) ,87'6-11614 WW1.oV-~ckids-~ooutl'ly.net

(Sea Ad on NaxI' Paga & Page 3)

Scn!ltheast ,As.:ia

COliflilmu niftY IRes/ouree 'Ce~l1Irt,ell' Ms_ ,Judy l£wi~" Chair

1 0836 Gadsten W€iy

Randho Cordov~_, CA 9S6,7()

1['916) '635",18815

So,utheast A's:ian A'SiBt C-snltJer 625 2Al'l111 .s~ree1

~t)[amerrtOi CA 95822'

'(:,9116) ,42'1 ~111)36

StcHle' Sa lIIp Fresno 1345 E S-ulklog Lane SHe 4 Fl'eSlno! CA 93'7'10

't,559) ,224-:11613

(See Ad on ,~ge 74)

ILh1iited IHlIl10ng IF,ouli1,datioli1 4.:500 IE Piril9 Ave

Fre5iJlo! CA 93'700

,'~'[!:\~\ 2~ 1I::2~ _1I;'[!:lGll!!i:!'

"~~~~"~' ~~·IWt.U


ASS(N:=~ Advanoenl~1rn:t: of Hln101l1 9 WOlnjiu~\n i n Milnlne,sota '1101 N Snelling Ave

a. Paul, MN 55100

(161) ,256-10199

Ctlr ',or Hm:onQI Arts 005 Univ€rsity Ave Ste' 220 si Paul, MN 55104.

('651) 80$-6911

E§."..j, C!i'Ji ..... 1a H m """IIi1'g' I A''''cn'''"''i''''''''i nlA

~~~I', '~LUf~ ~_. f~.~~~ . ~~IIiJ.II~_,a'I._}~.!I!~P.

328 Ave' Northeast carnatroo, WA 90014

(4\25) ,333-43~9-3

Eau ,Cllaiire HlmiOli'iig IMAA, 4:23 Wisoon~n 8t

Eaul Olalr'e', WI 54,703

'71 iI:r~ ii.':ii-::ii&j!,_DA !"lOI

~,.: I~J IQ~~~~t~·"

freedio,m! lnc. Kabzua;j Wj 001E3e'yv1~ MadisOfil, \N1 53,15

{6DB) 66'1 .. 4098

Mllmon 9 Ans(riiCan A'SsoicilarUon '0':11 IPolrt:a!ge County

Mal KJhou Yang

101 D'i'viS[(m S'~ N_ St~ E St®V€r1I$ Point.. WI 54-481

- . .~-

Lao Family Community 'of Stockton I'nc4I

N10n - Profit Organ izationt

The mlsslon ,of Lao P::al!rl~ty' Co:mmun.lty of ~oc.kton Is to asslst and ofHll1POW.Qf' f:amilllll!s =md ind Ivid!Ja~s, thrr-olJ.Jg:h advoo;a{;v, SiOclia1 SUppOfl: 'seroi;ees, econemlc ,d\evellopmenrt~ and iearrl!!iing opportlJn~.fe.s. To 3chf:e-ve, '~his Clibjeclive~ the board and staff are, cO'JI1lmitiedi to:

'I' Rroviding ,effec~iW ~y seMOe:s to 'families and! fndMduals to empower them Ito

,EIrlilocate for t~lves anC!l aotNefy eng:age md partitipate in commUJlil.y Md 8OCieiy,

,i; FlrO¥it!ing 'OPport!XIiilie:;lor famaies :rJrlt! irldivit!uMs to ~earn.! g~, de'of~p, Mdl ~ procructl'0'6 dlf1arits 8fKIl seli-ffiuffiolent

,i; Pioviding dx_oeIlewd 50CieJ support ser'\!ioes lo "arrnilias and indtvid\rOOs, by p~ ~cMiciI) hE!'ai~h, 6a'fel)(, economic secoess. wilurai, andlgeF'lE!ll'a1.ict'lai O)Iiflectiot'!S"

,~ Deve~:(f.]r~ll9o. F''amily C¢J~iIIily of S:t()(t(ton to' beoorn.e a ~r"O:ei cen-1~ VA'tere ramiiies aftd ind1\1idv.als 'C@.fi"I gat 'the iffl(om13'tion 'theii illae;j to fl'\;lKe affacf.ve' daclSiOfl.S.

I~Ulndl ngl IB¥

'i' FlIJ1T1Sn :S€M>OOS Agefl'l:ly ali' San .!iooq;lJin ,i, Frir,si ,5 sanl Joaquin Cliildren G:o:IlfIFiili'ssitlln

oii P"IHI,S m' .san JOIaq;lJjn County &. MetLt:!lll HeaJtn ,~ IT'lfie oati('Ofllllra iEnt!owrnent

,~ The oaJ Weltn.es.~, F04Jnd·ation

,~ IF,amilie:s, m Sol'!oo! Tf!~ug~ Jlajfi-E!S In.rung Foondation

'UQluli'1lteer :Se'rvii~les

• Irrrormaliion'& IRffie:rli,a1 Serv,ice5

it Oitiz.el!1lsli.~h Greel!il Card] ~ 1P:a.sspoo " Oommluni1y Org;aJlili~ing ,I Ad~y " Hliiliong IFtUlIi11ies fWlllileral Support &,

AWli'iIgefl'f!erll: A$_'$r~~:aji'goe

'2······0·· 9·: -I) 4" 6- e - 0-' 7: '2' - ,1

\( ..... , . _. '., ._.~" ... ' .


H mOll1ig Aime;rican 'C'enb:fr' Thao Pilra,;(aykao

i 032 'W Pioneer Park'Nay St.e 100 ArlIingIQi1~ TX 760'13

t8'17" 469'"'7,588

H,moll'1tg American C'iommunity AsS'oicia!ll:ioll1ij, line:. 14.2'~ N 8roodway Ste 116· MonOflfl()llie. ~ 547'51

(1'15,) 232:~9a5i)

Hlm'onfg Aime;rican Mlutllll!a A'ss~smlnce A'ssocilarti;o;11 1718 'lNaiS'hiF\g~otJll ,AVer:; N!orth Minnoopolls. MN 6-5411

(6'1 ,2) ~r"4:..2694

H mioll11g Aimerican Partner.slhiip' 1075 ,Ar"Cade St

,S~:" Paul, MN 551 06,

(;66t1:' 49~,..I91'10

H mQlfltg Aimer~caln P'a r1ner.slhi P' Fox v.atley

2'] 00 S, Memmial Dr AppletoFli~ WI 54'91,5

(:920;) 73a~a1'92

Ii monlg Ameilican P'a,rt:nersihi p' St,IPaUI

4,00 OaJ.e· 31,

St, PaL~. MN 55100 ('f35,1 " 2911-1,8,11

Hlfifiong Asso ciailtion ,o.'fi G-ree,n Ba" Ino ..

200 So A~l1'-artid Ave

GF€!Srl Bay. WI 543003-

(9,2,0) 431-455:0

H mon,g Ass-o cia_ilion 'Off

W' A 'C' hJ! ~

·OOy . : 0 Ull1r~'J_nc~

1430 2nd at N

\iViscoosin Rapids! WI 544'94 ~,1'15,' 4.2A,..4'981

H mOfllg !ColnlnwniiQ" of M etlfio-D'stroi1Iji Iln,e.,

P.o. Box 38110

Centerline. fiv11 48015

~'5al' 945,..0868

Hlmoftg ,Cwltiural Celn!1,ell" 995 Un1v--.ersity Ave Ste ,214 Saint lPaul, MN 55104

(:as'1:~ 91111-9991

Ii mong ISd., Adv,anclem,eli1lt Iino. 24'14, W Viie~: St

Mi~uke6. \!VI 53205,

('4,14'" 9~'11 ..,8834,

H m,onrQ,-ILao Am,e~i!Oa n li;'rC~R"",, ·'9"itii~'rn~ In".~

"~~Y¥~ ~I!L!Y.! ~ ~~ ~~ ~,y~

31,6 Coul1' Sl Oshlkosl!ii. Wl 54001 (120') 2,35-5,1,33

H m,onQI M lnnesota Paiciifi,c A!Ssociial~i:on '926 lPayne ,Ave Ste B St Paul. M N .55'~ 01

(661" lJS 8'S' -.~. "7

- -, , ,-

.. . .. '. _ , ..

<.; .. : .. 1 -". _ .e ,: .1-, : :)._.

H m'0ll1g1 M inn&sota ,S,mdient AssooiaLtioli1l 320 ~ 6th .Ave SE, Minn~pcliSJ M N .55455

H m'Dlrngl M llItuall Assi~8,ta moe A'ssoc .. of' ,Sheb-o,g,i1)lnj line',;; ,2304 Super'ior' AVf;}

,sheboygan;, WI 53081

(9~O) 45Bf'"OBOtl

H m,olrngl Natiiolililll ICh!¥emOipme(nt '16.28 Six~:eenth Sl NW .8le' 2m Washington, DC :200D9

(2,02,) 191'-91105,

H m,olrngl Nat~iorN1111 O'r-gl~~ 1111,0" 50'] Data S~: NOl1il Sle , 06

81:. PaUl" MN 55'103

(65,1:) 2.00\-2343,

IIR'CO' ... Asia!1 IFaMi I, 'Ce'nte;r' lee Po Cha

4~\24, ~E G!isan sa:

PGrUand, OR ~H'2'13 (50~~ 23!l-93ge

Lao, Fanfl()" C'O,illlmUIi1'i'ty

o.f IMiilllAesota es Mliinlrteapol is 320 W Univ,sr$i!ty Ave

Sl. PaLII" MN 55']03

(65,1:, 2211-0069

Lao, Fam]y· C'o'mlmuntty of Miil11!f1I~5o-ta .... S1: •. Pa udl '433 E fr,ankliril Ave Mii'ln~is, MN 55404 (6,'112,' 87\0\-'111'1 '9

I '''''0., r~L§I~'·I:U" _4 M'- ·1111l1li'9"1'4'~D, ~' .. ' IFgw. ~Il~ _ l' v!l! .. . .",~~~~ RJ~~

23·3'] WV1~ PI MiIV!la~ee. W~ 53"204 iIf.ilI'-1-14-" ~a.E:' 3'3·S·n

'l"1 ... :, ~~- .. .. u

LilJO .. IHlmo,ng Am;Brican COlal itiion Yang Chee

105'~ Beacon 'Way Westrnifils.ter~ 00 &lO3O (Soa,~ 4,29\-8,12,4;

,Soldhe'ilJs,t Asi,an C'Dlmlmuniiq, !Cc:nJlrnc~1 ella Lee

555 Girard lenaoe rNotifl Minne.apdis , M N 554()5

(6,'112) 342:-'11530

Southeas1: A;sfian Riese 1J1f£18 C'el1te;r

1628 '~'6U1 $~: r~tw. 3rd Floor ~$hingt:orl; DC 20009

['!!'!iii'!li!,)'Ii. lii::bi:'~;'" '4'~;tU\

I. ~U'~ uu~' "'_ V,:;!V

Um lted IHlmong C'oimlm. Ce:lnrl,ell" 401 SIt! ,~:

Green Bay, WI 54304- l'ft~Rt ,432-1900 "~" ,. .._ "_ .. _.

United IR:efugee Serv~ 01 Wi;S!consiln

Thaj Yfng Lee

31~i N Sro St

Madison~ \iVI 53704-

t - - .. 't ~II:'Q! li:!'~iI!'U'!iJ 1,16lIlSj1 ,~~~-i~

Wausau Air,ea HInD'rng Mlutilliall Asso,c~

IPeter Yang

~ 100 'elh ,S~:


!('7'15) ,84,2-1300


Colle;ge iChurch of Chriist 1284 E iBtlIitard A\f9

1FIieSfl00, CA 93'71 0

'(5S9) 225-9000

,Hmong ,All ia~oe' Cf:1ll1rn:h 62'7 IB S1

C' ;F'L.~. fti~I'iIFil1 YlUba !'ty. vA ;:}v;:};:} .

1,t:::iilI1M ,...,t:'~~ ';lH~:'~ 1"~l!o!I'jl ,- 'W!iii;l! ,,~~

Hmong ,Alii,. Clhumh of: Mlod,es,to

'7'2.'7 Sutter A'!J€j_ IMod~to, CA 95357 ,[2mB} ,~1)4,,0911

Hmong Ba;ptlist: M issiion 414,' N Fresno St

iFresno,; CA, 90726

1(559) ,225 .. 580'9

Hmong Catltlollilc C~Q:mlmun'itr 1526 N FrBs~o 8.1

lFiIeSi1Q" CA,oo.'700

IC'II:It!i.\ fiII!!!!ii7' A,II'!i!AI,C' I'~~~I :~~ .-~

Hn.olilg Chiri:stiia '& Mhisiom.all')' AIII~ o1f S'toci;(,t:01i11 4040 Ola1k Dr

StookLon! CA 952'15,

,f:209} '931-$11'4,

Hmonlg Clhlrhj,tlian Re'fii Chul1'Cih 9~l49 IE Hemdbil A~

c·· .:: r"'.Ih. '00, ~11

IV $, I",.i<K ... !;,.I

,[.s59~ ,322 .. ,fd387

Hilllilon'Q Chureih G11God 2'4,·12 IE CJay Ave.

F~.no, CA 9-3701

1[559). ,348",09\21

Hmolillg Com m, All'" 'CltUJ reh 3563 IE Madi~ Ave

F~no, CA 9,J'{'02

1,559} ,49a~986

Hmorl,g Community Clhrull'Ich IMenn,onirle 0015 E Olive A\ffl:

Fr~.no, CA 9372'7

'E55~ ,255~,2116

HimOrl,9 IF res no,

C- em ··-m·u nii*l~ Church

_.""" I_ I >I!; , __

"1 "12' " Ie O"'1i:; .A, ;It •. re.

'iJ r ," lb.. U~-~ .M .... ~

Fr~no, CA 93'(00 ,[S59} :264=,~851

HlmOilllQ GIl',ace' luilhe;ram11 'ChUri'lCf:11 4003 E Tu1sr~ SI Fresno, CA 9'-372'7

IlI:1't~jn'ftl A ii'Jii4' iG'lI,ii::n l'I~~~r I~ .:;il~U~

tlmolillg IMetlhodist Church 13AJ3 IE Barstow Ave

FMno, CA 93'( 1 0

,lalClnl ~~,1,.,411D'7

l!~~';;r ,~~ ~ '~~-,

tao E:V,8111,ge,lica I Church 2521 S Cedar Ave

Fresno; CA 93725

1(,,559) ,2,7,5 .. 161'95

()ro~jilile Hlni1oli1~g A III. iChulI"ch 3:95 Qak\r,al81 Ave

Oroville, CA 95966

,(,63:0) ,532-'1'919

Sac: IHlmong ,Ail,. Clinllmh 9131 loc~:5t St

Elk Gro\le~ CA 9Ql62'4- 'teIl6) ,685-189.21

San Diieglo Hlmolfl,g CIi1 UIi"C,hI Of llhe Mils;st ona IV AU., 'ChiUlr,(.dl

..41..41<:]'.ilI, ii""i.~~~N:!riri Ave

1Lf,1I.:f.~ IL'!d;!I''''~ I ,

San Diego, CA 92'1 '~5

1(1619) ,582-'7122

Unlited ICh ureh

Lwb erty' Ivangellilcall 455'(' ETu~are Sl

.... jj, II"'tt::l'7\1'Y1 FroonQ, 'I",..\;'"';; ';:r,u.'. u£

1(,569) ,4613-,05312


IHIlmom,g AUia nee iChureh 11505 11e:x St NW MinHlloopolis, MN 55448 (,1'63) 7'S7 .. ,26116

Hlmoli1Ig IJJ I la nee iChuroh '1535 liax St ~W MinlilleapolJs, MN 55448 (,1'6$) 1:54,..1882

H mong M'irnistry Cenmli" 7070 Bovey .Ave

Inver Grove Hetg1hts, M N 550{'6

(16'1:~ 3QI.,,0646,

Roeh,eS1;ler Hmon'g IF;elllow,slhiip' Bap:Us,t Miissioll1l

,2:9'~-'1 18th Av€, NW'

Rocttesler. M N 55001

(~O'1,' 28:11-9059'

c - IP IIHI . c _. ,All C" 'h' '11111~1h ~t_,iEUJ __ .linorilgl M _'" . - . _ ·!I;"U ""_-_

'1770 ~M\6rrJemy 8~

Saint Paul, M N .551 '17

"65,1 " 774,.."955,

~l t_;

H' .;it, - - '''1''''9 . A.~· .. 111.li1anoe

_ ! lmom,g tMlmi€:{r .!!;;;~.

:2515 Maplewood Dr

Saint Pau1~ MN 5-5tl00

~~6,1) 1IS-,2443

IHIlmolfl,g IEi;ilJprtlist: NaUona~ 7'47'S 15th Sit N Ste 204

Sain~ Pa!1l~ MN 551:2:8

(:e5,1) 172:..10994


~alU Clab"e Hlmom,g ,AU IChl!Jlr,ch '~814 Bellifilger St,

E'au Claire] WI 54103

fr'15."~ 8311-7'991

Hlmon,g Centra I ILtrtJher,iEI!nl Clhulricdh

301 Fuller Av.~

Saint Paul. M N 5-5100 e~5,1:~ 222:-1844

F1irs,t HlmoFlg lMilssionary Alllian.c8 Church

5500 S:1)e:Uifil lOr

Wausau I' WI 5440'~

(,7'15,' 842:-9121,B,

lHI!mol11,g COIinIIin~ AIII~ C-hu reh 16;240 Aldrich Ava N

Minlille;apol1s., MN 5-5430

(,lIS3) 66S..i90sa

(~,re:e;n Ba, Hlm'ol11lg AIIIlIl 'Chulr!olil 1,2,47 ~ther 8t:

G~n Bay; WI 54303. ($2Q~ 494~64,11

IHIlmom,g COliflllinuni~' IlJItni~edl Miethodhi,t CIh Lllroh 215 George 81: W

S:all1t Pali1, MN 55107

t~~1'~ ii"iIli!'llii"iI, ~!\'!j;~6 ~1,uiJl _~,. ,~~~,~;j~~

H mong Alliliaince 'Chur,ch 313'1 N M~ada St

Apptetonl!, WI 54911

(:e2~) 832:-1,3,1,0

Kev kho mob dlwlb loss's pheej yilg

ral me'nr,Ulom t~lab .eet n~om [ov xcev hJb

,SaIO ral.le nlD

C,h i I diren ~s; M!eafth Iinitiiiatiiv1e

iFogeth~i!" w~ wi III. 100_1k a~ a!~1 y"o:i,.ilf o~p'H(m~, to 'find Ute right [h,ean~ J i08utali1'C8 p~QgmJml 1bf yo~r child"~

lf~l nrog [Jeb IJu,r:m toog MII-,fJ(Ih C1«lm ,kho I1.UJD ,WIl'Ke,€g fflr.!l '#tqj 1$,(Jp 11<eeg_

CaU (91'16) 808-,3838 ToU [Free (866,) 850 .. ,43.21

eoverag;e ~ncludles Medlic81~, IDental and Vii;siorl

CD.!!.!\~r tne Kid~ will h~lp you 06mpla1~, ~Otlr el'ill'd"$ -aPJ!!11Ca'lion In yOur ~a~gua,9a!

Proynams ilnc!ud'e::

,. MHI~I '"' ,i\clIM.'far llrlri:iim, a 1.~lh~, ~

~ ~~-n~~,I!IitdI{_QI ~ liliUl ~Mljjl);: 1(liII F:lHilih (Gj1j

~, 1lc:!:i1111r If.i:iiflk ~ Elmhnll'lili:k

Go~r' tile; ~Jd'$ i$ ~ ,~tJI~ er~ hm(f«l b~ B!!M S!li(!ld '~f ~i~. ~~d';1~ 'C!llif~r!ilkll !-!E!<!LthC!J!'O FO!.l!!1d<L~iQn, ~ty oQ! S!Jl;r!1!m~oo,' ~!.l!n~y.H':Ji~== Fb1: 5, oo"UmID" FW:itI: 5, Satmm9l!lto" ~ fi,9I!IiIl!iMO'IB, m.~ €iITIII. . '.'. II &ttiJI Meid~ ~nt9r, 5acr.8II!IM1~. 'l!heti\altf.r.,rIilJ8.~n~; iriile DIWl!:ilimd buc e Pa~ F:GUrMl:lflon. Lie DavIa. H9:iJIh System:; end UIiI1IEid 'ii!ls!t,

FQr more Information, piE!i:!Je visit our we'bsl,~: W'WW'.cov€wtheki'dso.cO!lY!



Hmoill;g ,Alilirance, CIh umh 2004, w O~Jiard St

Milw,8.lIk€~" WI 532014

1(:414) ,643",5:272

Vi',c1o~ry Hmong ,Alii,. Chul'c:h 002 Acewood E1Wd

Madisofil, VIII 53'('14-

(_t;D8j 224~1646

Hlmolillg Connelrs1t,o:rne, 'Chu~ch of: The C MJ ,A, 2:500 Wool1tngtoFtl S~

TVIIO Rivers. W,I 54241 'f92~1563~330'l

HillilOrlig ,Alii. 'CIl1 UI'Gh M c 1M A 3ro N Oneid~, st

Ap;pl~~()(i" WI 5491 '1

1[19\10) ,832 .. ,1310

til 1m 0 111 g IEbene,~er I!..Jjjilhe1ran 'ChiUr!'\OI:1,Miiss)ou~i $ynodl 1431 Saint Olair Avf?J.

Stutlboygan, WI 53001

,(92'0) 4sa~'96S7

Hmoill'g ,Aliliance, CIh umh of' Steve;i1S POi'llt ~1110~ 301 DeanbOrrl ,Ave,

St~ns Point, \M 54481 f115) ,346-1000.9

Hlmoll'i,g IF,aillil AlII ia nee 'CltUJJoh 2'127 Pine St

La, Crosse, W~ 5460; ('601'1 7,B4~8,711

HIMOIl'i,g IFi'rst, Baptils,t ChlJroh 0000 N 00t~ St

Milwauk€~, \NI 53224

(:41,4) 358-,2610

IFIlf'iliiOrlig Chiri:s,tliSlnii CiDlf'iiiiimun~ty Illnitf-d' IM-,th', dlict C'.hl-- --'h

v ~e __ e o _ 5 _ , __ UOO __

3001 W Mi~c.hell Sl

Milv!tau~e, WI 53215

",414) ,645-,4844

Hlf'iiiiQIIl,g IMernOlilnli'l1ee AllIli',aln~e Chu~oh

E 3310 Hwy 12'

MenOtnon.ie" WI 547.5'1 (71,S) 233-,11090

HfIifIOI11'!;I Chri:s:~han Re'f~ Ct1llJ1ffi1h 1556 N ; 6th Sl

'DiI-.""'b~ni \"-.I'.i ~"'l/'l;EI'l ene ';"'j;;;J'-""II' '¥ 'H ~

t92'J 458-,,'710


,. '


rI •

.- .. 1 •

1345 E~ Bultdog Lane, Fresno, 'C:A 9371(11 phone: 559 .. 2.24 .. ,7613, fax: 55:'9;0,22.,4,.2'981 email: Sh,aring:@·sto,n,esoupfreSllO".,o,rg www .. stonesoupf'resno.er'g

Community center available for family and cu ltural events.


Charl'ofte Hmoli1'!J ,lUI. Clrnu'\cih '1 750 T~riftWO()lj Dr

Ohar I otte' , NC 28208

~,104:' 394,..0520

Detroit IHImoli1.'!J ,Alii. IClitlllmh '1 '] 400 Jackson Ave

\iVanien, MI ,4·8089

~58S~ 156-1 '9116

\1 II

Fiirs,t IHmo,ng ,Alliianoe' Churolh 3t:5.'1 Mrufoo Ava

Aurora, I L 00505

(~SO) 966-95~7J2

Flirs,t IHlmong ,Alliianoe' ChlUrolh 34,9 33r!d St SW

Hickory, He 2800:2

{S2S:, 32' ~S500

F-' - t- IH - - ~ C'MA CIll - ~ 11

_-I!!f:S,· __ mong_ , ~ c 1_,_-_lllI!I'\C_ ~

700 Wagh3n.-g~Ortl lBlvd

Kansas City; KS 66101

(91,3:, 28'11 ~3840

fii!f.s,t IHlmong BalPUst IChlUr>oh a'l40 KonCZ3J

()eml-e~ Un.e. MI ~8015

(586) 757-74-71

Flhrs:!!: IHlmong IBaIPt;'S1: IChUl"oh 301 Walk€r Rd

Morga.n~olftj. NrC 2-8655

','O!"iIO:, A~"'l'=na:;9' n

,o~o., ~~, ~ ~

1 ;st Hlniiioli1'g lea p,tlist 'Chill rch 00 6meraJd St

Broom1\i~d, 00 8(}l)20

~,303' 466~83,17'

G rea,tler IHb::k,oli')"

Hll1fiong I!..uthelr,an 'Churtich :21 '1 0 MoUfl~ Oli"'~ Church IRd N;el!iftOIlil, NC 28658

~a!!"'j;O~ e:::n - ot::'on ..... ;to!;) ass- .... u.· u

_". ", .... . ....

H m0il11g Aililisnce 'Chur-ch 432-0 HE ,3rd St

Des Moines" lAo 50313 (:f3'1 S) 2A3~a223

H mOIll;£) Ailllia.rnce 'Chureh C,o_oriu!h) of lhe, Ohristiian and IMiis's:io!i1a ry Alnanc1ei ·En 35 Kfio;l{ Ct

Wes1minS'~Er, co 800311

(~OG) 427-56,1'Q

H moOl11!S ICIi1 r~stia n FeUow Ch'uroll (10:0 Sou~hl St:

RI'chburg, MA 01 ~20 'J1lf) 342: .. 1'61,8,

H m(Ul1lg Diis'lirmct: of Tihe Clh'f~s,tiialrn

,s. M issi'omla~' ,AII~anoe'

.' !,

1 ,228'7' P~nnsyl'llaflia St

Denver, GO 002411

(303, 252: .. '1 '193

H m,onQl ~vafilgle h:;all'Chwtr,clh 46 lDeJicter 9t

IProvi(jenOO~i AI 02:'009

(40i1:) EU',11 ... 92,1l5,

H m,olrng Ne,w' IH a:pe AJIII~ 'Clhwr·clhi ~ 622 Un'ion Grewe Churdh Rd

Auburn, CiA 30011

1770) ~90911

H m'On!;)l Seattle A~IIII 'Chur,clil 12,855 MiIJ~Bry Ad 8,

.seg'lt~"i 'WA 98100

f,206:) 9881'"066e

H m,onQl United AsS'o,c., 'of/IR II ,34.0 Lodkwood .s~:

Pr~enoe1AI02907 (401:) 455,..084,1

Leo 18 Hmong ,Alliial11)o~, Churcih 9 S HBlfShey Ave

Lealia" PA, 117540

(,7'111) 656,.0666,

Ow,ass!Q IHIIin('H~gl AIII~ Church '~05 W 1 sU\ve

Owasso, OX 14055

(91118:, 31'6,..9060

PO~1Uand Hlffi,Q.ngl Alii" C hur-chl 564,1 ~E 60th Ave,

r.orUand, OR 9172118

(50~~ 282:-269~


11~l!'1I;i11Il!'1I~"" '''"vh' 'a· "loI,;f.~1 c~·o!· ·.m' , IW'if' rwlir 1W111i~ IA I _. _ ~IU",U'IIl"_'" _,' l I

'I..f'i,,n _ .iT'" 'V ;r'j). T-: 'iII,i' i'I -:n",; <IT'if'....,~

J~ I-~ ~~.§. J ~ ... ~. '; g ~ !!!'~!Ii- .~ ,.J11lA,1;-U

Nt:xawm 1lwj 7/4/,1'9J4, . ,8/8/2tYO,3

Xo,j TJlfoj XC'v Nq:rure 'liil.rlti, Cr;t6 Q:li i~, Yc.eJ s'a w~ Nra. i I!fi "lRQ'!.I1 1'ej, "'F~~P Si~ 6, , ~ j,.j,nv :If c» X ~i::M u~ T .:1"1. 1'h SUt~_

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_ ,ervIng your . Inane a, 3,- .. nsurance N ee s

C" ' 'h- ,- .... . '. _. ·th- . ,i< .. . ,. . . '.' . "- . 'r-' ." ,. h- .'. __ . d . ~ ". u'· . , ". .. . fl- .' . .. . '" s'·" , ... , ,_.." ". ,

__c-,'·anoes aile ,_' a,~, you a'rei ,paYln.g roo mucr ,an-, no~ ,geu1ng enOiug" S9lVlce'S' tor your money.,

G " tl t d d -- U ,Z" , ,r At" t~' <iIi-"

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Office (559) 222-9280 • Fax (559) 222-9282 • CA Lie# OE4126

is one dream Jerry 'Yang has. fina.lly achieved since winning the .2{]07 \)tfolrkl Series Poker. Although he never liked raw fish as. a young man, he came

to. acquire a taste for it in sushi, and. 'had hoped to .open :;)J. restaurant one day:

For Jerry, it is a, startli og 'I ~ fe journey; ha.vlng survived the Secret \l/ar ]'11 Laos, and the refugee ,ca.~:n[lS in Thailand before res ettling in America, He reveals that he will never fo~e1t what lit is like to be hungry" "I promised God] would give ten

, . =

percent of rny winnings. to. chariry," he had said, In. n::gard.s to his. poker victorj;

He has donated and rai sed. funds for Make a 'Wish] Peed the Children, the 'Valley Children's Hospital, and Ronald NIcD onald ".' ouse among other charities,

Prior to b ecorni ng the champion of the 2'() (]7 '\lr/Olr ld Series Poker, Jerry-' =who holds '9.. doctorate degree in Psychol ogy and Pubf c Health from the U niversity of Southern C'm-ill fornia - V\r01r ked. as the clinic director of ~ Foster Pamil Y' Agen:cy. In the \World Series <0 f Poker toumament, be challenged (] :JOO players 'be fore (tuning out on top~

For contact info:

See Pocket. 8 IS Ad on page 10.

The grand opening of Pocket 8~s Sosbi and Grill, set 'up by' 'the Merced County 'Chamber' of' Commerce and Ju'lius Pekar who is ~, personal fr]end of' Jerry ·Yang.), '\VaS attended by 200 local (Hgnh:ar.ies, movie stars, faulHy and friends" ,M·9.,jTO:r Ellie W6ot-en~ Police Chief Norm Andrade, Fire Chief Ken Mitten and. Sheri fiF Mark Pazin participated in the ribbon cutting. Pocket 8's, Sushi and Grill was 'made possible 'with some of' ]er[y~s w1nn.i:ngs. 'The restauraru is. currently operated by tV;'l:ent~l-seven. employees, Its guests are seared around tepp:anyak:1 dinner tables. where skilled chefs perform, their culina-ry arts, Pocket 8'8 Scshi and Grill 15 located at '9 \'W Alexandee Av,e; in Merced. Jen:y 'Yang is corrently planning' to. open two lTIOM'e restaurants: nne j n Elk Grovel; and. the second one: in Tur lock,


It! Ea II'ly Ye ars

J c rcca s his ,e-ady love of music ss a srudcn t in Sayab cru!'}' Province, Laos, '1l.t seven, I 'was already a known singer in llllY' school, Most of ,the suideats wet'e a frnid 0 f' the s]_lotHg;'ll't, bue ] was ,d:u ffet',eo.t~ J craved a ttention, ~t leas in)! terms of sing]n,g."~ Often) before: :!!'ec,ess:~ his teacher would take the elass outside and have each student s~tJ.g individually in front of their peers, .A }'UlH.1I.g Tou Ly took 'adhrant~ge 0 f the dreaded ~K:,tivity with his boyish, unfli!lCbi'og voice; "U n like rny friends who went fi rst to a void. a large ill udiencc, .I wai tc:d u ntil recess '\,vhen ~ll th.e stud.ern tS from the; ot.her d,llsses 'were ndeas0d .i.nrto ·the op en. ] 1/va.:D1 t~d to be

'1 h ~..:iI t.. ~ n

se,en ;'Jj:l](.. ,ea:tL),JI" I!JI:Y ev:eryonc' ..

.An cady sor~.rce of moti ~tEOfl fo .. r .1l:Es. S]fJ.gi~g came llo,exp cctedJy. UI '\V3.$ a bout ten ye:!IJt8 old. ·w:i:JJen. I enrtered. :m.y sChoo.[ ~s N e\V 'Yea:~~s, :song ccnnlJedtion" There ~re 1'L lot of c-Olnpeti.t-o:l1'~ bl]t [ kn~;r I'd daim 18 t. p~·ac,e!. r w-ao'ted to win) ba(ny~ :a.oci I ~c;] been cOI1rfi .. dcI'Jrt thl!:01!lghOU.t the c.ontest. When the i udgc :.!iimnounccd. thc ·\'vir.uJJ:;r~rt w;f!l:s, :someone. c:&se!~ I '''iJi.?a:S shoc:ked" So I 'Lonv~.n'Led mysd f that rd be rthe :I1'm.ine['-

o UI), :no, dcnll.bt'·lllu'~ 'chen :~t ~m:sn~'t :?l,e either! _ A.t 0. leaS'~ rl ~ tJl~e 3 [.]a,'ce·~ I told, my&e]f~ Of corl!l.'['S:~

Nl ~:I' = ~ .C d T :;. 11 ;m ,

v;,ras wro~. U I1110rtuna t. Y:~ - . .LOU Ly s nco;g1og

ii perfot m~n.oe that day had gone; 1m n.notic~(;d. 'b~ ;e 1th it: lludge. H l \V~J ked. ~mr:al:y su rp.tised :al.nG ~ disal::>po.i.fltoo. lj:owe;verj. h)i.~]ng the c0(l111"leti'rion ~ on'!'"" :n~cJIi.de l1]C '['e~~ i:t.e tben how m:uch 1 'd have .~ to ~to j n order to shine. Fro~n dl~.t s]tlU!.ation I ~ wanted to. try h~,l'de:r-~ ~,c'co m pli sh m() 'Fe,'~

u.... _J

;5 ]n Thai ~.and~ a fte:r h i.s .Ennil}r }lad. fled. (r'OlD a

1f cQUapsed I~ol5) Ton Ly) '~d¥e ye1\t"s oklJ p~.cked ~ u.p gru~:r p]ayiThg. "In the- refugee can1k\ 't~e~e .::r:: \Wj s o:tu y one guim.r-so eve:ryone &ha1('ed l t.. !II \1(/(; passed. .it {tom 'O~nc pcr~(Jn to th.e; tll(:,x:t 'Up

:31 lH1:tH theflJ I had. oruy been e.,"[posed to 111U,sh::

Ifill and lyr1cs by' Laoti.an a·rri:sts."· Stn.n~nm.ing the

,.I: 'Il._ d·"· 1 'JI_

[I ><; nlU(J~. cov~'te S]X=~5.cnng ,n1JS'trull1.enc lUl.(!e'[' 'th e

r tha t£h roof 0 f ·the cm.mp's makes-hi ft school,.


F inding His Sto ty

"The focus on music was ~:r:one h}i' the time 111y fa 111.1.[ Y' resettled. in Ailletjcaj in 'U tah/'J TO~1m Ly says. "There "vas no IIl110ng population there, we were Is olared, and I was tr y.i ng to learn ·Eng]ish. ~~

Jo 0 'P U"'iif" 11 ' lib .

..... Ivlng in .itl·CfV'O) 1..~ 'tne comrnumty ~. e~:n 'ItO

grow ll).nd ,eve'nru~Uy established an annual N,e"tiv Year celebration, Tile event \V':8!S an open. invitation for arts an,d enrertainment; amQ'wing exposure fC'r I~ mo ng voca I isrs and. music i ans, Tou L y returned to his, musical roots with his first

'h.. J" Y h ..

pu rena &(:'(1 guitar; 'a ama a acousn c gurrar,

"'.I practiced ,. and I conti nucd listening to the 'W.~,VC of eady I Imoog singers from Thailand ~'tt1d Laos," says TOll = }f. "But the more listened to tJ1JCSC singers, the more I realized something \1i.P.3.S ·WI0ng. The eongs wri ttcn by Lis Pos, Lis Zcb, :fi nd Lis Phccj were about a love story from a dif6e.tcnt time, a different a01U:1Jtt"y .. It was not 'my' gene.ta.tio:n ~S story, It. did not represent me'". I 'wanted to h ea r abou t what was goi ng on in

_ .. d il~ ." l' jJ'j

A'L'tler:i.CaL" I wante .'. to ten my gel.1Jer-a:tllon. s story:, .

II e began dabbling in so:ng w~i ting, and. soon found. he was struggUng to p:r~od:mJe l)fr~.(s 'ruat-_ unlike the predecessors :1:H';:'d ad mired-e-would represent ~h]s gefier~.lt.i.o:n. -=Leeg Txoj Kev,' composed in 'l 979) \1IllS the 1l'\es:uh~) and al.though .it did (loOt fully :revea[ his S'itO:l1'Y) i'~ ·conw,]:ned. 'th~ '1 i oe ~~V'ilTIi ku.v ny'Ob deb deb nta\1,'~n kQj nplOQjl s]ab/~ which ble~ldy shed Hght on "dun '\VaS h~.ppe[1ing tu 'his generatiOon in. t-enns of ·r.Qln~U)Jtk ,CQU'r tshlp; ~~ O'U :s.ee, duril1.g 1 979 ·to, 1 9B2~ 'the I-In~(wj,g people'!: ere stan,ered all (fVe( An)e1('ia., 1 c ~vas a ti~n€' () f '~Orlg distaoce' 'n:d:a:tiof1s11lips ~iO~

.::1 ~ h bill' 80 9001 f d" 'W"

pmn,g .p. one' 1- s.· .• ' - .... )-0 o~ r '~'Il~OS .' ps '\'vere

like dtis. }Jso,. out of cultu .... al [poi! t.cncs:5.! you ,dj,d r.et publicly claim that 's,Ofncone "vas Y<CH..1rr b~yfricnd or gi1rlfl'icnd" wruch co:~~ld. 'm~l~c thlDb1'$ h~rd in a rdati.o]lship, I \~ ntcd to ~,pturc aU of dlla t ~~ ":C~lifo:rru'A, i 9i'{,9' followed, :it s()ng 'wtittcn :8.fter his visit to, the N' (:;:\,v Y €'H,r oe1e'btation in S~,nta lEk~J:[har.a,,. C~li.fo[ni~,. StHI,. .it did n<c)t ,en.c aps ]J;_d.a t,e fh E eS ;s.entia.l fea t u reS (] f th e ,oom'plDcafred rolnra:IDJ.ce: hi.s peets '\,\;ret-e experiencing. Th,e' :so.ng he:~d. beer:il seeking Vj!OlLdd ~:l':ldve. in 1980.

U'p l11i1.1tH that tl.lUej _the .fIniong popu]:aJ.don in 'Urtah ·w.~s COL1I:1.p:rise.d ndlnsdy of llie:unbers :ftUlTI th,e Ly clan. I f '~~cnl 'were '3, LYi' rn.a~ Dri.ty 0 f the single fel.ID.al,~~, '!J.7ere considered your s:us'lte:l1's" And &ince it v;,~s '[<l.boo to ,develop any' rol.]1jail1.'~,C :in'~"e[:es:~ co'\va'rd a. sisc,er~ YO,1l]. stood on the sidd.ines ,of che d~f~ng 'i'j,cen,{;;' wh il~' YQ1!,].og- [TIen fi_''O~n ocher dans p,b,yed out their luck \~i ch dle' od'IJe11' sex. Irun the 'SU111mne'[' of 1990~ 'l!h~:ee- V.-N~lIm lrl]OOHl l1.igb schoo] ghls cH,as]cle of the Ly el~.l"Jj-the () .. ~)ly b;rudllej.~)·tettes il'l U-ra.h '\v [') ,0, '~N!re mu,ch desll"C:lC~ :a.nd :Sl~)ught aftc'r, by every young' y boy-got ma .... ried,; .. M~oy ~V'tr,e ,d,evlstared. ~~l t.c~~)k that

u 'l 1 ] '. .. ~ , 1 I' "'Jr"

,expe:nc'.l1Jc,e anc S 1a.p ec rt 111 to ~ roes!. - .It ou . .y

reveals, 'Diploma' surfaced from that incident. It was the first in it succession of songs 'that! ~.£ter ~narly aUClnpts\~ had firlilly cpitotm~:.ttt his

'or <if'1I "" ....... tion ~e "" ..... - "r tshi Ii"!I ",,'II... .o'!j,ll ,iF'I.crT> oro· "TcoJ' e r.ri\ Ii\, 41'J'1

:e ~~ .... .L;d~,1lJI. ,~" ;"_':';,-)l~' 1b0li. Jil~ "_;11L;;~ - u,~ ... :iJ;. ..".OJ;. ·,fl.lO'!,j:q,

- _ - 11 wn S • ~- ·r...... ra. 'b::i • hi f

Tug' ano '.IL.'U :,1'~,iL1' lL:'\.:U'!1 .. yo. e- carne i!:J;g tt atter

'Diploma,' These would be the two SOllg.s tha t uru-q:Jl],dy identified Tou Co. Y' with the decade of d.1C: 80~s.

Rise to Stardom

.I n the winter of 1 98~. ~ Tau. :l,y began 'working:

O:[L his first album with .. Dave E yer~ his producer 3.11d :keyboar-dhn:" U] was ,eighteen year.s aId and a senior in high. school, I: needed :r.noney for the p:r.oj ect, .IVi v f:R'lIher borrowed S1 )000 frem th.~ b~n'k to heln wirh production costs, \l\./e hired

c: • 1]- ., ~ d L 1'1 di

pl:'Q.[,eSS1(i1'1l:ll mnsicsansanr _ ne o recor .lngs at

A'ud]o Visions' studio, J. still remember H s;t,enlng to th e songs. and hearing someeh i.ng new and sp ecial, The S] J)OO covered all produc t]on and

. . °0 . '~.~

'reco,rdi'ng fees and. goe me ~ ,Ov· cassette copies, .

. e . ('J;82 ~T· M' 'T j'

By the S\U:1)lrH~r O'[~ 'U;J' z., , .. SI& r ua J ' .. ug was

released ..

The success, of Tou ~ )' s debut al burn came as ~, surprise, especially with regards to the Jirhl:tlti.ons he had with clistir]bl!J1.tiolfl. ~ 'There were

booth . ]

no . I mong StOlCS or ' oot .- s at Sp0CH~ events

like the New Year celebrations to sell my album, .l had ~ :fC\\1 out-of-state friends and relatives here and. there» SU [ sent them boxes of my' cassettes, I was quite worried sbout sales,"

Unbeknownst to him, his 111l1S,ic 'was spreading qui ckly to rh e s mall II m ong c~onl m unities pocketed throughout _the United SUIJ.te~~i, ·~.i.s songs were obviousl y' d.m.:ffel'ient fr~n1J. the artists before hi I.n in terms 0 f sryle and [YTk S-OFlC could describe his work as. a sna:.p shot of the intricaeies 0 f romantic relationsh ips in the late 70's ~:nd. thrOlUgh.011.u: th,e 80~s.

A few days ~Jre'[' ,the release of ~Tsis M'uaj T\llg./ TOll Ly d t'\Qve Co' S~lJt T_.ak,e Ci ty to visit a gid, Strundjng ou.'~]de of an ~pa~:c[nej'lt cOI.n:p'k~ tba't v;~s t11ioody oc:cu.l"ied by F]·'I.'Aong} he 'Wi) sutprised to, he~r one .of IDS :S'O]1gs con11ng' ftouJj one (l,r 'me ~.p1!trtn'nejjts." Up Oil ti:1Je second. £loor~ somoone else ~"as :abo p[ay.in_g his ~libum. I c decided t.o tfikc' ~. \l,~k tnr(mgh tile comple~~ only to dis-OO'v'er th;;tt 'mot"C: rc&~dcnts. '\'iI'C]:'C li:s:tcrung to his 'music :fi.·0111 ·thci·F apMtmcnts" A shak'cn1bu .. y 1'(,'t\l.tnoo to hii) ,cal. UI S:jjJt -tbere .... and I~ll:y tllought :jjJ bout my ·musiC:-.Hnd. dgh t then ~_nd there-[ k[}.,e~v· .l. V,fa.S going N) 'b~ !P0:pll:_~jar,. perhaps more th:ilJ:(l any' H.mong vocalist 'before m,e. ] 'waS .nine!teen.lI·~

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News of his. sales C:;;Ii:ll1C back two weeks after tbe 31 bum's debut, The minimum wage at the time ~,S a, measly S,,3, 25. "Isis MU,'JjJ,j Tug,' ~,S '&elling at 58 00 andio ca ssette tape. J Ic had sold ~]] 1000 copies.

\X!oil:k on his next album, "Qceb Ra,"Ij, Kcv I no ~~ began in August of 1982. In nc~xl) three decades, eight mote albums would follow: 'Best of 82/ 'rylUl~,v fib 'Q~hov T\vg/' '"Li B·au Su~v,j 1\~us ,Zoo,~ '~:I?o~ N txoog,' ~', ,.\1;.'8 Tsis Pau b Kuv,' .;}N co Txog

,.:1], z:;" 00";~!< ';, ";'"n ~ ~D··'.',;j;b , ..... 'to v.r"'~""'''',~.~ 'IN···, 'i-'1."""':'!o 11 (M···: 1jJ S·.~;i-"""'i!'''ii'iI U. I,,", '0 . a~ "~.II.11L1 ....... ,n, . .~,'U'!U' "'.II. ILA'U'U. , . "'; . IL'L!!JI.;,.

a inn sic video collection, was released. in 200!i

Peaking 0 11 t

~;!:I-:1Imong music starred ~D quiet down as the gO's

. d JI :" T·· 'L'· r ..' '~~LI' . ,or i., ", ~ , . 'I'l'f

ene eo, = on" ) s:aJ.ys. .r: mOil1b sUlger::s, USUft. ~

ended their music careers :ilIJre,:1f they got married, I v;ra 5 rna rri ed In ~:S7 and. had. not recorded ~:oythi,~.g :to'r ~thr,ee years. lfJJ 1.990.:~ I went into

record "1'''0'' "I,~ .'"", .... .,... b' '0'"",,,1,,, ;n: ... j, if"! f ,~1\..I;;:! m ..... ld ~ Jir",."", L,."...,· <~II"l!.~ ,.16 '''''b,~~1 u LiI,.~. Lo,.o!iLit'i:. v'!l,AI~ v', [.n. ,"" u., v' .'. .I,¥l "-11.;,"1<

Zoo" was the album." A.t the Hmong Year celebration in Fresno, TOl~ Ly sold 470 cassettes in one day;, a startling number within the- scope of the I~nl!ong comrounity for :ru, single ~lb1J,].I1'L ~':I cal culaeed a five-second exchange of cassette :rund cash between me 1u1:d tny su pporters, My p~l"CIUS were there to assist wirh sales. That yea]':~ it: w~;S, just me ~nd the singer, i\{a[~f ViiJC~ who. had deb u ted with her first album, There were no other vocalists or musicians present. The oneday sale record ill received for (k\{us, :Z~)oj< has rcm~ined unmatched,:u

0< following ,tba t yt,'ilJt~ othet' bands be~:n to :sc:ai,e o the 1adder lin. th.e ,HlnOfil.c7 lnus.]c ind,tlstrl;.1; SOl.ln1de.rs

NI ~.~,;

~:nd. Volt'age '\~le15e :UDO:[]g' so:u:1l1.le of rthe ~e~,di:[]g

~ naJ l11.es. "~Soil1:nde:ts establisbed this v,;rhole new g take o:n Ifhnong CQ[tCf:rts with a bj,g sound stage u

~ ~nc] expensive Hghti.ng' ',;re:rSi(J 5 th e 'I[:[.~.d irt]OIi:~d

o :inthllate~ S lnam, build,i ng ('(H.1.cert people w"ere ~ ~,ccusto:mled t:o)"" s~ys TOllJl. Ly .. The change qui.ckly' g drew :in. t]1~;s.sive crowds, to tlles.e engage:[D.'l!ents ~ w here f~fl] 5 cou:~d see' th e,i r £<1i.vorite HLIJI.'l,on_g· U H1IIJsicians and vocalisC:$ l,:;er,ro~~ln ~'~ke never befofte., o



~ ~ 1.0 1 994:~ at the AEdr,kh A,r,e~'a \'8,;rhere I 'vas to

I pe'rform! 3~400 tic'ke~5, h~d been sold Olllt,~~ I-le

£II 'r,enle]'ubers ~t,dw_g the par'kirn_g ]oc f~E~ u.p with :=:11 Cat~5 ~nd, fee.'~ ing ... tnes'n-n erized by the a:ln(funt 0 f Ifill

.IE: :2littcndccs. 'The number of :SICCU rj-~)~ g~,a1i.ds ~nd

~ o:ftticcrs dou bkxt th~.t ni,ght~ and, fans :S'myed wim T'ou ' y u1JrtH 1 A.lYt in the: mO'rning"


"But it wasn't ,going Ito last," Tou Ly admits, ~ - B:ug concerts were 'too expensive, I 'cal] say that mv career peaked in 1 994."~

,,' ,

Half the amount of conccrtgocrs h.~d diminished hy 1. 9 97. The b]g sound stages and costly ll,ghung were gone. \Xlith the :a:p proach of the new m illennium, 'm'=lny 11 lRong artists would SI[] ffer from the eCO"I"JiQiI:I)!]c crisis, music piraring, and j !'~egil] sales,

The Mystc'r.y Girl

Most f~ns o:f Tou L~r '{~figkhlle ate fan1:Mj:a.11' with Nk.auj N'yi:ag~ a female persona who surfaces

f- , .. 'I f-'l" 0

", ',. Ii ._ "1 [I "1 I", '.' ,"" [', . I"'"' '. ',' i

. rom ame ro tnne U1. seve ra 0., 11:5- songs.. .' . v:er

the y!e~u.:'S, many have pondered whether 01(' not she is. a real pcrsora or 'a, fieri tious character. If yon1:re one of those curious :E10Sj here's what 'T:"OH Ly has revealed to Txhswb,

"People who think this is a real pe[sorF.[ are going to be disappoin ed, However, the name did come from a 'real person, but the stories about her arc aLl i~na,gio:il~Y. \Vhcn 1. 'was a kid in the tgfllJlge€ c'f!l:m,p .in Th,ruland~ th<;;re 'was a litrd.e g]d~; aJb o'ut ,eight Of :ni n,e '}7Iea:r:s 'old:> 'wlJJO haJ,d this 1!1n~q1Ue:~ ,lnnOC,en'IE exp:ressio:l.1J, re:r!J]irdscent -o.f leadingtenJa:le stars ,in o~,d. Chinese t~:ri1:antic fi'lft:ls. I-leI' 11~1xne "tJs 'A b Nyiag,~ ~ncl 'aU the boys liked her; In l ~).B 1 ~ [ \cV[\!)t'C :2li song using 'the na:mc '~Paj "T~,g/ B'UJ ~P'ajl Tag~ '\vas,ll~t a name: tbat bdonged to a t-ea], pe,rson~ so it did n.~t mH;:;:3J n. ~nytb&ng to n"l,e. ill d:edded 'to Il]'se ~A,b N yjag. ~ I :aJltered ,it to. ~:llr:aui N yiag;t.!' hopi]ng no one \volLlld ever 'J.l:nO"J,;r, ,A.fter .2.005) T found OliJ.t that the r,ea~ '~b Nyiag~ was livin.g ill French Gc~.yana,;, I··Iet rcl~tivcs htld (OInt to v]sit the United Sta tC5 ~:ndl had told :mc that die)' knc\>v the girl I '\\?ii;S, singing aJbout. They took. :p]ctlLlte:s, with t.D.l.~) :a:nd. larter" A.b Ny]ab a:nd I urere able to reoortD:1ec1t :as :friends. It u;r-as interesting how pecQple aero.aUy :figur,edl it cO'1!,Ji,e, Fans at COflce'r~ h~ve questjoned ~j1e :s,o 'm~l)y t~'mcs. 'about the' idenli~J .of 1. k~,'~j 'N yiag. N 0\\1 they kno\¥.}'


Saine people with fame and fOllh.ln~ will take ad)w:IliJ.'tage of tftlt;1t :fan~j, ,[oy~]t}~ :s.eeking wealth and pleasure -through the abuse of their star ~O\\~:, B,ut h~il!Ving ~ved a quiet and mysterious

1; J!\I".!i "1"'OiL1 Lv ,.;. ... lfli:, H''Ii·J '" 1"fI ""V""-"Ii"' used 'm' v c: m e ''''0'

,lJj.]LL1 ,1,~ :1. . j i:lIliiJ. J ~ ill ~, Jj_~'L- : !C\i,- 'II':~~ " .: '} ,t1it i ,. lJ."·

take :ad:vllIl1uge of an )lo.ne .. It'\~ something J'll never, never do. n For the last 27 years of hi s music career, he's been able to s epa'[a 1L:e 'his everyday' life from his celebrity stature, Few will know that 'he currentl y ] ives in M,en::ed where he' owns a Sl1]~U business with his wi fe and has been 're~djing ComputerTechnology at a Merced m i ddle school for ehe last ten yea rs, Fewer wi ll even know that he was one of 'the' -fi rst 11 ~:'l:")!ong gad ua te s itl com purer science, having obtai ned his degree from ~!ebste:r State U ni vcrsiry in ~ 986. I e is also aruon:g the first , .. h:n'~n,g· to h?]d ~, C~alifon1ia teaching credential, It was Ius InUS-IC career that financed ;J!Jli his schooling" he reveals,

'\X/hen asked about his musical influences, his lis t included John D enver, the ,Eagle s, and. Kenny .RDgens. Wor'king on his final :aJUm m, which he's hoping to pl[~.t ou tal: the end 0 f this, :yea:r.~ Tou - L Y SaJy3~, ""Ym. reuniting 'with

D "':" '1L;""1" "-'·F·' -(!:!':: .... ] .. ""~"d' , ,', and ave ,IL) er ~ lTI} or. gl na P,[t) u cer ;:)I., ,!Ul

keyboardisr. I'm closing ,my .singing career

.... ll... ...!1 '" :n ""i'" T.. 'V:' il_~ I '_..J

with 1!.!L11s one, "I~ Ol1JL by .... angb.'l.u~ W 10 en}ojl'a.i

the late 70~~ 8O~j. and early 90~s as the leflJ,d.i.ng .fi,~n:",e in Hrnong :r.l1.us,i,cj ~,eaves us \"\11.111 a nort,e

...... '(: e·'.'l,o""\f"1ill~'·""'I~-a;'''''''·eil''l;''F v,[ ~,·!o"Jv !L.'I.~oCI!,i;;,;!~~.~,I!.- L.I.l~

.;; ,\,/e need a neu.r supers. tat singer to Eead thl: nt!xt generation uf J-T rnung musicians - sonlconc other 'musicians \rjH look a[ for guidanceJ so~neone our kids '\vill look up to a~ a role model. I hope and pray that God \vin grant '1.]8 that superstar in the ncar future. There are a lot of talented young peopfe out there, especially our o\-vn children, and v,-c need t(). pay attcnti,oril to what thcy"rc prod LLC i ng.. l I tno ng \I oca I:i s ts an~:I [l1usicians need our support. This is not the tinle to turn ou l' backs on them. Let's focus 0'[1, OLlr youtb in this country, The future of r]lTIOng 111U,sic is here in America."

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The 20~ 0 Census is, one of the, most mportant things that our community needs to' Ib'B aware of' and be eng,ag'sdl 'iin" We must work with our co'mmun~"ty, busness, civic and faii"tn leaders to make, sure that everyore is counted. The opportumles lossed wi~h the' 2000 Census have had a great rroact in our comlmluniffiy" They inc~ludledl funding tOI education, IMI8di-caJl~ heatth, and other important social service programs to our community;"

The 20110 Census ques1:ionna~re is one of Ull9 shortest iin hiistory an 01 con slsts of just 1 0 questions. The questlomalre w'ill take only about '1 0 rnlnutes to oornolete. S,~rio~ oonfiid'entlali~y ~aw8 ensure that '1'1 nforrn atlo 'n" p'IFO' UHd'- ed b'y' '1'1 nd ['['IV' 'l'ldll I[all re SIP' and' ents iiS" kept se cure end private Th ro II .llg-[lh' QU"* ~h' ~

_I, Ilv' ,1- -VU_'"::':---IUI,-I~"~_--'6 d ~,-,6_- ~ d<- -_ !6 ai"11 _-IV!_16. ~~II-!Ul>'- - ~ ~v

hlsto ····nl '0- .'. ~ t- he c ens" "I-iIIIS lts 'c:-o"ln' 'f-!Id" e" nt 'la'~'I'*:Y' ha 's" been c O' mslstently uphe Id a" '*1 s· :'-V'~Ir\1 ~~-v:~I-1 up *0':' and

r k_I_'. ,) "___: II I ~ 11'?'c'~' ::::'UI-~, 'l:___: I _ ___: 1 c I",=, [ .. ~ -~ [ r II-'~,:___:. l,)IQ '?' ___:._ II II"_ ,-~iL C7 . ...._ .,_.' I-.c-' '-_c- [ ___::< '~, 1 ll~.'~ ,_c [I_!'~,II 11_

includilng the U.S" Supreme Court.

Census data are used in a v,ariet~Y' of ways. In adeition tOI det,ermlining the number of C'ongress~'onal seats aJI~,ocatedl to each state, the census affects how more than $;400 billon in fedlersJI funds iis distributed to local, state and trl ba~ ,goverrrllim e nits each year. 'That means th at each parson w'e miss, costs. our cornmunlty a ~itth9 over ,$1 ,000.00 iin f'ed,era.ll support, The census also impacts. decisions about v~tal oommun~~y services and other resources that are provlided [n our community.

The ,20101 Census is all o,t' our responsib~lity. IOn behalf of thi8' ,City of Fresno's Complete Count. Committee, wle need your help to make sure! [:Ihat our community is not undsrcounted.

Thank you.

81[ong Xiong Counci I [M 8'm[ber-Distrlic"t 1 City of Fresno

Comp[I'9te Count Committee M,smber

has been in existence in Thailand, mainl r in the northern. pa rt 0 f the count[}~ :601' I.l]~ny centuries, TIle best known glutinous sweet rice, ansa known as Ii sticky rice" ~ by the na rives is Kiew ,6'11.. Fot th is reason, Sunfat has cho: en to selec Kiew " gu as the only glutin US SUi" et [ice [0 be processed fo'[ it consumers, <un~-4'at glurinou s S wet'! '. rice is selected from the riches t fa.[ rnland and p[Qrces,s ed b) the hands of the mos I' ex peri enced,

You, can fed th . different taste and aroma from its un iq ue ch aracteriati c s u he n compared with other dice. TJ' e aroma comes from the' perfect combine tion of prerniu m seed s and fete I.e' soil without g: netic modify (IGMO') or at' ificial substitutes. This is vcr~ good and ideal for heal i h cons ciou s consumers.

Sun F'a. t Brand

Tha ~ Sweet Rice always LOO ..... ; TASTE and SMEL.L so D -L1CIOUS

SunFat Thai Sweet Rice

"The premium rice for good h. alth I

Ex!.ra Sup«r QuaJ'lty·

'~r 5i ~ ~1}


Wiith ~v~ry pu~na. of 15mb b~g. see ,"~I$ rfl!"~' Illig ~ ~$.

1905 Vista Way • Mlnpitas~ e8JrfDr~ia 95035 Tel: (408) 262~·333,2/33316

Fax: (408) 262-33163; .. EmaJil:. SlLlIlnfat@sbcgloball.net:

TXHAWB Hmong Directory

10 years & you nger 1 FRE E with 2 adult buffets at reg.

Child's Meal

(559) 222-8478 5155 N Bla.c !<stone Ave (J'y:;, nl;ll"~h oQf Shill"')

Noi · .... BIld 6um.daya or Hlollday>8. CQLJJl'Of'ia oan not be combined. , !t~h$(lOl.lf1l! per 1'.!;ibl'e. ~~ires 1 jl ... 201 10,

TXHAWB Hmung Directory


(559) 222-8478 5155 N Blackstolflle .Ave

Not valid! Sundsy:s: a~ Hot3days.

Coupons. can not be oOllllbll'lBd. 2' diSCOu6'r!l pol" 't;lblu, ~E~l1!3s 12"'2(10)


TXHAWB Hmong Directory


(55'9,,222 .. 8478 5155 N BIBC kstorl@ Ave 4JUB~ nfli'!h ift1 Shaw~

Not· · ... EIIid Sundays or Holidays.. goU~OIi:;; can oot !be. oGombiMd, . ;2 diScC:(!oi,!Jrvt lPa-r tflbrc, ~pilfes 12·~{llOl

TXHAWB Hmong Directory

Large Part es of 8 or more

(559) 222 ... 8478 5155 N Blackstone Ave

t.!ot valid ~~$, er !-iIe!i~n~$.

CO!..llPQ'J'1:S can nifl/! !be (:6Jn'bliril!1l!l;l . (~)(~iil'eS: ~ 2 .. ;HJ 1 (I~



'Y:xhswb 2'010

Ka.o N ~ Yang, DMD

4304 IE. Ash Ila.n Ave" ,. Fresno ~ CA 93126·tt {5·5'9} .2.25 = 9 G918 Unil OI"IC' coopDIl PH cm.to/Je PEI~. MBy rot be ~ w.;n fffrJ o1:JEf e. fares. 001 iIll:Ub:I. No caSn va.\re. ~ rutdil!J1j]m "b:f ~aj or l'Iall~r~. lei(.~ilffi:~, tU24DliIDI



Txhawb .2010





· ·

Kao N·. Vang, DMD 'Teeth Whitieniing/Blle',achiing co~ic service

4304 E. Ashl an Ave, ,. iFresno!" C,A 93126., (559) 225 =90916,

Urm ore oo.Jp:x'l per oosil:mer PH sernre. ~ oot be 00'JitJrej '.M1h ~ other ot'er. fares. 00'1 ird..Kb:I_ No cmh ~ till S!.tdi1It.a& VOO ~ ~ Of rrarul.el'rEd ~p.ires '12120m



$10'OOOF. ·

Any Print Job $50 or more

.• EJ:ijlJdes fij~, fOrrrl8t printing

11788 N. Helm j' ste, 110 .' Fresno, CA 9137'27 '. {55'9) 453, = 1 BOO Li~ ~ ~ ~ o,l'-tImg pr.r ~ MrIy 001 be ~ ~Ih IrJ)i aI~ afru'. T~ rid IIdLlloo.. r.bcatJ w11iG. N.o absIi1uJ:icm. VOO if ~ or 1r~lI1d~R'd. ElIpllies 11m.o~O

D&':':" ·P···

I ._ .•...... ~, . _.



T.xhawb 2:010




. .' . ',~':"'::" "'. < ..... : ... ,

Appraisel Re=imburse-m,snt 1559 W.; Shaw Ave. .. Fresno, CA 937111 .• (SSgl} ,389 -35<47 U1'lt ~ ~ i:Ef o.d;)Ila ~ ~ M:rr ~ tie COInI)I"'ENl ~ (II" o!Ja oiler Til$S rot ~, ~ ~ V(liuQ No ~IC((;. Vdd II ~ 0' ·l,i'an:;lGffed. l~liIl\~ 1 Vj~ (I

- 'Y'w -hI8WI'b··· '2':- \'0:-:'1' 0'-'

._ I " ..... '.'



". . . ' ...

I . _.' -

A'sian Smooth iie


2:308 Florin Rd, • Sacramento ~ CA 95822" (91 6} 42'1 - 0 11 9 Linrl 0011 QlI)l1fl pet ~ IU' ~. ~ rtJt 00 ~ w.th any ~~. T'iI>lQS, 001 u1ltilled. No ~ ~. ttJ, S-itdilLfllifE 'Ilc*1 ~ or~. IE~~I~; 'l:2mlIOI



Tpha· Wi ..... , .2~10·:"·· _ x__ _ __ u v _ .


$2000 OF~.'* D &~

Photo Enlargement: or B,anner PRINTING

;; Wm1' t£Jngie' o~rm ·$'100 or ~

117,88 N. Helm ~ Ste. 11 0 .' Fresno, CA 93'727. {56,9) 453 = 1 600 lilJtl CIIl;J ~ pm Q!tSICffJIjI' Pffl' sernca ~ 001 00 0lWTI1:irw.d ~Ih ~ ~ CifIV. Tams oo:t Irdu1Q:1i tiMJ, WI llilhn ~ s.DsIi11 tICm. VOOlf ~ (f b':lrdwfd. kplwes 11:21201iD'



Txhawb .2;010


IRegu lar EZ Form

2308 Fbri n Rd'" ,. Sac ramento, CA 9582:2:" (9116) 421 .= 0 11119 LAI: ere D:qDI ~. r.:I..OOKIe'lp3' ~. Ml)' OO! be DJfItireII \IIth.aJlf D"ilH o1lEf. TaxES oot idJdOO, tla am w.loe. No 3fttl'i ruiiorn ~ ~ iJJj:ia:J fA' lJml5iEfrOO, I::t:P~1'eS: 12'12!!i,l ~


Txhawb, .2010

5 G···· FiliUpof

_ I ' .. " ~'" , .r ' Pure D~inlking Wa~elr'

2308 F~ori n Rd!" '. Sac ramento, CIA. 95822· (916) 421 = 0 1119 Li'!'il>l»f;l COUld a:a CJJZt)!oer [1:9 sa¥t:e. M3y !"Ml( be COl.nI'elJ ~I OJ1j O"ulE!' 0I1a- ffu'o!eJ; f(lt ~, NO ~ vaAIe No wl:JttaJ~ ~ ~ 00i~ fJ' (f~lerfed, Exp5~ 1'2i2m~ D





for more d'el\Sils SPONSORED 6'Y I X h eJlUJlb

Vl/W'wm'btllilla!wb.loom or GAJlL ,(,5'59i) 4,154,-1212 ffijOf>l(i ~.qIFo-!iI.'-rtI; ~1~~'Hi!l.'l'

By UEJny tf!t3. OOJr(lJ1 ~(HJ are ~JJ1.cn~l,'i~ ~ €fl1.ereO in a rat~ ror a t-ot$J o! $1500. The wilnuigs wiY 00 spij[ amongst ~e parlfdpan.l,s at $250 eadl, Vrlflller,s wt. b€ sdeded ~ J'filjcr cities and areas.. The' ,"n-~ ~I 00 cmtaGtOO br ~n8' ard featured in tne 2011 f3su8 {If T xtBwb a~ wll aso IJ~· post8:d (In our moorle'.

AU wil!in~[:S will be clii~sen b~' ,8/2110


'f:or more details, :SF'ONSORED BY I X h,Bl!J b

www:.txha,w\b.,co,m I) r CALL. (~69]i 4,54.-1 :212 !ililo..~ 'i;A'LIIi'(lIjiru ~!AIi~[~

By lJ.9fLg this C(HJpor! you .are' ~lOITIlf~calty elllaOO D'l,8 ia1ne (or a lotal of $15(('). The winnings \!lil! 00 split ~ngat f1v& pa_rti':J.ptflLS ,at $250 gadt Winnefs 'will be oo1oo1ed by ~ cit~, ~ ~ The wirlfler:s w ns o:JlI.acted by phone. ~ r~turEd in ;h~ 2011 Gme ol T ~wb and wli aso 00 posted Ofl oor website.

All II ml1lnc(,s wUJllbeJ m!lSenl by 8t2:01 0





PhC:Ule,' _

!It!.~~~.?'e~~il$ _ --:, " '.; . s~mBY Ixlhl1!J1w'b

www .. t~!Rl'arwb.loom or CAJlL (,5,59'). 4 54 ... 12~ 2 m~OO(l CMlfO. ',!.", ~!H'T~P.'I'

By .mng tilt;; OOUIJOfl you am aJ.J'I.cfmijca~ mnro in a ffiI'fis for a t-otallJ4" $150:), The wi"!nings willlJl3 ~Iit amongst'M partidpanls at $250 earn, WU1flBfS'M be se:edBd11Jj rmj(J cities am area& The ~ W,l1 be COO1BCt@d b'i phDne and fMlJre:j in the 2011 ii'lue of Txhawb am wli aso be po31ed on our wetJ.site.

AU whilHR~~, will lila clilosen b¥' ,fU2B'1 0

Phol11e,I' _

for rMiIe ~~t3Jls .... ,.. _ .' . SPONSORED,BY IxlhliJ1W1b

WWW .. tJd1~~wb.,'oom ow CAJlL '(,5;5~')' 4,54""1212 K!.ll0I'A~ lMJrMl.tiI. MI~efoORT

By using thrs COUIJOfI you are au1ctm1i~~ emereO in a rame for a total !1 $150:), The wrmings wig tie SJ)lit amongst 'fNe partidpanlS at $250 earn, Wlflfler.s WI be:Ededetl1 tJ~ majGf citie5 am areas, The wfnEfs w.11 be coo1acle(1 ~ rhDne- and f~ured iflthe 2m 1 ~ of Txhawo aM \1111 .aM be pos1ed on tl,Jr ~elJs~e.

An wililnel~; will be ~1lI~en b~' ill/2m ~


Phone·' _

for rnQ[~ d'elails = .c., SPONSORED BY I xlhilEJ1wlb

WW"I\cb:.lliIla!wb.Joom om- CAJlL (,5,59'),' 4 !54,g 12~ :2 i~@(l CMifM!iM ~!RE~l~i\"I'

e.y using tflrs COOIJOfl you are aJJ1.cmaij~ ~ m1Ereci in a ffiI~ for:it t{ltai rn $1EiO:J, The 1;l,ri'm~"Igs wiU IJe ~Iit amongst 'ftre par1icipams at $250 earn, Wlflnef.8 wi') be se!ededi D'i rmjCf cmes aoo areas. The ~ w.1 be canlacted b'r ~n~ aoo fsa1lJred in the 2011 isru.e (If ixhawb an::I \·~I aSo be pos1ed on our wetksite.

A.~~ willln~[15; will be elllMen b¥' ;8/2Jr1 0


Phone' _

for more d~t3Jls : ... ' .c '.' SPONSORED BY II xlhiE)lwlb

WW'~.cb:.haJwb.,OQm or CAJlL (,6,59') 4·64",,1212 mAooCl ~MjF'~1YI ~iREC;T~ifI'

By using tnrs ODUpon you are au1cmaUU3!'j erneFe'd in a ffiI~ for a t-otal ~ $150:), The~" n~1gs. wi~ be '~In armngst rarE partidpanls at $250 earn, Wll'lflefS W'i.! be:s8ejed tij ~Cf cities am areas. The \'I,'iDefs ¥..' I es coo1actei:l bW rJ'lDne: and f~ured in the 201l ~ (If Txhawb an::! wli also be pos1ed on OJ,jF 'I!~ells~e.

A.~III willlnelw.s; will b~! GllIosen b'll' iB/2m I)

Phol11e" _

for more d~t3JI8 . . . .. . SPONSORED BY II X h a1wlb www .. ·txJ~lalwb •. ioomowCAJlL(.5S91)·4.54~1212K!.11oodcM.F~ .... IDII •. Ec.Yl[lIt"i"

By IJSjl1g lhts. OOJPOfI y(HJ ane au1cma1i~ €fl1]re!i in.a ra~1la for a r-oW:i rA' $1500. TIle wfmiflgs ,,~g 00 $)m arooFigst ~e OOI'1idpafl1S at $250 ead'I. ~rif'll1efS wi11 be ~ed1 Ii; majCf cWes aoo areas.. The ~ w.1 be COflWCtOO trr ~ne a((l feOO.ured ", the 2011 Gare of T ~wb ~ wil aGo be POSted on OUr -website.

An wifilner.s will be cinooen b~' :8/2.011l

Phone# __

!:o_r _'!i_oret·V' dh::.~.\~ "'n m .... i' ;F;; ALL j\C::'lI:n~,;1J II: ~1 '~·1n ~ to BY - I-x hi.!)'. , b

www:. _A.~,WI!iJ~!#y," l !;..i~' ''!.;;;OM - -=, \,;;.;i!;j~~1 ,"t;,;l!"*~ ~,_~, !1Ii1(l1,lOO, ~~UJ~j\:lj; iD!~J:C;Hl~"ri

By uri!1!'J lhis COOpon yoo .an~ autornalicalty BffM in a ra1fle (Of a latal of $1501), Th8 winnings will bB 8jJ1it among-st fiw parfx::ipt'113 at $250 !:\alii. Winners wiU be seloo1ed by rr$ dt~ and arms. The wfmBfS W' be crtrtacted by phone &rld feab....-ej in ;he 2011 ~ oj T~ and wli also l:1e: poo1ad on oor wehsita

A!III w1'rllliierS w~jlll WlB Clhmernl thy 8J2.01 0


Phone' _

lor m?Fet ~~tai\~ __ ._ -r-ALL 1'.c:'ic::!:9'~ Al5~EDBY lx'hllaw!b

www,.x .. _a,w!U~ool!in (!I'r 'v,"_ ,~;;Jii.J. i '9t. 91-'" .. ~, _ c:_:: IUlO'.:;,G ~AutO'J:1WI flIRtC~OOl'

B~ ~his OOUporl yaY are au1.ornalic.altimtera:l ina rams 'or a l!lIlal 01'$1500, The winnings \Nill be 8j]1il aJfIDng~t fnre parfi::i~s at $250 each, Winners JNiIIIJe se\oc1ed by ~ dl£5;md areas. The Wfflel"S W bs contacted by ptIone and te,abJroo in .he 2011 -~ 01 T~Nb and wli also be pos1E1j on our wehsite.

Ail II wllnmlers willilil ~e (:J1OO(!1lI ~' 0120'1 I)


N·- ... - ame

Phone' _

'f'or more details _ SF'ONS()RfD BY I 'X h aw b

www:.txha,w\b.,CI):iIliii 0 r ,CALL. (,559]1 ,454.-1 :212 !!i!!'~~ ,el"'ut~t..~Oi~J:c~oi~

Sv tml'b'J Ihis ooupoo yoo.are autornalicalty errterel:l ina raffls 'Gf a la/.<al of $1 00), Ttl3lfnnningi5 will b8 spirt anlDng6t nile partbpm1s at $250 eaDh. Winners willlJe seloc1ed by ma;or citiss a!)[j arn35, he winfiers w be o:J'fIHct€d by pJ"tone IDl:I feabJre::l in ~~ 2011 mtB rn imub and 1f~1 also be pm1Rd 00 oor wehsite

A!III WJ'nH!lefS Wlilill ~e ctJ,rn;e1111 b~' aJ201 0


N . ame

Phone' _

ror more details _. _ SPONSORED BY I X h E)W b

WW-:W:. tx:ha.,w!b~co:ifnl 0 r 'OALL (1559]1 45·4J.m 12,12, iUil~ ,c~~m;, ~iRflCT~r

By using Ihis OOOporl ~OIJ are. aulomalicaJty ~ in a raffle rGf a lotaJ of $1501), Ths lfNmings will b8 sjlrt amon~t fire partbpan1s at $250 each. Winners wiD tie ~ed ~ n$ dtei arM:! ~. The wflflEH"S we be: ct'fI1acted by ~ne 2ilLI lsallrrej in me 2011 ~ ot T~ and wli also be poo;1ed 00 our wehsite.

Ail II w~'nJl!ler5 wJIUI ~e (:Jl~(!1111 ~' 0\12.01 I)


Phone' __

•. SPONSORED BY -r.:-:~. - -- - b'

'for more delalls . I X II-~ a.I,. - .

www:. txha,wlb~oo m o r CALL ('559]! 4:5~~ 12,1 :2 I\lJij~'ii l.IIuF.~i'M IlIH~efOO1i

By ~rl3 this OCM.IPOFI you are alflOmalical1y €fll€fOO in ,a rams (or a lotal of $1500. The wiflf'lif'lgs will be wit amongGt ffi.re j)altljpeJ'ilS at $250 eao1'l- WinnerS wiD 00 ooleOI.ed by Il"\\i)f cites ~.oo ateiilS.1he wimer'S W be C(fI1acted by phone end te.alufOO in the 2011 ls$e (tI' T ~"Wb and wli alv.) be posted (tfi Our wemite.

All II WJnner:s wml ~e OOllStl'lll b~' 8t2.o10



. .



·81101 !Elder Crook R-d., Ste. N .. S~cr8m~n:l\(j., eft.. 95824 .. (!iH e) 388 ~·8366 lirm om ro.lfJDI"I PH alSlrmer Pff SCf'I.fre. MQy I'IJl be mrbIIlfd v,;th any o:her 6. l':rures 001 [rd..JOOlI. No cail ~. tb aJOOIilLlb:m. \100 ~ or D'arIRne:f ~plnll~' 1:2.1201 ffiI

S595 Weyand Ave.; Ste, B .' Saoramento, CA 96828 .' (9115) 38,1 -10455 lJ.rni1 CO!!'"CilIj1JI"I per IilI&OmCr f;(f ~ Mrt rnt 00 ~ w.!h all'! o'Ilff G. ~ 8:11 mKtJd. No qd] 'I'U. No S,tdibfLllOO. 'IJakl ... ~Erl (If tIi~ lei(~IIJeS: 1:mm~ !J)



T-xhaw!b ,2010


I '-"if h - b- ~'O' .,- n [IX 'l,iaW' ~,. 1- 'U

front I!nd Ajng nment


:1 1._ ...•••...

, ..

FI!i\onil: E'nd AUg I1iIlmlent

$ 3 0 For Trucks

Chla .15) Au. D IRepaiir

"',IUI- 0 Repai


~pa;S's~,@" CfJtS ()f?iy 0095 W~f1d AVtr3, 'I Ste. B 'I' Sacramento., CA 95828 '.' (9116) 381 -16455 Urm one ~ pa awmer PB' sen.tre. Mal rotte OO'rbille:l '.t.1th ~ o:her~, Faires 00'1 il"d.JOOll, No oBl ~ r.b ru'tt:stib..J'L(m.. \I'ctI"! [jJfAoo or I'I~~ bpiife:S, t~lIW!

8-595 Weyand Ave.; Sta B .. ' Sacramerno, CA 968:28 •. (9 ~ 5) 38,1 -16455, I li11l1 ITlIl 'Cn11Ylf"l pet il)~ (JU ~. ~ mr I)g- ~ wlJ1 ;;rI1'f 02lf.1 m. ~ OJI i'xli000. No ~ WItM!-. No :!lhtitut(q. Vok1 OO(lcrl or ~ ie~I1II~: tmm,1!Iii



'T:xhswb 2'010


$2001· FF

50lb SunF'at Jesrnoe Rice

481 B E. Tulare Ave. ., !FresnQ. CA 931.2'7 ., (559~ 252 - 1025 ~ 00 ~ l'iilh.i1ftj 0UiJ:f ifi'.,cf. LmtOO In ~ m tM:l. No Ftii1l:to::ks.. E)lpll\~ '2'1:28'1201101

'", wJm purchf1.:sa o.f a commn .. ~·Uktfil pi;Eili9 '@ $5.00 (dffttk rs t 2M. can)

48118 IE. TLJ I are Ave. '. Frlesno! CA 9137'27 ,. (SEi9) 2'52,= 70.25- Unii ore CCI4'DI1 P£f M.t!tner PE' sernre Maj rot 00 wrbine:i 'k~!h an,! 00ler 6. fares 001 irl::lJOOlI No tdl 'I'EI.\tl:. lib rubSllll..fOOlti. '!ktI ~a:I or lr~aI ~piife:5' t~l 0

'T:xhawb 2,010



50lb SunFat .Jasrnne Rice

2 ~ 43 s, Bermool A\I~. ii, F'r~$OO, CA 937'01 II (:559} 49.8'rQS5-;

C..:wrW 00 OO"ItIilOO ~II~ ~ we d1er.liJritoo to Slo(;k (;(! N!J1(I. WO Raild~ hp'I!\~5 2i2BlJlnrD

- T)(haWb 2:010

00/0* a


· · ·

. .


...... _ ......... .....,.-

'Yo!ur IN ext IPu fie hase

~. No mirJ.irrmm P[Jrctiase, Excludes' Rice .

2143 E. Beil mo nt AVle., • Fresn o, 'CA 93701 '. (5l5091, 498 - 085'7 LlrrwI {IrE' f.nipl"ili per !!\~oow.r f'iQ'" 00fL'(lL ~ lXII' ttl ~ ....,tn ~ ~ rr.&r. ~ ilO! rrd.M:b1. No _ ~" Ml alh$lllWati 'IJo(I ~ CDllIltl or ~ lE~~In;i'S, '1~1 ~



Txhawb ,2010



100~b SunFat Calrose Rice

4818 E. Tulare Ave" ., lFifeSilO. CA 9G72', '. (55/9) 25,2 - 7025 QlI1fIIl1 be' ~ I'Iilh ID"IJ oilu e. lmroo 10 &IJd..': 00 mrd. ~ Fi<I~ E')lpll'ies. :2tzBJI'2~M liM



Tpha, Wi ..... , ,2~10·:'··· _ x__ _ __ u v _ .

°A O'

I .. ' . ..' ' .

. ·······0··-, I·· I

. I. . . .

. . . . . . -

·4811 B IE" Tulare Ave" '. Fresno, CA 9t3l'27 ,. (S5,9) 252=7025 Ulrii OIl;"': ~ PI' 1Iml00nef PEf:seniJ:! May l.x 00 cartmr.d .",iih ~ Oiher~. fID:e5 JKiI irdJ.!hl No cHI 'IfJ£ ~ :tltStiiifornfj, Vet! if ~ eM' trrurtelre:l IE~P[~:j t2i2@110i



Txhawb, ,2010



. .

" "1 •••••• .' r- .", ... "

. . ...../ ' / I


," . '. .

. . .

1 OO~b Sun Fat Calrose Ri ce

:2 u ,4$, E:. Ba[rnont A\lf#.. .' Fr~no" CA 93701 .' ,(.5<59) 498 ~(}85"1

ClII'fIf:4 bP. ~ ~lh.fIfIJ oUu R. lm~ to stock m mrd. tIo Fl<I~ E)lp1I'i~S! :2n8!:M~ D



- TI.;;h~WI""" ,2A10·:·'··· _ x __ ~ __ U _'U _ .



. '

.::' ..... r



'You r- IN ext IPu rrchase!

to' No ffl;nfmum' p~se, ,mJtid,es Rice .

2' 143 E. Be I m 0 ntt Ave, • Fresno, CA 9370'1 '.' ('559} 498 ~·0857 LIrrW! 002 cnrPJfl per ~ PEt ~" ~ rot Iw. ~ w.\ti al1'f ~ dw.r. 'faj~ ~I ni.Ht-d. No ~ ~. No $N~ VcJ(I C!iIlGtl or ~~ lei(~I~: 'l:mfijlll!11






for more d'el\Sils SPONSORED 6'Y I X h eJlUJlb

Vl/W'wm'btllilla!wb.loom or GAJlL ,(,5'59i) 4,154,-1212 ffijOf>l(i ~.qIFo-!iI.'-rtI; ~1~~'Hi!l.'l'

By UEJny tf!t3. OOJr(lJ1 ~(HJ are ~JJ1.cn~l,'i~ ~ €fl1.ereO in a rat~ ror a t-ot$J o! $1500. The wilnuigs wiY 00 spij[ amongst ~e parlfdpan.l,s at $250 eadl, Vrlflller,s wt. b€ sdeded ~ J'filjcr cities and areas.. The' ,"n-~ ~I 00 cmtaGtOO br ~n8' ard featured in tne 2011 f3su8 {If T xtBwb a~ wll aso IJ~· post8:d (In our moorle'.

AU wil!in~[:S will be clii~sen b~' ,8/2110


'f:or more details, :SF'ONSORED BY I X h,Bl!J b

www:.txha,w\b.,co,m I) r CALL. (~69]i 4,54.-1 :212 !ililo..~ 'i;A'LIIi'(lIjiru ~!AIi~[~

By lJ.9fLg this C(HJpor! you .are' ~lOITIlf~calty elllaOO D'l,8 ia1ne (or a lotal of $15(('). The winnings \!lil! 00 split ~ngat f1v& pa_rti':J.ptflLS ,at $250 gadt Winnefs 'will be oo1oo1ed by ~ cit~, ~ ~ The wirlfler:s w ns o:JlI.acted by phone. ~ r~turEd in ;h~ 2011 Gme ol T ~wb and wli aso 00 posted Ofl oor website.

All II ml1lnc(,s wUJllbeJ m!lSenl by 8t2:01 0





PhC:Ule,' _

!It!.~~~.?'e~~il$ _ --:, " '.; . s~mBY Ixlhl1!J1w'b

www .. t~!Rl'arwb.loom or CAJlL (,5,59'). 4 54 ... 12~ 2 m~OO(l CMlfO. ',!.", ~!H'T~P.'I'

By .mng tilt;; OOUIJOfl you am aJ.J'I.cfmijca~ mnro in a ffiI'fis for a t-otallJ4" $150:), The wi"!nings willlJl3 ~Iit amongst'M partidpanls at $250 earn, WU1flBfS'M be se:edBd11Jj rmj(J cities am area& The ~ W,l1 be COO1BCt@d b'i phDne and fMlJre:j in the 2011 ii'lue of Txhawb am wli aso be po31ed on our wetJ.site.

AU whilHR~~, will lila clilosen b¥' ,fU2B'1 0

Phol11e,I' _

for rMiIe ~~t3Jls .... ,.. _ .' . SPONSORED,BY IxlhliJ1W1b

WWW .. tJd1~~wb.,'oom ow CAJlL '(,5;5~')' 4,54""1212 K!.ll0I'A~ lMJrMl.tiI. MI~efoORT

By using thrs COUIJOfI you are au1ctm1i~~ emereO in a rame for a total !1 $150:), The wrmings wig tie SJ)lit amongst 'fNe partidpanlS at $250 earn, Wlflfler.s WI be:Ededetl1 tJ~ majGf citie5 am areas, The wfnEfs w.11 be coo1acle(1 ~ rhDne- and f~ured iflthe 2m 1 ~ of Txhawo aM \1111 .aM be pos1ed on tl,Jr ~elJs~e.

An wililnel~; will be ~1lI~en b~' ill/2m ~


Phone·' _

for rnQ[~ d'elails = .c., SPONSORED BY I xlhilEJ1wlb

WW"I\cb:.lliIla!wb.Joom om- CAJlL (,5,59'),' 4 !54,g 12~ :2 i~@(l CMifM!iM ~!RE~l~i\"I'

e.y using tflrs COOIJOfl you are aJJ1.cmaij~ ~ m1Ereci in a ffiI~ for:it t{ltai rn $1EiO:J, The 1;l,ri'm~"Igs wiU IJe ~Iit amongst 'ftre par1icipams at $250 earn, Wlflnef.8 wi') be se!ededi D'i rmjCf cmes aoo areas. The ~ w.1 be canlacted b'r ~n~ aoo fsa1lJred in the 2011 isru.e (If ixhawb an::I \·~I aSo be pos1ed on our wetksite.

A.~~ willln~[15; will be elllMen b¥' ;8/2Jr1 0


Phone' _

for more d~t3Jls : ... ' .c '.' SPONSORED BY II xlhiE)lwlb

WW'~.cb:.haJwb.,OQm or CAJlL (,6,59') 4·64",,1212 mAooCl ~MjF'~1YI ~iREC;T~ifI'

By using tnrs ODUpon you are au1cmaUU3!'j erneFe'd in a ffiI~ for a t-otal ~ $150:), The~" n~1gs. wi~ be '~In armngst rarE partidpanls at $250 earn, Wll'lflefS W'i.! be:s8ejed tij ~Cf cities am areas. The \'I,'iDefs ¥..' I es coo1actei:l bW rJ'lDne: and f~ured in the 201l ~ (If Txhawb an::! wli also be pos1ed on OJ,jF 'I!~ells~e.

A.~III willlnelw.s; will b~! GllIosen b'll' iB/2m I)

Phol11e" _

for more d~t3JI8 . . . .. . SPONSORED BY II X h a1wlb www .. ·txJ~lalwb •. ioomowCAJlL(.5S91)·4.54~1212K!.11oodcM.F~ .... IDII •. Ec.Yl[lIt"i"

By IJSjl1g lhts. OOJPOfI y(HJ ane au1cma1i~ €fl1]re!i in.a ra~1la for a r-oW:i rA' $1500. TIle wfmiflgs ,,~g 00 $)m arooFigst ~e OOI'1idpafl1S at $250 ead'I. ~rif'll1efS wi11 be ~ed1 Ii; majCf cWes aoo areas.. The ~ w.1 be COflWCtOO trr ~ne a((l feOO.ured ", the 2011 Gare of T ~wb ~ wil aGo be POSted on OUr -website.

An wifilner.s will be cinooen b~' :8/2.011l

Phone# __

!:o_r _'!i_oret·V' dh::.~.\~ "'n m .... i' ;F;; ALL j\C::'lI:n~,;1J II: ~1 '~·1n ~ to BY - I-x hi.!)'. , b

www:. _A.~,WI!iJ~!#y," l !;..i~' ''!.;;;OM - -=, \,;;.;i!;j~~1 ,"t;,;l!"*~ ~,_~, !1Ii1(l1,lOO, ~~UJ~j\:lj; iD!~J:C;Hl~"ri

By uri!1!'J lhis COOpon yoo .an~ autornalicalty BffM in a ra1fle (Of a latal of $1501), Th8 winnings will bB 8jJ1it among-st fiw parfx::ipt'113 at $250 !:\alii. Winners wiU be seloo1ed by rr$ dt~ and arms. The wfmBfS W' be crtrtacted by phone &rld feab....-ej in ;he 2011 ~ oj T~ and wli also l:1e: poo1ad on oor wehsita

A!III w1'rllliierS w~jlll WlB Clhmernl thy 8J2.01 0


Phone' _

lor m?Fet ~~tai\~ __ ._ -r-ALL 1'.c:'ic::!:9'~ Al5~EDBY lx'hllaw!b

www,.x .. _a,w!U~ool!in (!I'r 'v,"_ ,~;;Jii.J. i '9t. 91-'" .. ~, _ c:_:: IUlO'.:;,G ~AutO'J:1WI flIRtC~OOl'

B~ ~his OOUporl yaY are au1.ornalic.altimtera:l ina rams 'or a l!lIlal 01'$1500, The winnings \Nill be 8j]1il aJfIDng~t fnre parfi::i~s at $250 each, Winners JNiIIIJe se\oc1ed by ~ dl£5;md areas. The Wfflel"S W bs contacted by ptIone and te,abJroo in .he 2011 -~ 01 T~Nb and wli also be pos1E1j on our wehsite.

Ail II wllnmlers willilil ~e (:J1OO(!1lI ~' 0120'1 I)


N·- ... - ame

Phone' _

'f'or more details _ SF'ONS()RfD BY I 'X h aw b

www:.txha,w\b.,CI):iIliii 0 r ,CALL. (,559]1 ,454.-1 :212 !!i!!'~~ ,el"'ut~t..~Oi~J:c~oi~

Sv tml'b'J Ihis ooupoo yoo.are autornalicalty errterel:l ina raffls 'Gf a la/.<al of $1 00), Ttl3lfnnningi5 will b8 spirt anlDng6t nile partbpm1s at $250 eaDh. Winners willlJe seloc1ed by ma;or citiss a!)[j arn35, he winfiers w be o:J'fIHct€d by pJ"tone IDl:I feabJre::l in ~~ 2011 mtB rn imub and 1f~1 also be pm1Rd 00 oor wehsite

A!III WJ'nH!lefS Wlilill ~e ctJ,rn;e1111 b~' aJ201 0


N . ame

Phone' _

ror more details _. _ SPONSORED BY I X h E)W b

WW-:W:. tx:ha.,w!b~co:ifnl 0 r 'OALL (1559]1 45·4J.m 12,12, iUil~ ,c~~m;, ~iRflCT~r

By using Ihis OOOporl ~OIJ are. aulomalicaJty ~ in a raffle rGf a lotaJ of $1501), Ths lfNmings will b8 sjlrt amon~t fire partbpan1s at $250 each. Winners wiD tie ~ed ~ n$ dtei arM:! ~. The wflflEH"S we be: ct'fI1acted by ~ne 2ilLI lsallrrej in me 2011 ~ ot T~ and wli also be poo;1ed 00 our wehsite.

Ail II w~'nJl!ler5 wJIUI ~e (:Jl~(!1111 ~' 0\12.01 I)


Phone' __

•. SPONSORED BY -r.:-:~. - -- - b'

'for more delalls . I X II-~ a.I,. - .

www:. txha,wlb~oo m o r CALL ('559]! 4:5~~ 12,1 :2 I\lJij~'ii l.IIuF.~i'M IlIH~efOO1i

By ~rl3 this OCM.IPOFI you are alflOmalical1y €fll€fOO in ,a rams (or a lotal of $1500. The wiflf'lif'lgs will be wit amongGt ffi.re j)altljpeJ'ilS at $250 eao1'l- WinnerS wiD 00 ooleOI.ed by Il"\\i)f cites ~.oo ateiilS.1he wimer'S W be C(fI1acted by phone end te.alufOO in the 2011 ls$e (tI' T ~"Wb and wli alv.) be posted (tfi Our wemite.

All II WJnner:s wml ~e OOllStl'lll b~' 8t2.o10





T~ 'h'- . ·Jb ~O"1'-O'-' X aWl' ,iiCii'-,'



. :



303-9 N. 'Cedar Ave. .. 1Fr€$no~ C,A. 9G,J03" (559) 2,56~' 2345

liJrd em cm.flOO IXlf DJS1Cf1'O" per ~ htiy 001 00 00IlII:iIiil:d Ihilh ~!'JIOO- alfff. Ta:ms nrA 100000:1. ~ ~ 'I:tI11t:. No SLb:iLrtnJ:ioo;. \kid if ~ ClIF.ll!Stf,JTro. ~I'r,e~ ~12t2~IO


... " '.'

•• +lfAX, r:eg. price $2.00

30:3:9 N. 'Cedar AVI€. .. 'Fms.t1o~I' CA, 9'37'03" (5591} ,2,55 ~ 284,51 Ltnt ooe 00l(IIll (lEI o.~ ~ ~ ~ rii1 he oomtirm ~,;:u-rr aliv aira' TiItES iYI-t IlliIdP.tl. ~ ~ ~hG No!liihs rl:klris. ~ Ir ocpiOO ~ 'IrarWoocO. E>:pllli2l$ 121,2!MIO




T-xhaw!b ,2010



valig Qn1y at$ 1······

.. " . ' .~ Ill.. . . i:i .'

e.~d.~, 1

.5011b 8unFat Jasmine Rioe

3039 N. Cedar Ave, !I!i' Fresno" (]A 9$7"oo!l!i f569) 255,~23~ 5

Carro1 be f.OOtiIRI \",;it1 :i'IY oU'8 o11Ef. Lin:i:ed to.:stodl: en hard MJ IlaP:t'Ied!3. bpTr,es 21,2(1:120rl 0


vaJid]oni1f,aI, $" ,'2',' ····00 0" ". _I

~4'~., : .. / .

. I _ .

100ib Sun Fat Calrnse Ri ce

303'0 rN, Oed~f AII:e:. !I!i Friesno, CA 93703'~ (569) 255~ 2345,

~flfNj ~ ~ I"lill~ aJl'r ofl'e" (lief. lifFltoo to $l(Njl; 0"1 halll. No Aa~~ E)1p'II1e:~ :2nS'f2,IJIi1 [J


'Y:xhswb 2'010


.:··'·:··:'·0····· •• · ••

',' " ,"

Mongnlian Monuments



. ,

30391 N!, Ceda.r Ave!, " F res no! CA 93703.' (559) 25-5, - 2:345

lirrili me ~ ~ OlISi[fOO' pe SEI'OOe. May 001 re comti.rIed ".,;111 iY1l' oi:I'B alfa TIDES IlDi iooooro. r.b tmh \I'il.l(E No iSlbstilufkq: Vrid iI ~ 01" lraJ'GfeIred. Elp'ir,estUmlliJi






1 I


457'9 ,E" ~ing8 Canyon Rd!.. .' Fresno ~ CA 93702·, {5S'9)r 252 = 4255 LlrDll'Jll!:: a:trpnn per alSlIlll"MN PEf ~ May 001' l'I'1: ~ ""'Ill ~ 0Iher ora. Tares, JKillrdJ.OOi No arl1 'iIiIt.r;:. ~ ~1iJaI:m. \Ici:l if o:pro Of b'araerre:L l~p.fires, '1:UWm



'Il.aliO ool~ ~t Golden Bowl

3009 N, Cedar ,/J;,'iffl., .. F"~no. CA 9B700!lll' (,5-5g, :25.5 ~,:2345 Qum'11re DJabra:l w):h ~ alher aliEf. Ulliu:d [Q Siock 00 1mrlI. No &ird:M;do;s ~i.res 2.'~.8J,~ID!d 0


- T)(haWb 2:010

····Golden Bowl


V:our INe'xt Purchase

~ No mittltrlUl'l"<r pU'fdraoo- Excludes. RIce..

1,22' 1 N" Fi FSt: sr. '. Fresno, CA '93'701 • (S59) 485 -:5 593

Urmi OI"M: ~ per ru;.l):ljner PEf ~ May l:iJt 00 rOCII1Iilf)j 'i"~lh an,,! ~~. r,a:.;~ 1101 ~ NO cam Vflue I\\:) RtMilJ.bus;. \1'00 iI O:Ual or h..~ral ~pire~, t2iml1C1



Txhawb ,2010

Mongolian Monuments

3039 N. Cedar Av,s. • Fresno II CA '93703" (SSg} .255,-2345

Urru 00:: 0lJII.JXD p;::r cuslare per SE'.II>OCe May ooi be COOlDliied 'fiiih rtrjI otte" airel'. TIDeS I'D mi.rle:l ~ m:,h 'IilltE ~b ~ VOO if ~ Of ira.l16feued. EXpIres ~1212.0~IO


Tpha, Wi ..... , ,2~10·.'··· _ x__ _ __ u v _ .

O°Yc····; *

. .

. .' .'


. .


.:' .. r ' "


_ _-.1

,4579 E" IKi ngs Canyon Rd. • Fr;s8no! CA 93702· (559) ,252 =,4255 Llrit em 00lp00 p:f ru:s'If.fM per ~ ~ nol be OJ/Iltiood wJlh <ll1f 0'100- olfa:' TEmS oot oolidil'd. ~ C3Sh Willie. No sul:iSL1iOCns. \/tid ir a:ptOO [f iramfmcd. Ellplli~ 12:J,2n'~IO



Txhawb, ,2010


100lb SUnlFal Celrose R:icB

30B9 N, Cedar AVf;f<, !I!i' F'res00 " CA 93700 ~, ,(559) 255 ·23.45

Cium1 tie ro~lIe:J 'iWlh My oUa lJ1!er.li!~ to rtock Oil fliil\J r.b f1ailidll:'Ck$. E):pifa~ ~,2BilC~ 0

- TI.;;h~WI""'" ,2A10·.·'··· _ x __ ~ __ U _'U _ .

~. Golden Bowl


Your N'Q,xt Puroh ase

~ No minimum PrJrdW,SfJ" Exr:.4udes H)'ce.

1 2,21 N. IF i rst 811. • Fresno, C,A, 93701 • (5:5,9) 485 - 55:93

Lmt me ~ IJe' !J.Sooa' i:6 ~ May rid be COIlbr8lwi1!1aJl1 !J'U~ o'lIliI' l~es ret ildrled. N:J caa • .".. Nu .:lJtrstlJiklnS. ~ II ~ tr USl~Ia-led. EJipires 12nc~ 0





for more d'el\Sils SPONSORED 6'Y I X h eJlUJlb

Vl/W'wm'btllilla!wb.loom or GAJlL ,(,5'59i) 4,154,-1212 ffijOf>l(i ~.qIFo-!iI.'-rtI; ~1~~'Hi!l.'l'

By UEJny tf!t3. OOJr(lJ1 ~(HJ are ~JJ1.cn~l,'i~ ~ €fl1.ereO in a rat~ ror a t-ot$J o! $1500. The wilnuigs wiY 00 spij[ amongst ~e parlfdpan.l,s at $250 eadl, Vrlflller,s wt. b€ sdeded ~ J'filjcr cities and areas.. The' ,"n-~ ~I 00 cmtaGtOO br ~n8' ard featured in tne 2011 f3su8 {If T xtBwb a~ wll aso IJ~· post8:d (In our moorle'.

AU wil!in~[:S will be clii~sen b~' ,8/2110


'f:or more details, :SF'ONSORED BY I X h,Bl!J b

www:.txha,w\b.,co,m I) r CALL. (~69]i 4,54.-1 :212 !ililo..~ 'i;A'LIIi'(lIjiru ~!AIi~[~

By lJ.9fLg this C(HJpor! you .are' ~lOITIlf~calty elllaOO D'l,8 ia1ne (or a lotal of $15(('). The winnings \!lil! 00 split ~ngat f1v& pa_rti':J.ptflLS ,at $250 gadt Winnefs 'will be oo1oo1ed by ~ cit~, ~ ~ The wirlfler:s w ns o:JlI.acted by phone. ~ r~turEd in ;h~ 2011 Gme ol T ~wb and wli aso 00 posted Ofl oor website.

All II ml1lnc(,s wUJllbeJ m!lSenl by 8t2:01 0





PhC:Ule,' _

!It!.~~~.?'e~~il$ _ --:, " '.; . s~mBY Ixlhl1!J1w'b

www .. t~!Rl'arwb.loom or CAJlL (,5,59'). 4 54 ... 12~ 2 m~OO(l CMlfO. ',!.", ~!H'T~P.'I'

By .mng tilt;; OOUIJOfl you am aJ.J'I.cfmijca~ mnro in a ffiI'fis for a t-otallJ4" $150:), The wi"!nings willlJl3 ~Iit amongst'M partidpanls at $250 earn, WU1flBfS'M be se:edBd11Jj rmj(J cities am area& The ~ W,l1 be COO1BCt@d b'i phDne and fMlJre:j in the 2011 ii'lue of Txhawb am wli aso be po31ed on our wetJ.site.

AU whilHR~~, will lila clilosen b¥' ,fU2B'1 0

Phol11e,I' _

for rMiIe ~~t3Jls .... ,.. _ .' . SPONSORED,BY IxlhliJ1W1b

WWW .. tJd1~~wb.,'oom ow CAJlL '(,5;5~')' 4,54""1212 K!.ll0I'A~ lMJrMl.tiI. MI~efoORT

By using thrs COUIJOfI you are au1ctm1i~~ emereO in a rame for a total !1 $150:), The wrmings wig tie SJ)lit amongst 'fNe partidpanlS at $250 earn, Wlflfler.s WI be:Ededetl1 tJ~ majGf citie5 am areas, The wfnEfs w.11 be coo1acle(1 ~ rhDne- and f~ured iflthe 2m 1 ~ of Txhawo aM \1111 .aM be pos1ed on tl,Jr ~elJs~e.

An wililnel~; will be ~1lI~en b~' ill/2m ~


Phone·' _

for rnQ[~ d'elails = .c., SPONSORED BY I xlhilEJ1wlb

WW"I\cb:.lliIla!wb.Joom om- CAJlL (,5,59'),' 4 !54,g 12~ :2 i~@(l CMifM!iM ~!RE~l~i\"I'

e.y using tflrs COOIJOfl you are aJJ1.cmaij~ ~ m1Ereci in a ffiI~ for:it t{ltai rn $1EiO:J, The 1;l,ri'm~"Igs wiU IJe ~Iit amongst 'ftre par1icipams at $250 earn, Wlflnef.8 wi') be se!ededi D'i rmjCf cmes aoo areas. The ~ w.1 be canlacted b'r ~n~ aoo fsa1lJred in the 2011 isru.e (If ixhawb an::I \·~I aSo be pos1ed on our wetksite.

A.~~ willln~[15; will be elllMen b¥' ;8/2Jr1 0


Phone' _

for more d~t3Jls : ... ' .c '.' SPONSORED BY II xlhiE)lwlb

WW'~.cb:.haJwb.,OQm or CAJlL (,6,59') 4·64",,1212 mAooCl ~MjF'~1YI ~iREC;T~ifI'

By using tnrs ODUpon you are au1cmaUU3!'j erneFe'd in a ffiI~ for a t-otal ~ $150:), The~" n~1gs. wi~ be '~In armngst rarE partidpanls at $250 earn, Wll'lflefS W'i.! be:s8ejed tij ~Cf cities am areas. The \'I,'iDefs ¥..' I es coo1actei:l bW rJ'lDne: and f~ured in the 201l ~ (If Txhawb an::! wli also be pos1ed on OJ,jF 'I!~ells~e.

A.~III willlnelw.s; will b~! GllIosen b'll' iB/2m I)

Phol11e" _

for more d~t3JI8 . . . .. . SPONSORED BY II X h a1wlb www .. ·txJ~lalwb •. ioomowCAJlL(.5S91)·4.54~1212K!.11oodcM.F~ .... IDII •. Ec.Yl[lIt"i"

By IJSjl1g lhts. OOJPOfI y(HJ ane au1cma1i~ €fl1]re!i in.a ra~1la for a r-oW:i rA' $1500. TIle wfmiflgs ,,~g 00 $)m arooFigst ~e OOI'1idpafl1S at $250 ead'I. ~rif'll1efS wi11 be ~ed1 Ii; majCf cWes aoo areas.. The ~ w.1 be COflWCtOO trr ~ne a((l feOO.ured ", the 2011 Gare of T ~wb ~ wil aGo be POSted on OUr -website.

An wifilner.s will be cinooen b~' :8/2.011l

Phone# __

!:o_r _'!i_oret·V' dh::.~.\~ "'n m .... i' ;F;; ALL j\C::'lI:n~,;1J II: ~1 '~·1n ~ to BY - I-x hi.!)'. , b

www:. _A.~,WI!iJ~!#y," l !;..i~' ''!.;;;OM - -=, \,;;.;i!;j~~1 ,"t;,;l!"*~ ~,_~, !1Ii1(l1,lOO, ~~UJ~j\:lj; iD!~J:C;Hl~"ri

By uri!1!'J lhis COOpon yoo .an~ autornalicalty BffM in a ra1fle (Of a latal of $1501), Th8 winnings will bB 8jJ1it among-st fiw parfx::ipt'113 at $250 !:\alii. Winners wiU be seloo1ed by rr$ dt~ and arms. The wfmBfS W' be crtrtacted by phone &rld feab....-ej in ;he 2011 ~ oj T~ and wli also l:1e: poo1ad on oor wehsita

A!III w1'rllliierS w~jlll WlB Clhmernl thy 8J2.01 0


Phone' _

lor m?Fet ~~tai\~ __ ._ -r-ALL 1'.c:'ic::!:9'~ Al5~EDBY lx'hllaw!b

www,.x .. _a,w!U~ool!in (!I'r 'v,"_ ,~;;Jii.J. i '9t. 91-'" .. ~, _ c:_:: IUlO'.:;,G ~AutO'J:1WI flIRtC~OOl'

B~ ~his OOUporl yaY are au1.ornalic.altimtera:l ina rams 'or a l!lIlal 01'$1500, The winnings \Nill be 8j]1il aJfIDng~t fnre parfi::i~s at $250 each, Winners JNiIIIJe se\oc1ed by ~ dl£5;md areas. The Wfflel"S W bs contacted by ptIone and te,abJroo in .he 2011 -~ 01 T~Nb and wli also be pos1E1j on our wehsite.

Ail II wllnmlers willilil ~e (:J1OO(!1lI ~' 0120'1 I)


N·- ... - ame

Phone' _

'f'or more details _ SF'ONS()RfD BY I 'X h aw b

www:.txha,w\b.,CI):iIliii 0 r ,CALL. (,559]1 ,454.-1 :212 !!i!!'~~ ,el"'ut~t..~Oi~J:c~oi~

Sv tml'b'J Ihis ooupoo yoo.are autornalicalty errterel:l ina raffls 'Gf a la/.<al of $1 00), Ttl3lfnnningi5 will b8 spirt anlDng6t nile partbpm1s at $250 eaDh. Winners willlJe seloc1ed by ma;or citiss a!)[j arn35, he winfiers w be o:J'fIHct€d by pJ"tone IDl:I feabJre::l in ~~ 2011 mtB rn imub and 1f~1 also be pm1Rd 00 oor wehsite

A!III WJ'nH!lefS Wlilill ~e ctJ,rn;e1111 b~' aJ201 0


N . ame

Phone' _

ror more details _. _ SPONSORED BY I X h E)W b

WW-:W:. tx:ha.,w!b~co:ifnl 0 r 'OALL (1559]1 45·4J.m 12,12, iUil~ ,c~~m;, ~iRflCT~r

By using Ihis OOOporl ~OIJ are. aulomalicaJty ~ in a raffle rGf a lotaJ of $1501), Ths lfNmings will b8 sjlrt amon~t fire partbpan1s at $250 each. Winners wiD tie ~ed ~ n$ dtei arM:! ~. The wflflEH"S we be: ct'fI1acted by ~ne 2ilLI lsallrrej in me 2011 ~ ot T~ and wli also be poo;1ed 00 our wehsite.

Ail II w~'nJl!ler5 wJIUI ~e (:Jl~(!1111 ~' 0\12.01 I)


Phone' __

•. SPONSORED BY -r.:-:~. - -- - b'

'for more delalls . I X II-~ a.I,. - .

www:. txha,wlb~oo m o r CALL ('559]! 4:5~~ 12,1 :2 I\lJij~'ii l.IIuF.~i'M IlIH~efOO1i

By ~rl3 this OCM.IPOFI you are alflOmalical1y €fll€fOO in ,a rams (or a lotal of $1500. The wiflf'lif'lgs will be wit amongGt ffi.re j)altljpeJ'ilS at $250 eao1'l- WinnerS wiD 00 ooleOI.ed by Il"\\i)f cites ~.oo ateiilS.1he wimer'S W be C(fI1acted by phone end te.alufOO in the 2011 ls$e (tI' T ~"Wb and wli alv.) be posted (tfi Our wemite.

All II WJnner:s wml ~e OOllStl'lll b~' 8t2.o10


. I


T~ 'h'- . ·Jb ~O··1··O··· X aWl' ,iiCii'-,'



.10 010 .

," ",_ .. ,:

I \".


<000 F


1 OO~b SunFat ICalrose IRioe

1,400 M, 13~le ~d. ,~ M~rys'i,dlJ~; CA 95'901 ,~ (530) 7,4:1 '~G550

~t he oomtirJlld wr. all! ohlf IJ~ IJnllOO itO SID'j: 00 Jmd. No RiiI~ IE~liIllll:c8, :zja~2D'~IO

50lb SunFal Jasrrane FHC€'

1400 N. 13~1~ Ftrl. ,~ MarysvilJ~", CA 9590 ~ ,~ (530) 7,4.1 ,-0050

Cnl(ll be roD!jJ~ ~ ~ ~ Oll'a' Ul1l1lEt!!oJ) S"rtX1< OIlIWMJ. NO 1b:1~ f.itplill$, ~i2:8ni!)i!IO


T-xhaw!b ,2010


When '¥ou Spend ,$10 or more mus1 pteSerrllfriS coupon


OO)L* ···70





Any TotaIIPurtC'has1e!

.' ~ Riae, ~ tle.ms.. ~,~ or ag:a.lef~as:

1480 NI; 18eaJle Rd. '.' IMarys:vi I ~~ j C,A 96'901 • (530) '741 - OSSO

Lil~t oue ~ tEl oJsl('ne !)i!j $E!II'IiOe. May rd tla CO!illjr~J wiDI afrJ' oUa a!le- Tacet Il;)I: ir(;h(!ed, ~~ CW~ 'ld.1u3. No St($t fm Iljd il ~ I'Ji IralkilGrftMj. am'I~~~ ~ 212a-110


1480 N, Beals, Rd, • Mia rysvU Ie j, CA 9590! • (S30) 7'41 - 0550

lj'l'il ooe CCWf1I W CI.lttlI~e P!!I ~ M3v ~ be COI.-of'E!d wl'll at" oUe O1!er. TiW:a) l'(It ~, No IJlIjI 'WLt!e. No ~ilt: II~ ~u I[ ~ Ct 1~f~red. E~Ild~ 1 mo~ 0


'T:xhswb 2'010


, ,


.' * .J w.ith purchase ar a combif'la'lion plate @ $.5.9-9 (drink fs 12Qz, can)

I 8645 E. all ivs Av,e" • Fresno~ CA 93'702. (559) 268 = ,2979

lj'Jit erie o."Wr11 JlE!' cu:bilEf ~ :Ja'¥te. M9y r'Jd be 1J)t1tJi!'aIJ wi': I atl1 oUa oller T~es Ii(!t ii~, WO (;iL:j1 WL~ NO w!.lS"~lr.lfiS. \~ l! CtIiJelJ 0' ~ana!£ned, EJipires 12nlJ~ 0

~Id only at A-pMlARKE1'


00 OFF

50lb SunlF a.tt CalR,ose Rice

3-645 E:. Olive Ave. ,~ Fre5iF'!o., CA 93,]02'. {5Sgl 2'6S - 2'979

-camt be DJoIIlI:ired w~ arw oi.te olTEr Umilro iO $i)jo; 00 Imd. No ~ 1~~irf;S, :U2:8niJ)~IO


'T:xhawb 2,010



l" .•

o I




· ·



:SUf1l~rJt j~fA R KJi.T

Any 1 PlUI rc hase

'OJ with purchase of $20 or mo:r~_ (~ tice; l:es.r. mcofloJ, 8: ~r:MiS)

384S Marysvi lie Blvd. • Sacramento. CA 95838.' {91'6) 920,-,0700- lIrtIt Ole: COUpCf! i)e O .. .tUOU'i6r 1r;9 ~_ ~ rot be: ~~ Wi ai'rt o.'fiei I)"iler, la;.;e; IlII flduded. Ho ~ Willa Ni) alttt IIkns. WjJ d 001):00 Ct \ift;1(!fI9i1. 1E.~Jl~~ t2J~O~ ~


- T)(haWb 2:010


$2" 0·0····0·······

. . .' . ."

" ." L ,: •


. . ,"'

, . .

'rlil1 A R .. 'K'''PT ~~~,~. ...~

D A. S' Ill' Im"T' UI#-'i,·,· ,.11'._" ~ _


60lb SuniFatt Jasmine Rilee,

3848- rvlarysvi lie I3rllJd, j Sacram~I(\ CA 95838 ,j (91 6) 920- ()7'O;S Qrml he ~ wlI aJliI oJhRr offfr Llmllcrl k) $frl: 00 181d. No Ftai~ 1~~illl:1J, :U2t~.2Di1I0



Txhawb .2010


- -


Tax Service

1 01 0 Ell Camino Ave. S'l'E!!. Al8, " Sf!ijcr:amento, CA 958'15 '.' (916) 467- 64 rt Lilni'l ~ oo...p.ifl[JEf aJ5iDIl'lef per:5el'OO:! May..:lt be OO'ltOi1ed I'iiIJi any oIte offer. TID:e5 gl)i ird.dOO,; No tmh '{,jl£ ~ ~Iu'b.s. Vti:I if ~Ed or frarS'e!ral ~~Fi~ 41~ SJ;2[!(]1 0



Tpha, Wi ..... , ,2~10·:'···

_ x ... U v _ .



',""alk!l 0 n Iii ,~' A ... pIMARKET

50lb SunFat .Jasrnne [Rice

,~,5 E. Oliv.e Ave. ,~ Fresno. CA '9,3,702'" ~55~~ 268 - 2979 ta.(lllie COiill)red \\!ifl :11'1~' (lIre. Unlle:! ~ S'IIJj,; Oil JI.l'!!J, NO ib!l.1~ 1~~iffeS, 2~~~20'i11(!i



Txhawb, .2010

. TI.;;h~WI""" ,2A10·:·'··· _ x .. ~ __ u _ 'U _ .

',""altdl onIY.:1I'

:, .A:R.K,ET



$200 OFF

1 OO~b ,SunFat Carose IRioe

384$ Mary.$;wll:e Btvd. j SaoCram~I:O'; CA 95838 ~ (91 6) 92-0-,(.170.6 camt be romOnOO wi1l aJIf olher i]lr~ Uniir.d·1O Slcdi 00 1n. No Rr.irdJB::b I~it,[;!ilft~ 2~:m.~,20~IO





for more d'el\Sils SPONSORED 6'Y I X h eJlUJlb

Vl/W'wm'btllilla!wb.loom or GAJlL ,(,5'59i) 4,154,-1212 ffijOf>l(i ~.qIFo-!iI.'-rtI; ~1~~'Hi!l.'l'

By UEJny tf!t3. OOJr(lJ1 ~(HJ are ~JJ1.cn~l,'i~ ~ €fl1.ereO in a rat~ ror a t-ot$J o! $1500. The wilnuigs wiY 00 spij[ amongst ~e parlfdpan.l,s at $250 eadl, Vrlflller,s wt. b€ sdeded ~ J'filjcr cities and areas.. The' ,"n-~ ~I 00 cmtaGtOO br ~n8' ard featured in tne 2011 f3su8 {If T xtBwb a~ wll aso IJ~· post8:d (In our moorle'.

AU wil!in~[:S will be clii~sen b~' ,8/2110


'f:or more details, :SF'ONSORED BY I X h,Bl!J b

www:.txha,w\b.,co,m I) r CALL. (~69]i 4,54.-1 :212 !ililo..~ 'i;A'LIIi'(lIjiru ~!AIi~[~

By lJ.9fLg this C(HJpor! you .are' ~lOITIlf~calty elllaOO D'l,8 ia1ne (or a lotal of $15(('). The winnings \!lil! 00 split ~ngat f1v& pa_rti':J.ptflLS ,at $250 gadt Winnefs 'will be oo1oo1ed by ~ cit~, ~ ~ The wirlfler:s w ns o:JlI.acted by phone. ~ r~turEd in ;h~ 2011 Gme ol T ~wb and wli aso 00 posted Ofl oor website.

All II ml1lnc(,s wUJllbeJ m!lSenl by 8t2:01 0





PhC:Ule,' _

!It!.~~~.?'e~~il$ _ --:, " '.; . s~mBY Ixlhl1!J1w'b

www .. t~!Rl'arwb.loom or CAJlL (,5,59'). 4 54 ... 12~ 2 m~OO(l CMlfO. ',!.", ~!H'T~P.'I'

By .mng tilt;; OOUIJOfl you am aJ.J'I.cfmijca~ mnro in a ffiI'fis for a t-otallJ4" $150:), The wi"!nings willlJl3 ~Iit amongst'M partidpanls at $250 earn, WU1flBfS'M be se:edBd11Jj rmj(J cities am area& The ~ W,l1 be COO1BCt@d b'i phDne and fMlJre:j in the 2011 ii'lue of Txhawb am wli aso be po31ed on our wetJ.site.

AU whilHR~~, will lila clilosen b¥' ,fU2B'1 0

Phol11e,I' _

for rMiIe ~~t3Jls .... ,.. _ .' . SPONSORED,BY IxlhliJ1W1b

WWW .. tJd1~~wb.,'oom ow CAJlL '(,5;5~')' 4,54""1212 K!.ll0I'A~ lMJrMl.tiI. MI~efoORT

By using thrs COUIJOfI you are au1ctm1i~~ emereO in a rame for a total !1 $150:), The wrmings wig tie SJ)lit amongst 'fNe partidpanlS at $250 earn, Wlflfler.s WI be:Ededetl1 tJ~ majGf citie5 am areas, The wfnEfs w.11 be coo1acle(1 ~ rhDne- and f~ured iflthe 2m 1 ~ of Txhawo aM \1111 .aM be pos1ed on tl,Jr ~elJs~e.

An wililnel~; will be ~1lI~en b~' ill/2m ~


Phone·' _

for rnQ[~ d'elails = .c., SPONSORED BY I xlhilEJ1wlb

WW"I\cb:.lliIla!wb.Joom om- CAJlL (,5,59'),' 4 !54,g 12~ :2 i~@(l CMifM!iM ~!RE~l~i\"I'

e.y using tflrs COOIJOfl you are aJJ1.cmaij~ ~ m1Ereci in a ffiI~ for:it t{ltai rn $1EiO:J, The 1;l,ri'm~"Igs wiU IJe ~Iit amongst 'ftre par1icipams at $250 earn, Wlflnef.8 wi') be se!ededi D'i rmjCf cmes aoo areas. The ~ w.1 be canlacted b'r ~n~ aoo fsa1lJred in the 2011 isru.e (If ixhawb an::I \·~I aSo be pos1ed on our wetksite.

A.~~ willln~[15; will be elllMen b¥' ;8/2Jr1 0


Phone' _

for more d~t3Jls : ... ' .c '.' SPONSORED BY II xlhiE)lwlb

WW'~.cb:.haJwb.,OQm or CAJlL (,6,59') 4·64",,1212 mAooCl ~MjF'~1YI ~iREC;T~ifI'

By using tnrs ODUpon you are au1cmaUU3!'j erneFe'd in a ffiI~ for a t-otal ~ $150:), The~" n~1gs. wi~ be '~In armngst rarE partidpanls at $250 earn, Wll'lflefS W'i.! be:s8ejed tij ~Cf cities am areas. The \'I,'iDefs ¥..' I es coo1actei:l bW rJ'lDne: and f~ured in the 201l ~ (If Txhawb an::! wli also be pos1ed on OJ,jF 'I!~ells~e.

A.~III willlnelw.s; will b~! GllIosen b'll' iB/2m I)

Phol11e" _

for more d~t3JI8 . . . .. . SPONSORED BY II X h a1wlb www .. ·txJ~lalwb •. ioomowCAJlL(.5S91)·4.54~1212K!.11oodcM.F~ .... IDII •. Ec.Yl[lIt"i"

By IJSjl1g lhts. OOJPOfI y(HJ ane au1cma1i~ €fl1]re!i in.a ra~1la for a r-oW:i rA' $1500. TIle wfmiflgs ,,~g 00 $)m arooFigst ~e OOI'1idpafl1S at $250 ead'I. ~rif'll1efS wi11 be ~ed1 Ii; majCf cWes aoo areas.. The ~ w.1 be COflWCtOO trr ~ne a((l feOO.ured ", the 2011 Gare of T ~wb ~ wil aGo be POSted on OUr -website.

An wifilner.s will be cinooen b~' :8/2.011l

Phone# __

!:o_r _'!i_oret·V' dh::.~.\~ "'n m .... i' ;F;; ALL j\C::'lI:n~,;1J II: ~1 '~·1n ~ to BY - I-x hi.!)'. , b

www:. _A.~,WI!iJ~!#y," l !;..i~' ''!.;;;OM - -=, \,;;.;i!;j~~1 ,"t;,;l!"*~ ~,_~, !1Ii1(l1,lOO, ~~UJ~j\:lj; iD!~J:C;Hl~"ri

By uri!1!'J lhis COOpon yoo .an~ autornalicalty BffM in a ra1fle (Of a latal of $1501), Th8 winnings will bB 8jJ1it among-st fiw parfx::ipt'113 at $250 !:\alii. Winners wiU be seloo1ed by rr$ dt~ and arms. The wfmBfS W' be crtrtacted by phone &rld feab....-ej in ;he 2011 ~ oj T~ and wli also l:1e: poo1ad on oor wehsita

A!III w1'rllliierS w~jlll WlB Clhmernl thy 8J2.01 0


Phone' _

lor m?Fet ~~tai\~ __ ._ -r-ALL 1'.c:'ic::!:9'~ Al5~EDBY lx'hllaw!b

www,.x .. _a,w!U~ool!in (!I'r 'v,"_ ,~;;Jii.J. i '9t. 91-'" .. ~, _ c:_:: IUlO'.:;,G ~AutO'J:1WI flIRtC~OOl'

B~ ~his OOUporl yaY are au1.ornalic.altimtera:l ina rams 'or a l!lIlal 01'$1500, The winnings \Nill be 8j]1il aJfIDng~t fnre parfi::i~s at $250 each, Winners JNiIIIJe se\oc1ed by ~ dl£5;md areas. The Wfflel"S W bs contacted by ptIone and te,abJroo in .he 2011 -~ 01 T~Nb and wli also be pos1E1j on our wehsite.

Ail II wllnmlers willilil ~e (:J1OO(!1lI ~' 0120'1 I)


N·- ... - ame

Phone' _

'f'or more details _ SF'ONS()RfD BY I 'X h aw b

www:.txha,w\b.,CI):iIliii 0 r ,CALL. (,559]1 ,454.-1 :212 !!i!!'~~ ,el"'ut~t..~Oi~J:c~oi~

Sv tml'b'J Ihis ooupoo yoo.are autornalicalty errterel:l ina raffls 'Gf a la/.<al of $1 00), Ttl3lfnnningi5 will b8 spirt anlDng6t nile partbpm1s at $250 eaDh. Winners willlJe seloc1ed by ma;or citiss a!)[j arn35, he winfiers w be o:J'fIHct€d by pJ"tone IDl:I feabJre::l in ~~ 2011 mtB rn imub and 1f~1 also be pm1Rd 00 oor wehsite

A!III WJ'nH!lefS Wlilill ~e ctJ,rn;e1111 b~' aJ201 0


N . ame

Phone' _

ror more details _. _ SPONSORED BY I X h E)W b

WW-:W:. tx:ha.,w!b~co:ifnl 0 r 'OALL (1559]1 45·4J.m 12,12, iUil~ ,c~~m;, ~iRflCT~r

By using Ihis OOOporl ~OIJ are. aulomalicaJty ~ in a raffle rGf a lotaJ of $1501), Ths lfNmings will b8 sjlrt amon~t fire partbpan1s at $250 each. Winners wiD tie ~ed ~ n$ dtei arM:! ~. The wflflEH"S we be: ct'fI1acted by ~ne 2ilLI lsallrrej in me 2011 ~ ot T~ and wli also be poo;1ed 00 our wehsite.

Ail II w~'nJl!ler5 wJIUI ~e (:Jl~(!1111 ~' 0\12.01 I)


Phone' __

•. SPONSORED BY -r.:-:~. - -- - b'

'for more delalls . I X II-~ a.I,. - .

www:. txha,wlb~oo m o r CALL ('559]! 4:5~~ 12,1 :2 I\lJij~'ii l.IIuF.~i'M IlIH~efOO1i

By ~rl3 this OCM.IPOFI you are alflOmalical1y €fll€fOO in ,a rams (or a lotal of $1500. The wiflf'lif'lgs will be wit amongGt ffi.re j)altljpeJ'ilS at $250 eao1'l- WinnerS wiD 00 ooleOI.ed by Il"\\i)f cites ~.oo ateiilS.1he wimer'S W be C(fI1acted by phone end te.alufOO in the 2011 ls$e (tI' T ~"Wb and wli alv.) be posted (tfi Our wemite.

All II WJnner:s wml ~e OOllStl'lll b~' 8t2.o10



. .


. - - - - - -- - - ,- - - - -, - - -, - .- - .- -, - .- - - ,- -, - ,- -, - - -, - - I - - - - - - - - - ,- - - ,- -, - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - -, - - -, -

~ ~


I 'T~ 'h'- . ·Jb ~O"1'-O'-' X aWl' ,iiCii'-,'


___ [EMB[E_

with pu rcnase o waiF~'T PaceSe'tter ,Pack

25115 E. Lamona Ave. '. Fresno ~ CA 93'703· (.5 59} 218 = 5001' Lirri1 Of'ftQ).i;n'l per ~~l)1'Wf pe"~ Ma'fllll' 1)9 ~I 'Mit! ~ 0Ihr.r~. r~ no! u~ Nfl cat! ~ ~~ an,LTtu"~ 'IJo(j ~ ~ Cf lJarnffff~. E')lp'lriI}SO ~ 21:2!M11)


ME[M_- . ~[RS_I _I[_-·.'

wirt.h purchase of WQ;fFIT' PaceSetfer Pac'k

25 ~ 5 IE. tarnona Ave, • Fresno~ 'CA 93703 .' (559) ,213 = 50 07 Llrit n 0'Ji.(IIl'l fiEf o.LS1i1ffa' ~ ~, M;ry nf.!1 t16 CPffiI)i'JS(I w.tlfl an,' Oll'u ofTa': T~ iYft hldm;I. nr. ~ ¥fIha No .llltGl. tdn ~ b ctlilo:l (if~. lEiCl;:illiml: '1:21201101



I '-"if h - b- ~'O' .,- n [IX '[,IaW' ~,. r- oU



~' w~Vh p~S€' ofa oomb,iflatKN' pta~ @ $3. 00 ~ is '2w. (A_n)

4244, E. t<ings Canyon Ave'. • Fresno, GA '93702· (559) 25~S'-',2' 1131 ~t CIl3 0'JI.(ItYi !» o..~ jX!f S6fIlioo', May fill 00 comtil'J9{lw.1!h ,ant oll'a' OflGf. T~ ['(It lWloo. 1m casll ~!t1G. No SlW rdW ~ ir ~ Ct 1_O'f~. E1lpllles 1 ~10rn I)


'T:xhswb 2'010

v~lii;!l QIllIy ~ rIER,i'S, SIUP,ERM ARK .

50lb SunFat .lasmine R~ce

4244 E. Kin~s Carr¥{'ul Ave. .. F resno, CA '9G,702 + ~55.9) 255 - 2131 CaJmt te mIDned NIh alrf 01tJa Gffa'.l.J1iLaj 'ie.slId. 00 I"m::l. No P'ailIl.n:s.. E~~11l'eS 2f.2312:01Qi

0*<·· ok


: ····,':'0·-[

. ,'. ", ,"

, .


I(,HW MrQOS lOOl1B 'Vour- Next Purchase

No, mfnimum rJt!f~SE)', ~s FI'ioo.

4.]90 E. Be I rrc nt AVf!J;, • Fresn OJ 'CA 93,70.:2 '. (55:9) 80 H -16857' LlrrWl ore COlIfJllf'l pi!!' OI~ ~ ~. ~ [!til' 00 ~ '.If.!h a~ dhRr r&. ~ fIOl ~. Nfl Qrl1 ~. I\h fi,il:ul1i1lnllO. VotI ~ or ~ IEx:~IIll:{s; '1~1 ml


'T:xhawb 2,010

''o'il!fkII only ar TC MARKET

50~b SunF.at Jasmine R,ifce

4-790 E. BeIITlOFlrt Ave" ,~ Fresno, GA 93702 '. (5~9) 801 - 695'7 canoot't€ cootined Nih iJlrJ o::te oI'fa', Lrniro lo sIrd. 00 1"m::I, Nfl Fandm.s. e:':~illl:'S, :2l2IU:lID11!11


- T)(haWb 2:010


4-718 E. Be I me I1t AV;fl)" • Fresn o, 'CA 9370.2 '. (55:9) 2'55 - 7328 Llmil (lr" f.t)~ per f.iI~ fU ~ ~ MI' 00 ~ w.!h al1if ~ 6. ~ 9011rd.KiOO. No ~ ~. I\b s.1M1J.i.1:i:nl 'Vet! ~ or ~ IE~,~IIOO{s: '1~11i1i

T-xhaw!b ,2010 HE·R'S


I, ,:, .. ", ..... ', , ,:'. '::, ,':'" .. , ."

0°.* ,"'"


,: .

",,' :""":0:"""

.' '.

,'. '. .'

Any Item

~ ~ ~, ,RBdOCOO limE, Boor, AJcuhoj, or GgBr€!t1e5

4244 E. Ki n gls Canyon Ave, • IFresno ~ CA 98702· (SSg} 2'55 - 213'1 umtl ~ Ol.rjXlli 00' ~ ~ ~. ~ rot 1)9' ~ w..:n ailf Q'J1e( (f.{lf. l::i;.;1JS ~I «tided. No ~ \'1ue-. ttJ, aM~ Voti cttj)Q:'I Gf ~ IEiCl;Jl~: '1:2/201101



Txhawb ,2010



'j OOIt> SunFat Calross Rice

, ... I;!lil;llonly,~, HER~S S,UIi'IE~ARKET '

4244 E, Kin.-gs Can}ton Ave. '. Fresno, CA 93,702'" (559] ,255 - 2'131 C:311ll:Jt be ctlfI1!:'JOejj 1MU~ OJ"I otter alfet, Lil~la:I1!J .sLIJd; on 113I~, No ~tJd'ed5, IEi(pi~ :212Hi1'2O'1(!!1


Tpha, Wi ..... , ,2~10·:'··' _ x__ _ __ U v _ .




- .



I I.



'You r IN ext IPu rchase

l'I No mfnfmr.nn' ~~$8, ,~des Rio~.

4- 790 E.. Be I m ant A'iJfJ. .. F'r€'sno" CA 93702 '. (55'91) 80'1 -16857 LlrWI f.OI3' 'CCRJjXI!i per f.:i~ (lU ~. ~ mt b!H)C'F~ w1l1 ~Jl!f dJllf .rf.I.r.r. Iti~ ~I i1Ii~. No cail \'a~. ~ 3J1:t1ib.I1i'JrS \'okI 0Jfi:rl r.f ~ I~*~lrrcs tmID,1 !!Ii


Txhawb, ,2010


v.ruld~)i' at TC MA,RK,ET"

- - 0 F

. . . . .'

' .. " , L

.. "001 •. 1' I

'1 OOlb SunFat Cairos€' R~oe,

4-790 E. Boelrnont Av.e. ,~ Fi'ieSFlO, CA 93702 '. (:559) 80~ - 6957

C1IflflJt te OlM'I1tit1ed w.i0l a~ CfIa' altai. Lifrila!110 Sl))(! 0I11'a'id, NO R3::fija:t4 E.:(~i~ ~i~i2:lmlll



- TI."h~WI""" ,2A1 0': ,,", _ x __ ~ __ U _'U _ .

ot Only SOO8fJ & Passenger Cars SlZEI: 185-1 ; 65J 114

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4· 7'18 IE Bitt A F C···\A 9'·3" 7-'02 (5:- 59') 2' 5:- 5- 7328"

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.. ,18 mon .• ·ve. resnol,·.··· . '.. . ;' .•• , .. '. _, ..•

Lml' l'fIC o:tttpll't pO" ~ !IV ~. ~ MJ bIl' ~ WJ;Il dill 0110 otrllf. TfI}:~ IWlt fidndfd. No ~ ~JIC. No Stll:f{l n.JlJor(;. \bid n o:Jp:OO (J' IIfEftsJl:I'l'Cd. hp3res 1'mOili 0






for more d'el\Sils SPONSORED 6'Y I X h eJlUJlb

Vl/W'wm'btllilla!wb.loom or GAJlL ,(,5'59i) 4,154,-1212 ffijOf>l(i ~.qIFo-!iI.'-rtI; ~1~~'Hi!l.'l'

By ~nu tf!t3. OOJr(lJ1 ~(HJ are ~JJ1.cn~l,'i~ ~ €fl1.ereO in a rat~ ror a t-ot$J o! $1500. The wilnuigs wiY 00 spij[ amongst ~e parlfdpan.l,s at $250 eadl, Vrlflller,s wt. b€ sdeded ~ J'filjcr cities and areas.. The' ,"n-~ ~I 00 cmtaGtOO br ~n8' ard featured in tne 2011 f3su8 {If T xtBwb a~ wll aso IJ~· post8:d (In our weootl&

AU wil!in~[:S will be clii~sen b~' ,8/2110


'f:or more details, :SF'ONSORED BY I X h,Bl!J b

www:.txha,w\b.,co,m I) r CALL. (~69]i 4,54.-1 :212 !ililo..~ 'i;A'LIIi'(lIjiru ~!AIi~[~

By lJ.9FLg this C(HJpor! you .are' ~lOITIlf~calty elllaOO D'l,8 ia1ne (or a lotal of $15(('). The winnings \!lil! 00 split ~ngat f1v& pa_rti':J.ptflLS ,at $250 gadt Winnefs 'will be oo1oo1ed by ~ cit~, ~ ~ The wirlfler:s w ns o:JlI.acted by phone. ~ r~turEd in ;h~ 2011 Gme ol T ~wb and wli aso 00 posted Ofl oor website.

All II ml1lnc(,s wUJllbeJ m!lSenl by 8t2:01 0





PhC:Ule,' _

!It!.~~~.?'e~~il$ _ --:, " '.; . s~mBY Ixlhl1!J1w'b

www .. t~!Rl'arwb.loom or CAJlL (,5,59'). 4 54 ... 12~ 2 m~OO(l CMlfO. ',!.", ~!H'T~P.'I'

By .mng tilt;; OOUIJOfl you am aJ.J'I.cfmijca~ mnro in a ffiI'fis for a t-otallJ4" $150:), The wi"!nings willlJl3 ~Iit amongst'M partidpanls at $250 earn, WU1flBfS'M be se:edBd11Jj rmj(J cities am area& The ~ W,l1 be COO1BCt@d b'i phDne and fMlJre:j in the 2011 ii'lue of Txhawb am wli aso be po31ed on our wetJ.site.

AU whilHR~~, will lila clilosen b¥' ,fU2B'1 0

Phol11e,I' _

for rMiIe ~~t3Jls .... ,.. _ .' . SPONSORED,BY IxlhliJ1W1b

WWW .. tJd1~~wb.,'oom ow CAJlL '(,5;5~')' 4,54""1212 K!.ll0I'A~ lMJrMl.tiI. MI~efoORT

By using thrs COUIJOfI you are au1ctm1i~~ emereO in a rame for a total !1 $150:), The wrmings wig tie SJ)lit amongst 'fNe partidpanlS at $250 earn, Wlflfler.s WI be:Ededetl1 tJ~ majGf citie5 am areas, The wfnEfs w.11 be coo1acle(j ~ rhDne- and f~ured iflthe 2m 1 ~ of Txhawo aM \1111 .aM be pos1ed on tl,Jr ~elJs~e.

An wililnel~; will be ~1lI~en b~' ill/2m ~


Phone·' _

for rnQ[~ d'elails = .c., SPONSORED BY I xlhilEJ1wlb

WW"I\cb:.lliIla!wb.Joom om- CAJlL (,5,59'),' 4 !54,g 12~ :2 i~@(l CMifM!iM ~!RE~l~i\"I'

e.y using tflrs COOIJOfl you are aJJ1.cmaij~ ~ m1Ereci in a ffiI~ for:it t{ltai rn $1EiO:J, The 1;l,ri'm~"Igs wiU IJe ~Iit amongst 'ftre par1icipams at $250 earn, Wlflnef.8 wi') be se!ededi D'i rmjCf cmes aoo areas. The ~ w.1 be canlacted b'r ~n~ aoo fsa1lJred in the 2011 isru.e (If ixhawb an::I \·~I aSo be pos1ed on our wetJ.site.

A.~~ willln~[15; will be elllMen b¥' ;8/2Jr1 0


Phone' _

for more d~t3Jls : ... ' .c '.' SPONSORED BY II xlhiE)lwlb

WW'~.cb:.haJwb.,OQm or CAJlL (,6,59') 4·64",,1212 mAooCl ~MjF'~1YI ~iREC;T~ifI'

By using tnrs ODUpon you are au1cmaUU3!'j erneFe'd in a ffiI~ for a t-otal ~ $150:), The~" n~1gs. wi~ be '~In armngst fare partidpanls at $250 earn, Wll'lflefS W'i.! be:s8ejed tij ~Cf citfes am areas. The \'I,~ y,,'1 es coo1actei:l bW rJ'lDne: and f~ured in the 201l ~ (If Txhawb an::! wli also be pos1ed on OJ,jF 'I!~ells~e.

A.~III willlnelw.s; will b~! GllIosen b'll' iB/2m I)

Phol11e" _

for more d~t3JI8 . . . .. . SPONSORED BY II X h a1wlb www .. ·txJ~lalwb •. ioomowCAJlL(.5S91)·4.54~1212K!.11oodcM.F~ .... IDII •. Ec.Yl[lIt"i"

By IJSjl1g lhts. OOJPOfI y(HJ ane au1cma1i~ €fl1]re!i in.a ra~1la for a r-oW:i rA' $1500. TIle wfmiflgs ,,~g 00 $)m arooFigst ~e OOI'1idpafl1S at $250 ead'I. ~rif'll1efS wi11 be ~ed1 Ii; majCf cWes aoo areas.. The ~ w.1 be COflWCtOO trr ~ne a((l feOO.ured ", the 2011 Gare of T ~wb ~ wil aGo be POSted on OUr -website.

An wifilner.s will be cinooen b~' :8/2.011l

Phone# __

!:o_r _'!i_oret·V' dh::.~.\~ "'n m .... i' ;F;; ALL j\C::'lI:n~,;1J II: ~1 '~·1n ~ to BY - I-x hi.!)'. , b

www:. _A.~,WI!iJ~!#y," l !;..i~' ''!.;;;OM - -=, \,;;.;i!;j~~1 ,"t;,;l!"*~ ~,_~, !1Ii1(l1,lOO, ~~UJ~j\:lj; iD!~J:C;Hl~"ri

By uri!1!'J lhis COOpon yoo .an~ autornalicalty BffM in a ra1fle (Of a latal of $1501), Th8 winnings will bB 8jJ1it among-st fiw parfx::ipt'113 at $250 !:\alii. Winners wiU be seloo1ed by rr$ dt~ and arms. The wfmBfS W' be crtrtacted by phone &rld feab....-ej in ;he 2011 ~ oj T~ and wli also l:1e: poo1ad on oor wehsita

A!III w1'rllliierS w~jlll WlB Clhmernl thy 8J2.01 0


Phone' _

lor m?Fet ~~tai\~ __ ._ -r-ALL 1'.c:'ic::!:9'~ Al5~EDBY lx'hllaw!b

www,.x .. _a,w!U~ool!in (!I'r 'v,"_ ,~;;Jii.J. i '9t. 91-'" .. ~, _ c:_:: IUlO'.:;,G ~AutO'J:1WI flIRtC~OOl'

B~ ~his OOUporl yaY are au1.ornalic.altimtera:l ina rams 'or a l!lIlal 01'$1500, The winnings \Nill be 8j]1il aJfIDng~t fnre parfi::i~s at $250 each, Winners JNiIIIJe se\oc1ed by ~ dl£5;md areas. The Wfflel"S W bs contacted by ptIone and te,abJroo in .he 2011 -~ 01 T~Nb and wli also be pos1E1j on our wehsite.

Ail II wllnmlers willilil ~e (:J1OO(!1lI ~' 0120'1 I)


N·- ... - ame

Phone' _

'f'or more details _ SF'ONS()RfD BY I 'X h aw b

www:.txha,w\b.,CI):iIliii 0 r ,CALL. (,559]1 ,454.-1 :212 !!i!!'~~ ,el"'ut~t..~Oi~J:c~oi~

Sv tmrb'J Ihis ooupoo yoo.are autornalicalty errterel:l ina raffls 'Gf a la/.<al of $1 00), Ttl3lfnnningi5 will b8 spirt anlDng6t nile partbpm1s at $250 eaDh. Winners willlJe seloc1ed by ma;or citiss a!)[j arn35, he winfiers w be o:J'fIHct€d by pJ"tone IDl:I feabJre::l in ~~ 2011 mtB rn imub and 1f~1 also be pm1Rd 00 oor wehsite

A!III WJ'nH!lefS Wlilill ~e ctJ,rn;e1111 b~' aJ201 0


N . ame

Phone' _

ror more details _. _ SPONSORED BY I X h E)W b

WW-:W:. tx:ha.,w!b~co:ifnl 0 r 'OALL (1559]1 45·4J.m 12,12, iUil~ ,c~~m;, ~iRflCT~r

By using Ihis OOOporl ~OIJ are. aulomalicaJty ~ in a raffle rGf a lotaJ of $1501), Ths lfNmings will b8 sjlrt amon~t fire partbpan1s at $250 each. Winners wiD tie ~ed ~ n$ dtei arM:! ~. The wflflEH"S we be: ct'fI1acted by ~ne 2ilLI lsallrrej in me 2011 ~ ot T~ and wli also be poo;1ed 00 our wehsite.

Ail II w~'nJl!ler5 wJIUI ~e (:Jl~(!1111 ~' 0\12.01 I)


Phone' __

•. SPONSORED BY -r.:-:~. - -- - b'

'for more delalls . I X II-~ a.I,. - .

www:. txha,wlb~oo m o r CALL ('559]! 4:5~~ 12,1 :2 I\lJij~'ii l.IIuF.~i'M IlIH~efOO1i

By ~rl3 this OCM.IPOFI you are alflOmalical1y €fll€fOO in ,a rams (or a lotal of $1500. The wiflf'lif'lgs will be wit M}OI'Q3t ffi.re j)altljpeJ'ilS at $250 eao1'l- WinnerS wiD 00 ooleOI.ed by Il"\\i)f cites ~.oo ateiilS.1he wimer'S W be C(fI1acted by phone end te.alufOO in the 2011 ls$e (tI' T ~"Wb and wli alv.) be posted (tfi Our wemilR

All II WJnner:s wml ~e OOllStl'lll b~' 8t2.o10

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