Edtpa Lesson Template Lesson 8

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TPA- Referenced Lesson Template

Lesson Title
MN/CC State Standard(s)

Central Focus
Learning Target

Academic Language (AL)

a. Domain-specific vocabulary
b. Any needed sentence structures
c. Language demands: Planned points
where students would use AL
Needed modifications/supports
Planned points for specific students

Lesson Part
Part 1: Initiating Instruction
Review of pre-requisite

Name: Mackenzie Bentzin

Date: 9/29/2015 Grade: Kindergarten
Time: 45 min.
Lesson 8

K.1.1.2. Read, write, and represent whole numbers

from 0 to at least 31. Representations may include
numerals, pictures, real objects and picture graphs,
spoken words and manipulatives such as
connecting cubes.
To help students gain familiarity with quantities and
their names.
Students will complete a color-by-number
worksheet and practice writing numbers one and
two, associating quantities to the written symbol.
I will color each space according to the number it
says. I will write numbers one and two and know
what the symbols stand for.

Students who are above level will be asked to draw

one picture representing the number one, and two
pictures representing the number two. Students
who are on or below level will complete the number
one and two worksheet and have the option to
draw pictures representing their quantities.
Activity description/teacher does
Students do
Review with students what they did the
Recall previous lesson
previous day.
Diamonds and
Yesterday we built numbers using two shapes, triangles.
what were they? (diamonds and triangles)
Building numbers using different materials
Share one group of
helps us become more familiar with numbers
three from their scene
and their symbols. Today we are going to do
of three.
some more practicing with writing numbers, but
first Im going to read through our scenes of
For each students scene of three, ask student
to stay seated and share one group of three
that they drew.

Assess 1.1
Check for Understanding
Part 2: Teacher Input/ Inquiry
Call students by table number to go to their

Show the teacher they

Intro of learning target

Teacher demonstration
Teacher think aloud

desk. Once everyone is seated and ready to

learn, bring up the color-by-number worksheet
on the SMART Board.
You will be getting a worksheet that looks like
this. We will go through it together, but first I
wanted to explain it to you and give you a
preview. This page has a bunch of different
shapes and objects on it. The directions say to
color the spaces where you see two images
red, and one image yellow. Does everyone see
how the spaces are separated?
Pass out worksheets and call on student to
point out a space where they see one image.
Instruct students to color that space yellow.
Repeat this with remaining spaces, calling on
different students. Once the worksheet is
completed ask whole class what they see.
(number two is red, outline is yellow).

are ready to learn

Decide which spaces
have two images and
which spaces have one
image. Color spaces
with two images red,
and one image yellow.
It makes the number
Go back to carpet.
Listen to the instructions
for the next worksheet.
Walk quietly back to
tables and start on

Have students put the worksheet in their

mailbox and sit on their carpet square.
Introduce the next worksheet and bring it up on
the SMART Board (writing numbers one and
two). Demonstrate writing the numbers while
verbalizing actions, for example, For the
number one Im going to start at the top and
draw a straight line down. For the number two,
Im going to draw half of a heart and then a
straight line across.
Dismiss students by carpet color to go back to
their tables to work on worksheet.
Assess 1.2
Check for Understanding
Part 3: Guided support/practice
Paired/collaborative work
Individual work & partner
Teacher(s) roam & assist

Students will work independently on this

worksheet. Remind them to raise their hand if
they need help. Teachers will roam around,
checking for mistakes.

Work independently on
writing numbers one
and two. Raise hand for

When you are done with the front side, raise

your hand and wait for a teacher.

When done with front

side, raise hand and

wait for a teacher.

As students get done with the front side, give
stamps to those who are on or below, and
instruct students who are above to draw
pictures for numbers one and two.
Assess 1.3
Check for Understanding
Part 4: Closure
The worksheet s we did today was another tool
that helped you become more familiar with
Restate learning target
numbers and their symbols. What numbers did
you practice today? (one and two)

Students who are above

level will draw pictures
for numbers one and

Recall what numbers

they practiced. Think
about the next lesson.

Part 5 Class Overview of Assessment Results: Include a template for a class overview of data assessment for
each lesson. This can be as simple as a class roster with a place to mark 3 levels of proficiency such as Strong,
Moderate and Developing.
Note: When submitting your EdTPA for formal scoring, it is recommended that you conduct a planned preassessment to be done at the beginning of your 3-5 lesson sequence, as well as a planned post-assessment
to be done at end of your 3-5 lesson sequence.

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