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TPACK Lesson plan

Content area/topic: How does health affect happiness?

Mobile tech tool used and why: We will use Nearpod to create our lesson because of
the different features and activities in the system. Nearpod will make building a
lesson easier because all our materials will be in the same system.
In addition:

We prefer to start small and concentrate on a few core apps like, Nearpod
and stick with them until the students are more confident and comfortable
with the tool
Nearpod has excellent features - we can upload powerpoint, PDF, quizzes,
games, drawing and video which leads to a great interaction.
Nearpod can work on any device.
There are unlimited free and paid resources to be used in the classroom for all
grades and levels from Nearpod store.
The teacher has full control of the students in this tool.

Learning goal: students will identify how good health is directly linked to happiness.
Who: Bachelors health science girl students - Year 1- Semester 1
How many: 20 students
The classroom: non-traditional and open classroom
Bridge: A short video about happiness - the "happy" song video (5-minutes)
Pre-assessment: Poll through nearpod about happiness (10 minutes)
Objective: Share objective - to be able to identify how good health is linked to
happiness - (2 minutes)
Drawing activity: Draw what you look like when you are happy nearpod (5 minutes)
Discussion: Use padlet to discuss in group how they think health affects happiness
(10 minutes)
Lecture: the healthappy link (topics covered include: the six areas of health, the
impact of health in general, the impact of health on our happiness, and examples) (10 minutes)
Post-assessment: The healthappy checklist - a checklist that indicates how happy you
are at the moment based on your current health status - (5 minutes)
Summary: Share results from drawing activity to entire class (3 minutes)
Which 21st century skills will be addressed in the class and how?

1. Meta Knowledge: students will do different assessments and activities such as

drawing, answering questions, and working in a group which requires:
Creativity and innovation
Critical thinking and problem solving
Communication, teamwork and collaboration
In addition, based on our teams discussions, we identified these other skills that
fall under meta knowledge:
Time management
Research and information Gathering
Being independent
2. Foundational Knowledge: students will use Nearpod as a main technology
during the class. Also, they will use padlet to share ideas, answer questions and
communicate with others.
3. Humanistic Knowledge: the lesson will include thinking skills and self-direction
for the student. Also, students will provide general information about the topic
rather than the professional skills.
How will you know if the lesson was successful?
-If you achieve the lessons objectives successfully on time.
-If the students are fully engaged and doing what they are supposed to do
How to evaluate the lesson and know our learning goals are achieved?
-During the lesson, we will be using a checklist to highlight the students
participations, engagement and knowledge.
-During the last few minutes of the lesson, we will recap the main points to check the
students understanding.
-We can let the students complete a quick evaluation at the end of class.
-After the lesson is over, we will complete a self-evaluation.

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