Conical Scan

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RADAR ENGINEERING Conical gan t= When a Sfutmbed feed § continucusty rotated cto obfah ang'e measurements In two Cocsdivates ) then & Gatled as comical scans “the bast® Concept of conical Stan & shown as beloto- ont Bier ee ny Loa Radad Fig: Conical — Scan traces “The ongle between the aock of sotad fon and aocth + she Aidenna beam & the squid angle - Comicey 0 “laxget Rooted at position A. Because ef the rotetlow of ane squtided beam arc “Ihe target's offset from ane selodion ax, the amplitude f dhe echo signal worlt be modulated at a “fleet equal +e the beam dsortation frequency (also called the Comical- scan frequency) The aynptitucte of the rnodul ation depends on the angular distance Letween the craxget oLivection And due sodatton axty: the Location of the target iy Hise orgie Cocydinales cletesmmes the phase of Ahe Conical~ccan tredutedton YElative +o dhe Conical- Scan ecm rotation. the conical= scan modulation & extyactec from Ake Cole Sigval aud Obplied +o 0 Serve Conta! system that continuatty positions the , antema sotation arts 1h the clisection of +he Farger G4 cloes 4g} by mater moa) the axterma Se that the target Dine of sigtt eDies avong the beam sctatton ar as at position B fr Fg. Two gervee are Pequired One for Ozlmutt and other -for etevation. When the antenna & “ on target » Ake Conical — scan ‘Mmectutadion G of zero amplitude. Blocle Diagram ra A Weck diagscim of the angie—chaclemg postion P a conical ~ scam “racking dadax of shown ‘in below fig we Receiver (| se Rav on —[ounom Ps Heal sihanfee Fig’ Block diagram cf confcal Scan‘ sacking yoda. “The antema & mounted & thet the i ig U can be mechan catty bostHloned % both azinmeh and elevation b Seharate Mmetess- “the Arterma beam f& squibted by dishlaca the feed Slightly OFF the focus ep the pbaxatela . “The basabolic ~ antenna feecl can be a dear ~feed desl gn fox Mechanical Convenience. When the feed & alesigned to mainain the plane oP polarization as Y aclates about the ach & 8 Called O nutaring feed A rotating feed One tehich Cawes-the plane of polarization to detate. “The nutecting fees & pae ferred ores dhe sotating feed Since a aoreaitg polastzation can catue the Amplitude of the “ranger €cho signal to charge ustth tine even P a stattonary ctaaget on-oncls. A crane ™m Omblitude Caued by aq medulated echo signal Can Fesull fr dlegtacled Oa ftsea PATI Occuragy., “The nudtading feed & wanes irove GmbUi cated, however , than the dotation feed: Ff the artema & mau erotgh Car ih a misile guidance Syston) Ue miga be easter +o mechanicalty Bedale the tilted deflects tan tthe feea , thus avoiding the protien of Citherq rotatory §cint ore flexibie RE Jott fer the petals feed: References ame! (@ awrroductionde RADAR Systeme — Skolnik- © Funda mestale a. RADAR, SONAR & Nasigetion Engg. KK: Shoama . © RADAR: Painciples Technology » Pbpuceaton ! Bysen Eclde + ill

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