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Radio prchagation & the bebavious oP sadio waves when hey are Aransmitied ow pacpogaled from one pofict om the Garis to anotler oF tite various pasts of the otmosbiere. As a fom ¢ elicieyat yadiation , Like Light wows, radic waves are affected ty the henomena f Fefleclion, beFrackim , diffraction, absorption , paleizeton and Rae Radig propagation 5 affected by the daily chomges af water Vapor fh the ctmesplese ard lemization tn the ubbex cdrmegphes due 4o the Sun- “The three basic propagation mechoni sms Refleclion, diffsaction and Scattering axe the three basic propagation mechanisms which mback prepegasion Tr a mobile communication system These mechonisms ave baepy explored fr tts section Reflection occurs when a propagating elechommagmeté wave linpinges upon an object which has very large ciemensiong when comboved to the sanueelengts of the paopa. puted wave: Reflections occur stom the surface of the ecath and pen banlang and Walls, Diffraction occurs When the radio ath between the transmitter and yeceiver 6 obshucled by O susfce Htat hac char} trequlaaiies Cedges) The Seanocanyy wees Tecan ‘fiom the obstsucting Suaface doe present thcuhout the space and even belied she chstacte , geig te toa bending of leaves Aeeund the obstade. _AK high foequenaes ) diffeacion , Like 2eflechion, ebay say dhe qeometny of the Cljecr as WAT AS ARE Gnpltadey pra aR peasteation “of He incident wave at the point of AiPanction Scatlesing Occurs When the Medium theough Which the pave daavets Consists oP objects With diemensiong that axe Small compared -to the wavelength and where the numbex ¢ obstacles per unit point & large Scattered waves are preduced! youge suafaces , gmatt objects oF i Othe irnequlaaities \h the chanel: gn practice foliage » street signs and lamb posts Fadluce meatier fe a mobile communication sppiem — Reflection s— token a adic wave pacbogating fr ene medium wnbinges upon arether medium having different eledsical Propertres , the wove & paatiats aefiected and pavtoaty transmitted « §f tue plane wave % tncidert on a perfect dielectne » bart of the energy “4 transmiked Into the Second medium and bast of energy & reflected back tno the first medium and there & Yo loss Ff Enea fr absorption. Af the second medium % a peafect conductos , then all tncident energy {5 Fefledel back Into the first medium without loss nergy —The electric fiedd titanslty of the wefiected and leven toaves may te related 40 he thciderd lave fh -te Ynedium of. oaigin Hocugh athe Fresnel refiecion coefficient (1) “The reflection co- efficent & a finch e 0g Ingles : pooperties and generalty depends on tne wove polarization one of incideme and the Srequency of the brefegahng weave: i \ee Reflection: E field the blane of Preidence- Brewster Angl The Brewster angle % the angle at whith { ho aefiecton occu fh the medium of origni. “9+ occurs when tthe thadeut angie fh such that the deflection coefficrent fy § spate x oso) = & te Ground Refiedton (Two- CTwo- Roy) Medel: tna mobile radio channel» a Sirgie clisect Path belween He tase statin and a mobile & seldom. $n mos{ mMokite Communicadion systems the max. TR separation dlistance % Qdimest only a fee ens ¢ Kilometeas and tie eatin may be assumed fo be flat. the total deceived fietd Eset then asssull of the dised ine Of sigis component CEs) and the freee! seflected Component a Erer = Evos+ a iver ve = ve Fig. “Teo “ray ground reflection medet “Diffaaction allows yackic signals +40 pochagale aroud fie cuaved Saaface of the east , beyorcs the horizon and +o prcbagate belind obstauctions. Although the s¢ceived fietd strengry clecreares dapidly as a deceiver moves deeper Ine He obetrucred C shadowed) degien the diffsacton fietd still exists and often has su (freien Staengthn te produce a useful Sigel: “The phenomenen of diffaaction explaived by Huygents painciple ) Which states thed atl points on a wWave-foont can be considered as fotid sources for the hoducion of secolang ; Wwavelels and that these (wavelets Combine +o preduce a nas wavefront fh the clisection ct psepagacton Scatteriv she actual seceived Signal 1 A Tmobile deta envacmmerd % efi strong ex that what St predicted by seflection and diffzacion ‘models alone. This becauue when a aadic Wave strikes on a youg hk surface ) the aeflected energy & chsead cut fr att disections due +e a, Objects Such ag lamb pests and -lsees tend to seater energy fr all clivedioy, Hheoeby providing Adlditieral tadio energy at a Jecciver. sie voughiness & often tested using the Rogie cafteon which defines a caittcal hei to of the Suoface Prete beoaneas es a laa ue GP iesdence OC que by ” Sonor . A suafoce % omsidered smecth Y Us mibto maw protuberance h& tes than hey ond Conciclesed shou. dpeater or he: nh f the protabeaance & Reference 2 Wiseless Communication: Theodore’ S. Rapaport (Feasson)

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