Monopulse Tracking

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ae By making an sl meogusement based on the Signals RADAR ENGINEERIN G x: Paamanand- MoNoPULsE TRACKING §— A monopulse tracker Ts defined as one Tn Which Vnfosmation Oren the Ongular location fo target & obtained by | Combarisen f Signals deceived th hwo os more Simultoneous — beams. A measurement of angle may be made om +the basic ofa Single pulse 5 hence the name rnonopulse. ‘dm practice , however » Multiple pulses are usually embleyed —to increase the probability Gf detedion , iimbsove the accuracy Of the angle estimate and pyovide resolution » dobbler wo hen necessary” +thad appear Simultaneously nm morse than ome antenna beam, the accuracy % mpeoved combared +o time— Shared So eeeea trackin Systeme (Such as Conical Scan or sequent al lobimg ) wlich Suffer degroctasion When the echo ne ambUtude Changes With time. sp monofulse te net affected b -fisctuadtons s the target echo. 3} G the brefersed ‘eacking technique When accurate Measurements are mer tived: “Thus the accurac Gmblitude On le = he monopuse angle methed may be used ma Packing sadar to develob an angle extox Signal im tuo Oxthegonal angle coordinates that mechanicaty clive the bovesigur of the. eae antenna using a Rosed - Loop seo System 4o keep the bovesi gut positimed th the dizection f the moog ctarget. In radars such as the phased Array , angie measure ments can be obtained wm an Spen~ loop -fashion by calibrating 4he exroy - signal ‘conga tn terms oF angle. “There ave several metieds by which a monopulse angle measurement can be made. —The mest popular by fos las ‘me amplitude - Comparison Monobulse which com bazes the Amplitudes of the Signals Simultaneousty vecetyed 1 rmultibie squinied beams +o cletesmine the angle dhen the stem monopulse ty used by UrseLf usith no other cles cdibitoas “dt generarty defers to the amplitude — combartson Veasion. teen fmbUtude- Comparison Monopulse, $n an amblitude compartsen ‘mono pulse system, -fous feeds @e Used with one barobelora tefleder. there -heasspilttey ave -fous horn antennas dishlaced Aboud the Conti! focus of the seflecter - The transmitter feed she hor Soetoree Se that a sum signal & -teangmittey. “The echo signal %& received y a xeceiver dublexey eat a hy bata ding to Provide the Plowing thoee Signals. } Sum signals CA+B+ct0) 3. Azimuth exzox signa) = CAtc)— (8 4) 3 Elevation erroy signal = (A+8)— (c+p) A glaparn of Mono pulse Radaz- Beam pattern & shou A=B8=C=D) Azimuth error = (Atc)~ (84D) The teaget Th cerdesed: SP (ate) — (B+) =0 then ho error Elevation erry = (AtB)— (cto) yf (A+B) — (CHD) =0 then no en20r. Fig: Diagram Monopulse Raday Bear Patems, Block Diagram : A simple block diagzam of the amblitude - Combasison monopulse hacking radar § Shoum as below. Transmitey 1 “Lats & e R Mixey [--! i "y 7 | a Ampufi detector sign al Phase Sensitive -—> Aingle~ Detector erxror Signal Difference Channel . Bleck ciagsam op the amplitude — Combasison memopulse § one Angle coordinate. ZB denotes the sum channels: A denotes the Affeseuce cLannel. =4 The uo adjacent antenna -[eeds axe Comected 46 the tuo rut ams F o hybrid junction , whith & a four- port microwans Cevice wlth two thput and +> Outbuk porte - When two Signals ( such as the signate from the +u0 Squinted beams) ave insested at the +wo fnbut ports , the Sum and difference op she tue are found ot the se surbud ports. On rere reception the cutbut of tre Sum and clifference ports ase each, hexere dynect te Gn thtemmediate frequency and om p ufiedt We the subesheterodyne gecerver- 9+ & Ww bortant that the 6um and difference chamnels channels have te Same bhase and amblitude characteristics. Fer +h& season, a Smale Rocal ogullates (lo) & Shared by the +wo Chamels. The transmitter & connected —te the sum ost of the hybatcl junction. A duplexer (7R) by meQucled fr -4he sum channel fox the protection of the Sum— channe yeceiver. Although u igs rot be needed fox prolecton | of the difference- channel seceiver, a duplexer & often lnserted wm the difference channel So as te Mamton the | prase Qnd amplitude balance of she uw Channels: Prutomadte Jour comtesl t also used te help maintarn balance. The outputs ep the Sum and difference channels cre the | puts +o the phase- sensitive detector , Whith & a Tonlinear device that Combares two signals cf the same . Frequency - “The outpur of O phase — sensitive detector % the onde - eavey S\gral- dts magnitude & bropestonar +o ie 6.) a Or = Target angie Oo= Bovesiquy. “The sign of the output of jue phase- Sensitive detecter indicates the disection of the Gngle error 2€lative to the boxesight « % the sum Signal tin the IF portion of the receiver fh Ag coswiet the diftesence Sgral wee be. elt, tAa cos wiet or _ clebending On Which side of boae sige % the target. Sing - Agcoswed = Ay COS We (+ +171) , the sign of the diffesence Signas sn be found with We base sensitive delector by cletermining whether the difference si val & Sum Sigvol Or Weer cut af hase. Aacewict « Wr Phase wit, the Although a phase combats & a baat eb amp Utude comaricon monopulse radar , the mognitude of the angie - exroy Signal & cetermined by corapabing the SehOAB ta hal Amp Utudes Yeeeived wit, Simultangous Squinted beams, p bar f “The seh aration antenna fe, eds & Aratl So that tio plases of the SNyralg fr the tue beams are GLmogp Sal uh Orr the target angle t net -far prem boresight. References 2— © smrcductton to RADAR Systeme - Skolnik « @® Fundamestate f RADAR, SONAR 2 Navigecton ug KE: Shaama. ® RADAR = Principles Technology » Abb Licetion: Byaen , a sie ‘

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