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V Introduction

V Basic principle
V Types of Ground Source System
V Basic Components
V Working
V Environmental impact
V Economic factor
V Advantages
V Conclucion
͞Ground source cooling
and heating system͟ uses
the relatively constant
temperature of ground to
regulate the temperature
of a building.
V This is also known as
Geothermal heat pumps,
geoexchange , earth-
coupled , earth energy or
water source pump , earth
energy system(EES).
V A ͞ground source system͟
works by transferring energy
rather than producing energy.
V Based on Second Law of
Thermodynamics: The Y 

 Y is an
axiom of thermodynamics
concerning heat, entropy, and the
direction in which thermodynamic
processes can occur. For example,
the second law implies that heat
does not flow spontaneously from
a cold material to a hot material,
but it allows heat to flow from a
hot material to a cold material..
V Ô  


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V These are suitable where
adequate soil or clay
based land is available.
V We need a trench of
minimum of (100 x 100 x
5 ) ft .
V Pipe needed ʹ 500 to
600 ft per ton of
conditioning is needed.
V They are inappropriate
for extreme climates.
V These are suitable for
extreme climates, limited
space or rocky terrain .
V We need to drill 150 to 300
feet deep holes in which
hairpin shaped loops of pipe
are dropped.
V Pipe needed ʹ 300 to 600 ft
per ton of conditioning is
V Vertical loops are typically
more expensive than
horizontal loops and Less
piping required and provide
better conditioning as the
earth temperature is more
stable at depth.
V These are more
economic and space
efficient version of a
horizontal ground loop.
V These use overlapped
loops of piping laid out
horizontally along the
bottom of a wide trench.
V They take 1/3 to 2/3 less
space than traditional
horizontal loop trenches
V This needs at least a ½
acre by 8 ft deep pond or a
V This is installed by laying
coils of pipe in the bottom
of the pond or lake.
V This type of geothermal
system is both highly
economical and efficient as
this has the inherent
advantages of water to
water heat transfer.
V In this fresh water from a
well or pond is pumped
into and back out of the
geothermal unit .
V This requires an abundant
source of clean water and
an adequate runoff area .
V Water quality is key to an
open loop design as
mineral content and acidity
can quickly damage
geothermal units.
A closed loop system, the
most common, circulates
the fluid through the loop
fields͛ G.I. pipes. In a
closed loop system there is
no direct interaction
between the fluid and the
earth; only heat transfer
across the G.I. pipe.

It dissipate the heat that
the coolant has absorbed
from the system.
V   Ô 
These are single phase
capacitor start and run, 2
pole design pump used
used to pump the
V Ground Source cooling systems work on a different principle than an ordinary furnace/air
conditioning system, and they require little maintenance or attention. Furnaces must create
heat by burning a fuel, typically natural gas, propane, or fuel oil. With Ground Source
cooling systems, there's no need to create heat, hence no need for chemical combustion at
the building (though, of course, the electricity used is usually made via combustion).
Instead, the Earth's natural heat is collected in winter through a series of pipes, called a
loop, installed below the surface of the ground or submersed in a pond or lake. Fluid
circulating in the loop carries this heat to the home. An indoor Ground Source cooling
system then uses electrically-driven compressors and heat exchangers in a vapor
compression cycle - the same principle employed in a refrigerator ʹ to concentrate the
Earth's energy and release it inside the home at a higher temperature. In typical systems,
duct fans distribute the heat to various rooms; other applications include water to-water
transfer, as seen in a radiant floor system.

V In summer, the process is reversed in order to cool the home. Excess heat is drawn from the
home, expelled to the loop, and absorbed by the Earth. Ground Source cooling systems
provide cooling in the same way that a refrigerator keeps its contents cool, by drawing heat
from the interior, not by injecting cold air.
V The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has called
ground source energy system the most energy-efficient,
environmentally clean, and cost-effective space conditioning
systems available.
V Ground-source heat pumps have unsurpassed thermal
efficiencies and produce zero emissions and less greenhouse
gases than air conditioners, oil furnaces and electric heating
V A residential heat pump may save 5 tons of carbon dioxide per
year relative to any conditioning system.
V Open loop systems that draw water from a well and drain to the
surface may contribute to aquifer depletion, water shortages,
groundwater contamination, and subsidence of the soil.
V Ground source heat pumps are characterised by high capital costs and
low operational costs compared to other conventional systems. A
homeowner may save anywhere from 20% to 60% annually .
V One study found the total installed cost for a system with 10 kW (3
ton) thermal capacity for a detached rural residence in the USA
averaged of $14,000 (INR 6,82,000) in 2008 US dollars for a small size
V Even with the high initial costs of purchasing a geothermal system the
payback period is relatively short, typically between 3-5 years.
V These system are warrantied for 25 to 50 years and are expected to
last at least 50 to 200 years.
V Commercial systems maintenance costs in the USA have historically
been between $0.11 to $0.22 per m2 per year( 5.00 ʹ 10.00 INR per
m2 ). i.e. for a 2000 ft2 house (185 m2) the maintenance cost would be
(925 ʹ 1850 INR).
V When comparing a geothermal system to an ordinary
system a homeowner can save anywhere from 30% to
70% annually on utilities.
V By using this system we can regulate the building
temperature between 7-21 degrees Celsius depending
on the season.
V The current use of ground source system has resulted in
the following emissions reductions
ͻ Elimination of more than 5.8 million metric
tons of CO2 annually.
ͻ Elimination of more than 1.6 million metric
tons of carbon equivalent annually.

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