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Water being one of the most essential necessity of life, becoming an increasing

scare resource, needs careful planning and management. Availability of safe qual
ity drinking water is being reduced due to pollution from sewage and industrial
waste. So water should be meticulously harnessed and carefully conserved. It sho
uld be economically used and safely disposed off after usage.
The need of the water management, specially in the context of meeting the demand
s of an increasing population. Simply put, it means managing our finite water re
sources for present needs while keeping in mind the future requirement of next g
when we will realise the real mportance of water.Till when we are going to write
essays,slogan etc to save water.When are human going to realise the importance
of natural resources.I t is always seeen That things which are very essential fo
r humans and which they use them in thier daily life is leading to extinction da
y by day.Like, electricity,water,minerals etc..I t is not that they are very les
s and they can't meet the needs of humans but the fact is that they are misused
by the most intellegent species on earth i.e Humans.
For years, we have misused our most important resource
water. In Antarctic sea,
penguins will face extinction due to the water scarcity. Our natural beauty will
be hampered due to depletion of water. We humans have a notion that all that is
there in this world belongs to us and we have all the right to squander its nat
ural resources, but what we think is ours, does belong to other species as well.
So while we intelligently mess with the hydrological cycle and send eco-system
into a tizzy, we ignorantly rob animals of their water and hence their lives. On
e thing that people need to understand is that each one of us can help and save
this country and the world. Each soul can make a difference, just like every dro
p in the ocean makes a difference. As Mother Teresa had said, "We ourselves feel
that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less
because of that missing drop." If each of us recognise, realise and respect wat
er as our most precious resource ever, we can mirror the ocean in all its forcef
ul resilience. And we might just be able to placate the global water crisis, if
not completely vanquish it. It shouldn't be too late when we realise our mistake
. Today, through the means of right technology and careful water usage, we can h
elp combat water scarcity in near future.
To save water
I am doing my duty. Are you?

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