E1 M3 Maison Term 3

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Je m’appelle ……………………………

Date due …………………………………

Target Level ……………………………

You and your family have decided that next summer, you are going
to sell up and move to France. Many French people are searching
for homes in the Salisbury area so you are going to create an advertisement for
your house (or an imaginary one) in French in the hope of making a part exchange
with a French family.
You should include:
Details about where the house is
Details about the area (en ville/à la campagne)
Details about the number and type of rooms
Detailed information about one room

Level 1  I can draw a plan of my house and label it using five words
I have copied correctly
Level 2  I can write short phrases about my house
 My spelling is accurate
Level 3  I can write a short paragraph to describe the location of
my house
 I can give information about rooms on the different floors
 I can use the connective ‘et’ to join my phrases together
Level 4  I can give information about each room in my house
 I can write in detail about one room
 I can use a dictionary to look up new and interesting words
 I can give simple opinions about my house (eg. C’est jolie)

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