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Important Notice for Summer-2015 BUS

498 Students (Interns)

All Summer-2015 Interns are required to attend a mandatory Exit Assessment Test. The result of this
test will constitute up to 20% of the Interns final grade in BUS 498: see the evaluation (grading)
criteria for BUS 498 for this semester. Attendance is mandatory and will be recorded. Absence will
result in a zero: missing this test will mean that students final score, for the final grade, will NOT be
higher than 80%.
This test will be held on Friday, June 12. Students should check in at 8:30 AM in NAC 4th floor. Students
should be prepared to be on campus until 1 PM on that day.
The students will complete the Exit Assessment Test and an anonymous Exit Survey. The test will
include essays and multiple choice questions. The test will be comprehensive, i.e., students will be
asked questions from all core knowledge areas (Accounting, Business Law, Economics,
Entrepreneurship, Ethics, Finance, International Business, Management, Marketing, Operations
Management, Statistics, Strategic Management), and students major (the 1st major for dual-major
Students should bring their ID, pens/pencils/erasers, a calculator, and other exam-appropriate
accessories. Students will not be allowed to use their smartphones/tablets etc. during the test.

BUS 498 Evaluation Criteria (Summer 2015)

a. Timely submission of 10-12 quality journals
b. Employer satisfaction
Student must have internship sponsor complete the Employer Satisfaction
Survey and return the completed survey in a sealed envelope to faculty
supervisor. Student must not view the content of the completed survey.
c. Exit Assessment Test
Students overall result will be supplied to students faculty supervisor. Absence
during this test will result in receipt of zero for this component.
d. End of semester viva with faculty supervisor
e. Report
f. Report writing




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