E2 M4 Restaurant Term 5

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Year 7 Term 5 Key Homework

For this Key Task, you are going to work in groups to create a role play
conversation of a scene in a restaurant or café with one person being the waiter
and one or two others being customers.
You can make your presentation more interesting by bringing in props from home,
eg. Plastic cups, trays etc.
Your group needs to produce:
A name for your café and a sign with the name on.
A menu showing the food and drink you’re offering with
prices in EUROS
A script of your conversation

Level 2  I try hard with my pronunciation

 I can ask for 2 things (customer) or answer 2 questions (waiter)
 I can read from a script

Level 3  My pronunciation can be understood

 I can ask 3 questions (waiter) or order 3 things (customer)
 I can use connectives (eg. ‘et/mais’ in my questions/my order)

Level 4  We can produce a menu in correct French offering a range of items

 I can ask 4 questions or order 4 things
 I can give my opinions on the food on the menu
 My pronunciation is good

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