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a. Your Location Requirements- It is in floorplan

b. Time Line- August 17, 2015 started set up
September 28, 2015 Purchase order arrived
October 1, 2015 Store opened
October 22, 2015 Mobile store opened
c. Customer Fulfillment/Production Plan- If the customer buys a non-customized
good they will get it right at the time they purchase it, but if they buy a
customized good they will have to pay the price and will receive their good the
next day as soon as they go back to the store.
d. Customer Capacity- We have a customer capacity of an estimate of 600 9th
graders, 150 upperclassman and 40 faculty members. That is a total of 790
people we could provide great service to.
e. Rent, Utilities- We do not rent our space at our school
f. Leasehold Investment Requirement- The school provided us the free space,
but we did need investment capital to buy our start up products to start the
g. Equipment Investment Requirement- we only have 2 equipment that was not
given to us with the store. The 2 pieces of equipment were the fridge for
drinks and freezer for the ice cream.
h. Inventory Investment Requirement- we have extra products for in the store
i. Inventory Control- We stores our products in locked cabinets and with our
executive order, Mrs. Crumley. If any goods are about empty are about to be
out of stock at the store, all we do is replace them with more of the products
we have stored.
j. Order Fulfillment- Currently we only sell our products directly to our
customers. As soon as we start to sell customized products our customers will
have to pay in advance, and will receive their product the following day.

k. Visionary Statement- Well since our business just started we are slowly
getting the profit we want. We made a mobile store because students do not
like to go all the way to our store since it is located at the front of the campus.
We hope to one day move our store closer to the middle of the campus next
to the lunch room to attract more customers and get more profit for our
school by selling our school store goods.
l. Expected Growth- In the next 2-5 years I expect the school store to increase in
the number of sales we make per day and increase double on the amount of
income we get per week.
m. Administrative Support- Mr. Smith (GHS principal), gave us permission to
open and make the school store. Mrs. Freeman (9th Grade center principal),
checks and approves our requests and orders. Mrs. Crumley (Executive Order)
supervises our store to see if we are doing the right job and puts in our orders.
n. Risk Management- our potential risks are limited customers and our location.
Due to our location we do not attract enough customers to get the profit we
would like to get although we are slowly getting there we would want to move
our location so that our store can attract more customers. Since we made our
mobile store it has gotten us a lot more profit because we are going to our
customers. As long as we move locations we should not have a problem on
how many customers we get because we will attract more if some leave.
o. Website- This is the website

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