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MCR3U Recursive Sequences Practice Work

1. Determine the first five(5) terms for each of the following recursive sequences:
a. t1 = 2, tn = tn-1 + 7 for n >=2
b. t1 = -5, t2 = 2, tn = 4*tn-1 + 3 tn-2 for n >=3
c. t1 = 3, tn = tn-1 + 2n for n >=2
d. t1 = 1, t2 = 4, tn = tn-1/tn-2 for n >=3

2. Assuming that you were using a spreadsheet similar to the one

to the right, what would you need to enter into the cells B2, B3
and B4 (either a formula or a value) so that the spreadsheet
would generate the first ten (10) terms of the sequence. You
are to do this for each of the sequences in Question 1.

3. The sequence 1,3,6,10,15, … consists of triangular numbers –

that is, numbers that correspond to a number of dots that can be
arranged to form a triangle.

As you can see in the picture, the sequence

of numbers 1,4,9,16,… consists of square
numbers and the sequence of numbers
1,5,12,22,… consists of pentagonal

In each of these sequences, any term in the sequence (other than the first term) is directly
related to the term before it.

For example, the fourth square number (t4), which is 16, is nothing more than 7 plus the
second square number (t2), which is 9.

a. Determine a recursive formula for each of the sequences. Use tn,sn,pn to

represent the nth term of the triangular number, square number and
pentagonal number sequences.
b. Use a spreadsheet to calculate the first ten terms of each sequence. What
values and formulas did you need to enter into cells B2 and B3 to make
this work?
c. Is there a value that the ratios pn/tn and sn/tn converge to? If so, what are
the values?

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