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Classroom language

Wat is classroom language?

Simpele eenvoudige alledaagse taal
Target language is language of communication in class; anything the teacher or
the pupils say.
- More input
- Incidental learning (acquired (verworven) is better than learned!)
- Supplementary tot he course book
- Realistic language situation.
Understandable input: a quiet pace (niet snel praten) clear articulation short
and simple sentence supported by gestures(gebaren).
Wat are the advantages of classroom language for your learners?
Dat ze zich kunnen uiten en begrijpen in taal engels
Wat is important when you use classroom language?
De leerkracht moet het zelf beheersen, goede grammatica, goede voorbereiding,
langzaam en duidelijk spreken.
What suitable games can you think of?
Are they receptive or productive?
Write them down, please
Productive = woorden die je zelf al spreekt
Receptive = woorden
Examples of language games:
Picture dication
Word search
Guess who?
Happy families (kwartet)
Snakes and ladders
Reading race

fun through:
Tongue twisters (= tongbrekers: We surely shall see the sun shine soon
Chant (Ritmisch spreekkoor) TPR

Creative start/end of the English lesson

Counting to five.
Stand up turn to the left for English
Stand up turn to the right for Dutch
Keycourt then you speak English
English flag
Assignment lunchbox
Whats in your lunchbox?
There is a/an .
There are in my lunchbox.
Possible vocabulary: Sandwich cheese meat bacon - egg cracker yoghurt
- apple banana manderin etc.
Example: There is an meat sandwich.
Classroom language zie hierboven
Hand puppets zorgt voor ondersteuning en laat de kinderen zien dat er weer een
les Engels is.
Hand puppet = native speaker
Approachable; higher involvement
Use of senses (hearing, seeing, feeling)
Neutral appearance; a friend, to start/end the lesson with; to speak to the
learners, to demonstrate it; use a particular hand puppet only for English

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