Georgia On My Mind Rubric

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Georgia on My Mind

Objective: You will explain factors that affected

development of Georgia as part of the growth

United States between 1789 and 1840. You will
through the relationships between music and
will gain visual and verbal literacy through this process.

of the
do this
art. You


Day 1-2: You will research one of the following Georgia Studies topics:
1. The impact of land policies pursued by Georgia (the headright system, land lotteries
and the Yazoo Land Fraud.)
2. How technological developments (the cotton gin and railroads) had an impact on
Georgias growth.
3. The events that led to the removal of Creeks and
(include the roles of Alexander McGillivray, William
Sequoyah, John Ross,
Dahlonega Gold
Rush, and Worcester
vs. Georgia,
Andrew Jackson, John
Marshall and the
Trail of Tears).
Day 3-5: General Music class and Art class will meet in the
theater to form groups. You will begin collaborating with your
groups. You will compare research and begin song writing.
Day 6-9: General Music class will meet in room 318 to
collaborate with groups to create visual art to accompany
Day 10-12: Each group will present their song and visual art. You will be graded on your
performance and participation. Have fun with this project!
Presentations: Every group is responsible for a song and a visual representation of the
content of the song. You may choose several different ways to present or perform your song:
Photo Story (by recording your lyrics spoken or sung with background music uploaded to the
app), live performance on stage with your artwork on a PowerPoint slide played while you
perform or video tape your performance and play back to audience. If you have another
creative approach, discuss with Mr. Kirkland and Mrs. MacJack for approval.

Georgia on My Mind Rubric

Group Members:
Your name:
Criteria 1: Research
I researched my topic and found
At least 10 important facts.
6 or less
Criteria 2: Brainstorming
I worked with my group to create
Our song for our topic.
6 or less
Criteria 3: Collaboration
I worked with my group to create
A visual representation of our song
Through drawing, painting, collage, etc.
6 or less
Criteria 4: Connections
Our song is relevant to our topic and can be
understood by our audience.
6 or less
Criteria 5: Performance
I actively participated in the performance
And put forth effort to make it entertaining or
6 or less













POINTS: _____/50___

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