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Angels dont know karate

By: Debbie Dadey and Marcia Thornton

By Maci Martin

Chapter 1
This is what happened in chapter 1.There was a
new crossing guard all the friends wanted to
know if she was really a angel. There was a
mean bully named ben.

Chapter 2
Ben dared Eddie to climb a slippery tree. Eddie
did. He fell it looked like the new crossing
guard Angela Michaels floe up and cot him
because remember the kids think she's an
angel. She gave the kids free karate lesson's.

Chap 3
Lots of people showed up at karate try outs.
Angela Michaels broke like 5 boards. All of
the people where like woooooooooooo!

Good bye time

The rest of the book was really good!
But it is time to say goodbye!

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