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20-50-80 Moon Menu

Directions: Choose TWO activities from the menu below to gain a better understanding of the moon and tides. The
activities must total 100 POINTS. Place a checkmark next to each box to show which activities you will complete. All
activities must be completed by: ______________________.

20 Point Choices
Over the course of the next 7 days, sketch a picture of what the moon looks like each night and describe what phase
it is in, as well as what is happening between the moon, Earth, and the sun in space during this time, etc. (If you have
trouble telling the phase, go to sites like
Create a set of Moon Phase Trading cards that include each moon phase (8 phases) and moon phase vocabulary
waxing, waning, crescent, gibbous, quarter, illuminated.
Create drawings comparing neap tides and spring tides. Be sure to compare the arrangement of the Earth, the sun,
and the moon for each type of tide.

50 Point Choices
Write a song, poem, rap, etc. about the moon and its 8 different phases. You might want to include other information
like how the moon was formed, exploration by humans, etc.
Create a childrens book that explains the lunar cycle (Moon Phases) and what causes tides to occur.
Design a mobile that shows how the moon orbits Earth and how both the moon and Earth orbit the sun. Demonstrate
your mobile to the class and discuss the force that causes the moon to be a natural satellite of the Earth.
Watch Earths Moonless Future in Discovery Education and then create a movie poster that illustrates what
occurred in the movie clip.

80 Point Choices
Draw and color a cartoon strip involving the moon and its 8 phases, in order. You can be as creative as you want with
each cartoon, but each panel should explain what phase is being shown in the picture.
History and Moon Phase Poster- you will explore what phase of the moon was visible from Earth on important dates
in your life or in history and design a poster displaying the moon phase for each event.
Religious Holidays and the Phase of the Moon: example: Easter is a different date each year based on the lunar
Create a movie that demonstrates and explains moon phases and when different tides occur. (Stop animator,
Educreations, iMovie, etc.)

Nightly Moon Phases or Tides Drawings

Must be at least 8.5 by 11

Must show what is requested in the task statement

Must include color

Must be neatly drawn by hand

Must have a title

Name should be written on the back

Trading Cards

Include at least 12 cards

Each card should be at least 3 by 5

Each should have a colored picture

Include at least three facts on the subject

Cards must have information on both sides

All cards must be fastened/bound/or in a bag


Words must make sense

You must mention all 8 moon phases

Can be presented to an audience or recorded

Written words will be turned in before performance or with recorded song

Songs should be at least 1.5 minutes in length

Poems should be at least 16 lines

Childrens Book

Must have a cover with books title and students name as author

Must have at least 10 pages

Each page should have an illustration to accompany the story

Must include all moon phases

Should be neatly written or typed

Can be developed on the computer/iPad


At least 10 pieces of related information

Includes color and pictures

At least three layers of hanging information

Hangs in a balanced way

Earths Moonless Future Movie Poster

Should be the size of a standard poster board

Includes at least five pieces of important information

Must have title

Must contain both words and pictures

Name should be written on the back

Cartoon/Comic Strip

At least 8.5 by 11

At least 10 cells

Must have meaningful dialogue (like character talking), which should add up to at least 16
total sentences.

Must include color

History and Moon Phase Poster

Should be the size of a standard poster board

Must include at least 10 important dates from your lifetime or dates of events in history
that affected your life or you care about. (Examples: birthday, sibling birthday, date your
Superbowl team won, the date a particular president was elected, 9/11/01, D-day,
Holocaust, etc.)

You must write the event date- Month/Day/Year

Must have event title and description

Must have moon phase and phase name for date

Must have a drawing or picture of the event

Must have title

Name should be written on the back

Helpful site:

Religious Holidays and the Phase of the Moon:

Research a religious holiday that the date each year is based on the lunar phase.

Must have title

Must have moon phase and phase name

Must have a drawing or picture of the event & describe the holiday.

Must include at least 10 years of dates. Include the current year, 4 past, and 5 future
years. You must write the event date- Month/Day/Year


Turn in a written plan or story board with the project

Covers pertinent information about the project

Name must be included

Must be neatly organized and produced

Outside class time needed to work on video must be scheduled in advance with the teacher

Example: Easter is a different date each year based on the lunar phase

Helpful site:

ALL project sources MUST be cited APA style!

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