Final Exam - 4º ESO

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1.Pon en el tiempo correcto:


(see) Bruce Willis new film yet?

- By the time the police

(arrive) the thief


- While we
(get up) and

(eat) George suddenly

(leave) the table.

- He

(speak) on the phone since 8:00 this

- Until last week, I

about it.
- I
(take) my bag until I

(not tell) anyone

(not realise) that someone

(get) home.

- They

(not arrive) in time for dinner

- Jane

(be) in bed for three months.

- My grandfather
- What
- If we
let him in.

(die)a long time ago.


(do) now?
(not come) earlier, they wont

- I
(bring) you some beer if I
(know) you were thirsty.
- You
(not have) so many accidents if you
(drive)more slowly, but you wont surely listen to me.

- Someone
(leave) them there.
- If I
(give up) my job.

(sit) on your glasses if you

(win) a good prize in lottery, I

2. Haz preguntas:
- Tom has cooked for two hours.
- They met each other last January.
- Mr. and Mrs. Hudson will fly to New York.

3. Pasa a pasiva:
- The judge gave him two weeks to pay the fine.
- They have built a new theatre.
- The reporter is interviwing the actress.
- My father was washing the car when I arrived.
- They must cancel all flights because of the fog.

4. Haz oraciones de relativo:

- A man gave me this adress. I met him on the train.
- You gave me un umbrella. I lost it.
- The singer was English. I wanted to meet him.
-The Smiths were given rooms in the hotel. Their house was
destroyed by an explosion.

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