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Neonatal Sepsis (Infection)



41 year old female attends antenatal clinic for her scan at 22+5 weeks
Complains of pubic pain + Jelly like discharge
Pregnancy normal up to this point

Asthma managed with occasional salbutamol inhaler
Pregnancy Hx
2 x Previous terminations surgical
2 x Ectopic pregnancy
Adhesions and Scar tissue left from previous terminations caused ectopic pregnancies
Currently IVF pregnancy

Admitted with suspected chorioamnionitis

IV antibiotics + Steriods
Magnesium Sulphate
Neuroprotection for preterm babies exposed to chorioamnionitis
At 24 + 5 weeks noted footling breech and concerned regarding cord prolapse
Emergency C-section (vertical)

Baby S Resuscitation

Born into a plastic bag

Reduces risk of hypothermia in preterm babies
HR < 60 bpm and no respiratory effort
Bag-valve mask ventilation 5 inflation breaths
no chest movement
HR < 60 bpm and no respiratory effort
attempt 2 was also unsuccessful
Intubated with ETT at 3 min
HR >100 quickly
minor chest movements
breath sounds more on L than R
ETT pulled back equally air entry
Sats 85% and HR 180
Curosef given at 9mins
Sats 93%
Intubator at 20mins and transferred to NICU


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