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Name ________________________________________________

Life Map
You have brainstormed a list of events from your life that have
shaped you as an individual. These are moments in your life
that have contributed to making you you. They can be
moments that have been:
o Proud, sad, happy, embarrassing, funny
o Joyous occasions, memories, or successes
They can be events from school, involving family, or friends.
Now, use those events to make a Life Map.
o To know where youre going, you have to know where youve been, and how those
events have shaped you
o Includes knowing what your future events might be (goal-setting)
o Helps us begin to develop our writing (writing about yourself is an easy way to
Part One
Pick a minimum of 4 events from your brainstorm.
Come up with at least 1 future event for goal-setting.
Create a map of these events, as if they were places.
Illustrate each place with a symbol that represents the event (a building named
Heartbreak Hotel may be have a symbol of a broken heart)
You will connect these places with creative road names (like Sorrow Lane, or
Happiness Highway) or geographical features (lakes, mountains, parks).
You do not have to reveal the meaning behind all of the events shown on your
After drawing your map, color it in. Be neat and creative!
Part Two
Choose 3 of the places on your map to write about: 2 may be events from your life
so far, 1 must be a future event for goal setting.
Write 1 paragraph for each place, explaining the event, what it means to you, why
it is important, and how it has shaped you as an individual, and contributed to
making you you.
You do not have to share these events with the class; the writing portion will be
read only by my, so be candid and detailed.
We will edit your rough draft together, and then you will complete a final copy.
Staple this sheet to the front of your completed project.
Part One:
Includes 4 events
_____ / 12

Includes 1 future goal

Uses representative symbols

_____ / 8
_____ / 10

Part Two:

Uses creative road names/geographical

Is neat and demonstrates effort

Rough draft
Includes 2 events
Includes 1 future goal
Includes a teacher-student edit
Final copy
Is complete
Is neat
Includes corrections from the teacher student edit


_____ / 5
_____ / 15
_____ / 20
_____ / 10
_____ / 5
_____ / 5
_____ / 5
_____ / 5
_____ / 100

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