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Piloting a Questionnaire and its benefits

Piloting a questionnaire is a very important aspect of any research.

Piloting questionnaire means to pre-test your questionnaire with a
small sample of respondents before use. The pilot should check
peoples understanding and ability to answer the questions, highlight
areas of confusion and look for any routing errors, as well as providing
an estimate of the average time each questionnaire will take to
complete. The pilot test reaches a small-targeted sample of people
who resemble, or are drawn from the population of interest. It does not
need to be a random sample.
It is important to pilot a questionnaire because of following reasons
To determine if questions and/or response types elicit the most
To assess the flow of questions, the presence of sensitive
questions, and the appropriateness of variables in the survey
To determine if method of question delivery is a match to
respondents ability to answer questions
To estimate the length of time required completing the survey
To calculate a response rate. For example: If the pilot test is sent
to 50 subjects, what percentage of them responds?
To collect preliminary data sets that can be analyzed to determine
which individual response categories are used or underused
For my research related to the cultural diversity affecting the work
place, I plan to select a small group of individuals from various age
groups just to know how they go ahead and respond to the
questionnaire that I will ask them to fill. My questionnaire is going to be
a survey to know the impact on the working environment. By piloting
the questionnaire I would like to know the feedback and know if the
words used are clear and easily understandable and along with that if
the objective of my research will be achieved. On the questionnaire it
will be primarily closed questions with option to check box. The
options for boxes will likely be rating as in a scale for impact on the
environment along with their opinion on diversity question, which will
be an open question.

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