WRT 302 - Bundle 3 Final

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The Culture of Exhibition

9/11: The Story of

Americas Perseverance
Through Disaster

Bundle Three: The Culture of Exhibition
Christopher Curtiss
Professor Shepley
WRT 302
May 6th 2015

Table of Contents

Title of Exhibition
9/11: The Story of Americas Perseverance Through Disaster

Description of Exhibition
This exhibition will contain images from the events of 9/11, which are extremely
powerful and resonate with anyone who can remember the events of that earth-
shaking day. Due to this the exhibition uses photos from before, during, and after
9/11 to create a progression from the events of 9/11 to the opening of the
Freedom Tower that stands where ground zero was.

Venue of Exhibition
The exhibition will be held at the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York City,
located at the former World Trade Center complex in lower Manhattan. The
purpose and mission statement of the 9/11 Memorial Museum is The mission of
the 9/11 Memorial Museum, located at the World Trade Center site, is to bear
solemn witness to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and February 26,
1993. The Museum honors the nearly 3,000 victims of these attacks and all those
who risked their lives to save others. It further recognizes the thousands who
survived and all who demonstrated extraordinary compassion in the aftermath.
Demonstrating the consequences of terrorism on individual lives and its impact
on communities at the local, national, and international levels, the Museum
attests to the triumph of human dignity over human depravity and affirms an
unwavering commitment to the fundamental value of human life. The exhibition
will be a representation of the mission statement through a progression of
photos and information that will have a powerful impact on those who view it.
The exhibition will be held in the Memorial Exhibition section of the museum.

The thesis of the exhibition is to represent the strength of and perseverance of
New Yorkers and Americans as a whole even in one of the darkest hours in
American history. The main goal though, is to have those who view the
exhibition leave not with a feeling of remorse, but to leave with a sense of
American pride and hope reinforcing the mission statement of, Attest to the
triumph of human dignity over human depravity and affirms an unwavering
commitment to the fundamental value of human life.

A. Illustrated Checklist
B. Wall Labels and Introductory Panel
C. Speech by Curator or Director of Museum for Museum Donors
D. Guestbook with Comments from Visitors about the Exhibition
E. Banners on Outside of Museum Advertising the Exhibition



Audience for Each Document

A. Illustrated Checklist
-The audience for the Illustrated checklist is those who work in the
9/11 Memorial Museum. Thus providing important information for
visitors to leave with the intended message and allowing workers to
present this intended message to said visitors properly.
B. Wall Labels and Introductory Panel
-The audience for the Wall Labels and Introductory Panel is for the
visitors of the Exhibition and the 9/11 Memorial Museum. The Wall
Labels and Introductory Panels serve as another tool to further
implement the thesis statement and mission statement to the visitors
of the museum through important information and proper labeling of
the exhibition.
C. Speech by Curator or Director of Museum for Museum Donors
-The audience for the Curators speech will obviously be intended for
Museum Donors to obtain donations for the Museum. Notable donors
of the 9/11 Memorial Museum include The Starr Foundation, Bank of
America, and David Rockefeller
D. Guestbook with Comments from Visitors about the Exhibition
-The audience for the Guestbook is for both the visitors and for the
Museum workers and Curator. It gives the visitors the opportunity to
express their likes and dislikes of the Museum exhibition, while the
works and Curator can use these praises or dislikes to adjust their
exhibition to create a better experience for those who visit the
E. Banners on Outside of Museum to Advertise the Exhibition
The audience for the banners is those who walk or drive by the
museum and the visitors who enter the museum to promote the new
exhibition. Thus including but not limited to New York City
residences, tourists, and those who come across the museum.
Word Count: 3116 (Text for Wall Labels, Picture Descriptions, and
Guestbook are in textboxes that arent automatically added to word

9/11: The Story of Americas

Perseverance Through Disaster

At 8:46am on September 11th, 2001, the world was forever

changed when the first of two terrorists hijacked planes crashed
into the North Tower of New York Cities World Trade Center in the
worst attack on American soil since the attack on Pearl Harbor in
World War Two. The citizens of New York City and those across the
nation were sent into a panic when the second plane hit the South
Tower of the World Trade Center at 9:03am. With smoke pouring
out into the city streets as both North and South Towers of the
World Trade Center fell, the great City of New York was in shambles.
Pure terror was sent throughout the city as thousands of lives
were taken due to the terrorist attacks of September 11th. In the
middle of all the chaos came extraordinary actions from everyday
ordinary people of New York City. Everyone from citizens to New
York Cities police force and fire department bravely risked their
lives with the one goal to save and help others. True American
heroes, these citizens and first responders put their own lives at risk
to prevent others in some cases of certain death.
September 11th will forever be cemented in history as a day of
pain and remorse because of the thousands of people who lost their
lives. But should not be forgotten for selfless actions of New York
City citizens, NYPD, FDNY, and first responders who looked in the
eye of terror and in the midst of chaos went out of their way to help
others in need. It is a true testament the American people and the
people of New York City.

Illustrated Checklist and Wall


Dan Loh
September 11th,2001

Sean Adir
September 11th, 2001

Richard Drew
September 11th, 2001

Ernesto Mora
September 11th, 2001

September 11th, 2001

Diane Bondereff
September 11th, 2001

Marty Lederhandler
September 11th, 2001

Jose Jiminez
September 11th, 2001

NYPD Det. Greg Semendigger

September 11th 2001

Thomas E. Franklin
September 11th, 2001

Daniel Shanken
Never Forget
March 11th, 2001

Shawn Baldwin
The Rise
May 23rd , 2006

Richard Drew
A Step Above the Rest
January 30th, 2009

Photo By: Michael Maddoloni

One World Trade
November 3rd, 2014

Peter Morgan
New York Strong
September 11th, 2011

David Loh
September 11th, 2001

The World Trade Center is a living symbol

of mans dedication to world peacea
representation of mans belief in humanity, his
need for individual dignity, his belief s in the
cooperation of men, and through cooperation, his
ability to find greatness Minoru Yamasaki
The epitome of The American Dream, the
breathtaking Concrete Jungle skyline, the Statue of
and the World Trade Center towering over it

all. Taken just mere minutes after the hijacking of
Flight 11, which would result in the first plane of two
to hit the World Trade Center. 8:00am represent
the calm before the storm of the disastrous day of
September 11th, 2001, that would cement itself in
history as the largest attack on American soil.

September 11th, 2001

Today, our fellow citizens, our, way of life, our
very freedom came under attack in a series of
deliberate and deadly terrorist attacks- George
W. Bush
After the initial plane, Flight 11, was crashed into
the South Tower of the World Trade Center New
York City was thrown into a panic. With some
speculation of the first plane crash to be a terrible
accident, the reality of a terrorist attack on
American soil became a reality at 9:04am, when
Flight 174 struck the North Tower. Shortly after its
8:14 departure from Logan Airport in Boston,
Flight 174 was hijacked with over 60 passengers on
board. Upon hitting the 77 to 85 floor of the World
Trade Centers North Tower, adding to the eventual
2,977of innocent people whom fell victim to the
terrorist attacks of September 11th.

Thomas E. Franklin
September 11th, 2001

You can be sure that the American spirit
will prevail over tragedy- Colin Powell
Eight hours after the terror of September 11th
laid way to the people of New York City and
America, Thomas E. Franklin captured one of
the most iconic pictures of September 11th. As
the world stood still in awe of what was
happening, the brave and courageous people
of New York Cities finest did not hesitate to
help those thousands in peril. Risking their
lives for other, the NYPD and FDNY, were the
first responders to Ground Zero in which
resulted in countless saved lives. 4:56pm is
the representation of pure courage and
selflessness even in the face of terror.
Bringing hope to the nation and for those who
fell victim to the terrorist attacks of
September 11th with the rise of the American
flag in the midst of the ruble of the fallen
World Trade Center.

Daniel Shanken
Never Forget
March 11th, 2001

Our enemies have made the mistake
Americas enemies always make. They
saw liberty and thought they saw
weakness. And now they see defeat-
George W. Bush
Turned on for the first time at 6:55pm by
Valarie Webb, a 12 year old who lost her
father and Port Authority Officer, and New
York City Mayor Bloomberg, the Tribute
Lights lit up New York City for all to see. The
44 high wattage spotlights sent in the air
two beams of light reaching up to sky where
both North and South Towers of the World
Trade Center stood. The Tribune Lights can
be seen from miles away, and is a testament
to those who lost their lives on September
11th and for all of those families who lost
loved ones, with the message to never forget
what happened.

Guest Book

Loved the exhibition!

Drove all the way from
Buffalo, without a doubt
worth it!
- Bobby Brunettes
The US government was responsible
for the 9/11 attacks, open your
eyes people!
-Roger Stein
Rest in Peace Dad, I love you, you are
the real hero! Ben Anderson 19732001.
-Shawn Anderson

Thank you for paying respects
to all of the brave NYPD and
FDNY members, we all
appreciate your service!
-Mr. Fredrickson NYC

Tour Guide Claire with the blonde hair,
you are GOURGUOUS, call me 201-6970004:)
-Guy with URI sweatshirt

Waste of money, could

have gotten more
information from
-Benny Beans

Never realized how quickly

everything happened. That blew
my mind that both towers were
hit within twenty minutes of
each other. Cant imagine what
it would be like to actually
witness all of that happen.
-Jonny Bravo, Baltimore
So impressive, great visuals,
very powerful, and could not
of had a better experience.
Now time for some pizza.
-The Sicilians

Proud to be an American!
-Ronnie Riccie

No mention of the attack on the
pentagon or flight 77? What is this?
-Fallon NYU

I thoroughly enjoyed the more
artistic approach to the
exhibition. While the museum
is covered in actual in
artifacts from Ground Zero,
it lacks in artistic elements
which made this exhibition
stand out from the rest.
-Wally Giakas


9/11 Memorial Museum: 9/11: The Story of Americas Perseverance Through

Curator Speech- Presented by: Christopher Curtiss

One of the worst days in Americas history saw some of the bravest acts in
Americans history. Well honor the heroes of 9/11. And here at this hallowed place,
we pledge that we will never forget their sacrifices. Those are the powerful words
of President George Bush spoken at the Pentagon in 2008. For those who do not
know, my name is Christopher Curtiss, the Curator of the new 9/11 Memorial
Museum exhibition, 9/11: The Story of Americas Perseverance Through Disaster. The
purpose of which to commemorate those thousands who lost their lives on
September 11th and honor those brave souls who risked their lives and sacrificed
their own safety to save and help others. The intention of the exhibition is to
implement a feeling of hope and pride of being an American on to those who view
the exhibition. Knowing that regardless of the problems we are faced with as a
nation, we have proven time and time again that we are strong enough to endure
any adversity.

I would like to first extend my gratitude and appreciation to those who made
the creation of this exhibit possible. To the donors and everyone who helped create
the 9/11: The Story of Americas Perseverance Through Disaster from the idea stage
to reality, I say thank you, this could have never happened without all of your help.
Your generosity is unmatched and I speak for everyone of the 9/11 Memorial
Museum when I say that we are all eternally grateful for support our cause.

New York City is a place of hope and inspiration, in which the World Trade
Center became the face of before September 11th. The events of which are
unforgettable for many, I know it will always be a day that changed my life. As many
did, I watched as the first and second planes hit both towers in awe of what felt like
a nightmare. But as I stood in shock, I also watched as thousands of New Yorks
finest and brave civilians risked their lives to save others. Pure and utter bravery
and courage from everyday people, making them true American heroes from their
extraordinary actions. Thus is which the inspiration of the exhibition comes from,
everyone knows the story of the tragedy of the terrorist attack of September 11th,
but the story of the bravery, selflessness, and perseverance of the people who risked
their lives should not be forgotten or overlooked.
Through the use of powerful images the exhibition creates a story from start
to finish of the morning of September 11th to the completion of the Freedom Tower.
All the photos used in the exhibition were taken by civilians or spectators of
September 11th to give the exhibition a more personal and raw feel that resonates
with the people of New York City and those who view the exhibition. It was very
important to show the progression of hopelessness that New York City and the
nation felt that day and emphasis the symbolism of hope, unity, and patriotism
through the creation of the Freedom Tower. Thus being only appropriate to have
the exhibition be in the 9/11 Memorial Museum, in the Memorial Exhibition, right
here in the great city of New York.

The events of September 11th continue to shape the world even today,
fourteen years later. The world will forever be changed because of the events that
occurred that day. In lieu of the devastation and terror brought upon our nation, it is
the right of every New Yorker and American to never forget the events of September
11th. The feelings they had, the sense of unity that came over us all as nation when
we came together to send help to those in need, and the feelings of triumph as the
United States of America persevered through disaster. It has been a hard fought
journey to get where we are as a country since September 11th, and while it was a
disastrous day, it brought our nation closer than ever and that is what the 9/11: The
Story of Americas Perseverance Through Disaster exhibition embodies.

Christopher Curtiss

Christopher Curtiss
Director, Memorial Museum & Executive Vice President, Exhibitions, Collections &

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