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Public Service Announcement (PSA)

Recording Sheet

What do you
notice about

Which PSA was

your favorite?

What makes a
good PSA?

What does not

make a good

-serious *
-true information
-eye-catching (ex. Bright
colors, black and white)
-makes you think
-real people telling the
-good animation
-use of celebrities
-interesting (thought

-talking over each other
-not that much information
-too long
-dark colors
-needs info
-not sensible
-distracting (doesnt focus


on main topic)
-doesnt offer a solution

are short (usually 60 seconds or less)

present one single issue (they have a meaning)

inform the viewer of key, relevant facts

have a clear call to action (usually indicated through

text on screen)

might or might not include people

might or might not use music

sometimes use voice-overs

sometimes use special effects (like black and white)

might use transitions/editing to enhance the video

aim to leave a lasting impact

Group Member(s):
(up to 3)

1.Take a fair amount of time to brainstorm your

PSA topic of interest
(Ex: Depression)
a.Whats the big idea?
Use music and words to make a PSA to achieve the
goal written below
b.What is your goal? Define your objective.
(Ex: Help raise awareness about those affected by
depression; to prevent others from being

c. Define your audience.

(Ex: People who are depressed)
d.Develop your message
i. Do you want to include certain catch
phrases? Images? Brainstorm them here.

* Suicide prevention
* Drunk driving
* Alcohol abuse
* Family violence
* Adult literacy
* Childhood obesity
* Heart disease
* Senior citizen abuse
* Road way safety
* Smoking health
* STDs
* Cell phone abuse
* Eating disorders
* Recognizing depression
* Recognizing bullying
* Voting
* Community involvement
* Give blood
* Hurricane preparedness
* Protect the environment
* Education improves your life
* Retirement planning
* Fire safety
* Police safety
* End the war
* Gun Safety
* Being a good roommate
* Choosing a major
* Steroid use
* Thin-obsessed America
* Fat America
* Discrimination based on sexual orientation
* Voting
* Religious tolerance
* Power of music
* Student health issues
* Affirmative action
* Discrimination in education or the workplace
* Discrimination against the disabled

Now, you can begin your research process.

You need to have the following information before you begin storyboarding your actual iMovie PSA.

1.)5 Important Statistics

a. Ex. 1 out of 10 males are colorblind for the colors red and green
b. Colorblindness affects 2 million individuals in the United States
c. $12 million a year are spent on traffic related accidents due to
2.)5 High-quality information based websites
a. - All
c. - National Eye
d. WebMD
3.)5 Facts that link back to your overall message/big idea
a. Most color vision problems are inherited (genetic) and are present at birth.
b. A color vision problem isn't always inherited. In some cases, a person can have
an acquired color vision problem. This can be caused by:
i. Aging.
ii. Eye problems, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts,
ordiabetic retinopathy.
iii. Injury to the eye.
iv. Side effects of some medicines.
c. Symptoms include seeing only in grayscale, inability to distinguish red and green
Public Service Announcement Recording Sheet Round 2

Where do you see How is sound

examples of
used as a

What other video What is not

techniques do
you know of?

powerful images video,

photographs, artwork

expressions on peoples faces

use of color vs. black and


use of celebrities

use of regular people

clear calls to action

Persuasion can be created through
sound via:

play on words



imperative commands

music to create tone

lyrics that add to meaning

and/or tone

tone of actor/narrators voices


Example Plan
We see

We hear

Text: Imagine your life

without an education

No audio

Door slamming shut

Start of Better Days

by The Goo Goo Dolls

Text: Your career

Text: Youd have no

Song continues

Another door slamming


Song continues

Text: Your future

Text: But everyone
deserves a chance.

Song continues

Another door slamming


Song continues

Text: Your life

Statistic or fact

Song continues

More doors slamming

Song continues

Text: They need your help. Song continues

Info about The InterCountry Peoples Aid

Song continues

End with text: Its so

simple. Its so SMART.

Song continues

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