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Day Five of Implementation

Today was last day of creating our self-portraits. The students had a discussion
with me at the beginning of class that addressed following directions, and showing
personal responsibility while making art with iPads. The consequence of not following
directions today was 1. Warning, 2. Lose iPad. One of the students displayed some
argumentativeness last week. His argumentativeness included asking why do I have to
make my picture with shark stuff, I want to put the fish spikes on my head! After our
discussion, and a discussion with the ESE classroom teacher, the behavior was nonexistent this week.
After the discussion, I began the lesson with a review of last weeks example,
showing my self-portrait digital collage with kitchen utensils for arms/legs, and a kiss
the cook apron (my story is about cooking dinner for my family). The students reviewed
the symbolism in the visual aspects of my self-portrait. The reviewed the connection
between the utensils and the content of my story. Then we discussed briefly the visual
aspects that they will put in their self-portrait that relate to their story.
Then I demonstrated the process of manipulating their photo in Bazaart. First,
they pull their filtered picture into the app, then they create their body using the shapes
option. Then, as they finish, I walked around the room to conduct a web search with them
in the app. I gave them the option of choosing different images of the search, they
trimmed the edges, and then added them to their body.
One student chose to have a soccer jersey on, and a soccer ball at his feet. His
story is about being focused and wanting to score a goal. His image is located below:
(image removed)
Another student chose to wear Cheetah Hunt roller coasters as
shoes, and a Busch Gardens hat. His story is about being scared to ride

the roller coaster, but then manning up and loving it. His image is
located below.
(image removed)
Another student decided to create his self-portrait with a Sea
World hat. His story is about being surprised and excited to be at Sea
World. His image is located below:

The last student chose to add a shark fin on his head, and wear a shark
t-shirt. His story is about seeing a shark on a cruise ship vacation. His

image is located below:

Today, there wasnt much discussion about the content of the
lesson because the students already planned their images, and today
was a work day to execute the plan. During the review and discussion,
I told the students that I was impressed that they were able to finish
the assignment today, as last week they struggled with working
quickly. They told me that they wanted to make sure they didnt lose
their iPad privileges, so they made sure to follow directions. Next week

I will encourage more discussion, and make it clear that discussion is

good, arguments are not allowed.
Next week, they will create their story in an app called My Story.
They will create the background scene, and then add collage elements
into it, along with their self-portrait. I am hoping that the students will
finish this portion of the assignment in 1-2 classes, as the self-portrait
aspect too a class longer than expected.
Day Six of Implementation
Today was the first day of the story-making portion of the self-portrait lesson.
Students were to plan out three pages of their story, a beginning, middle, and end. They
identified visual images that they could add to each page that would be helpful to explain
their story. I showed the students examples of artwork that includes story characters like
the work or Roxanne Coble, and some altered book images to get them started. I
Student A decided to make his fist page about focusing on trying to make a
goal. He drew/painted a soccer field and added in his self-portrait. He also collaged
other players onto the field. His next pages are planned to be running toward to goal,
and finally making a goal. This student needed very little help creating his first page.
His first image is below:
(image removed)
Student B decided to make his first page about driving to Sea
World. His second page will show his seeing Shamu for the first time,
and being very excited. His final page will show him being splashed
by Shamu. This student had some difficulty with understanding how
his story would work. He asked me How should I draw the road and
the car, even after demonstration of drawing/painting and collaging

using the My Story app. I re-taught the demonstration using his iPad at
his seat. He was able to work with teacher help after the one-on-one
demonstration. His first image is below.

Student C decided to draw the side of the cruise ship, and show
him boarding it on the first page. The student displayed some
argumentativeness when we discussed his ideas for his first page. He
originally wanted to show him seeing the shark on all three pages. I
offered him different settings for each page, but he was reluctant to
change his idea. I told him that his artwork needed to show differences
in each page, and told him that if he chose not do the assignment
correctly, then he would not participate in using the iPads. This was his
only warning. He decided to create different scenes on each page. His
second and third page will include scenes showing him not interested
while getting on the boat and beginning the cruise. The last page will
show him surprised and excited to see the shark. His image is below.

Student D decided to show himself arriving at Busch Gardens

and being scared to ride Cheetah Hunt. This student had the most
difficulty with understanding the app and its possibilities. He is also the
youngest student of the bunch. He, too got a warning today during
instruction for calling out. He understands that a second offense bears
the consequence of losing his iPad and he was able to control his
calling our from there on. His next two pages will show his seeing
Cheetah Hunt and deciding to man-up, and Being so happy that he
rode the ride. His image is below.
(image removed)
I have noted that my students do not want to lose their iPads,
and will change their behavior in order to keep it. I have also noticed
that with teacher help, behavior is much more manageable (EBD
teacher had discussion with them about behavior in art class, students
wrote apology notes to me in class after a particularly rough day.) I
have also noted that more structure and consistent consequences and

rewards are paramount to running a smooth EBD class. I have become

better at identifying undesired behaviors and offering consequences
quickly. As a result behavior has improved with only one warning given
(during the course of several classes) and no further warnings required
(thus far). No students have lost their iPads yet. The students have
expressed to me that they love making art with the iPads, and they like
my art games. Some games more than others. This will be further
discussed in the student survey they will take next week.
Next week is the final week of curriculum implementation, as it is
the end of the 8-week Independent Study. I planned to do more lessons
during the implementation, however time has been a unfortunate
factor. Next week they will finish their stories and take a student
survey that give thoughtful responses to the curriculum they
Day Seven of Implementation (Last Day)
Today was the last day of digital art curriculum implementation. When the
students came in to my classroom, I discussed with them the meaning of creativity. We
discussed its meaning as something you create from your imagination or from an
original idea. I asked the students to tell me one way they were creative with this lesson.
Student A said, no one else had my idea for my story. Student B said, I had the idea to
put a rollercoaster on my shoes, Ive never seen that before (referring to his selfportrait).
Then I quickly reviewed the My Story app techniques for finishing all three pages
of their story. The students then received their iPads and began to work. I reminded them
that any behavioral issues would have one warning, and then the student would lose their

iPad. As I was walking around the room to help, Student B asked me how to remove and
add objects onto the page. As I was helping him, he continued to touch the screen while I
was demonstrating techniques. I told him to stop touching for a moment, but he hesitated.
I told him he was about to lose his iPad because I gave him a warning already, and he
removed his finger from the screen and apologized. This students has been identified as a
student who struggles with impulsiveness. He often displays impulsive behaviors, such as
calling out.
Student A finished his story about seeing a shark on a cruise ship. He entitled it,
The Day I Saw A Shark. Some of his story is shown below.

Student B created his 3 story pages based on a trip to Busch

Gardens and riding Cheetah Hunt. His story displays his fear to ride the
roller coaster, but eventually loving it. Some of his story is displayed
(images removed)
Student C finished his story on seeing Shamu for the first time.
He entitled it Shamu. Some of his story is shown below.

Student D finished his story on finally scoring his first soccer

goal. His story is entitled My First Goal. Some of his story is shown
(images removed)
After students finished their stories, they completed a survey
that included thirteen questions about their thought and reflections on
the digital art curriculum. Some interesting responses included the
following. When asked what is the difference between fixing mistakes
on the iPad, and fixing mistakes with actual art materials? The answers
included, its easier, and dont have to erase with an eraser. When
asked if they would like to use the iPads in the future to make art, and
if they would be willing to earn iPad art time with positive behavior
choices in their regular classroom, all students replied Yes.
When asked to describe an art project they made with the iPad,
Student D responded making a story because it was fun and I love
art. Student C responded, My story and the thing I picked Shamu
because that is the thing I liked.
There were some thoughtful responses that were discussed and
written today during the survey and discussion, and require further

reflection on my part. I also retrieved the final reflection questions from

the classroom EBD teacher. She stated, The iPads in art class have
been used as an incentive in our classroom. The students have looked
forward to art class weekly so that they can use the iPads, and,
Improvement has been noted in all of these areas [behavior,
motivation to learn, collaboration with peers, self/peer reflection] since
the beginning of the study, particularly in the area of self/peer
This Wednesday concludes the independent study, and the
beginning of the reflection of the study. I will be improving and
finalizing my curriculum, reflecting and working on my capstone paper
from this point forward.

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