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Rob Ashford Response

September 1, 2015
I never really thought about different components of a good
choreographer. Usually I just think that theyre amazing dancers, which they
usually are, but more importantly, what Rob brought up is that they have to
be able to sit out in the audience and see it all come together. The
choreographer needs to be able to visualize not just the dance number
coming together, but all the components (large and small) of the stage. A
good choreographer has to be able to get the audience to focus on specific
aspects at certain times.
It was interesting to hear the process that Rob went through when he
said to Hal Prince that he wanted to be a choreographer, and then once
again when Millie needed a new choreographer It was very parallel to that of
a performance audition when it comes to the preparation of a piece (or two)
in front of a panel. Reminded me of many nerve-racking auditions. I never
really thought about the process that choreographers go through to book
shows or get started in the business and the fact that they face just as much
rejection as the actors.
Also liked his perspective on Workshopping shows vs Out of town runs.
Really cool that he mentioned that he was going to be working on Finding
Neverland since I saw it earlier this spring in New York.
Good to know that at an audition, they (according to Rob) dont want to
see you put on a character, they just essentially want to see you with the

volume turned up so that the real you pops. I also really liked what he had
to say about keeping up authenticity without being so focused on historical
accuracy that it bores the audience
It was so interesting to hear the point of view from someone who has
worked on so many Broadway shows, not to mention someone whos
received a Tony for almost every (if not all) show he worked on. One key
thing he continued to stress was the importance in networking. Yes, you have
to want it, but you also need the drive and tools to make it happen. I really
like the quote at the end You have to have a dream and go for it.

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