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In the previous Act Iago tells Cassio to ask Desdemona to speak with
Othello about giving Cassio his job back. When Desdemona continually pesters
Othello about it Iago uses it as fodder for the affair by saying in essence that
someone wouldnt be that persistent if they were just friends.
2. He sets up a situation where he can throw shade on Cassio by having him
speak with Desdemona and leave quickly when Othello approaches. Additionally
this all takes place in front of Othellos residence, which makes it seem like
something could be happening between Cassio and Desdemona.
3. Iago uses words like indeed, seems, and thinks because it keeps him
honest in Othello mind, it also creates hypothetical scenarios in Othellos mind
that will mess with him.
4. Iago also pretends as if he knows something thats so terrible that he cant
say it aloud, making Othello drag the information out of him. By doing this Iago
ensures that Othello will believe the lies that hes telling, because no one should
want to be the bearer of bad news.
5. After Emilia picks up the handkerchief that Othello dropped and gives it to
her husband, Iago plans on planting it in Cassios lodging in order to make it
seem like the affair between Cassio and Desdemona more real because Cassio
is now the owner of Desdemonas handkerchief. There is also the added benefit
of the handkerchief being the first gift that Othello gave to Desdemona.

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