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1 bridge damage detector using weigh motion technology

2 investigation of bridge expansion joint failure using field strain measurement

3 operational structural performance of bridge types
4 operational structural performance of bridge materials by areas
5 bridge scour risk assessment and countermeasure design
6 performance based design for a tall pier bridge prototype in massive earthquakes
7 performance of railway bridge during the 2011 tohoku earthquakes
8 forensic diagnosis on flood induced bridge failure:framework of quantitative assessment
9 statistical analysis of concrete compressive strengths for highway bridges
10 rapid construction technique for bridge abutments using controlled low strenght materials
11 performance of highway bridge under extreme natural hazards case study on bridge performa
12 forensic diagnosis on flood induced bridge failure:determination of the possible causes of failur
13 determining remaining bridge strenght capacity of deteriorating R bridge substructures
14 chloride penetration resistance of a ternary bled lightweight cncrete bridge deck
15 influence of box culverts on behavior of jointed concrete pavements
16 operational structural performance of bridge types by deteriration trends
17 bridge failure rate
18 production of long term bridge performance: integrated deteroration approach with case studie
19 state of the art review on the causes and mechanisms of bridge collapse
20 new method for climate change resilience rating of highway bridges
21 ultimate possibility in long span bridging
22 postcompression and superimposed trusses fr bridge rehabilitation
23 determining the paring fee using the contingent valuation methodology
24 bridge damage assessment through fuzzy peri net based expert system
25 performance of jointless bridges
26 analysis of recent bridge failures in US
27 reability based method for fatigue evaluation of railway bridges
28 dampak kebijakan pembangunan jembatan suramad terhada sosial ekonomi masyarakat dalam
29 buku jembatan, Dr Ir Bambang Supriyadi dan Agus Setyo Muntohar
30 Model lokasi menara BTS ditinjau dari faktor faktor penentu lokas menara BTS di Surabaya
31 analisis dampak pembangunan jalan terhadap pertumbuhan usaha eknomi rakyat di pedalama
32 peta lokasi kerusakan jembatan akibat banjir lahar dingin merapi 2010
33 lesson learned from bridge construction falures
34 the peace river brdge - causes of deck deterioration
35 restoration of historic masonry bridges
36 restoration of cast and wrought iron bridges
37 documenting historic bridges
38 techology transfer for bridge repair
39 evolutionary algorithms for optimizing bridge deck rehabilitation
40 centroc regonal road valuation methodology
41 structural health monitoring as a bridge management tool
42 mckinley bridge inspection and design
43 effects of debris on bridge pier scour
44 structural monitoing an design verification of akashi kaikyo bridge
45 bridge design for extreme conditions
46 parameter analysis of bridge life cycle costs and its application in bridge design
47 bridge inspection without traffic destuptions - installation of a motorized bridge inspection trav
48 bridge management and life cycle performance in japan

49 observational method for estimating future scour depth at exiting bridges

50 bridge scour monitoring technologies:development of evaluation and selestion protocols for ap
51 infrastructure sustainability:streamlining life cycle assessment for practising bridge engineers
52 simple check for yielding in truss bridge gusset plate connection
53 model of bridge life cycle economy cost
54 penentuan nilai sewa tanah universitas teknologi malaysia
55 use of structural health onitoring system for assessment of bridge load rating
56 fundamentals of highway bridge demolition
57 when is an historic bridge no longer an historic bridge?
58 integration of element inspection data in model updating and performance evaluation of in ser
59 a many objective framework to design the restoration of damage bridges on a distributed tran
60 proposar of a methodology for bridge condition assessment
61 kegiatan penatausahaan barang milik negara di lampung
62 bridge asset valuation and the roleo f the bridge management syystem
63 a methodology for highway asset valuation in indiana
64 study kelayakan proyek jalan dan jembatan
65 pedoman pemasangan jembatan gantung produksi pt amarta karya
66 ganti rugi kegiatan pembebasan tanah berdasarkan valuasi ekonomi jl tol surabaya kertosono
67 study perbandingan struktur tower BTS tie SST kaki 4 kaki 3 dan monopole dengan ketinggian
68 ppt: study perbandingan struktur tower BTS tie SST kaki 4 kaki 3 dan monopole dengan keting
69 pertimbangan penataan dan pembangunan menara bts
70 kebijakan akuntansi aset tetap
71 evaluation of projects for rehabilitation of highway bridges
72 technology strategy and competitive performance in bridge consruction
73 comprative analysis of bridge superstructure deterioration
74 pemberitahuan rusaknya jembatan krasak karena adanya perbaikan
75 analisa harga satuan pekerjaan tahun 2013
76 fatigue performance of warm recycled asphalt mixture
77 valuing flexibility in infrastructure expansion
78 optimization of maintenance strategies for the management of the national bridge stock in fra
79 approach-span failure of the hoan bridge as a case study for engineering students and practis
80 standard specification for construction of roads and bridges on federal highway projects
81 live load test comparison and load ratings of a posttensioned box girder bridge
82 condition assessment of existing RC highway bridges in china based on SIE2011
83 esthetic development of california's bridges
84 performance of bridge materials by structural dficiency analysis
85 penilaian kondisi bangunan jembatan untuk bangunan bawah dengan cara uji getar
86 perhitungan balok prastressed jembatan srandakan kulon progo
87 spec teknis jembatan rangka baja permanen type warren kelas a
88 spec teknis jembatan rangka baja permanen type warren kelas b
89 gamba teknis jembatan warren truss
90 pemeriksaan jembatan
91 tata cara perhitungan harga satuan pekerjaan dinding untk konstruksi bangunan gedung dan p
92 spesifikasi teknis bidang jalan dan jembatan bina marga


ve earthquakes

antitative assessment

d low strenght materials

se study on bridge performance during the 2009 typhoon morakot
the possible causes of failure
bridge substructures
te bridge deck

on approach with case studies

l ekonomi masyarakat dalam pengembangan wilayah jembatan suramadu

menara BTS di Surabaya

a eknomi rakyat di pedalaman may barat papua barat

bridge design
orized bridge inspection traveler platform beneath the burlington -bristol bridge

nd selestion protocols for application on river bridges in minnesota

practising bridge engineers

load rating

ormance evaluation of in service bridge superstructures

bridges on a distributed transportation network

mi jl tol surabaya kertosono mojokerto

monopole dengan ketinggian 40m yang paling efisien
an monopole dengan ketinggian 40m yang paling efisien

e national bridge stock in france

neering students and practising engineers
eral highway projects
girder bridge
ed on SIE2011

gan cara uji getar

uksi bangunan gedung dan perumahan


perencanaan ulang site outdoor coverage system jaringan radio GSM 900 dan 1800 di S
desain struktur beton bertulang dengan SAP2000 vII menurut SNI 03-1729-2002
rancang bangun sistem informasi geografis untuk pemancar GSM di kota makassar
analisis dan pembahasan profil industri telekomunikasi
rancangan jembatan baja

SM 900 dan 1800 di Semarang

di kota makassar

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