ACE Nifty Futures Trading System User Guide

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ACE Nifty Futures Trading System for AmiBroker User Guide

A. How to install and configure ACE Nifty Futures Trading System
B. Customization of ACE Nifty Futures System
C. Various Screenshots of ACE Nifty Futures Trading System after proper configuration
D. Payment and Subscription
E. How to activate ACE Nifty Futures System (common process for everyone)
F. Solutions to common Error Messages and problems
1. Activation shows error code 100.
2. Activation shows error code 7.
3. In AmiBroker, Intraday Intervals are not enabled.
4. I am registered user of ACE Nifty Futures Trading System. Still it is not loaded in AmiBroker. Why ?
If this error is appearing right from the first time you installed ACE Nifty Futures Trading System, see point no. 9 below.

5. I am evaluating ACE Nifty Futures Trading System. It is successfully installed in my PC and also shows
evaluation dialogue box. Still it is not loaded in AmiBroker when it starts. Why ?
6. I am evaluating ACE Nifty Futures Trading System. I note that I have 5 days or 25 runs to test this
system. I want to use these runs effectively. I do not want to lose one count every time AmiBroker starts. Is
it possible?
7. I am evaluating ACE Nifty Futures Trading System / I am a registered user. My chart displays Formula
Error and says Edit Formula to Correct Error. Screenshot is as shown below.
8. I did something in AmiBroker which I should not have done / I do not remember. How to restore original
9. On installing and running ACE Nifty Futures trading System for the first time, it showed License
Validation Failed error. Screenshot enclosed.

10. AmiBroker Crash Recovery Screen appears as soon as ACE-NTS is loaded in AmiBroker.

G. How to uninstall ACE Nifty Futures Trading System

H. Version Change Log

Upgrading from previous version

J. Where to contact in case there is a problem not mentioned in this User Guide?

Document generated on 03.01.2014. To download the latest User Guide, please visit

A. How to install and configure ACE Nifty Futures Trading System

1. Double-click




Important Note : For successful Installation, you may will have to disable your anti-virus.

2. It will launch an application for installation as shown below. Click on Next Button.

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It will then show Agreement and Disclaimer. Please read it carefully and if you agree to it, select I accept the
agreement and click on Next Button. In order to install the program on your PC, you must agree else the program will

3. Close all running programs NOW, especially AmiBroker, if they are not already closed. The next screen tells you
to choose your AmiBroker Destination directory. It is necessary that AmiBroker is already installed on your PC
before you install this program. If not, quit the installation, install AmiBroker first and then start installation of this
Click Next button to continue.

It will then check if AmiBroker is already installed on your system. If not, it will install AmiBroker Trial (latest version)
first and then proceed for installation of ACE-NTS.

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4. In the next screen, it will show you the default AmiBroker directory. If you have installed AmiBroker in different
directory than the shown, select the correct directory and click on Next button.
Important: If the directory chosen by you is not correct, ACE Nifty Futures Trading System will not work.

5. It will then present the following Screen (directory may vary if you have not installed AmiBroker at default
location). Click on Yes button.

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7. Accept the default name in next screen shown below for the Start Menu Folder and click on Next Button.

8. It will then show you the summery of installation. Review it and if everything is OK, click on Install button.

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9. If application gets installed successfully, the following screen will be shown. Click on Next.

10. The next screen brings end to the installation. Click on Finish button to close installation.

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11. Double-click on AmiBroker icon on your desktop to start AmiBroker. Ensure that you are connected to internet (this
is necessary for license validation). The following startup screen will appear.

12. If you see following screen on starting it for the first time after installation then it means that installation was not
done properly. The most probable reason for this could be anti-virus blocked some part of the installation to be
written on your hard disk. In this case, uninstall ACE Nifty Futures Trading System, restart computer, disable your
anti-virus for sometime and then install again.

13. If application is installed properly, the next screen will show AmiBroker message regarding new plug-in installation.
Click on OK.

14. If application is installed properly, you will then be presented with the screen as shown below. This screen will be
presented every time you start AmiBroker till the time you buy this product OR it is uninstalled. In order to
Evaluate ACE Nifty Futures Trading System in demo mode, click on Evaluate ACE Nifty Futures Trading System
button as shown below. This will then launch AmiBroker.

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Document generated on 03.01.2014. To download the latest User Guide, please visit

15. Once AmiBroker starts, it will display your screen. The screen appearance may be different than shown below and
the symbol can also be different. (It is not a problem). Then in AmiBroker, click on File>>New>>Blank Chart.

16. It will then open a blank chart as shown below.

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17. Maximize the blank chart.

18. Then go the Charts Window (if not visible, enable it from View>>Charts menu). Locate ACE-NTS folder, expand it
and drag and drop ACE_-_Nifty_Trading_System AFL onto Blank Chart Window OR select Insert from the rightclick menu, as shown.

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19. It will then show chart of some symbol as shown below.

20. Then right-click on the chart, go to Pane and select Maximize to maximize this chart.

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21. Now go to Symbols Window (if Symbols window is not visible, enable it from View>>Symbols menu) and select the
Nifty Futures Current Month Symbol (it can have any name, e.g. Nifty(), Nifty-I(), NiftyFut(), etc.). Ensure that you
select the correct symbol.
Important Note : You must have subscribed to some data vendor for realtime data of current month of Nifty Futures. If
you already do not have any such subscription, you may consider subscribing to any vendor now. A list of known vendors
is uploaded on our site here : .
Many of these vendors also offer free data trial.

22. Now, right click on the chart, select Intraday>>5 minute to view the chart in 5 minute time-frame.
Very Important: ACE Nifty Futures Trading System has been configured and fine-tuned to show correct signals for
Nifty Current Month Futures in 5-minute time frame. Selecting different symbol and / or different time frame will
severely affect the performance of the system.

Note: In case all / some intraday period options in your AmiBroker are disabled, it means that your database settings
need to be modified. See Solutions to common Error Messages and problems to solve this problem.

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23. In the final step, enable Alert Window from View menu and drag it to the bottom most side as shown below.

24. Now go to Tools>>Preferences>>Intraday Tab and select Timestamp of compressed intraday bars shows value as
Time of last tick inside bar radio button. Click OK to close Preferences Window.

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25. In Tools>>Preferences>>Colours, select suitable colour for Grid and Axes so that they show up in the chart against
the chart background chosen.

This brings us to the end of installation and initial configuration of ACE Nifty Futures Trading System.

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B. Customization of ACE Nifty Futures System

The system is pre-configured with default values and settings and you can start working on the system without
modifying anything. However, you may right click the chart, select Parameters and modify following settings as per
your needs.

Display Theme You can choose Black OR White

Audio Alerts - ensure that your speakers are turned ON. If it shows AmiBrokers Crash Recovery Window after
enabling Audio Alerts, you will need to disable. Them.

Display box location, its colour, visibility - candles over box / box over candles

Important Note: To ensure that you receive all audible alerts / text alerts and correct values in the box, the
Focus in AmiBroker has to be on the last candle. Focus means selection. Just ensure that you have not selected
any other previous candle.

How to know that you have not selected any other previous candle?
2. The time shown on the chart should match with your system time with maximum difference of 5min. i.e. if your
system shows 11:04 AM then your chart timing cannot be less than 11:00 AM. If it does not then just click in the
blank space after the last candle and check again.
3. Still if it shows time / date far back, check your time frame (if has to be 5-minute) and whether your internet
connection is ON and candle is updating continuously.

Visibility of Equity Equity Curve depends on the settings done in the Analysis>>Automatic Analysis>>Settings
window. Ensure that your settings are exactly as shown in the screenshots below.

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Document generated on 03.01.2014. To download the latest User Guide, please visit

Once this is done, select the AFL from the AFL from ACE-NTS folder in the Automatic Analysis Window in the
formula file. Now click OK and BackTest once, close this window and enable Equity Curve from Chart>>Parameters

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Note : It is important that you enter the same settings as that of your chart in Automatic Analysis>>Parameters
Window to see correct Report. Incorrect values often show wrong equity values which can be quite misleading at
times. Backtesting is a relatively advanced topic. Users are advised to read the AmiBroker User Guide thoroughly
before digging in further.

Margin paid to your broker for Nifty Futures - Used while calculating returns, does not affect signals
No. of lots normally traded - This will not affect the signals or stoploss level but will show increased / decreased
profit / loss value
Resistances-Support Volatility value - Increase value to see distant supports-resistances, lower the value to see
immediate supports and resistances. For visibility only, does not affect trading.
No. of Resistances-Support You can increase the number as per your choice. For visibility only, does not affect
Enable / disable visibility of Possible Reversals - Shown as triangles. For visibility only, does not affect trading.
Trading on possible reversals - Important Note: These are just possible reversals. Many a times, system does
reverse from these locations but taking position at these locations can be dangerous as we still do not have further
confirmations. As an aggressive trader, if you want to take position on the basis of this parameter, use even
stricter stoploss (typically, Low of last candle for downside reversal and High of last candle for upside reversal).
Exit in such a case is at users discretion.
Enable / disable visibility of Buy-Sell-Short-Cover signals Disabling visibility of this parameter DOES NOT stop
giving audible alerts (if turned ON) as well as alerts in Alert Window. Also, it continues to show the stoploss value
in the box when any signal is triggered.
First Bar Trade Entry / Exit: Depending on your choice, you may enable or disable this setting to show entry / exit
signals on the first bar of the day. It may change your Equity Curve values.
Any Volume Display Settings as per your requirement.

DO NOT change any of the values as mentioned below unless asked by us. It will severely affect the
Lot Size, Trailing Stoploss Method and Stoploss % per Trade
Also, do not Edit Formula. This can result in unpredictable results / errors.
Important Note : If you change any of the values that you may change / you should not change (using Parameters
Window only) and want to restore original settings, just click on Reset All button next to OK button in Parameters
window and it will restore original chart settings at the time of installation. However this will not reset correctly if you
have changed any value by editing the AFL directly. In such a case, you will have to close the open chart, open a blank
chart and follow the procedure as given in How to install and configure ACE Nifty Futures Trading System from
point no. 14 onwards to revert to original setting.

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C. Various Screenshots of ACE Nifty Futures Trading System after proper configuration
For latest screenshots, please visit our website at :
Long Distance View of the Chart with Equity Curve (period - 5 years) :

Signal Generation (Buy and Short denoted by arrows. Sell and Cover denoted by Stars)

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Conventions Used (Notation System for Buy-Sell-Short-Cover)

Alert Window

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Parameters Window Settings - 1

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Parameters Window Settings - 2

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Information Window Located at Left Top

Dynamic Resistance-Support Levels (with high volatility setting)

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Dynamic Resistance-Support Levels (with low volatility setting)

One Touch Display Theme Change (Black)

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One Touch Display Theme Change (White)

Volume at Price Display + Normal Coloured Volume

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Volume at Price Display for any custom defined number of candles + Normal volume

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D. Payments and Subscription

Fill in these details when activating product for the first time / renewal and email on
Important Note : You will receive an auto-responder immediately to confirm receipt of your message. In case you do
not see the same in your mailbox, check your SPAM folder and move it to your inbox. This will ensure that you will
receive all future mails from this email id. In case you do not receive auto-responder in 5 minutes, check if you have
written correct email id while sending your subscription details.
This form can be downloaded from
You may subscribe to ACE-NTS by paying the subscription amount in cheque, cash, net banking to our bank account OR
by using debit / credit cards online from our website. For more details, please visit :
You may subscribe to ACE-NTS for 30, 90, 180, 365 days. A lifetime version is also available. For the subscription
charges, please visit :
First Name
Last Name
Email ID
Mobile No.
Our Bank details are mentioned below.
Bank Details :
Deposit payment in either of our bank accounts as per details below.
Account Name: ACE Engravers
Current Account No. : 30334464915
Bank : State Bank of India
Branch : Vilholi (CIDCO Colony) Branch, Nashik
IFSC Code : SBIN0007235

Account Name: ACE Engravers

Current Account No. : 002705005764
Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch : Main Branch, Nashik

Payment details
1. If paid by depositing cheque in our bank account then
mention the name of the bank in which cheque is
2. If transferred online, give us the payment
confirmation code

Subscribed for :
(Mention subscription period)

Need AmiBroker :
Yes / No
Deposited in : ICICI Bank / State Bank of India account
Cheque No. :
Cheque Date :

3. If paid online, give us Order No. as received from our


Your Bank Name :

Payment Confirmation Code :

4. If deposited by paying cash, do ask for payment

confirmation ID (ask the person on the counter). If paid
using ATM, do tell us the transaction No.
IMP: Please add appropriate cash deposition charges
for cash deposit (as given below). These are the cash
deposition charges that bank collects from us.
Rs.150/- for amounts less than Rs.7500/Rs.250/- for Rs.7,500/- to Rs.15,000/Rs.500/- for Rs.15,000/- to Rs.25,000/Rs.750/- for Rs.25,000/- to Rs.50,000/Rs.1,000/- for Rs.50,000/- to Rs.1,00,000/-

(for online transfers only)

Payment Confirmation ID :
(for cash depositions only)

Transaction ID :
(for cash deposition using ATM only)

Order No. :
(For payment through Credit Card/Debit Card only)

Amount : Rs.

This form can be downloaded from

Please note that due to data management and integration issues, we accept product activation requests over Email
only. Once the payment is done, download the Activation Request Form and mail us same at
We generally activate accounts in 4-6 hours during working days / hours after confirmation of payment at our end.
However it will be safe to assume that this process takes 24 hours and plan accordingly. On weekends, it may further
delay activations. If you do not receive our mail with subject : Activation Details for ACE Nifty Futures Trading
System !! even after 24 hours, you may send a mail to .

Please note that due to data management and integration issues, we accept product activation requests over Email
only. Once the payment is done, download the Activation Request Form and mail us same at

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We generally activate accounts in 4-6 hours during working days / hours after confirmation of payment at our end.
However it will be safe to assume that this process takes 24 hours and plan accordingly. On weekends, it may further
delay activations. If you do not receive our mail with subject : Activation Details for ACE Nifty Futures Trading
System !! even after 24 hours, you may send a mail to .

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E. How to activate ACE Nifty Futures System (common process for everyone):
Generally we try our level best to send activations in 4-6 hours. But you can safely assume that your license will be
activated within 24 hours during working days / hours and may be delayed on weekends. Hence, kindly activate your
Software Copy well in advance to avoid last minute rush at your as well as our end.
Once paid, you will receive a mail giving details of your subscription as well as invoice as shown below. Concentrate
towards end of this invoice in which, your license id, password and expiry date is printed. Check the date for
correctness before proceeding further. In case of any discrepancy, bring it to our notice by replying to that mail
immediately. No changes to this invoice can be made once license is activated.

Either keep this mail open OR copy the license ID and password to some document and start AmiBroker. The Evaluation
dialogue box will appear as below.

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Document generated on 03.01.2014. To download the latest User Guide, please visit

Now select Activate ACE Nifty Futures Trading System option.

On the next screen, select Activate ACE Nifty Futures Trading System Online option. Do not use other 2 options
(Activate By Phone and Activate for Another Computer These are reserved. see explanation later)

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In the next dialogue box that appears, copy paste the license id and password received through email and click on
Continue button.
Important Note:

It is necessary that you are connected to internet when you are trying to activate the product else activation
will fail.

Do not try to type in the license ID and password. Use Copy-Paste to avoid typing errors. Since space is not
allowed in any of these fields, remember not to copy and paste the white-space (blank space) after License ID
/ Password as this will generate error.

If you have typed in the details correctly, the following screen will appear. Click on Continue to personalize your copy.

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In the next screen, if it does not show any details, just fill them in and click continue. This will register your contact
details with us which will help us identify you later for renewals, for sending important updates, etc... Once this is
done, it will launch AmiBroker and load ACE Nifty Futures Trading System. In case there is any problem (internet
connection error, wrong email id, not filling in compulsory fields, etc.), it will show you this same screen (as below)
again when you start AmiBroker till the time your details are successfully entered in our system.

Note: Do not use Activate By Phone and Activate from Another Computer options. They are meant for advanced use
and administrator will notify you in case you have to use them with information on how to use these options.

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F. Solutions to common Error Messages and problems

1. Activation shows error code 100.

2. Activation shows error code 7.

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3. In AmiBroker, Intraday Intervals are not enabled.

This error occurs when you are trying to see intraday data in a database which is defined as End-Of-Day. To rectify this
error, go to File>>Database Settings.

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In the dialogue box that opens, modify no. of Number of Bars to 50000 and Base-time Interval to Tick or 1 minute
for some data vendors. Once done, click on OK button.

Now right click on the chart again and go to Intraday which will show all time-frames enabled.

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4. I am registered user of ACE Nifty Futures Trading System. Still it is not loaded in AmiBroker. Why ?
If this error is appearing right from the first time you installed ACE Nifty Futures Trading System, see point no. 9 below.

ACE Nifty Futures Trading System has to connect to Internet for validation when AmiBroker starts, EVERYTIME. So if you
are not connected to Internet or there is any Internet connection problem, it will display a message as shown below,
when you start AmiBroker.

Failure to connect to Internet does not stop AmiBroker from starting but only stops ACE Nifty Futures Trading
System from being loaded into your system. AmiBroker will load ACE Nifty Futures Trading System next time you
start AmiBroker, if you are connected to internet that time.

5. I am evaluating ACE Nifty Futures Trading System. It is successfully installed in my PC and also shows
evaluation dialogue box. Still it is not loaded in AmiBroker when it starts. Why ?
When AmiBroker starts and Evaluation dialog box is displayed, you have to click on Evaluate ACE Nifty Futures Trading
System so that it gets loaded into AmiBroker, as shown below.

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If you click on Exit Button at the bottom or simply press Escape key or close the dialogue box using Close option
(clicking on X as shown below), AmiBroker will start without loading ACE Nifty Futures Trading System.

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6. I am evaluating ACE Nifty Futures Trading System. I note that I have 5 days or 25 runs to test this
system. I want to use these runs effectively. I do not want to lose one count every time AmiBroker
starts. Is it possible?
Yes. Exactly do the opposite of as mentioned in the point no. 5 above. Just click on Exit button in the Evaluation Box
or Close that dialogue box by clicking on X. This will start AmiBroker without loading ACE Nifty Futures Trading System.
Whenever you want to use features of ACE Nifty Futures Trading System, click on Evaluate ACE Nifty Futures Trading
System in the evaluation dialogue box (as shown below).

7. I am evaluating ACE Nifty Futures Trading System / I am a registered user. My chart displays Formula
Error and says Edit Formula to Correct Error. Screenshot is as shown below.

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This error is displayed in any of the following conditions.

If you start AmiBroker without Internet connection.

If you click on Exit or use Close Button on Evaluation dialogue box. This stops AmiBroker from loading the ACE
Nifty Futures Trading System. See other points as mentioned in Solutions to common Error Messages and
problems for more explanation.
If you are using ACE Nifty Futures Trading System beyond Evaluation Period / Subscription Period.

8. I did something in AmiBroker which I should not have done / I do not remember. How to restore
original settings?
If you change any of the values that you may change / you should not change (using Parameters Window only) and want
to restore original settings, just click on Reset All button next to OK button in Parameters window and it will restore
original chart settings at the time of installation. However this will not reset correct settings if you have changed
anything by editing the AFL directly. In such a case, you will have to close the open chart, open a blank chart and
follow the procedure as given in How to install and configure ACE Nifty Futures Trading System from point no.
14 onwards to revert to original setting.

9. On installing and running ACE Nifty Futures trading System for the first time, it showed License
Validation Failed error. Screenshot enclosed.
First of all, check if you are connected to Internet (try to open any site). If the site opens and still you get this error on
starting AmiBroker for the fist time after installation of ACE Nifty Futures Trading System, then it means that
installation was not done properly. The most probable reason for this could be anti-virus blocked some part of the
installation to be written on your hard disk. In this case, uninstall ACE Nifty Futures Trading System, restart computer,
disable your anti-virus for sometime and then install again.

10. AmiBroker Crash Recovery Screen is displayed as soon as ACE-NTS is loaded in AmiBroker.
It means either your computer does not have sound card or sound card is not properly installed. Please disable all audio
/ sound Alerts from Parameters Window to resolve this issue.

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G. How to uninstall ACE Nifty Futures Trading System

Close AmiBroker first. The program will not be uninstalled successfully if AmiBroker is running while un-installation is
going on.
In Windows, go to Start>>Programs>>ACE Nifty Futures Trading System>>Uninstall ACE Nifty Futures Trading System.
This will launch an application to uninstall the program. The following screen will be shown. Click on Yes button.

It will then uninstall the program and will display following screen. Click on OK to close the dialogue box.

We would be interested to hear why you do not wish to use our program further. Please send a mail to . All feedback mails are personally viewed and replied by our C.E.O.

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H. Version Change Log From version 2.0 to 2.1 (03.01.2014)

Compatibility with AmiBroker 5.70 (RC1) is established.

Major Security Update.

From version 1.9 to 2.0 (06.06.2013)

Major Security Update.

From version 1.8 to 1.9 (02.08.2012)

Compatibility with AmiBroker 5.60 Official Release is established.

From version 1.7 to 1.8 (03.07.2012)

Run Count was decreased by 2 on each run - fixed.

From version 1.6 to 1.7 (23.06.2012)

Major Security Update.

From version 1.5 to 1.6 (08.04.2012)

Compatibility with AmiBroker 5.5 Official Release is established.

Internal Improvements. Major Security Update.

From version 1.4 to 1.5 (04.01.2012)

Compatibility with forthcoming AmiBroker 5.5 (Release Candidate) is established.

System gives warning if incorrect symbol and timeframe is selected.
Internal Improvements. Major Security Update.

From version 1.3 to 1.4 (04.01.2011)

Internal improvements.

From version 1.2 to 1.3 (06.09.2010)

Internal improvements.

From version 1.1 to 1.2 (04.05.2010)

Some compatibility issues were detected on 64-bit Operating Systems which were preventing automatic update
notification on some systems. They are now rectified. ACE Nifty Futures Trading System now works in AmiBroker
running on Windows 7 (32 bit / 64 bit), Vista (32 bit / 64 bit), Windows Server 2008 (32 bit / 64 bit), Windows XP (32 bit
/ 64 bit), Windows ME, 98, 95 Operating Systems.

From version 1.0 to 1.1 (22.04.2010)

Change Log (summary) : Following changes have been incorporated in version 1.1 of ACE Nifty Futures Trading System
(as compared to ver 1.0)

1. ACE Nifty Futures Trading System is now made compatible with newly launched 5.30 version of AmiBroker. Now
it works on version 5.30 as well as 5.20 of AmiBroker Standard, Professional as well as Ultimate Pack Pro.
2. New option to close daily position is added. (see explanation below)

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3. Manual Voice Alert added. Now whenever a signal triggers in AmiBroker, you can actually hear from your
speakers in manual voice something like Buy Signal Triggered in Nifty-I at 5343.23.
4. When the signal triggers on any candle, voice and audio alerts continue for the entire candle every time data
comes in AmiBroker. At times this becomes annoying. Now users can set time frequency in seconds for audio
and manual voice alerts.
5. Auto Update feature is added. Now whenever new version of ACE Nifty Futures Trading System is available, the
user will be automatically notified and the update will be downloaded and installed automatically.
6. The trial now works for 7 calendar days and there is no limitation on number of runs in these 7 days i.e. you
can run it unlimited number of times (unlike 25 runs in version 1.0)
7. Other minor fixes.
Change Log (in detail) from version 1.0 to 1.1
1. Newly launched version 5.30 brings some significant changes as compared to version 5.20. ACE-NTS is now
compatible with both versions of AmiBroker, 5.20 and 5.30.
2. In response to requests from various users to add facility to close open position at the end of the day, we have
added this as an option. This is useful to take entry when users are not able to trade on previous day and if
signal from previous day is continued on next day OR on the Futures Expiry Day. Accordingly, 2 new parameters
are added in the new system as shown in the snapshot below.

Accordingly, if you select Yes to Close daily Position? then position close will be shown as per the candle no.
selected in the next parameter If yes, exit on Candle No ?. Following are the candle numbers you can choose.

Closing Time

Candle No.

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Note1 : These candle numbers as per current market timings i.e. 9AM to 3:30PM. You will need to modify the
candle no. whenever the timing changes.
Note2 : If you are closing the position at the end of the day, all fresh calls for Buy / Short after candle number
chosen by you will be ignored. Example : if you choose to close your position at 3:15 (candle no. 63) then all
fresh Buy / Short calls generated after 3:15 upto 3:30 will be ignored. However, if you have selected No to
Close daily position? (which is default), the candle number selected will have no effect on calls generated.
Very Important : We strongly recommend to use this feature only when you want to take entry on next day for
a signal which continues from previous day. DO NOT use this option to close your position everyday and take
fresh positions on next day. This may give good profits on some days but overall, it does not result in smooth
equity curve.
3. Manual Voice Alert added. Now whenever a signal triggers in AmiBroker, you can actually hear from your
speakers in manual voice something like Buy Signal Triggered in Nifty-I at 5343.23. Please note that this
features works on OS Windows XP onwards; on lower-end Windows, you will need to install Microsoft Speech
API. The voice settings can be found in Windows Control Panel.
Important : Creative SoundBlaster X-Fi cards have a driver problems on Windows 7 and Windows Vista causing
memory leak in audiodg.exe process (Windows Audio) when using audio output. To workaround this X-Fi driver
problem, do the following:
1. right click the speaker icon in your taskbar
2. select 'Playback Devices'
3. right click the Speakers output
4. select 'Properties'
5. click on the 'Sound Blaster' tab
6. check 'Disable Sound Blaster Enhancements' box
4. When the signal triggers on any candle, voice and audio alerts continue for the entire candle every time data
comes in AmiBroker. At times this becomes annoying. Now users can set time frequency in seconds for audio
and manual voice alerts. This setting is visible under Alerts as shown in the screenshot below. The default is
10 (sec). You can select any value you want. If you select 20, manual and audio alerts will be given at every 20
second interval. This does not affect signal or their values it just changes the frequency of announcement.

5. Auto Update feature is added. Now whenever new version of ACE Nifty Futures Trading System is available, the
user will be automatically notified (as shown below) and the update will be downloaded and installed

Document generated on 03.01.2014. To download the latest User Guide, please visit

I. Upgrading from previous version

From any previous version to 2.0
The procedure is same for registered as well as trial users of ANY version and is same as given below.
1. If you are already using ACE-NTS Version 1.8 or any previous version, uninstall it first.
2. Download latest version by visiting
. You will have to register on the site OR log in, to see the actual download link. This is a universal installer for
registered as well as trial users of any version.
3. Once downloaded, install the same as explained from point no.1 to 17 (from page no. 2 to 10) above.
4. Drag file onto the blank Chart.
5. Now follow installation as explained from point no. 19 to 25 from page 10 above).
7. The Chart will be loaded with default settings and you do not really need to modify any other setting. However, you
may turn other convenience features ON or OFF as per your preference, as explained in B. Customization of ACE Nifty
Trading System above.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime - You will also need Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime for running ACE Nifty
Futures Trading System Plugin in AmiBroker. - this is available for download free of cost from Microsoft's website. You
may download it from (downloads directly from Microsoft's website) OR (downloads from our website) ~1.7 mb

Document generated on 03.01.2014. To download the latest User Guide, please visit

J. Where to contact in case there is a problem not mentioned here?

For most recent copy of this User Guide, visit :
For Technical Support of this product (how system works, parameter settings, etc.), mail us at .
For Activation related Support (fresh & renewal of activations, billing queries, etc.), mail us at .
Our complete contact details are as below.
(a division of ACE Engravers)

D3 & D4, City Plaza, Mumbai Naka,

Opp. Kalika Mandir,
Nashik 422 001.
State Maharashtra. INDIA

Document generated on 03.01.2014. To download the latest User Guide, please visit

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