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Richmond PRIMARY yJooq S,}uapn}s new beep 5 ‘One of the guiding principles behind New Beep is that the children should be genuinely engaged throughout. The language is brought to life in a rich narrative framework that closely echoes their own worlds both real and imaginary, There is a wealth of different activity types end all contexts are fun and meaningful, Humour is a vital ingredient in engaging the learners, The children are frequently invited to bring their own lives and experiences to the classroom, but also learn about the lives of other children around the world. ime eeu Student's Book Reader + Reader audio ~ available to download at www. Activity Book Student's CD and CD-ROM Beep on grammar Lite Teacher's Book Teacher's Resource Book Class CDs Posters Flashcards and Word cards Story cards Dvo feed New Teacher's i-book + Includes new resources and tools! New Activity Generator + Now with editable worksheets! Richmond Iu © Brendan Dunne, Robin Newton © Santillana Educacion, $.L. 2015 Publishing Director: Maria Lera ‘Managing Editor: Miranda Friel Editorial Team: Emilie Kerton, Idoia Llama, Gtace Lloyd, Elsa Rivera Albacete, Silvia Ruiz Calvo, Susena Sanchez Gonzalez, Andrea Turner Digital Managing Editor: Virainia Santidrian Ruiz Consultants: Stephanie Maria Curran, Ainhoa Garcia Pérez, Paloma Lopez Gracia, Felipe Javier Ramirez Lajarin Music and Recordings: Riera Sound, Suens Estudio ‘Song Lyrics: Brendan Dunne and Robin Newton Art Director: José Crespo Rosa Marin, Javier Tejeda : Manuel Estrada Design Design: Cristina Vergara Illustrators: Inds Burgos Pia, Angeles Peinador Arbiza, Alex Orbe, Pablo Velarde Diaz-Pache, Alberto Hoyas, Beehive istration: Moreno Chiacchiera, Victor Tevares; JHS Studio: Alex Redondo Technical Director: Jorge Mira Fernahdez Technical Coordination: Rocio Lominchar Romero Layout: Marcela Grez Photo Researcher: Amparo Rodriguez Photos: A. Real B. 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Every effort has been made to trace the holders of copyright, butif any omissions can be rectified, the publishers will be plaased to make the nocessary arrangements. Do notre in this book. i Do all the activites in @ separate notebook. | aK go shopping! OTS acs 5 Ocean life [rans eee! ORV enone toad Varia rma Oa aed 8 Adventure Island Ld family, hobbies, months, school subjects, soorts do homework, do the dishes. go to bed have lunchvainnes practise the recorder, see friends, tidy your room, walk the dog half past, o'clock, quarter past/to always, never, sometimes, usualy biscuits, bread, butler, cherries, chocolete cake, crearn, 6998, flour, milk, mushrooms. nuts, peaches, sugar breekfasi, lunch, dinner; snack add, bake, mix, put ‘brush your teeth, drink water, eat fruit, eat junk food, do exercise, walk to school, watch iofs of TV once, twice, tree tines, every cay baker's, bookshop, clothes shop, comouter shoo, greengroce's, shoe shop, spars sop, Supermarket ‘bus stop, ibrary, musoum, park, school, sports contre, ‘swimmiming 209) train station, 200 blue whale, crab, dolphin, jellyfish, octopus, orca, seal seahorse, shark, starfish, turtle ‘dorsal fn, Bye, Nipper, gis, fal, teeth Gesert, forast, island, lake, mountain, ccean, river, se, volcano hundred, thousand, milion big, clean, cold, deep, high, ht, long, noisy, quiet, smal, sunny, windy aquarium, bowing alley, fim studio, callery, palace, lencierium, skating rink, theme park bay, bridge, cave, ciff, path, swamp, town, waterfall waves go.along,. go over. G9 round, go through, go under east, north, south, west bbater, favour, pan, pancake, race bracelet, colourful, friendship chain, message Culture Key structures Phonics cLIL Describing yourself Asking personal questions Describing kes and cisikes tidy my room. ‘After-school activities Taking care of dogs usually practise after school. Learning about Ido my homework at seven o'clock. Cuneo esos ae What tine do you have lunch? dardt — Have we got any suger? Biscuits How four is made We've got some oranges. We haven't got any cheese. Req ES We always have cereal. bandp |, eee How many, When, What. The Paralympios Learning about the How offen do you do exercise? Once a week. pope ute. booy Competing the sounds it’s good/bad ior you. ae Ot Where is the museum? i's opposite/ A famous UK market Learning about road next to/betwoon.. safety and bike sefety ‘The gr sound Do they lve alone? 3 Cleaning the beach The life cycle of a They ley eggs. They don't eat plants. environment sea turtle breathe, lay, Beene : ‘Comparing the sounds They ve got gils, they haven't got figpers, eat Lee ee eee ee sSSS—__ aa She's drinking water. Nomadic ite The water oycle Everest is higher than Mont Blanc. ‘Comparing the sounds fendth eee! t's botwoen the gallery and the palace. ‘Schoo! trios Learning about art and How old were you? /He/Sha/It was. pou nee, What was your favourite toy? How old were. ‘you? Where were you at five to eight? I was at the bowing alloy. ‘The air sound @o through the town and over the bridge. ‘diving champion Leaming about caves Go four squares south, and bals ‘Compating the sounds iendie Pancake Day Frendship Day Rare LESSON 1 [IPED Read. Then, listen and say thename. [iil subject: Favourite subject: ‘My bicthday’s in October and my favourite subject ig Art. 9? a wisi op "SO 3e ———) Have Geta got any pets? Describing yourself | Asking personal questons Listen and sing. 6 A * My name's Mark! ' My name's Kim! How are you? | How are you? I These are the things I like to do. | | These ere the things Ike to do. | like swimming in the sea | | ike gaing to the zoo, \ {And watching cartoons on TV. | Taking photos and painting too. 1 i My name's Ben! How are you? ' How ere you? | These are the things | like to do. ! These are the things | Ike to do. 1 Playing basketbellat the gym | Rollxblading in the park | And singing songs with my friend Kim. | And pizying games with my frignd Mark. | Eres and answer. Then, write about you. Lal Be "Find three three s. [Ob6e OOOO eee ('m ten years old, | like going to the cinena and playing basketball with my friends, At home, | like Playing computer games and gardering, I don't like decaning o” painting, My favourite cotivity is readline) f S666 Hello! My name's Declan, I'm Fen years old [like going te the seaming pocl cr playing cords with my friends, Art home, | like playing computer games: ‘ard making todels. | don’t like playing basketball on painting. My fecunte activity i¢ singing! Talking about activities you like or con'tlike | Whiting about yourself LESSON : ) Find and say. ) Listen and say the word. (9 Vocabulary review Toe Es Listen and sing. e n Tr PAA When I come home from school, So many things to do. St | walk the dog, ear Sy I tidy my room, I do my homework too.

) my friends practise the recorder do my homework go to bed Talking about routines: | tidy my room). UNIT 1 LESSON 2 [ED Listen and reaa, @ ha i & Hi, Anita! | see you've got a recorder. Do you practise, the recorder every day? > Yes, | usually practise after school in my bedroom. & That's good. | usualy play basketball after school > Do you see your friends too? ® Yes, | sometimes see my friends. We play computer games of Isten to music, Oh, really? My friends all ike music too! Wet time doyoulheve clnner? & No! I never go to bed at seven o’olock. Iigo to bed at haf past nine. lalways have dinner at half past six. Me too! This is my house. Bye, Ben! That's eariyl And do you go to bed at seven o'clock? See you tomorrow! Look and read. Which sentence is in the dialogue? iii) q always mle | go to bed at nine o’clock. usually see my friends. sometimes: never [EAB read about Paul. Then, write about your evenings. fill) Ley In the evening la [usually do my homenork at six ofclock ad | always: [rene dinneh af seven o'clock with my Faily. After =O) inner, sometimes do the aiches. Then, [ usucly play & Computer games in my toom. | gonetines watch TY. at Ls rine o'clock and | Sonetines read conics with my sister I [ usually go to bed at ten clerk. Foutines | Adverts of requency | I (usualy) have dinnerat half past si. UNIT 1 LESSON 3 7) ‘Aska friend about their evenings. ae -— ie S you listen to music? f g € ee ee [usualy icten = Do you have dinner at seven o'clock? Do you listen to music? Do you do the dishes? > Do you watch TV? ® —— Do you go to bed at half past ning? ‘Asking about routines and timas | Do you (watch Tj? 9 ro Read and listen to the story. Ron always goes home at quarter to five. He sometimes forgets his homework. Se TYRANOSAURUS_REK ) ae, = ae Na a 10 Ron is doing a science project I about dinosaurs. It’s very difficul AQ Buster can smell something. Routines and adverbs of frequency Now [can-do my science project. Ror''s teacher is vary happy with Sp his homework, and So is Ron! Sones, skeletons, dinosaurs UNIT 1 LESSON 5 [EBB usten and say the chant. yn 2 usually get yp at quarter to eight, a I'm never late for school, a | cometines have Science at quarter past fen, ee really cool! ——— [ have my lunch at one o'clock, And then | play with my Priends. | Arich echool at quarier to Ne, fard then | go heme again FIG Look and say the timesin pairs. aa ee at ’s quarter ee The red clock! — What tine: do 2) a red _. (Leoually get up af warter past seven. L Aska friend. What time do you get up? What time do you have Science? What time do you have lunch? ‘What time do you do your homework? What time do you have dinner? What time do you go to bed’? OOFONs SET 12 ‘The time: What time do you (get up)? |_| (usually have func) (at two o’elocky. Listen and read. @% Qs Dogs need a lot of exercise. Wewalk [¥ Dogs drink a lot of water. | always give our dog twice @ day. My dad aways my dog a bow! of fresh water every day. walks her in the moming and | usually He always eats in the evening, walk her in the park after school. She On Sunday, | sometimes give him likes running and playing ball games. dog biscuits for a treat. Dogs can get cirty, | sometimes give my dog a bath on Saturdays. | use a special | sometimes take my dog to the vet's. shamipoo for dogs. He likes having a He examines her teeth and gives her bath! injections. posal. ~~ co ri iv Hamsters = Hamsters usually are desert animals. ive for 2 to 3 years. Inthe desert, they sleap Sy Rabbits usually live for in the day and they 5 to 10 years and cats, Hamsters are ‘omnivores. They eat _4f fruit, plants, seeds, wake up at night and, usually live for 10 us look for food. to 15 years. and insects. a i a E Taking care of dogs | Learning about hamsters 13 acu : e ITT 1 LESSON 7 Read and correct the mistakes. Hip > After-school fun | aiviays go to Scouts after school oh Thursday. Ih Sunner, we usually go trekking in the forest. The Scout leader teaches us about the animals and bird, We go canoeing and climbing sometimes too. In witifer, we gometines sing songs on tell stories We learh frst aid foo. Scouts is fun! a Sa Se 4. Joel usually goes to Scouts on Thursday, 2. Inthe break, Nicola usually has milk 3 The music teacher plays the recorder and and biscuts. the children sing 4 The Scouts somatimes go canoeing in winter. Listen and say a tongue twister. (2) ee — Dom and Tom have dinner Together, ONS) asa 1% fatter-school actvkles | Comparing the sound asin dinar andthe f sound as in toys ) Find the words for the story. Then, listen and check. @% - It looks human but it’s e machine. Similar to run, but slower. The colour of grass. School work you do in the house. ‘The opposite of can’t. Cherries are this colour. Sally and Finn's dad is Professor Rubik. He's an inventor. owe Beep can do the dishes and +... the dog. | can do ard | can ty) z= oo ee thin! What ls can you do? fo be continued. | Read and complete. Sally and Finn's dad isan... Beep ... do the aishes. Professor Rubik says ‘Don't touch any...!" .. Bushes the red button, | Sally ... listens to her dad. .. asks ‘What's happening?’ Unit structures: daily routines with adverbs of frequency. 15 UNIT 1 [REDD read and write the evening actions. fll Goodnight, Nun! ee you in the ncrning! (Can | have more soup, please? [t’s delicious! ee thy come in, We can play A. yen computer ge — = Go to bed. Yes, Daal I'm putting my athes in the cupboard now. Where's my Maths book? Ab Here itis. Right, poge 32. Come on, Mini) Leis 9 to the park, Let's put all the dinty plates in the sink. Ee Look and ask a friend. = Always 477 do exercise on Usually 77 Saturday Sometimes ¥ Never x Do you brush your teeth at night? Yes, | alnays brush > ny teeth af nigh. do the dishes after dinner 16 Unit structures: the time, routines and adverbs of frequency Listen and sing. (7% biscuits: ‘chocolate cherries ) Ask and spell. Cats noi zt it’s number 3? Ingredients for cakes | Spelling: How do you spell it? 7 UNIT 2 LESSON 2 & Marks, have we got any flour? * Yes, we have. There's a bag of flour in the cupboard & Greail Have we got any butter? 2 No, we haven't, but we've got some eggs. & Good! And have we got any sugar? Yes, we've got some sugar. & Good! And have we got any chocolate? No, we haven't. We haven't got any butter or chocolate & ‘Come on! Let's go to the shops! Good ideal a Look and read. Which sentence is in the dialogue? Ze “Bs => Le ay = y eR We haven't got any chocolate. > CWe've got some four. 7 We've got some butter. 7 We haven't got any milk. X We haven't got any cherries. X 18 Some andany | Ingredients | Have we got (any eggs)? UNIT 2 LESSON 3 18 Listen and say the bags. morning. afternoon yf snack snack 1 epple biscuits ew = ¥ ‘ a, 7 breakfast \ NSD ¢@ dinner Sv. Fea oa ‘ t ns eS ae ol Sene Sao Read, then write about you. f SP ap ee pes Toy” eget al HSSb6SOS6SGCCEGE| Hello, I'm Raquel. fm from Pestugal [have breakfast with my brother. We alnays have cereal and orange juice. [have lunch at school with my friends. We usually have chicken, pasta op Ash. Pasta is my favourite food, | like pasta with meat or tomato gauce. I have a snack at ‘Ne o'clock. | clways have fruit. { have dinner with my mum, dad-and brother. We usually have soup, or rice and vegetables. Food | Describing meal routines | We (aways) have (pasta). 19 Kids start cooking [HED read ana istento tne story. I | Today, we're in a TV studio. Eric and Kate are on the Red Team, Danny and Liz are on the Blue Team. UNIT 2 LESSON 4 ee — / fird today, the teang are, nnaking chocolate biscuits > Kate and Eric put butter and sugar in the bow! and mix them with a spoon 20 —_ = Addi two eggs. I'm adding some Four, Liz and Danny put eggs end flour into the bow. Ingredients | Some end any a @& @ “Klew, bake in the oven» for tventy minutes —— 7 (eartel Have we gat any \checolate chips? =... EGG: here they Land & —— Ow ock! Eric is taking the wrong bow! HF Uhl This hes got) ~ Slots of gait in it. Kate is angry with Eric. Liz and Danny are the winners! oi Sooking terms: Bake in the oven for twenty minutes. UNIT 2 LESSON 5 Listen and say the TV chet rep. @ JJ fw c Remus chef, You can gee me on TY. se ‘each you how to cook, o Just copy me \what do you want to make today? a Chocolate bizcutts, please! ao OK! Flour and eggs nd coe butter, pt # Checolste chips ard come sugar. 1. Put the ingredients in a bg bowl, And don't get four on the remote controll Mix. the ingredients with a pon, “The biscuits will be ready soon. Me bake then in the oven on a metal tray, Non they're neady. Shout Aurray [EGR read and matcn. Re =a “Recipe: : Chocolate chip biscuits: 2eqgs 200 grams of butter 00 grams of sugar 300 grams of flour 950 grams of chocote chips A Slowly add the flour and mix, D Bake in an oven for 20 minutes. B Add the eggs. E Mix the butter and sugar with a fork Put the butter and suger ina bowl. F Add the chocolate chips. 22 Cooking terme | Recioes | (Ma) the ingredients) ——— Listen and read. (4 C\ In autumn, the farmer ploughs a field with a tractor In winter it's coldand and plants the wheat seeds. ‘the wheat doesn't grow. # In spring, the wheat grows, | Rain and light from the F sun help it grow. In summer, the farmer cuts the wheat with a combing harvester. The farmer takes the wheat to a mill. Machines make flour from the You can buy flour in a shop or supermarket and make bread, biscuits and cakes. Read and say the season. I's cold and the wheat doesn’t grow. ‘The farmer plants the wheat seeds. The farmer cuts the.wheat. The wheat starts to grow. The world leaders Cereals, pasta and in wheat production 7 noodles are all made are China, India from wheal. LL and the USA. aA — & vote! Learning about how flour is made 23 Wheat and rice are types of cereal grain. UNIT 2 LESSON 7 4 eo Yummy biscuits! vee "&.) e Hi, I’m Amy. There one lots of My hame’s Cal and I’m different Wiscutts in [reland Aron the USA. My favourite but chocolate digestive biscuits biscuits ane chocalate chip ‘are my favourite. Mnm, they're cookies. They've got pieces of delicious! I clays have them chocolate. We sometimes have ‘them ag a snack. HL 'm Luisa ard | conestran tHello! My name ig Jirgen and I'n Iran Gernany. Spain. | clays have biscuits ft Chrigtnas we usually have ginger biscuits and nik for breakfast Look at this gingerbread house. Its delcious! gs These are Mania biscuits What's your favourite biscutt? Theyre ny foveunite 1 Amy has biscuits when ... 2 Carl sometimes has biscuits .. ESOUIE SEN In the USA, a 3. Luisa has ... for breakfast word. It means you biscuit is called 4 Jurgens from bake them twice. ia Listen and say atonguetwiste: 2) > € n Ben puts a big piece of butter in a ¥ Ky Purple bowl to bake some biscuits. 24 Biscuit varieties | Comparing theb sound as in big and the p sound as in piece ) Find the words for the story. Then, listen and check. You eat this at a birthday party, You can see these on Beep's arm You eat soup or breakfast cereal from hers. You use this for baking. Its hot. You need this combination of things ta cook. You fee! ike this after a shower. Now Beep’s buttons are e.... It's time to go! Sake in the for 30 minutes. yuses, his taserey. Beep’s buttons ore clean. gyare, standing in 50 Unit vocabulary: cooking vocabulary and terms 25 ata 3 ee | | It’s very sweet and you put it in drinks, cakes and biscuits. They're small fruit. They can be red or purple. They come from chickens, They can be two different colours. It's made from mik and you put it on pizzas. They're made from four, butter and sugar. Some people have them for breakfast. It’s brown or whito and it’s delicious and sweet. You can drink it or eat it. oaren= biscuits in the 26 Unit vocabulary: ingredients | Unit structure: have got with some and any Keep healthy! 125 do exercise drink water Let’s be healthy, let’a’be strong, Let’s all sing a healthy song. Do exercise, run, ard play, And alnays sleep eight hours a day. Don't be lazy, listen to me! Pleage don't watch tao much TY. i 5% [2 ) Ask your friends. ao How many (- dasces of water do) S you drink a day? oe me, © ‘youn teeth? a — (( How many hours do \\ you sleep at night? ae and play sport? LESSON 1 brush your teeth eat healthy food When do you brush Do you do exercise sleep eight hours eat junk food Eat healthy food every day, Drink lots of water. That's OK! Don't eat jurk food, don't eat snects, Eat fruit ard vegetables, fish and neat. Have a shower, keep clean and bright, And brush your teeth, day and night. aa a eo aoe (Wha per [eat a lot of $9h,>) \_ 0 you eat chicken and salad. \ Healthy and unheatthy habits | Question words | (How many) (hours do you sleep)? 27 UNIT 3 LESSON 2 Listen and ead. 2 (GE Kim and Ben are reading a magazine. There's a questionnaire about health. 2 Haw often do you do exercise? Three times a week. | like dancing and swimming. 2 How often do you watch TV? I watch TV twice a week. 2 How often do you eat sweets? | eat sweets once a week. How often do you eat fruit? a | eat fruit every day. Do you want an apple? g@ ‘Yes, thanks, Kim. You're very healthy! Look and read. Which sentence is in the dialogue? iif 41 How often do you eat fruit? q Ta. a every day E three times a week © once a week 2a oes 2 How often do you brush your teeth? 3 a1 b2 99 @ onceaweek —_-B oncea day © twicea day : - be a 3 How often do you do exercise? @ oncea weak three or four times a wesk © every day iPod} {yjeay 389 ue aio1xe op @ How often co you sleep for eight hours? pies eae - @ every day E fourorfvetimesaweek © twice a week nq Suyéou 86 10) jpOOH ZI-6 5 How often do you eat junk food? jsoiduiio atn 1B Nod aes Suey | @ onceaweek B three or four timesa weck € every day (20% 828 PO, HU0}90> SL-CL 28 Healthy habits | Adverbial phrases of frequency | How often (do you eat fruit)? = UNIT 3 LESSON 3 a Read and answer. J This is Simon. He's from Canada and his hobby is | basketball. Simon goes to basketball praotice after school four times 2 week. He goes to the gym twice a week too, and does exercise. He plays a basketball | match with his team once a wesk. His team is the Toronio Dragons. His ambition is to play baskatbal in the Olympics. | Simon usually eats healthy food. He has eggs, cereal and | | fruit for breakfast every day. Once a week, he eals his favourite food, it's cheesecake! a eee 4 How often does Simon go to the gym? 2 How often does he have fruit for breakfast? 3 How often does he eat cheesecake? 4 How often does he go to basxetball practice? Be Read about Irene. Write about your week. fg ~My week co sg pene. Um from Spain and my bobby <2 type neo cra © oni fottal team and we Play a match once eee eck. My extn ig to play football in the =) Wonren's Wer Cup: Like ons foo, and | 90 <> to the swimming pool once a wees 2 j ueually eat heathy Food and | have frat every © say: Sometnes echice cream orl zd 1 6 [usually sleep for nine hours, buf on lays ley | sleep for trelve hour! Tellairiendthe name ot... (> 4 ...a programe you watch once a week, = 4 2 ...asport you do twice a week. 5 = ...adrink you have every day. 6 a subject you have twiee a week. .. aperson you see every day. ... awedsile you visit every day. Describina routines | He (aoes to the gym) (twice e week). Read and listen to the story. This is Kay. She loves sport. She really wants to pay football The coach is timing her. | 30 Kay can’t walk, but she can go very fast in her Kay always has healthy after swimming prac ‘Gerry, hot today, Too much sugar is bad for a Can for ability Ss a 2 ) Look, the conpetttion ig on Friday, ——\ ,\ (i \ Dave is on the swimming team toa —, Well done, Kay! proune the best! 4 BAY *2y wins the race. Her friends 22 very happy, and so is her dad, | [EA Keyrras chocolate cake once a we Med E=ceney | Functional language: Well done! You're the best! 31 UNIT 3 LESSON 5) [ETD Listen and say the chant. fi Some things are good for you, So do them every day. Eat bts of healthy food, |. IF helps you nork are play Do lots of exercise, And sleep eight hours a hight. Keep your body nice and clean, Uiaeis ” Ht helps you feel all right: ee Some things are bad for you, Don’t do them every day. Don't eat lots of junk focd, a If you want to feel OK. y ¥ a Watching TV's really great, And sweets and fizzy drinks. But foo much ig bad for you, So think, think, thirk! Follow and read. [fll your body grows at night, when you're ‘| sleeping. it helps your body grow and be strong. ") itcontains natural sugar and vitamin G _ for energy and good health. 4 Doing exercise is good they contain a lot for you because... make you fat. FEB) read ndsaywina rena. Ml | Steepng five hours aright | five hours a | Steepng five hours aright | ‘ #5 good for you 7 i | Dan Drinking weter vith meals. "ei “air junk food every dey. | is bad for you. K) EES Brushing your teeth once month. Having a shower every day. | 32 Healthy habits | Good/Bad for you: (Doing exercise) is (00d) for you. The skull protects your brain. Babies have sofi skulls, but they become hard in the frst six months of Ife. Young children have twenty feath. These teeth fall out when Ghildten ere six or seven years old. Then, they grow thirty-two We have twelve pairs of ribs. They protect tho heart and lungs. ‘The spines a fong chain of bones called vertebrae. The spine is in the middle of your back. Children have thirty vertebrae. Some of the vertebrae join together when children grow, and adults have twenty-six vertebrae The spine is flexible so we can run, dance and touch our toes! More than half of the bones in the human body are in the hands and feet, There are twenty-seven bones in each hand. Thoro are twenty-six bones in each foot. hg Eat fruit end vegetables Wear a helmet — and drink milk ~ fruit, Go outside - light from riding a bike and Do exercise running, vegetables and milk all the sun makes vitamin —_skatéooarcing are dancing and playing have calcium inthem. —_in our skin. We need healthy, but it’s sports make strong -—-Calciumhelps bones —vitarnin D for strong _important to protect bones! ‘and teeth grow. bones. your skull with a helmet, Listen and say True or False. e Leaming about the bones in the body 33 BE ate UNIT 3 LESSON 7 [EDD reed ana find. __. The amazing Paralympics en : / , Frequently : © Questions ey What are the Paralympios? The Paralympic Games is a sports competition for peopie with disabilties. The Paralympics happen every four years, after the Oympis Games. How many sportspeople compete in the Paralympics? There are usually 4,000 sportspeople from 165 countries in the Paralympics. What sports are in the Paralympics? There are 21 sports in the Summer Paralympics. Swimming, cycling, canoeing and athletics are Paralympic sports, There are wheelchair basketball and wheelchair tennis competitions too. Are there Winter Paralympics? Yos, there are. Skiing and ice hockey are popular sports in the Winter Paralympics. What colour is the Paralympic flag? It’s red, blue and green. 1 Iwo sports in tha Winter Paralympics. 2 The colours of the Paralympic flag. 3 The number of countnes in the Paralympics. 4 Find three sports with wheels and two with wate [ETD Listen and say a tongue twister 9 GD —— QUIS) recreate 34 The Peralympics | Comparing the / sound asin likes and the r sound asin rap 2, se es dren Beep and the childro” are at the dentist's. Phew! We're sate but 1_ore we? The red button doesnt werk properly. | can't Ne got toothache too! Bex Gos ee aa Se Don't touch the ) Write True or False. Beep and the children are at the chemists Sally says ‘Lal's go home now, Beep.’ 2 Beep cleans Finn with his laser eyes. 5 Beep can't control where they go. There's a girl. She's got a headache. The old woman has got tocthache too. Eating lots of sweets is bad for your teeth. 35 cm UNIT 3 PEER read and correct the words in red, ae 1 | wash my teeth twice a day. 4 Helen aways eats junk food, She loves fruit. 2 Mysister looks a lot of TV. 5 I play exercise every day. 3 Mike eats a litre of water every day. 6 I sleep eight days every night. Look and answer. How often does Eva ride a bike? How offen does she eat fruit? How often does she watch TV? How often does she play foottall? Now, what about you? How often do you ride a bike? Oaone [ERD read and say Tue or Faise. ME Hi, I'm Scott. On school days, | always get up at quarter past seven. | usually have cereal) | and orange juice for breakfast. 1 go toschoolat | half past eight. At school, my favourite subjects | ete Science and Spanish. | don’t like Ar. Painting | and drawing are diffcut for met | go to football practice twice a week after school. a - | like doing exercise. It's good for you. Scott always gets up at seven o'clock. | Lusually have dinner at seven o’clack. | always do He never has cereal for breaklast __ the dishes after dinner. Then, | sometimes read His favourite subjecis are Matns and PE. | books and play computer games with my sister. He doesn't like Art. a cna He goes to football practice twice a week. He sometimes does the dishes. Ooaan+ 36 Unit structures and vocabulary: How often... 2, frequency. habits We're going shopping. Num ard I, For all the things we need 70 buy. Get off the bus ahd look around, E At all the chops in our town BA greergrocer’s and a baker’s too, A supetmorket with food for you. | IF you need clothes, op books on shoes, There's lots of shops Tor you to choose. If you reed football boots or shorts, E Then there’s a special shop for sports [Ard look! Ai nen computer shop, Just in front of our bus step. We're going shoppitg, Mun ard I, | For cll the things we need to buy. Listen and say. T computer shop| sports shop clothes shop \ Shops | Identitying what different shops sel 37 38 » Look at the icons and say the place. Then, listen and check. ) Look at the map. Listen and say True or False. Then, ask a friend. UNIT 4 LESSON 2 Look and read. | Where’s the | It’s next to the sports shop. shoe shop? ip, ~_ 's between the swimming pool \ ___| and the supermarket. @58G9 S008 0HO8E (ls opposite the >) Swimming pool_4 Shops | Placesintown | Asking for and giving dtections UNIT 4 LESSON 3 Listen and read. 2 Kim is at a bookshop. She's talking to the shop assistant. Q Hello, can | help you? Yes, | want to buy a book. Good! Do you like comic books? Yes, | do. | really like comic books. They're funny. Do you lixe information books, too? Yes, | like information books about science: and dinosaurs. Yes, | have. Look, this is a novel about a girl detective. What about a joke book? We've got lots of joke books. Qa a No, thank you, I hate joke books. | prefer books witiistares Oh, biiliant! Can | have this book, please? g ‘What about a novel? Do you like novels? Yes, | love novels. Have you got a novel about detectives? Aska tien. @® 4 Doyou like reading? 2 What are your favourite books? 3 How often do you read? 4 Is there a bookshop in your town? Yes, here you are. It's six euros. Read about Gabriel. Then, write about the books you ike. {iii Le) Helo, (™m Gabriel. - we, [ Jove reading. | always read in bed at right > and | sometimes read in the car foo. | really D> ke novels chout ctaldren. My favourtte hovel > ig Cherie and the Chocolate Factory: “© [hate nevele chout ghosts of morsters. | onetines read informettion books Too | peally like information books cbaut space, | © science and aninds. | love conic books. My > Savourite comic books are the Tintin books. TTT Book genres | Giving opinions | | really like comic books. 39 A day out in London! UNIT 4 LESSON 4 [BED read and listen to the story. RO Danny and his mum are on holiday in London. Hes | Danny sees a poster. His favourite author is giving a buying a present for his friend Eric, Mum is buying talk iocey, DOWNING | posteards. rl Fale avon verso orderstone's Bookstor Danny doesn’t know where Oxtord Street is. H woman see = | | 4 | Excuse me, where's) Oxford Sirect? long this street, turn right, then turn left. Pm (V's not far, 40 Asking for directions 6 co ¥ Danny and his mum lookin the bag DE PS a compute j new story ig on the B corputer.I1°s the only copy) Bessaight on. | He's uming right! Mlove ick king Excuge me, here's ‘your computer, ‘Ard here’s 0 naire: IPs PJ. Downing! Let’s take tt fo the ) Listen and say the chant. (9 Where's the bookshop? Do you know? Tell me please, which way to gol First turn left and then turn right, ‘Then you see the traffic litt. ¢ Go straight on. Go past the echool, Theh turn rigit at the swinning pool © Turn right again and there's a bus stop, Next to that youll see the bookshop. Look, listen and say the place. UNIT 4 LESSON § raight on. ee 7 at the station and go straigit on. Turn right ~~ at the trafic its and then turn left. Turn left at the trafic lights, m next fo the eports shop. Where om I2 oe 42 Piacesin town | Asking for and giving directions ey UNIT 4 LESSON 6 13 ) Read and say the number. —— Walk quickly. Listen When you want to Wait for the green Be safe ‘for cars and look cross the road, fn! light. Don't cross on foot! left and right when a zebra crossing or the road when the you cross the road. traffic lights light is red, 2 Read about bike safety. Then, look and say the letter. 1 Fide yourbikein acyclelane ? Wearahemmello 3. Wear colourtl clothes Breteetyour fica and have a colourful bag, 4 Hevea bell on your bke. Blcceunnal 6 Have lights and see a red light retlectors on your bike. =} Listen and find the mistakes. (@%@ Learning about road safety and biko safety 43 erat gy UNIT 4 LESSON Read and answer. My rrane’s Luke. On Saturdays | help my grandad He's a greengrocen at St Gecrge’s, in Belfast: {6 a really Famcus market The chops in a market are called stalls. At the end of the day we have to pack everything ‘anay and foke tt home Next to my granciad's stall there’s Bill tthe Bakers. I+ alnays mello fantastic and sometines Bill gives me cakes i / help hin. There are lots of different Stalls at the market for food, clothes, prants and art books nd comics. There cre even stalls celing American biscuits and chocolate! What does Luke’s grandad do? Which stall is next to Luke's grandac’s? Where is St George's Market? Why does Bill give Luke cakes? Listen and say a tongue twister. (@% Brandia and Grandad grab some aT green grapes at the greengrocer’s — 44 A famous UK market | Phonics intisl sound gr as in Grandma em UNIT 4 ) Find the words for the story. Then, listen and check. (@%f A shop that salls all types of food To go from one side to the other side of a street You can play games on this elactronic abject. The opposite of go. A place where you buy bread and caxes. ‘A word for when Beep puts his finger on the ted button. Sie = e Beep, fey the red button? Jy i ona Vp the trafic lights and ‘the road... Read and correct the mistakes. Beep and the children are ina baker's. Finn sees the computer shop first. Beep needs a pen. Sally tells Beep to ‘do something’, The computer shop is next to the supermarket. The man wants to go home. Unit structure: giving cirections | Unit vocabulary: shops. 45 UNIT Read and say the shop. iil Can | have sone bread ard ‘three straxberry cakes, please? Where are the dictionaries, please? Hello, I'm looking for gome boots. \ really pretty! aA The eports shoo is opposite the supermarket Next to the shoe shop. The bookshop is opposite the greengrocer's. 2 The computer shop is opposite the baker's The clathes shop is between the bookshop 3 The greengracer's is next to the shoe shop. and the sports shop. Where’s the baker's? os | 4 The supermarket is at the end of the street oas Look andaskatriend. (0) tits next fo the shoe cho 46 Unit structure and vocabulary: location of shops We're going to the aquarium, All my friends ond me, To learn about the aninals, That lve ih the sea. Blue whales, seals and Jellyich, Orcas, crabs and turtles too. Octopuses and great white sharks, fill live in the sea o blue. We're going to the aquarium, Al ny Friends ond me To learn about the arin, That live in the sea Cie 5 (( Ii? omall ond red. ) \ It starts with C. Cres, trie es, itis] ee ae Sea animals | Giving descriptions 47 Listen and read. @ Gl Mark is doing a project on great white sharks. He's talking to @ shark exper e Hello, can | ask you some questions about great white sharks? Bes, of course. What do you want to know? £ Do great white sharks live in groups? No, they don't. They live alone. £ Do they eat turtles? Yes, they do. They eat turtles, seals and fish. No, they don’t. They have babies. £ Do they breathe cir? & No, they don't. They take oxygen trom the water. Do you like great white sharks, Mark? gs Yes, but | don't want to meet one! UNIT 5 LESSON 2 Me neither, but | think they are ® amazing animals, ‘Thanks for taking to me. Now | can % write my project. You're welcome. Bye! SEE gS Look and read. Which sentence is in the dialogue? ae Ns Yes, they do. £ don't eat No, they don’t. [HED read and match, Be _. They live in groups next t. They eat fish and th a 2 Fabs They live alone. They eat or Td smallish. They Y 2008. 48 ‘The Present Simple | Shark facts | Do they (live alone)? 6 } Look, listen and say the animal. eo They live in groups. J UNIT 5 LESSON 3 we < What: are these \ { arinals? They don't Ihe in groune. \ They don't breathe ar. \_ They lay eggs: ~~ x Do starfish ive in groups? 5 Do dolphins eat plants? Do seals lay eggs? 6 Do orcas ive in groups? Do jellyfish eat plants? 7 Docrabs walk? Do sharks breathe cir? 8 Doblue whales eat dolphins’ 1, Do octopuses lay e995? Z ‘The Present Simple _| Animal facts | They (lay eggs). 49 [BED read and iisten to tne story. SI Karen's mum is @ marine biclogist. She goes diving | They look at the jellyfish. They've got long tentacles. | with Karen. They see lots of amazing sea animals. . 7 a [7 Don't touch the tentacles They're Foisenous. Karen is frightened. She can s: They swim fast and the a big shark FOUS. ‘Quick! Let’s hide behind the rocks! 50 Sea animals and their habitat Karen and her mum hide from the shark, Karen finds s interesting. She calls her mum. ‘Mun! [19 0 shipwreck. Cen we look inside’? There are lots of old coins on the shio. They are taking them to a museum. Asimal descriptions: They ve got ils and they eat crabs. They are inside the ship. It's very dark. Keren is looking in a box. Thete are old coins inside. The coins are in the museum. Lots of people come to see them. Karen and her mum are famous now. UNIT 5 LESSON} ) Listen and say. @% feloleerolRiIaE tooth Sharks, fish and octopuses nave got gills. Gills take oxygen from the water. Dolphins and wheles haven't got gils. They breathe cir. ) Read and say the animals. : ‘They haven't got gills. They've They haven't got a tall or fippers. got big teeth and a dorsal fin They've got gils. Listen and sing. @% Let’s sing the cong of the great blue whale. They swim in the ocech and they've got big tails. They all breathe air tw No, thay haven't gof gills. © They haven't got teeth but they all eat Krill. They're Very, very big, 0 metres long. They swim in the ocecn and they ging a whale song ‘The great blue whale, the great blue whale, Lel’s ging the gong of the great blue whale. 52 (Ocean animal body parts | (They've got gills), (they haven't got flippers). UNIT 5 LESSON 6 Listen and read. The sea turtle swims to the beach. ‘She makes a hole in the 7 SH) sand with her fippers, sgas in the hole. The turtle puts sand ; on the eggs. She doesn't stay with the eggs. She j goes back to the sea The eggs are white spheres, tho size of a table tennis ball After six weeks, the = baby turties (or hatchlings) | he hatchiings climb out come out of the eggs. | of the hoe at night. Then : they go to the sea. The hatchlings swirn in Gy the sea, They eat fish and sea piants. Le @ Listen and say True or False. Crabs and bids oe mm Vom -—< a hatchiir ings! . Turtles can live up to 100 years! inside their shells. = = a Learning about sea turtles 53 (oT Rat ic FEB pron anc convict UNIT 5 LESSON 7 operation clean-upy Dillon ard bis sister Cela ane from Calffornia, in the USA. They INe in the city ord ‘they don’t go fo the beach very offen. But every year their school takes part in i ids Ocean Day. 11°3 a special day when chidren From schools in Caitfornia ‘A >| \ ge toa beach and help to clean if up. \ Late of people visit the beaches every yeor but they don’t always tuke their rubbish Ns with them They leave lots of plastic bags and other rubbich and these get into the \ \ | 4 ocean, The ea animals eat the rubbish and get sick. Sometimes they fd De re sick turtles and charks cn the beach Dillon and Celia are really habty that they ean do sonething fo help! 41. Dillon and Celia are from ... 2 People leave lois of ... on the beach. 3 Their school helos to 4 Sometimes they find ... on the beach. isten and say a tongue twister. eo ® Sharon dnd Sheena swimming in the sea, (— 14 54 Caving for the envionment | Comparing the s sour as in sez and the sh sound as in sherk ry prised ss ch ium nt ell Beep and the children Sally is looking at a big Beep sees a man. Oh, no! The sharks look they've got LOTS of teeth. Quick Beep, do something! What does this button do? Beep is fixing the s... with his laser eyes. ) Look and change the words in blue. - Beep and the children are in a 200 for fish. The sharks have got lots of molars and incisors. The gi is Inking at a big shel Beep is iepairing the glass with his laser eyes. The man is very surprised to see 1/12 rol: ‘Don’t touch the chery coloured button!’ Sharks. |The sharks look hungry and they've got lots of teeth. 55 live in groups eat seals lay eggs ils flippers ee 56 Unit structure and vocabulary: animals, animal descriptions and body parts ‘Look at our world, Big green forests, Floating in gpace, Ard lakes so blue, All blue and green, Thousands of plants, It’s a becutiful place. Ard aninalg too. ‘There are high, high mountaing, Floating in space, Islands and seas, Go all alone, i Long, long rivers, 3-0 wonderful world, ‘And ‘all, tall trees. And 1’¢ oun home! Wide, wide oceans, And deserts so dry, Be Hot volcances, Reach up to the sky n Describe and sayin pairs. (> 1 | mountain 1 isand[ 5 6 aa desert : | volcano | She's wearing a yellow T-shirt he’s drinking water He's wearing a blue coat. He's reading a nap, Natural features | The Present Continuous | (She's) (ealing an eppie), 57 UNIT 6 LESSON 2) The Amazon isa fiver in Teide is a voleano in the ‘South America, Itis 6,400 Canary Isiands, in Spe kilometres long. A lot of g {tis 3,718 metres high. animals live in the river. i | You can take a Cable ear There ate river colphi to near the too. Every crabs and 2,100 = year, two milion peopl ifferent spacies of fish. HB vist Tede, The Sahara Desert in Aftica is 6,600 kilometres vido, Its about the size of ‘the USA. It's very hot and and 406 meires deep. “itis 10,000 years old. In winter, dry, Sometimes, there ; : ___igonly one milimetre: “itis very cold, but you can swim ofrain in a year Itis 683 Klometres long 5,800 2100 3,718 563 «6,400 2,000,000 HERIED recat and enswor waite about amazing places in your country. {i @, Amazing places in France Mont Blane is 2 high mountain isin Paris, the in France. There capital city of ig always snow France. itis ai the top. Mont | 824 metres Blane means high and its got White mountain in ‘i wi 1.565 slaps. #) French. Itis 4.810 ba When it's sunny, "ME metres high. You ° you can see 60 can go climbing and trekking on Mont Kilometres from the top. There are two Blane. Every year, 20,000 people restaurants on the Eiffel Tower. You dlimis to the top. can have lunch and take photos. 5B Big numbers | Dimensions | (The Sahara Desert) (is 5,600 kilometres wide). UNIT 6 LESSON 3 are doing a geography quiz. The River Nile is longer than the River e I've got a question for you, Anital Amazon. True or false? I think it’s true. Yes, you're right. The River Nile is 200 kilometres longer. Now, here's a question about oceans. ‘The Pacific Ocean is bigger than the Indian Ocean. True or false? e Ithink its true, The Pacific Ocean is very bi a than the Indian Oc ES a eee a ¢ it's false, Mont Blane is higher than ‘Yes, that's right. Now, I've got a Teide. But | don’t like that question! question about mountains. Teide isn’t a mountain, it's a volcano! Teide is higher than Mont Blanc. erica raise? 9» Oh, Mark! Volcanoes are mountains! Look and read. Which sentefice is in the dialogue? iii The volcano Teide is higher than the volcano Etna. South America is bigger than Africa, The Indian Ocean is smaller than the Atlantic Ocean. The Andes Mountains are higher than the Himalayan Mountains. The River Eoro in Spain is longer than the River Seine in France. ‘The North Pale is colder than the South Pole ‘The Sahara Desert is hatter than the Gobi Desert. Brazil is bigger than Canaca. OVoOnsoOns Comparatives | Natural features | (Canada) is bigger than (Brazil). 59 Read and listen to the story. BE So Tenzin and Nima are from Tibet, They Ive in a In the spring, Dad takes them to school in the smal vilage high in the mountains. It's windy inthe | town. It a long journey. They live in the town unt village and they like fying kites. In the winter it's summer OT a cold and snowy and they can't go to school ey Put your . ” gloves on, Ninal, The weather is hotter this year and the ice has melted earlier than usual cross the river Ce carehu, Nia A ey 60 Bignumbers | Comparatives iS eb D> & | atches him. Dad knows a bridge but it’s very dangerous. Tenzin | Tenzin falls, but Dac 008 first. Dad helps the children to cross. Pre t Now, Nima is really scared. She doesn''t like the bridge. The town is bigger and noisier than the vilage, ut they love going to school. | Tet (Let's take on ps anc weather UNIT 6 LESSON 55 [EB isten and say the chant. @ JJ My village in the mountains, Is quieter than the town. IPS smaller orel i's cleaner, = D> There are flowers all around. The weather's Very diMenert too, {t's colder there at night. - « 2 Is snowie and windien, gl But | can fly my kite. ts hotter and i’5 cumin, When ve go fo town, But it’ bigger and it’s noisier, With people all round, Look and cay in pairs. (0) sunny big hot windy quiet noisy The town ig sunnier than the village “&, [ERD Read anc say Tue orFaise. (I 4 The village is cloudier than the town. 2 The town is cleaner than the village. 3 The towmis noisier than the vilage. 4. The village is quister than the town. 62 Comparatives | (The town) is sunnier than (the village). UNIT 6 LESSON 6 4 When it’s hot and sunny, the water in oceans, seas, rivers and lakes evaporates. 2 The water vapour rises and makes clouds in the sky. mountains heavy and it rains. When it's cold, it snows. ocean ae 4 The rain and snow fal on the land, The water goes Iprorierseieles: 5 Rivers take the water to oceans and seas. Then, the Water cyclo starts again. In 15% the Se : SBS Atacama: rs don’ te Earthis Desert in Chile, drink water. They came there's only one get water from the Waite millimetre of rain a animals they eat. Tha water eycie | Facts about water FEB read and make notes. (INS 2 Mongolia is a country in Asia. Only three million people live there. There are mountains and lakes in Mongolia, and o big desert called the Gobi Desert. The Gobi Desert is very cold and windy, but nomads live there. Nomads have goats, sheep, camels and horses and they move from place to place with their animals. 556 * Mongolia + Weather in the Gobi Desert © Modern inventions figer Food and drirk Trangport | Ee Listen and say a tongue twister. e ®2 Three Fat, Funny thieves Find Four thousand fish. 64 Nomadic life in Mongolia | Comparing the f sound as in fat and the th sound asin thieves Nomadic life A nomadic family lives in a big tent called a ger. The gers have a door and no windows. At night, its cold in the desert, but it's warm inside the ger. Nomadic people drink milk from their goats and eat meat, noodles ‘nd cheese. Life is changing for nomads. Some nomads have solar panels to make electricity. Most nomads travel by horse, but some use motorbikes now. NOTES | * Weathen in the Gobi Desert ~ very colt ord windy UNIT 6 LESSON 7 Find the words for the story. Then, listen and check. @@ Abig hil Similar to walk, but faster Aword similar to why, when and where. Another verb for leave. ‘Smoke and lava come out of this. It’s red, it Goesn’t work and it's on Beep’s arm Beeo and the children are ona we BF Helo, whal’s happening?) ) Write in order. Te vokonojis.erupting, PNNcan tear.a noige: ep, Sally and Finn arrive on a mountain The red button doesn't work. Unit structure: comparatives | Unit vocabulary: adjectives 65 |. Then, copy th 1d write. " [BRED read. Then, copy the crossword and write. ME aft ote ot per oe Across 9 2 2 A flow of water that goes to the sea. i 4. It'shigh. There's snow here and you can go sking. 5 4 5 There are lols of trees end animals here. 2 2 Down a 3 1. It's amountain. Sometimes it erupts Pibosigs es el ie Z and there's fire and smoke, . ‘ - s 3 It's enormous. Sharks, whales 2 | 2 and orcas live hare. = 6 It’s very hotand dry. a 5 i There aren't any trees. Bp Sea lee 4 2 2 BB no at Unit 6 and answer. (IG) GD ’ 4 How many people visit Teide every year? 4. The River Amazon is longer than the River Nile. 2 How old is Lake Superior? True or false? 3 Whore is thers only 1 milimetre of raina year? 5 Where are Tenzin and Nima from? 6 How high is Mont Blanc? (ED rea and say True or False. a 4 Mount Teide is higher than Mont Blane. 2 The Sehara Desert is hotter than the Gobi Deseri. 5 Lake Como is deeper than Lake Superior The River Thames is longer than the River Ebro. 6 Mallorca is smaller than Tenerife 66 Unit vocabulary: natural features, big numbers: 4 The USA is bigger than Russia 22 ) Listen and sing. Hove going ouf We take lots ‘of phot eT Here's the gquariui and fara ‘thie is the palace: 3 .2g we like 1O.9° a a ae ‘and a Alm studio. iple really lke goin TO © er Look! Thai's « palling PY Dali! 2) Look and ask in pairs. 4 2 3 { Pee Ca ees ) its in the fin studio ay ea larl (ca the pneterion Vg a 1 skating rink 5 aquarium y 2 film studio 6 bowing aley a 3. theme park 7 gallery 4. planetarium 8 palace Places to vist | Describing position | It's (between) the (gallery) and the (palace). 67 UNIT 7 LESSON 2 [ED read and ister. MI Anita and Kim are looking at photos on the computer. @ Look at this photo. | was at a bowling alley with my brother. How old were you? [was eight and my brother was ten. a like this photo of the theme park. Me too! | was really excited. Look at my cad! He was scared. a Is this you at the beach? @ Yes, | was with my mum. a Was it hot? @ Yes, it was very hot and sunny. It was summer. Come on, let's go and take some photos! @ Good idea! Look and read. Wich sentence isin the dialogue? {> i was = How old were yo was eae ws Where were you? sass (5 = = Lin ] ints omen ies cranee ere (he yairue 68 ‘The Past Simple of fo be | How old were you?! was (seven). UNIT 7 LESSON 3 Listen and say Trve or False. @ What was your favourite toy? What was your favourite colour? ‘Who was your first teacher? yy faxourite toy 1 2 3 4 What was your favourite food? 5 6 7 was thig teddy. ~yeaem, 4 1] Read and write about you. a ae eT 6O0| wh What was your favourite ice oream flavour? What was your favourite place? What was your favourite TV programme? em I wes little ‘By Megan als s=> \when vee little, my favourite Food was spaghetti and S exiurite drink ike Moy eveurtl TY 5 71 53 white. My favourite place wa3 i ‘At school, Naot wa my | Dolphins class. Noy exourte book sree Talking about your life | My favourite toy was (my teddy). i) Robbery at the palace! = UNIT 7 LESSON 4 Read and listen to the story. & Hees, you got your tiara? eel Ces, thank Granny and Tina find the princess's becroom. Grenny sits on the bed and Tina takes a photo. 70 ‘The Past Simple of to be | UNIT 7 LESSON 5 Listen and say the chant. @3) i Where were you at Ave to eight? | yas at the cinema with my friend Kate fe Where were you at hal? past three? Siting a Where were you at fen fo one? Att the bowling alley with my friend Ron, Hie: were you at fen past two? | wag at the thene park. How about you? —— 7 Were veya R Places to visit | The Fast Simple of fo be | Teling the time UNIT 7 LESSON 6 Listen and read. @ ws y \iccmete Pe wie (Here are sone fanous crtists from the twentieth century, Pablo Picasso +50 (1001 -1979™ Fable Picasso wes trom Soin. Whan ho was B® a baby, his first word was pencil. He was | Eg famous for his colourtul and unusual pictures as. of people, His father was an artis, too. \ Piet Mondrian (1872 - 1944) Piet Mondrian was from Holland. He ‘was from a family of arlists. His father | was an Art teacher. His paintings oniy have five colours: black, white, yellow, red and blue. They've got alot of black lines and coloured rectangles. Georgia O'Keeffe (1887 - 1986) Georgia O'Keeffe was from the USA. She _was from a big family, At school, her favourite subject was Art, Her favourite place was the "Eduardo Chilida vas from Spain. When he was. | young, his favourite sport was football. He was _ a famous football player and an artist. Look at this sculpture by Chilica. Its made of metal. Itisn't in @ gallery. It's on rocks next to the sea ‘in San Sebagtian, in Spain. 22 Ask a friend. ®@ Now, listen and say True or False. Ye 3 Do you like 2(s there a gallery <4. the paititings and in your fonn oF city? sculpture on Learning about art and famous artists 73 UNIT 7 LESSON 7 Read and say thename. iI Ba School trips HE I'm Audhey. I'm rom Loncion. Our school goes on ‘thaee trips every year, Lost week ny class were at the Science Nugeum. The museum ig anazing, You can de experiments with electricity. Hello! I'n Maeve. | Ive in Dublin. Dublin is a big city but ‘there's a rooPtep farm here! We were there yeaterday nith our feachen, You can learn a lot bout hon plats grow. There were gone tomato plants. { Ive in a fiat but we have d balcony and | wart to start a garden there. Hil Ny name is Ken cond | come from Paris. There are lots of famous art galleries in Paris but the Louvne ig my favourite. | was ‘there with my school last menth, You can see the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci there. [tis a very Fanoug painting but I don't really like it. 7 1... Was at the Science Museum lest week 2... wants to start a garden. 3... doesn't like the Mona Lisa. 4... has three schol trips each year. Listen and say a tongue twister. e & Where was Sarah? (— Where vas Claire? , \ Where were Blair and Mary? They were at the aquarium The sharks nere really scary, % School tips | Phonics soundair asin where, Sarah and Blair 2a B Make words and complete the story. Then, listen and check. bro vol stu com am wor Wa azing cano— ken it king dio’ puters | Sa BY ALL of ny butions care broken! Listen! The + igh't making any noise. What are you deing? The robot im is in the next studio! Beep is fixing all of hi ‘Con we use your’ ra Ax him? J 5 | 3. to Bx him o_o Le | Won! You've got anather contra’ panel! Se 2 This ig fartastic! 6... don't gol ) Read and write out the false sentence. 1 Allof Beep’s buttons are broken. Finn is. 2 Beep is fixing his buttons. Sally tells the man. looking at Beep. The volcano is very noisy. about her dad. The man thinks Beep 3 The director doesn't want ta film Beep. All of is amazing Beeps buttons are working. Beep has anew. 4 Sally wants to go home, The director doesn't control panel. want them to go. The red button isn’t working. The Present Continuous. | Functional language: Let's go home! 5 Es a and find three mistakes ae ae Laek and write about Raquol’s photo ® ee a I wag four years old, i (iirc rame’s Raquel. In Bes | was ai a bowling clley with my sister. [+ was witten It vias cold cond rainy, My favourite toy wag a teddy. (photo, | wa six years ol | wag at an. ae Read and say the place. [iil 4 Its avery big house. Kings and queens livehere, 5 There are lots of cameras and lights. 2 You can see paintings and sculptures here. Actors work here. 3 There are dophins, ootopuses and jellyfish, 6 There are lots of different rides here. but it isn’t the ocean. it’s exciting, 4 I's agood place to learn about the moon, 7 There are bowis and skitles here. planets and stars. 8 t's cold, You can go skating on the ice. 76 Unit structures: to be in the past and the time | Unit vocabulary: places to visit ReNentune Island, log? at sea, Ig such a brillont place to be. Ig thene treagure buried thene? Con we find if 1 we dare? Arita, Mark, kim and Ben, = eatin eed a Uninet te gee Claes erie eo But nobody can find the way. oe There's the path out of fown, ‘But there’s danger all round! The Clits of Death, a waterfall, scary bridge, look out! Don't fall Around the Snap and through the caves, ‘Then we hear the ocean waves. [f there’s treasure buried there, We can find it! But beware! Fee Look and ask in pairs. Ss 1 e m2 bay bridge Sve ite ED path swamp ee aif cave é Ca eee ed waterfall town ee we Petty Peay : No, | can't del Geographical features | Spelling 7 UNIT 8 LESSON 2 rita, Mark Ben an Kim are on hoiay on Aventure Island. t's a beautiful and exciting place with caves, atefals,swamos and a volcano, ‘On the fist cay, the ciltren are having breakfast in a café. They're making plans for the holidays. Anita Ikes -olcancs. She wants to go trekking, Mark tikes water | sports, He wants to go surfing, Ben likes relaxing "He wants to go to the beach. Km kes adventures, ‘She wants o explore the island ancl loo for treasut There's a man and a woman having breakfast in the oo.Wwhen they finish eating, they get up and go. ‘But look! Their bag is under the table. Kim is curious. re are the man and woman going? And what is Listen and read. > (gS @ Where are the man and woman now? a I don't know. Let's look in the bag for a riame or a phone number. £ | can't see a name, but there are lots of papers in here. Look! This one says Top Secret. ‘And ook at this map of the island! Who are those people? > [think they'e spies... ‘or treasure hunters! Mark, what do the papers say? 2. | think they're instructions for finding treasure! a That's impossible! There isn't any And there are some instructions here. treasure, That's only in stories. Trepeeee Preanipee mete £ ‘Yes, there is! Come on; t's take the mee ge: and papers. We can find the treasure! Then they say Go around the sank swamp, along the eliff and under geesl eas te ge the waterfall. g ‘Wait! |'m coming too! 78 Holiday activities | Giving directors | Geographical features UNIT 8 LESSON 3 = Listen and say. Se S&S Beep on Gramm [PD Lock at the map. Listen and fellow the directions. e [IEDD cive directions in pairs Ss Giving directions | (Go around) (te swamp) 79 ) Read and listen to the story. a ‘The children are at the cave. Kim is looking The children have got torches. They can see bats atthe map. gma = | _sleeping in the caves, me Look at the stolagnifes Ly ard stalactites eC The children follow the map and arrive at | Te children are digging 2 big hole. Anita’s got the Blackbeard’s Bay, but where is the treasure? | yy _ n x —T think the treasure 15 ie — ee / ( WeNe got the shovels. ~ Let's start digging, There's ho treasure here. Lets try next to that rock, 80 Geographical features | E Blackbeard and his friend are not spies or treasure hunters. They're conservationists. _ = Gh, nol It’s Blackbeard») and hig friend! at ig something buried hene but Ps not ‘The next day at the café. _.. = ‘Oh, look! They're Fe (_ The teles are in danger. boby turtles! af The turtles always hatch ins) \\ We wart fo protect them. uly, when the moon is full ~ = So don't tell anyone about the secret of Blackbeard’s Bay. a, Don't worry! The by secret is safe with usl Prepestions: k's through the caves / under the palm treo. ai UNIT 8 LESSON 5 [EDD Listen and say the chant. eon North, gouth, east, west, Looking for a treagure chest. North of gouth — we don’t know, East or west — which way to go? tere’s the map. Con you see? Read the clues and follow me! FTA rina troacure in pairs. (OD a2 a (Short ct the castles [Co four squares south, Go one square west. H Micky, ae ea ithe beach with my Kany. I having 4 enfatic tine, 1's hot and sunny here. | esr seh cede Techint every aay. In the morning, | ir ceean ard Go srorkaling, In the afternoon, | coke are go eyeing with my sister: There's a Hh lf and a ligsthouse here. Gee you soon! Analg I'm ch bolday Compass points | Giving directions | Holiday activities : Cy UNIT 8 LESSON 6 Listen and read. e ae By Stalactites - " Stalactites hang from the roofs _ of caves, Water passes through _ the cave and leaves a the cave roof. Over thousands. years, the minerals grow own and form a stalactite. By Stalagmites Stalagmites grow from the floor of caves. Water falls from the roof and leaves minerals on the cave floor. Over thousands of years, the Columns minerals grow up and form a ‘Sometimes stalactites and stalagmites join and make a column, | | Stalagrnite. When do bats sleep? Bats usually sleep inthe day ‘Bx. and wake up at night. They ~ use their caws to sleep upside down. What is echolocation? When they ‘ly through a cave, bats make sounds. The sounds echo from the cave walls. The echoes help the bats find their ‘wey. This is called echolocation. Bats have got eyes too but they can't see in the caves when it's dark. [EPA Listen and say True or False. e Learning about caves and bats 83 FE Bread and compicte. I D> Kim the diver! Congratulations on your Young Diver of the Year award, Kim. Thank you. I'm very happy with the award. Is diving your only sport? but my favourite sport is diving How often do you cive? |.g0 to a diving club twice a waak. oe ero sreniese ors) eS Have you got a coach? = Yes, | have. It’s important to have @ coach. When you dive, you R are only in the air for one or two seconds. My coach watches me and helps me get batter. How high are the diving boards? The diving boards are one metre, three metres, five metres and ten meties. | dive from the three-metre diving board. Is diving in the Olympic Games? ‘Yes, itis. | always waten it on TV Who are your heroes? My heroes are the clif divers in Mexico, They dive from cliffs into the ocean. The cliffs are 30 metres high! 4 Kim likes diving, ... and gymnastics. 2 Kim dives from the ... diving board. 3. Divers are in the air for one or two ... « 4 Her heroes dive from ... into the ocean. E> Listen and say a tongue twister. Se & kim clirbs a cliff, Dives in the riven, {) Finds a big Fish, IPs time for dinner! 84 Aciving champion | Comparing the sound as in Kim and je sound as in climbs caw UNIT 8 } Find the words for the story. Then, listen and check. (@% Abuilding you live in. You measure this with a clock. What does a red traffic lint mean? Affirmative! The name cf this book. The chidren's father’s profession. BB) ey! You can't B) me now, Rubik! Sonik ig an expert histerian. ( thirk he wants to ‘travel through fime with my key and steal treacure. The 6... can follaw Beep and help with his computers, TP corroct the mistakes. Beep, Selly and Finn artive at the children’s school. 4 Doctor Kronik is an expert scientist. Doctor Kronik takes the professor's computer. Sally and Finn don't want to go with Beep. Sally unties the professor, The professor can help with his mobile phone. Passive presentation of the Past Simple: tobe | Who was he? a5 Look at Unit 8 and answer. ii) 1 page 77. What can you see in picture 5? 2 page 78. Who says treasure is only in stories? 3 page 79. is there a path around the castle? » 4 page 82. Start at the cave. Go five squares south. Go four squares east. ‘Where's the treastite? 5 page 83. What do bats eat? 6 page 85. What does Doctor Kronik steal from the professor? Go arourd the swamp. Where cre you? 86 Unit vocebUlary: geoaraphical features onronas Pancake Day is a festival that happens in February or March in the UK. Is a special day when people all over the country make pancakes, The ingredients are flour, milk, eags and butter. You mix all these together. This is called batter. Then you spoon some batter into the peri and cock jl. Then you toss the pancake. This means throwing the pancake: in the air and catching it. I's fun! People eat pancakes with sugar and lemon. In some towns there are pancake races. People run through the streets tossing pancakes. In France, pancakes are called erépes. There isn't a special Pancake Day in France but psople eat them all the time. There are soecial restaurants that meke them and you can even buy them at street slalls. They're really delicious and people have them with lots of different flavours Inthe USA, lots of people eat pancakes for breakfasi. They're smaller than pancakes in the UK but they're delicious too! Banana. pancakes ere very popular in the USA. But pancekes aren't ahvays sweet. Somo people have them with bacon and eggs! There are special restaurants for pancakes. People eat them with lemon and sugar. You can buy them in the street - People eat them for brealdast. Whai’s your ‘There are pancake races favourite pancake? People eat them with bacon. \ J 87 Read and answerthe questions. il in [iydia, Friendship Day is in August. Chidren méke cards and give them to their frends. “The cards say ‘Happy Friendshio Day’ and “Thank you for being a friend’, Children give friendship bracelets to thelr friends too. “The bracelets are very colourful. Some children send text messages and emails to friends too. y ~™. = Lay 4 People write their names on a piece of paper: 2 The names go in a bag. Everyone takes a name and buys a present for that person. 3. On Friendship Day, the presents go in a bag. Then, everyone takes their present from the bag, But who is ft from? Your secret friend! In Paraguays Friendship Day is in July. People éay ‘Happy Friendship Day’ or 'Felz Dia del Amigo’ in Spanish. They have parties and play Seoret friend. ..How do you play Seoret frienc?? 4. When is Friendship Day in india? 4 Is there a special Fiiendship Day in your country? 2 tnindia, what do children make fortheir friends? 5 Do you like the idea of a special Friendship Day? 3 What do they do in Paraguay? 6 Why or why not? Ss Make a olass friendship chain. 2

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