Critical Review Leadership

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Malaysian government has created so many approaches to enhance the education

system in the country such as by creating Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) and
Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (2013-2025). Therefore, it cannot be denied that
teaching profession also keeps evolving faster than ever throughout this 21st century era. As
transmitting knowledge to the new generation is still being the core purpose of teaching, the
other duties like assessing the students, handling administration jobs and attending courses
or seminar, have been parts of the profession. Thus, the reformation of education system has
actually affected the teachers profession a lot, especially in the aspect of professionalism, as
professionalism is the key to produce a good and quality teaching.
Since years, the argument whether teaching is a professional status or not, has been
a great controversial. According to Hoyle (1975), Professionalism, as cited in Evans (2007),
can be defined as those strategies and rhetorics employed by members of an occupation in
seeking to improve status, salary and conditions. Hoyle also added that professionalism is
more related to the improvement in the quality rather than the enhancement of status.

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