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Aqsa rafique

ID: 000680

ingots -it


Describe the image

you want

Why it is suitable
for the audience


My background what I
chosen it is very colour
full and bright how
accurate the audience.
There are different
colours on my
My image what I chosen
its about the brand new
phone IPhone 7. This is a
very nice smart phone.

Because its very bright

and colourful. This is
suitable for the audience.

Image 1 (own made)

Image 2 ( readymade)

Image 3 (any)

Text to be displayed


My ready-made image
what I chosen its brand
new phone I phone 7
which is brand new
phone .its full touch
screen. Its very beautiful
brand I phone 7.
My image what I chosen
it is brand new phone I
phone 7. This is very nice
brand. This is full touch
screen smart phone.
This smart phone is
changed by others
iPhones because the
other iPhones have side
buttons on it but this
iPhone 7 is changed
because there is no side
buttons it is all touch.

Because there is brand

new phone which is
IPhone 7. This phone is
accurate the 16/25
youngs peoples. This I
phone 7 is suitable for
the audience.
Because this brand new
phone this phone not
released now. This phone
is release next year.

Because the new smart

phone I phone 7 accurate
all the young people.

Because every brand new

phone is quite different
because the young
people want something
new. This brand new
phone is totally changed
like other iPhones. This
iPhone accurate the
young peoples.


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