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Character Analysis

The Joker
The jokers appearance alone
tells us that he is some what
disturbing and is not someone
who you can approach. His
uneven, messy make up,
greasy unkempt hair and scruffy
clothes reinforces the fact that
he is crazy and can be seen as
evil. It also shows that he is not
bothered about his appearance
and proud that his appearance
can make people uneasy and
fear him. He likes to be known
for his crime and commits them
regardless of who is watching.
He was once described as a
‘terrorist’ and is determined to
ruin Gotham city.
Angie Goldsmith
Unlike the joker our antagonist looks very
innocent. In fact she doesn’t share much with
the joker apart from the fact that they are
both evil. Angie dresses very casually and
looks very innocent, she is the last person
people would expect to be a terrorist which
makes her job easier. Angie only has one
chance to do her job and cant constantly go
around killing people (as much as she’d like
to) otherwise she would be caught and
known as a criminal. She is willing to
sacrifice her own life for the cause she is
trying to publicise. Angie is sly, conniving
and stubborn and usually gets her way by
using her looks and charm. By using these
techniques she has so far avoided prison
and any criminal charges.

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