Tugas Bahasa Inggris

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Resep Sate Jamur

1. 200 gr jamur tiram
2. Kecap manis secukupnya
3. Cabai rawit
4. Tomat
5. Kol

1. 100 gr kacang tanah
2. 3 butir kemiri
3. 3 buah cabai merah
4. gula merah dan garam secukupnya
5. 1/2 sendok teh terasi
6. 2 siung bawang merah
7. 1 siung bawang putih

1. Jamur tiram segar direbus, untuk mengurangi kadar airnya, kemudian ditusuk dengan tusukan sate, taruh di
atas piring.
2. Kacang tanah disangrai lalu ditumbuk halus.
3. Tumbuk halus cabai, terasi, garam, gula, bawang dan kemiri halus, tumis dengan sedikit minyak kelapa,
tuangi sedikit air, masukkan kacang, aduk sampai kental lalu angkat.
4. Celupkan sate jamur di atas kecap manis, lalu dipanggang sampai matang.
5. Sajikan panas-panas, siram dengan bumbu kacang, tambahkan kecap dan irisan cabe rawit diatasnya.
6. Letakkan irisan kol dan tomat di pinggir piring.

Mushroom Satay recipe

1. 200 g oyster mushrooms
2. Soy sauce to taste
3. Cayenne pepper
4. Tomatoes
5. Col
1. 100 gr peanuts
2. 3 eggs hazelnut
3. 3 red chilli
4. brown sugar and salt to taste
5. 1 / 2 teaspoons shrimp paste
6. 2 spring onions
7. 1 clove garlic
How to make satay mushroom
1. Boiled fresh oyster mushrooms, to reduce their water content, and then punctured with stab satay, put on a plate.
2. Roasted peanuts and ground smooth.
3. Finely crushed chilies, shrimp paste, salt, sugar, onion and pecan smooth, stir-fry with a little oil, pour a little water,
insert nuts, stirring until thick and lift.
4. Dip mushroom satay on sweet soy sauce, then baked until cooked.
5. Serve them hot, flush with peanut sauce, add soy sauce and chili slices on top.
6. Put the cabbage and tomato slices on the edge of the plate.

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