Grammar LP John Comment Daniel Shin

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oy ee ~ ( Grammar A Name(s): Lesson Plan Evaluation Notes Score Objective ~Amatva and negli BU | Add bulley about cholce vf. somple potent las Timing [~ Seems reasonable, Pattern in Context ~ E-mails are fine. = Hany T ctad geal Br Poneataton sees ~ Be aware ol viiy faget Seudere. 3 Q ‘Comprehension 5 Cheek = Gender _geowral questions like “al at abd — Wdentification of | pracedure ig Sve, bet end by Oe SOM MH s the Pattern Sig calat Hey have ta onnpa asad wld Hs calla Formal — Ceod tables, Explanation — Add ive and pelevard Comples uherurr pasile ‘Mechanical = Eporese 33 suitable and Svffeient Exercises — Goud veriby of Surge and spelling Functional ~~ Tovtand relevent evemples — Greed. Explanation ~ Compare. fe simple Pretent (etry once n.-) -| Meaningful = Choice Gas) a antes? — Good Exercises = Make suct time markers are cleat. =o Communicative | de on wane. Exercises ~ Exerse cdowld pobubly regvice irrguler verks . -| Sal = Consider providing Uist of cegular verks re achvity : Vocabulary = Reasonable for He level —Hrorwevid You handle “coanabon® and “referees “?| Total: 3940 « Name: Hyeonseong (Daniel) Shin Course: Grammar A Instructor: John Moran Date: 05/26/2015 Quarter: Spring 2015 Conte Subject: Grammar Student Level: Beginner / Low-Intermediate Class size: 12 students Age: 18-25 Objects Students will be able to distinguish the regular verb form of simple past tense in the article. Students will be able to produce affirmative and negative simple past tense sentences using regular verbs. Students will be able to tell their own story in the past using regular verbs of the simple past tense. Sources: Focus on Grammar 1. p. 208 Focus on Grammar 2. p. 200 Focus on Grammar 2 Workbook. p. 107. Grammar in Context Basic 5" edition. p. 261-263, Materials: Handouts (Pattern in Context, Formal Explanation, Mechanical Exercise, Meaningful Exercise, ‘Communicative Exercise) a 1, Present the Pattern in Context (3 minutes * Tistributed first handout (Email Messages) to the class. T reads out the email messages to the class, 2. Comprehension Check (2 minutes) * Tasks some questions to make sure that Ss have understood the article © Why did they have a party? © What did Judy give Kathy? © Where is Judy now? © Why did Judy go there? ‘+ T puts the sentence on the board from the email messages “Everyone at the party enjoyed them.” T asks Ss what the verb is in the sentence. Ss replied “enjoyed”. T underlines the > verb: Everyone at the party enjoyed them. + Tasks Ss to find out the same type of verbs on the article and underline them. © T checks the verbs with students. st : Formal Explanation (S minutes) * T distributes the second handout (the chart for simple past tense verb form) and puts an example on the board. © Twork hard. © I worked hard T asks Ss how the two sentences are different. Ss answer that the verb form is different. T asks Ss what the verb in the second sentence is comparing with the first sentence. Ss answers it has “ed” T explains that the verb form of first sentence is simple present and the verb form of second sentence is simple past. T also explain that the regular verb in the simple past form has -ed. © T puts more sentences on the board, © Twork hard. © She works hard. © They work hard. T then explains the simple past tense of regular verbs is the same for all persons showing how these sentences can change into the simple past tense. ‘+ Texplains some exceptions of spelling of the -ed form: lived, studied, stayed, and shopped. ‘+ Atthat time, T can explain the negative form of the simple past tense (attached at the last part of handouts) depending on the degree of students’ comprehension about the simple past form, Mechanical Exercise (5 minutes) ‘+ T distributes the handout (Mechanical Exercise). T then asks Ss to complete the exercises. If T explained the negative form of the simple past tense in the previous step, T can ask Ss to complete the mechanical exercise about negative form. © Tchecks the answers with Ss, 6. Functional Explanation (7 minutes) * Tasks Ss “What country do you live now?” Ss answer “I live in America.” T puts on the board Ss’ answer. T asks Ss again “What country did you live in three years ago?” Ss answer “I lived in Korea three years ago.” T puts on the board Ss’ answer as T did right before, ‘+ Tasks Ss “What is this class?” Ss answer “Grammar class.” T put the sentence on the board: Ss study grammar at Spm. T asks Ss “What did you study an hour ago?” Ss answer “I studied reading an hour ago.” T puts the students’ answers on the board as T did, ‘+ Texplains if there is past time markers in the sentence (¢.g, yesterday, ago, last), students need to use the simple past tense. T puts more example sentences on the board. T then asks Ss the answers =~ © T_____ athome last night. (stay) o I_____ yesterday. (study) ol my friend a month ago. (visit) o He yesterday morning, (arrive) 7. Meaningful Exercise (5 minutes) ‘© T distributes the handout (Meaningful Exercise). T does first question with Ss and then asks Ss to complete the exercise, © T checks the answers with Ss. If'Ss make errors or mistakes, T tries to elicit the correct answers from students. 8. Communicative Exercise (20 minutes) © Tasks Ss to make a group. Each group has 3-4 students, T distributes envelopes to each, group. In each envelope, there are some topics. Ss are going to pick up one topic. Ss then need to talk about their own story in the past that is relevant to the topic. ‘* Bach student has two minutes to tell their story. After first student finishes his or her turn, the next student then picks up the topic and tells his or her story. ‘© Tasks Ss to make sure that they need to use the simple past form because they tell their story in the past While Ss are talking to each other, T walks around monitoring. When Ss seems that they feel hard to come up with the simple past form of the verb, T can help them. Pattern in Context Email Messages r | Kathy, | Thanks for the delicious chocolates. Everyone atthe party enjoyed them. The party was a blast, | but we all missed you, especially Mark. He looked very lonely. :>( How’s Boston? How’s the convention? Judy *ablast: alot of fun Judy, Once again, happy birthday! Boston is terrific :)! But the convention was a lot of work. arrived here late Monday night. Tuesday I worked from 7:00 in the morning until 10:00 at night, Wednesday I started at 7:00 and didn’t finish until 9:00 at night. The convention finally ended last night. ‘This morning I checked out of my hotel. I'm staying with my cousin Ted for a couple of days. He’s a really nice guy, and he has a great apartment. I'd like you to meet him. Again, I'm so sorry I missed you party. Kathy Source: Adapted from Foous on Grammar 1. p. 208 Formal Explanation 41.7 The Simple Past Tense of te EUA CU eed PC ud wee complnines | tout ny to, 7 etal ieuarwe the ase 7 im apa ence We | about my job history. = [aveterio a Fe Eee ed EEE worked hard. . She worked hard. . They worked hard pronunciation Note: The -ef ending has tines sounds: (7, [¥/. ad add We pronounce he sound the verb ends iat or sound Unter to our teacher mronounce the following sentences: ‘ i Jo]. Peter stayed home: Haina used the cate = ‘hs]. You expected to get the For most verbs, add -ed to the base frm, (ase FORM | PAST FORM | work worked | TF the verb ends in ¢, add -d only. Wwe tied 2 Ck — ‘study the verb ends in consonant + y, change y to fand add stay stayed the verb ends in a vowel + y, do not change the y tof (able word ends in Double the final consonant if 2 single si shop shopped { consonant + vowel + consonant. Source: Adapted from Grammar in Context Basic 5" edition. p. 261-263. Formal Explanation & Mechanical Exercise (Negative Statements) We use didn’t + the base, form, - in the past. Didn't 1s the contraction CRT a SHON LER CSE ROY COMPLEMENT = k 1 didnt | work oe Soles lays, at aavt | ore cote lM EhahUhme any ew enplayes | eH Taare | st forte | We dnt tw atte anew | They didn't | give : right answer LT ae om Sra. she at wrk on SUA ‘They went by car They didn’t go by is Complete the sentences. Use the correct form af the verbs n parentheses. 1. 1__wetched __ TV lastnight, but |__sidet watch__ a movie 7 iron 2. We ___ourlunch at the hotel yesterday, but We. ‘wen wae cour dinner a1 __yors0n Mord butI____—_-You on Tues = : acomas —* @ 4. The plane — serday morning, bot it_____, on time, _ =m an 5. Monica___ toa last Saturday but she == — 'ocome wenn Terpeni 6. We____— Toronto last year, ut we can — Montel 7. Lucy — to change her ticket, but she wae hher husband's ticket. {continued on next page) simpiePastAfemative and Negative Statements with Regul Verbs 107 Source Adapted from Grammar in Context Basic 5" edition. p. 261-263. Adapted from Focus on Grammar 2 Workbook. p. 107 Mechanical Exercise EXERCISE Bill in the blanks with the simple past tense of the verb in parentheses ()- EXAMPLE Halina____Parked __ three blocks from the office building. = 4. Halina an application for a sales position wor aoe pos - A com Halina fr an interview. 2, Acompany = i |. Two people Haina. 3. Two people i 4. The people Halina bout her ob histo eo = i her job history 5. Halina about her old jb, aa 6. Dorota and Haline _— about the interview a 7, Halioa — reference for this poston 8. She Dorota a a reference = EXERCISE @B Fill in the blank ttn the simple past tense ofthe verb {in parentheses (). Use the spelling rules from chart 11.8 above. od 2b in that compan | EXAMPLE. |. ea ‘my job in that company. | b 1. Halina {for the sales position. 4 Taob ‘2. Employees in that company —______—— business in college. 3. You the earn front of the office building, 4, Several employees = 0 work on Saturday. 5. We at the interview for half an hour. | er 6. Bakers _______— new workers forthe holidays. Source: Adapted from Grammar in Context Basic 5" edition. p. 261-263. Meaningful Exercise Direction: Fill in the blanks using the simple present tense or the simple past tense. i, We in Washington, D.C., last Friday. (arrive) 2. Yesterday afternoon we around the National Zoo. (walk) 3. Some friends us for dinner tonight, (invite) 4, Ana_____a cheesecake every morning. (bake) 5. AnhouragoT and them for a wonderful evening. (call, thank) 6. We ___ grandparents’ house every year. (visit) 7. He____English a year ago, (study) 8. My mother____ for me'at lunch. (cook) Source: Adapted from Focus on Grammar 2. p. 200 Communicative Exercise Topics: | Hobby. English : "Food | Movie : Grammar Travel | Grandparents Major "Best Friend [ School Sibling Parents

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