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ISO 9001:2015

The process approach

ISO/TC 176/SC 2/N1290


Purpose of this presentation

ISO/TC 176 SC 2/N1290

To explain the process approach in ISO 9001:2015

This presentation

Developed by the ISO subcommittee responsible

for ISO 9001
ISO/TC 176 SC 2/N1290

Available for unrestricted public use

What is the process approach?

ISO/TC 176 SC 2/N1290

The systematic management of processes and

their interactions to achieve intended results

What is the process approach?

All organizations use processes to:
set interrelated or interacting activities
transform inputs into outputs

ISO/TC 176 SC 2/N1290

build in checks to meet objectives and

promote continuous improvement
The process approach integrates processes
into a complete system to achieve strategic and
operational objectives

How do I do it?
To use the process approach an organization
understand and define the processes needed to
meet its objectives

ISO/TC 176 SC 2/N1290

recognize that the processes are unique to its

own context
integrate all of the processes and their
interactions into a system that utilizes riskbased thinking

Process approach and risk-based


ISO/TC 176 SC 2/N1290

The process approach incorporates risk-based

Risk-based thinking ensures risk is considered
when establishing, implementing and
maintaining a management system, each
process and each activity

The process approach and PDCA

ISO/TC 176 SC 2/N1290

Processes can be managed using the PDCA


set objectives and build

processes necessary to
deliver results


implement what was planned

monitor and measure processes
and results against the objectives
take actions to improve results


What are the possible benefits?

Increases accountability
Increases ability to focus and link key processes
Improves internal integration of processes

ISO/TC 176 SC 2/N1290

Increases awareness of process performance for

more consistent results
Better use of resources
Improves customer confidence in the
All of these add value for the organization

Additional information is available at

ISO/TC 176 SC 2/N1290

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