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Gisela Arellano

ENGR 1050

Scotch tape was the key instrument used by Andre Geim and Kodya Novoselov on 2003
when they discovered graphene. Andre Geim and Kodya Novoselov won the Nobel Prize in
physics on 2010 for their work on graphene. Geim had the idea to polish down a graphite block
to study the material properties. He wanted the graphite block to be 10 or 100 layers thick and
that is where Novoselov, a student of his at the time, stepped into trying to get it down to the
ideal layers. Novoselov was able to get it down to 1000 layers thick but not any less so that is
when Geim had the idea to use simple scotch tape to peel away the graphite layers. He was then
able to get it to 10 layers thick and on 2005 researchers were able to get it down to one single
Carbon is an abundant mineral and graphene is an allotrope of carbon which means it is
another form of carbon. It is a single layer of graphite and it is just one atom thick made up of
tightly bonded carbon atoms organized into a hexagonal lattice. It has great properties such as:
being transparent, flexible, highly conductive, and it is the strongest material discovered so far.
With those properties it makes it the ideal to use in electronics.

Methods of


The problem is finding a fast and economical way to turn graphite into graphene. One
way to create graphene is by doing what Geim did, pealing one layer at a time using an adhesive
tape. That is a long time consuming process which would not be able to use to manufacture

A different method to produce graphene is to grow graphene on a strip of metal. It, as

well, has its complications since it requires getting it off the metal and onto a substrate. Hart, the
Mitsui Career Development Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering says that the
process of transferring it had become much more frustrating than the process of growing the
graphene itself, and can damage and contaminate the graphene.
Scientist are still working on figuring out a way to mass produce graphene in a way that it
will maintain its highly electrically conductive property. One of the newer methods is the roll-toroll production of graphene. Chemical vapor deposition of methane on copper is used to trigger
the growth of graphene. As explain by Mark Wilson, in the article Graphene production goes
industrial, the way it works is grapheneladen Cu is pressed against a flexible polymer support,
bathed in an etchant that removed the Cu backing, and then dry transferred to a target typically
another flexible polymer. Multiple layers of graphene, grown at one at a time, can be transferred
to that target and stacked together each layer chemically doped in a bath stage similar to that

used for etching. The complete process produces a large, flexible, highly conductive, transparent

Potential Applications of Graphene

Touch Screens
As of today phone screens are made using indium tin oxide and unfortunately for the
consumer this means an expensive and inflexible screen. However, the good news is that with a
graphene touch screen it would be flexible and at a cheaper price. Thanks to its flexibility it
would be no more cracked phone screens.
Water Filtration
The University of Manchester is currently looking at how graphene membranes can be
used for water filtration. Graphene repels water but if perforated with miniature holes it can act
as a water filter. The way it would work is by letting water molecules pass but blocking
contaminants. Also, it can possibly filter seawater that which would convert it into a drinking
water source. Since only 2.5 percent of water is fresh water, it would serve as a great back up to
have for water drafts.

Graphene could improve lithium ion batteries by increasing their lifespan. Also,
electronics devices would be able to charge quicker and have more power which would require
less charging. If we take into consideration the graphene touch screen with the battery
improvement it means that for the future phones will continue to get efficient. As the University
of Manchester pointed out, this light weight and efficient batteries can help soldiers out who
carry 16lbs in batteries at one time.
Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov were able to extract graphene from graphite by using
tape and taking off layer by layer and from then on there has been an increased research on
graphene. Graphene is the worlds first 2D material. It is 200 times stronger than steel which
makes it one of the strongest materials. Other great characteristics are: it is super conductive,
thin, stretchable, transparent, and flexible. For the possibly near future we might witness phones
with a shatter proof screen made out of graphene whose battery last longer and it takes less time
to charge. Also, we might soon see graphene membranes who serve as water filters that will help
purify water and turn seawater into drinkable water. Graphene will be contributing to the
improvement of electronics and in finding new ways to purify water.

Works Cited
Chandle, David L. "A New Way to Make Sheets of Graphene." MIT News. N.p., 23 May 2014.
Web. 05 Nov. 2015.
Chodos, Alan. "Discovery of Graphene." AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY. N.p., 22 Oct.
2004. Web. 5 Nov. 2015.
Wilson, Mark. "Graphene Production Goes Industrial." Physics Today 63.8 (2010): 15-16.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Nov. 2015.
Min, Gao, et al. "Tunable Interfacial Properties Of Epitaxial Graphene On Metal Substrates."
Applied Physics Letters 96.5 (2010): 053109. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Nov. 2015.
"Graphene and Water Treatment: Introduction and Market Status | Graphene-Info." Graphene
Infor - The Graphene Experts. N.p., 2015. Web. 06 Nov. 2015
Seungjun, Lee, and Lu Wei. "Controlling The Number Of Graphene Sheets Exfoliated From
Graphite By Designed Normal Loading And Frictional Motion." Journal Of Applied Physics
116.2 (2014): 024313-1-024313-5. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Nov. 2015.
"The Home of Graphene." Electronics | The University of Manchester. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov.

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