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Tom Meara


Local voters elect propane storage facility supporters for a second straight election cycle

READING, NY (November 6, 2015) Voters in Schuyler County sent a clear message Tuesday
by voting down local candidates who staked their campaigns on opposing Crestwoods
proposed LPG storage facility. Crestwood is proposing to convert existing brine-filled salt
caverns into 2.1 million barrels of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) storage capacity at its US Salt
complex in Reading, New York.

In the Town of Reading, all four candidates opposed to the storage project lost by wide
margins. Incoming Reading Town Supervisor Gary Conklin had the most decisive victory,
garnering over 70% of the vote over an opponent running under the Peoples Voice banner.
Candidates of the Peoples Voice party in the Town of Reading election primarily ran on an
agenda of opposing the LPG storage project.

In neighboring communities, candidates supportive of Upstate job creation within the
manufacturing and energy industries defeated candidates opposed to Crestwoods propane
storage facility. And at the county level, Schuyler County Legislator Dennis Fagan easily won
reelection despite being singled out as a target by opponents of LPG storage. This is the second
consecutive election cycle that candidates backed by anti-LPG activists (including Gas Free
Seneca and We Are Seneca Lake) have been voted down, with Schuyler County legislator and
former county undersheriff Phil Barnes last year defeating a full slate of candidates opposed to
local LPG storage.

Members of the broad statewide coalition supporting the LPG storage facility pointed to
Tuesdays results as another indication that a vocal minority does not speak for the community,
and that upstate jobs remains a paramount concern.

Weve spent a lot of time talking with officials, residents and businesses in the area, and we
know the community appreciates our efforts to create jobs and invest here, said Brad Bacon,
Crestwoods Vice President. Most folks understand that propane has been stored safely
around here for decades, and feel a favorable decision on this project is long overdue. We look
forward to continuing to work with our coalition partners to make this project a reality.

Schuyler County Legislature Chairman Dennis Fagan, who won reelection to his seat
representing District 8 on Tuesday, spoke about the role of the project in the election. When
you speak with people around the county, they are interested in how we are going to bring jobs
to the area and attract private investment that helps keep taxes low. Our voters have lived
around salt plants and gas storage for years, and they know the importance of these operations
to a strong local economy and that Schuyler County needs both tourism and industry to be
successful. Several candidates this year tried to make the LPG storage facility a major issue in
the race. Scare tactics make for nice headlines but it does nothing for our economy. Its no
secret a silent majority exists in Schuyler County and when threatened, they respond.

County Legislator Phil Barnes added, We saw it in the last election and hear it from our
constituents every day the overwhelming majority of the community supports Crestwoods
project, and Tuesday they spoke up. As much as arrest records prove local residents arent the
ones protesting the LPG project at the countys expense, the message from Tuesdays results is
loud and clear: support jobs and investment.

Im sick to my stomach from headline-after-headline about another company pulling up its
stakes and leaving Upstate New York, said Dave Wasiura, a representative of United
Steelworkers District 4. Crestwoods willingness to invest Upstate is an opportunity to help
turn the local economy around. There has been too much misinformation spread by opponents,
but at the end of the day residents understand the importance of new tax revenue and good-
paying, year-round jobs. If Governor Cuomo wants to really show that Upstate New York is
open for business, then he must approve this project.

With the Upstate economy struggling, we cant afford to lose another job. Thats why our
members and the people of Schuyler County recognize that this project is an opportunity we
cannot afford to waste, said John Hutchings, Director of the New York State Laborers
Organizing Fund. Local residents are crying out for private investments that will generate new
tax revenue and keep jobs Upstate. Crestwoods project will do just that. Seven years has been
too long. It is time for Governor Cuomo to approve the Finger Lakes LPG facility.

My family has been serving propane customers in this area since 1949, said Bill Overbaugh of
Ehrhart Energy in Trumansburg. Its no secret that propane heats a lot of homes and
businesses around here, but every winter propane dealers like us encounter situations where
we cannot get enough propane for customers when they need it the most. Customers wind up
paying more and higher heating bills hurt economies, especially in rural areas where there
arent enough jobs to begin with.


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