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Mechanism of action
Blocks acetylcholine effects on
prostaganglionic receptors in smooth
muscle, cardiac muscle, exocrine glands,
urinary bladder, and the AV and SA nodes
of the heart. Ophthalmologically blocks
acetylcholine effects n the sphincter muscle
of the iris and the accommodative muscle
of the ciliary body. This results in dilation of
the pupil and paralysis f the muscles
required to accommodate for close vision

Infants less than 3 months of age,
primary glaucoma or a tendency
toward glaucoma, adhesions between
the iris and the lens, geriatric clients
and others where undiagnosed
glaucoma or excessive pressure in the
eye may be present, in children who
have had a previous severe systemic
reaction to atropine

Peptic ulcer treatments, pylorospasm,
biliary and ureteral colic spasm and
bronchial spasms, preanesthetic to
control salivation and bronchial
secretions, restoration of CR during
anesthesia, decrease degree of AV
heart block, severe bradycardia and

Side effect
dry mouth, urinary hesitancy,
headache, flushing, constipation,
heartburn, blurred vision, stinging,
increased intraocular pressure,

Nursing responsibilities
1. Do not use 3 AtroPen injections unless under
supervision of trained medical provider
2. note indications for therapy
3.check for glaucoma before ophthalmic
4. obtain VS and ECG; monitor CV status during the
5.use the ATropen auto injector as soon as symptoms
of organosphosphorus or carbamate poisoning
6. After instillation of ophthalmic ointment, compress
the lacrimal sac by digital pressure for 1-3 min to
decrease systemic effects.

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