(Martha J. Kolln) Rhetorical Grammar Grammatical

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Beka ft == aU Rhetorical Grammar Grammatical Choices, Rhetorical Effects Third Edition Martha Kolln ‘The Pennsylvania State University Allyn and Bacon Boston London Toronto Sydney Tayo Singapore alow ‘Vice President, Editor in Chie Ben WU Witcal Asia: Linds M. D'Angelo tee Manager Lis Kinbal Mateing Maa Gees Chest Hl ners I ‘Manufacturing Buyer Swann Lareat Cover Adsniniseator: Jenner Hart (iaenor Designs: Greta D. Sibley &¢ Associates | (2) oun Nee eae oe FES ame Iexeret woreabacon.com sasiarar se ree mc ae in Pubieaion Data Library of Congres Catalog 5 agi ge-Ganae {toler tie. om se Printed in he United Stars of Americ Contents Preface vii Introduction PARTI Understanding Sentences Chapter 1 The Structure of Sentences 5 The Two-Part Sentence 6 Sentence Patens 10 The AePattens 11 The Linking Verb Pasera 1 Thelntansive Verh Pacem 12 The Teaniive Verb aerns 12, “Clause and “Sentence” 16 The Optional Sloe 17 A Word about Wordines 19 Punctuation and the Sentence Pate 19 Punetastion Reminder 23 Chapter 2 Sewence Rhythm 24 End Foous 26 Conceoling Rhythm 28 The Clee 29 The WharClefi 30 The ThereTansoimation 30 Rhythm and the Comma 32 Power Words 35 Concave Conjunction: 36 ities PART IL — Rheorcl Reminders = Punctuation Reminder 39 Making Choi Chapter 3 Cobesion 10 Thapter © Your Pronal Voice 60 Chapres Chapter 6 Choosing Verbs 117 Choosing Prcie Verbs 118 The Overase of Be 120 Verband Grimmer 122 Tense 122 Agency 125 The Passe oie 126 The Abstract Subject 134 Rhetorical Reminders 136 Render Expcsaton 41 The Known New Contact 43 Meadacouse 49 allen 5 epson ess Redundancy 53 Levdsel Gene 54 ictal Reminders 58 oncaion Reminds "59 Ghapeee 7 Choosing Adverbiale 137 ‘The Peposiional Phase 139 The Poifeaing Prepsitonal Phrase 140, “TheSubordinate Clase 3 lipsicalSuboediate Clauses 143, Infiniive (Verb) Pheer 148 Movabligyand Closure 149 The Qualiies 151 Rhecorical Reminders 153 Pancraton Reminders 153 Diction 61 Contractions 65 Metdscoure 69 Poin of View 71 Rherorical Reminders 75 Pncuaton Reminders 5 Tong and Short Sentences 77 Coosdinaton 77 Conjancions 78 Panctuton of Coordinate Seucrures 78 CCorama Spices and Run-On Sentences 81 Paral Serscare 85 ‘sing end Ectively 85 And vers Bat 89 The Serial Carma 9T “The Conrdative Conjunctions 94 Subjec-Verb Agrement 95 Conjunctve Adverbs 98 ‘The Semicolon 100, ‘The Calon ae Sentence Connector 102 The Subordnising Conjunctions 105 The Berawoe Clase Myth 107 The Movabiy of Subordinate Chuses 108, Punctuation of Subordinate Clauses 109 ‘Wing Shore Sentences 112 Rheoral Reminder 115 Pnceston Remainders 116 Chapter 8 Choosing Adjectvals Detcines 155 Adjectives and Nouns. 15 ‘Moaiier Noun Polifrstion 158 ‘The Movable Adjcive Phase 160 Prepositonal Phases 161 Ptipial Phrases 162 ‘Punctuation of Parcipial Phrases 163 The Movable Pariile 166, The Dangling Pape 167 The Penoun Parcple 169. Relative Clauses 169 The Relacves 170 Pancuation of Relive Clauses 171 The Brood Reference Caure 174 Other Nominal 176 ‘Verb Phases 176 Nominal Clases 178 puncration Revted 180 Recor Reminders 181 Punctuation Reminder: 182 Ghapcer 9 Making Sylitic Oeics 18 ‘Tne Coordinate Seties 184 Repesion 189 Moet Order Vasiaion 187 Epis 189 The Delbert Fragment 190 The Appostive 19% sre oductory Appostive Sees 199. Be ina nun Nonresicive Apposioves Calon wih Apposiives 195 ‘Riding Punctuation Erors 196 hesemence Apposite 197 the Abwolute Phrase 199) Rheworcal Reminders 207 Punctuation Reminder PART WT (A Way with Words 4 Chapter 10 Word Clases 208 evil Rules 209 SEiiide Fanos 213. Figurine Language | 24 Pars of Specch. 215, The Form Chsses 217 Nouns 217 Verbe 222 ajesives | 223, Adverbs 228 Deseational Afses | 225 Rhewocal Reminders 228 Pruncaation Reminder 228 Ghapeer 11 Pronowns 229 Penonal Pronouns, 229 The Mising Pronoun 230 Weand Ur ar Deesines {Pronoun Eros 236 2s Peso The Unwanted A posophe 238 Tekin cen, 29 Refexe Penean at Tena Relive Pronoan Reciprocal Pronouns 242 i Indefinite Pronouns 244 i The Feyon Ter sae Rhetorical Reminders 247 i ocuaion Reminder “248 FART IV Punctuation ration Tis Purpose, Its Hierarchy, oti 2S The Purpose of Poncrnon Mas 25 ‘Syntax 250 Sie. Rosy “2 Sees 251 The Herc of Pancaon 252 The Rhcoved Eee ofFuncuaon 255 Gtonsary of Punctuation 260 loser of Terms 270 ibbigraphy 279 Anwers othe Eseries 281 Iadex 289 Preface which follows thie Prefice 1 sosion wren forthe sues which lon i a ssemeans under tia ar understanding gm “ftoks for ihe dferecssin langage tha i Younes ae anon cl for, To a rane 2 knowlege of tence wath cont cen ictal gam sn are ey of raat sae ting an ening th ry ar aay sping sme a anton: when you ex i8 Man henge eln oa may be wong hee eae rod wi ss ones have We or My rte space conference el = em a of era nl on te ayo el en oF pin ci al Cum ae nl py sich ssa Bier pools scat eth the eon iis hook are not the definitions and Ceors sor high. Rach, Rhetorical Gruoumar DOES Or erweett SLi gas eae om Vea explanations of nr - Side the preset able, And peep what is MO TS fhe orca cscs ha Mimi ow language abi by Be tans goer tudes cones Peal haan Digs ha hem ecg po cr ronan cpa iP ia of handbooks, lesng Pneface i Tho often the grammar lsons dat manage o find thei way int the wring clseoom ate intoduced for eed purposs: ofc enna splices and mis piace muaiies and agreement crc nd sic. As consequence, he stay ‘grammar has come to have suc agave, remedial seacatons a Band Ad for weakand inexperienced wien, her than retrial ol hal wi tsshould understand an conta, This book, then, substitutes fr thar acgaive sociation of grammar a positive and functional poise of vew-—a thetorcl view: that an unde Sending of gammaris an imporan ol fr the wit that canbe taught znd learned succesfully fis done i the ight way and in the ight pac, “innection with composition. The book can als wile cass dtcusion ‘on ch nurs ar semence focus and rhythtn, cohesion, reader expectation puraphrae, di ision—diseusions of rhetorical and syle es thar willbe meaninghleroaghout the writing proce Aral the staens wll leit apply thse grammar conceps to thet own wing Reade familiar withthe second ediion of Retrial Grr wil notice substantial changes inthe table of contents, withthe chapters now org nz int four ain pats: Pare: Understanding Sentences (Chapters 1-5) Pat Il Making Choscer (Chapters 6-9) Pat lA Wy with Words (Chaps 10-1 Par IV: The Rhetoi of Punctuation (Chapter 12) (One ofthe chapters in Pare is new wo this edition. Chapter 4, "Yous Fe sana Voice, rings topeher ations on diction and point of view which had then part of ether chapters song with new material on tone and meta ‘eure. sestion on metadiscoune ia included in the revs chapter on sthsion, along with a new secon on levee of generality. There's also next "terial on punctuation i ever chapets, log with anew scion on the "orc of punctuation in Chapter 1. Anocher new fears he Bibligs ly which shuld be expecially wf for dents in teicher ining clases ther changes in thin edition include new and expanded exercises new seuden and professional example, and many efinements suggested by wea {and reviewers, The sllinsructonal quality ofthe cali eiion has ‘een retained, with che inclusion of answers tothe odd-numbered items in Th he primary focus throughous the book remains on revision and spe, ‘nthe importince wo sudents of undersanding the wits tal Depending onthe goals of your course, you thay find that Rhetorical Grammars te oly text your students neon the other hat can et "aly work well conjntion with readers thetorc n her ese. youl Piue cover tat clas ime can be used much more efficiently when your su icone aes wth te shared Background that che tex prove. The Sco anlage answers othe everenuered items the t= nr tains of gaat pina, and suggestions fr as ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Ieisverygailfing co know that Rltrcl Grom bas continved 0 make Tris a and teacher cation programs. My sincere hanks fo ae a zudens who have written to me with their questions and comments Sn do xeviewes af he second edition, who have given me 50 soon a sprains: Valerie Balter of Teas A&M Univers: Avon any a eee Universi Pure University, Fore Waynes Nanoy C Spe sila Universi, Wiliam J. Vande Koppe of Calin College: Oey oa A Welsch of Clarion University of Pennsylvania 1 reserve aad ees fe Professors Crismore and Delo, who reviewed che nal ee arith eet cre and arention ro deal fm sure ha all of he ‘Refewa il deter thei fluence in his hid edition, Fee a aglnsre to work with Mra Brin of Chesnut Hill Ese prea tangled the producton of he book: Thanks alo ro Linda D'An- ef Allyn and Bacon for her geile management sels “peu T would ike to tank the splendid Aly and Bacon eam of Eben La Dogg Day, who ave given grammar and me their support and fncouragement al dete Yar Introduction WHAT IS RHETORICAL GRAMMAR? ‘hin ume set lati och oe Guna ee liat to you. You've probably been hearing about, not sly edn. grammar in yar Eoghan sine mile ho beam cal Soto fgue ont wha there games wal eon wellbegn the familias grammar ee ee atin, You may nvenbe hing canals hep You cote re sgn aa ng You may remember he gamma hdbook 3s cerescallasne tte Sa pave angusge. The fc that you have sch ier "ln system means pales means thar when you uly gama ou ae dying guste researchers ce the! nw el that yo gan nag he res Sat the parla othr ofthe langues ree eee hearing, In the Fis Year of life you began le Ze ie you begat create the eles hit would eventually pr Te Lap ab Se 2 Inradion Sos on pln emi zal ymin ie cy and efron You FE ea rece Noone aut eo Regie ete att Sra a Eth srl clad me oe ay ge goed Sper ato sking questions, at describing people anc Fee. cimedcd in easha soune “When you study gamma in school, cen, yo are acral euying what ieady "know." Nore that the verb know needs those quotation mar Raa ere not using i in the usual sense. Your grammar knowledge is a ee se tog ao oar Ange” When I ee pm le a8 cn teapot af cig han ning owe mend is a eae se te nc nd al ee on a cd commar an php ie of Red ention to thetorie—and 7 ecve, however wing so requis aenton th J: Rhone means ces the ajetve trl comes int de et nin ieskghcre oi pea See eet onan gee tpi Toa pec event, tht tori se Spore and ope determine the gamma ole thc abou sentence rece aed vost, een puncte ‘ion, Rhetorical grammar is about those choices. — inning orien Hae maine ting et artiste egeron de ame sabjet 9 your geattne Mic, Thnk of “Rest migh btn oe wees hve odes stor se ic aioe ieee of couse i vosbulry: you woul i eons wih se eck dierent aces The grammatical oe eo ang whe ie, deemined npr ye cone oF HOUSER aig Et cmp ou mae se longer sence in {Sal veoon tele 0 Aunt Mile: — 7 ‘My roommate, Pee ips ia ery nic flow from New York City My roommate, who grew up New York City is named Pes Piper, Inthe leer your bud youl probably Youd lke my roommate. He a nice guy—fiom che Big Apple "And would you beler? Hie namet Peer Pipes, Yu woul probably wee his es formal eso limos as easly you spats it sounds like meting youl ey. The Aue Micke, eecaly thesemence wth che whol, woud ake lide mote ought on your pat Te doe sounds suc ike psc ta he la fie thet ‘iy comm moder sd alent cactus inthe wen guage, ‘Undenanding toil ganar chon, means undeancing the geet mati chotes sata o you when you wrt and the heed es thse choice wil have on our ede Aan Mile wl probly engine nl approve of—your ler at idence of etude wc dey She wile! sured that your vee or more us of edueston have nt been waxed. The god fend who gs your srl eat your mi eek and know dota swe 7 The structures we ts in witng that we racy ute in speech are espe ily impranto understand ina conscious wy There ate quite fo of them, ik the tla, that ody nouns; thera oth tha om rmencon the sentence asa whol. Onecf thee the dle phrase, can chet op a love the sentence ‘hae hci, buds of bid al wii the ol pl unde of shoe idl vii o che opi hie ates ‘coved wih hick dude lespech the information in he absolue phase ax withthe whe- |= 2. Revs the second senence ofthe ple Crown paragraph cin |” ine ip of whois. a ote word repr the render forthe iformaton about the time beewcen Faces prepare the | tenderto especie |_ 3. Yousew se allowing pi ofsemensin Chap I, wht werd wwe he mov ofthe idea ec mn Marie gave Ramon gift. Masi gave a gif co Ramon, | theo yions ft ens ovnuly mea he me hing thon aoc sen ar eee ce | esrepeeciete ate imp ech vernon of pargagh nd hak | aur you epee send oe Pore dec poa | Bienen ie Jewa a wool cf dhe ad kit hese Shehad shoppe for days befor adn the perfect necktie He wondered who had tod eri was his bith. Did which low-up sentence asthe mos chai Sr. Other wh oot would our ade epee low | Sri Wit down (read you ups ai pane fn | * yaar eee fet Realm on pore pees ra THE KNOWN-NEW CONTRACT Sing the sentence a seve of ots you did in Chapter 1, will help iutlesnd he arate cl th one cota ‘aco bah what che tee wr nd wha he ee capes 2 i ence in aap eth ft pang of chp oa <9 Wpexpeaons inthe er shout what is coming Ceely one oP Speco sta dc lonng enc wl sick the op Nose flowing paragraph, bow cach scrstingentece conn oa pt be The pangrphs mms ex ala -The Ov Alans totic Monty eines Enron wih te cte Occ tence numba have be ade the dcon ee eee (1) The rel af Reef Check 1997 th se compecensive suey af ceri corl ea lle hese cody 2) The su ‘ra interatonal copcrie ert among government Vehiteyand emironmentl goupm involved examining more {Ren 0 reefites, 0) Vluntercllected daar lp cer thera the he ofthe ree fr eam hey counted me ters of eran speci suc soup and en rca) Recs tTdhugh they cove ls chan 02 pect af the ocean Hoe ate Home ofl «quae marine pei) Scents curently ‘mate that LO pecencof the wo es ave ben destoje, yy han cen oh cones, nig iter pee could be desoyed in the next 20 yeas. (©) Todays tess shoul lp scenine make more preci rei io and wosk coward edi buinan damage re spinal ranean naam Rccesie Sntences wih ew topic iach one, A descrip page Micon te bal s cnn, he ter Baan blo» eons of Chapur 3 Cobesk 4 peo mentioned nominal, o ours, uct (asualys noun phe) ‘har iesands for. Fr that reason a pronoun presets known iformaton, ‘etslook at portion of dhe weasel paragraph we sew in Chapa (1) A weasel is wld. 2) Who knows what he thinks? (3) He ses in is underground den hie ail draped over his nose. 8) ‘Soreness inhi da fo evo day without ving (3) Oat se he stalls abit, i, mrad bind ling oe ba ‘estan he can eat wat, and ofen dragging the cranes bonne, Ph praun Jeanne he nd sence se stony ha one wor: bt ey stong grammar ue The thd sence epee Sur and fe semteesbarh pin wih hes Ante cokes ea ihe Ath setene these wor, oud which contrasts wh the Soke designation in i anderen devafscrnce hs TRosasvepronoune™-we sw iin the thi and fur sentencer~ which anton a determiner lo tepreset sang castes the Slowing passe pie pronoun aap tithe sesensr gates su ‘ingareas in any American city. 7 7 a Philip Langdon (The dense Manaby) Inthe athe weasel paragraph, he conscutes teenie subjects inthe Pontand in all hue cass, ir sands for the possesive oun Porsend and ‘gna forthe headwords:uburb eater body nl wer bo 460 Bart Understanding Senses ‘a no matter how it functions whether i fils the whole soso ets asa {leeenincr the pronoun rpeesentsknowa information.” Ici this known ‘ifs cat elps prove the cohesive bergen sentences. The thee tuconteats here ate tical with che known information inthe subject, Alu the new formation i he prec ‘art ofthe problem inthe second sentence ofthe Triple Crown para raph the wesw on page 42 i the subject aceon We were probably erpecing he asthe subject, efersing to races. Obviously racehorses are alsa he pctae—the met nporent past of eourse—but thy are nthe Fepicunder dacunion inthe open sentence. He the aor has broken Iie known new contac by nor puting known inthis ase expeted might bee more securte label Infrtstion inte subject ox. ‘You might think, a irc lance that inthe Pordand paragraphs the it exerminers ae the only part ofthe subjects hat quay as knows. But ook spin, The headword burbs, allowing de fs, echoes the noun ‘aburbezation in he oping sentence. The sin the second paragraph are uly cxpliit The main idea ofthe opening sentence isthe presence of ‘ke downtown’ distinc edges. Because the word borders synonym for ‘ges border constitutes knowa information. Even ase and exer qual J8¢S known, gen thar anaes borders are commonly described in tems of ‘mpats pola, In oche words, in all hee appearances of i, she subject oun phtsses constitute know information as expected. the predicates inerodtce new ie. “The tes between sentences ae often fs obvious than she pronouns and coginte wor ad synonym inthe Portland passage. For example inthe ‘Sehenee arth flowing paragraph opener, vou might expect find he {tke president) os ithe aes) ste subject “The president delivered his State of dhe Union adres 10a oie ‘session af Congres lst night. 1, you might be surprned to ead, ery sea inthe alry was Fill The Cabinet secretaries and the Joine Chie of Saf occupied seats of honor in he font rw As you sce, hese ewo sentences contin no eepeated information; howe {hey do continue the theme stated inthe fre sentence with details hat ‘Roald cary no surprise for the reat In chit ese the known information Fhe eomion knowledge about presidental addresses joint sessions (Congres information thatthe reader ean be presumed to know. Te cohesion povided by shar Knowledge does have is pels hows ver I nor awapstong ses the prosoua or aoun phrase that eae Te president delivered his much anscipated Stace ofthe Union ‘dress to joint session of Congress ast night “Ma sigalg bond he fac fb hen, wh nd Aoi Non rel een sth inal gg ote adoneaet Chane ea ng rec led geysers es ea ice ino yt as you spose sop er ey sce an eine te cakes roe ASP a rT tywe Se cendurngihe fn dat yous wants key notes tae eS ateken nen a ea EE ENCE 6 Sou eer rpction st the kno cock MPS th cg of he Mls Rr in SLi ‘thw ler monn ty Sai deiged te en 3, The relenless heat of California grea Cenel Valley makes he liu xia. Sh | Source of “The pre white backgrounds and bod primary colors of detergent tet te thought to snfuence buyers. Cleanliness and strength are hoctated with hove cols. Most unbearable a times. Over 110" not an unussa empeature reading fom June dhrough Sepeembet,Bakesld (ie records the ots emperatae inthe ale Gating chilled or geting your Fst wee wont cause a cold, Weather i stab culpa thar cues dhe common col. Viruses arto blame. The space program had no women astronauts until 1983. aly Ride eamed up wih acre of four men on the Space Suse Challenger that ea Inthe summer of 1993; foods inthe Midwest wiped out lands ad homes, They exused $15 bilion co $20 bilion in ‘Gamage: Alms 70,000 people were lf homeless by the ods. The Misisipp and Mistouri River and thi feeder rivers and eam overowed thee banks, More than 15 percent of the Contiguous sete i ower 48) were affected bythe fos. Two ‘on of hea rin brought on the Hoods. Roads, bridges, and ‘ihe infastuctreacos fen ste were damaged or completly ‘ipod out bythe veflowing ver. Ieis being elled the “great Hood of 1993" The National Weather Service describes cas the ‘ot devastating food in mode US. Histor. Created b of Als, cil nde there waso 2 petrol METADISCOU! wer menage The ‘ourse’in other wer FOR GROUP DISCUSSION ‘ne dos with hep fstanctampleo you wet asked octique the elloing paragraphs ina peer ton group, what suggesns might you have for tei stdent-ausho? Tr loding fr posible revsiony, conser nd focus and the known | Rae Ee apse the scone pang in is essay she second ithe opening pargph) Otier connecon He 2 finaly cle «signal contanin 1. Public and pia tray programs combined have helped onky Shout our milion Ame ale, These results ae linked 0 the special problems ray programs lave vo overcome. One ‘chproblem is trelar as stendance, Ian adult has small ‘Hatem or mus old down owe jobs cass aendance becomes (On the age se, though, though, a problem of policy foes eld publi ply fc on pring te peed racy—clemenaty and secondary dct’ OF Should public ple ger ‘ete popuaion ome eres ne Pei ~Karen Way by Congress in 1980, the 17.9 millon aie Arctic | National Wildife Refuge (ANWR) le in che nora cones od ed hy Canada Yakon Tesitory andthe Arc (Ocean The ehuge as founded about ten years er the nase Prudhoe By sof he sy: wat of te elige Geologic seed clon he Coatal Pin fe ANWR st wel Coch mena conf was boe,Pro-devlopmess nce oxng thatthe eountey hss gone rough cing hse county ai inet pl pp re the deposits to reduce dependents imports: Conservasonite countered tha the wide and habitac ofthe Arctic sepresced ese at ssp ~David Hamburger RSE Meradiscourse ile 0 certain signals that help the reader understand the ord mead scaly meas ls ga at ommunca aboutcomceahne Thee sgl Ths signals act as uidepow for he reader thst lary of pacar page For ample when sens eo hase “For example. you know the sentence wil die i concep just mentioned. The phrase may hr be nee many examples go unmarked ples go unmarked—bur sometimes tha help very Fair with sch sf ne fr la yal tthe ceo ang the ow oe oe Tes i also deas—on theo Ps of earn nc hand th she band 50 nt Undertenig Set oy Sumben ceriny do ned that aed lg thonal of gue ain) gly crude a rake em nt sac een) a jar most common and useful metadiscourse signals are among ae a an nun ein o sebelah en: They conn gu haem yh Te a ead pepnna stht nn pet acs = mementos these meadsonne ign ar oso. Apis ik ei te es Tes cencs pene whe car ha an a are ramen ils). Buk in oer cones the Sigal ae a lb incthidscmenc of hee pegs he pre Jor eames bsoutely neces of lees called data to eps ast tt vee came iy coumeedmembso tn es puper andes reader would reasonably asume that counting Tock urehins was the one dats-gatheringactivig nth or exupls clest dha hey tered ihout for example the Shope gee aaa Bech comb he of en ee at meinen an ot ca Boo ened a ewer ins, iio the conjunctive nde owe se Cape 2 ide Ss owing th mer eo con he sm —_—— Tt serene Youll real she the word prsdnga comma wil et song sess éven when that word would borsly be unstcseds whet t would soe mally be wally the intonation coo. Besse ich sols buen and n fcr and of oe canbe, and wal age sto by cammes ad ‘bea the ate movable the wire contol the readers intonan, ‘When wel used, hen, metdicoure can help the reader neepet he tis mesage accurately nso doing rca cranky hve spose cet nthe wes ethos, theres of te wreath hae the eae ts ome dacoune PARALLELISM tn Chaps 5 ant 9 yo wil at abo paral arcu within he sen tence tind of repetio you maybe ama wh Foreample cn Linc in his Gesture Addn aed he phar he pape by he op for he propia ng alam ours pos FreentKenet pi web phrase any pice, Dea sy do, rect ay hadi, stppor any ends op any oe hve var de tnatcelce Paral ceo epee sar ances Sopeof hose dvs ead ncomncion wih ead yori oppor nid pict win apungaph Won fhe fins erond and third phrases ie on he oe aed an he the band tite segnces tht rpeat words o hs ht hae common ae scr The more cry yo cna sch semen the et ‘ila the coherence of our pre Buen oe dpporns x or obernd of pall seca: the spn orl psd yn i eer an ihr ta en ccna panigzpinccom ‘htt Ena nd Keay pcos wrk within secs We 2 “tp perl nthe pve ou Torand, When we ead eer fondo the hed seotence, we immediacy recognized the connection 0 sheen hich bp ith Te ern ben bss taht foes pn iv lines and dane esp jus sit des tm presenta psc In he hin i prep ‘hac flow, che author ate arin fora paca point afew [beth ‘sis hey use those repeated stuctres eo highlgh the imporance of thei esage ‘That knowledge ha esome the key resource means ha ere aol oom nd hwo commer te he {atonal economy in ono eins, ‘xb willbe in anneal compesine conser 32“ Pare Understanding Sentences ‘ser coun vind ander business wil in edi ESD fico conser itscompesitve standing the work eoo ‘ny and the compeiveness of 1s knowlege competences, eer F Drucker (The Alatic Monthy) oy imagine that spec genes for agian dominant arse sportlnce wen we kw tha te basen seas ee perm ur oe apg a eascfadominant ‘taubmusive pisLor geneous Vince. xs. and eal aera bloga since thy resent one subst oa pos Eiger ec aes. ee Seiad we ay se the alacns ees ie Je Se cts pr em fous —Seephen Jay Goulel (Ever Since Darin) “The wa of ofwaesandaton al by Mos pod ste Wn ds mesmo pre ee ey cin anbr an have an ea of how to ese Bish rasta developer inode cr fpr word proces a managemens septa rablahed funcion, Antic imac hrs Senay propa on he ace ate pred srr one fom soa scl become the perarree aca James allows (The Alanie Month) afi common ein the aed dea of pein wd in cone Se are lowing the Bil prin ofan arte aboot 0 fori nfl towns co the Nis cero and Dax wl ie on for another wo weeks erp crag Honey. gy wl a warm fons eos the pains ante forte dry inc and dhe ope pot Che lien 0 Melting tock usc and conse lea wanes of xp Pee een, Enlai on op fi ca pho +p supeels The wl var bot 10,00 ales, chi ees thc clouds slow curing the nid of thei eae no nde fil ospey ola chip bags snd cola bore, hoping for IAA here nen Las “Well ace how the fons sae Chapter 3 Cohmiom 53 Corso sys “But I'm thinking maybe web N be well burs oer to New Mex. io—we could cach some god lightning” Richard Wolkomie(Smishonian) Besides che drama of parle in this aut has used another strate common aca ia coneiaee ne wil gee poingon aseice dee / atom bond (pingonatoie eve pe, pend! nea les Sticking to my ise program (ves phrase) sgoiagon sarc diet, (vet phrase) 3c polem of unpralfrmit nt aays as ovis and xy spot avi ihe pening cai Le ack hence tbe ‘enon bs Satin tthe Amnon aps mane Taine bal dina sre wocil dare dein of a re coll ed ela he Here the and connects predicates, so echnclly we could sy that he sentence spre The it hat bck precates ince thercases aes itlok mor parle han acai ‘We hives cove very deal of saence srvctre in shes chap yo cant be expect ppoint the precise grammatical problem inten ‘encs ike thir one, Howevesloking athe undrying sentence ates ly deeming eo wh mse a pe ofthe predicates wil evel some help us. You mighe want o review the Sentence ates in Chaper Sclnin alive something (Subic) (rns ved) (direc objec) Scien o ort aboe meting} (Subic) inkingbe) ——"Gubee complemen) 4a each cae the itlicized “something” represents the 16 those mo clauses function dierent in the eo pars of crea Theft one isa dee abject the second ira modifier ot connlere ot the adjective worried You can se also that the ewo verbvane SF ake Lang and Short Sentences = 103. Novo the fi dl up ngs the eae The clon s2ys “Here comes the information youte expecting’ or Tlexes ae promis In th second and hid pasoges i inh it Gasset tear p fo acon the cod nese you can meneame name o "ha ot in ar ou can the preceding example You should cone ing colon cone the sees Tes imporeant vo reognine tat hs way ofconnecing vo clauses is quite diferent from the connection with seicolone wesw calies The eo second with te ems hve paren. And we you incldea signal to the contr, your reader ml expec the telionship to bean alte one, anand" connection I you ty wo rcpace the clon snd yi se that i wort wok Calais oak “Two ter common situations thatthe colon signal ar questions and ine otis reryoneat the news conference wondered what was coming next ‘Would the presidene aculy ami his parti the coverup? KM, DiClemente Northwestern Universi psychiari explsned the purpose of| brain chemical eather poetally: "A person's mood is ikea symphony. and serotonin is lke the conductors baton —Time ‘Another situation chat call forthe colon a signal. which you are pray Tanaris the block quotacon—the long indent quotaon, ‘Ther is one detail of punctuation in thee compound sentences that aces. Except in the ease ofthe direct quotation, you have the choi of using itera apt or lowercase ee folowing the clon. (The fst word of ice quotation is always capitalied, whether or not the quotation is fll sentence) Some publications capitalize al ull sentence following clon’ (che sy ofthis book): others capialze only questions: some use lowercase forallztenes exept quotations, Whichever ye of punctuation you EEE EXERCISE 1) Following ae the fis fi é & ing ae the fis five paragraphs ofan cay daft ofa student esay nthe dings of asc chemical As you revi think about ala i semence satis you have been staying in the previous chapter oe ‘well asthe principles of coordination inthis chapter, including the use of ‘onjuncivadserbs and semicolons. In subsequent revisions the author made {number of changes on the bass ofthe known-new contact. Recommending tha sayone withing mainain a heathy diet consune ele quae of rte nd epee gi sce gen thei nattonal vale, Now sich bets may be tndermined by sherk oie with chemicals dn a sed to teat our ato’ aprcleare, Rks have ben ignicanly redaced, but they oman rea problem unl ache fom fre made in th laws and enaniation tht ae responsible ot telations inte use of thee chemical, The gets isk of the uo thse ches is an incresed ume of cance aes A198? sey bythe National Acadrny ft Sckences repo hse 99 pecen al he ngides aed in the United Sree capable of causing cancer, In adicon, percent of herbie and 30 percen ofall peices at so a Snogeic. Us of thse chem wil einen estimated 1 millon cancer cae so wl light intese each Americans hanes of eontctng he Gs inten sen more lrg ate the risk faced by our ation cil dca They ae particule vulnerable bees they tend toca Sue more of the acted fo and ue groming cel may be ies equipped wo tla she chemi they consume Specialy chilfensnewrologi immune, aod digestive syste are stil forming and hc ives wl be ls also mettle and beak vn te xine These ceamstance in combination wi the tatingsnie nature of many chemi, wil ease 3,000 cancet caer among thos of peso ge Cases of metal ead ‘luce damage othe ners gover canto be anita Tn exognton of ach poems th EavionmentlProtcon Agency CEPA) wat charged with eating the chem sed to rote calonscope Snr he eer cde Penge 4d Rodents Act of 1972 This mainly ached trough he dlscrmination of leans levee In ion the Delany Case tothe Food and Dag Ac prohibit ado oproese ae fan compound found ease cancer in a ana “Arimpresv a hese guidlines my scr in pty they are such ls fective in practic. The povsons of the Delaney Cisse paris hav hindered it cecvenes. For one thing the date applic nly to proceed foods nox co ram ase tural produce, weet ears often pred being Chaper 5 Long and Short Semenes 105 45 percent of rom foods with ‘many fruits and vegeta the Delaney Claus Rita Jean Bonessa to procesed form, ai the case with bes. These aes ate beyond the scape o (Sor: Theatr ernest en ined) SA ‘THE SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS he adverb or the peposional ps fas In he fllowing ences you cn copie tie raion ae bythe sori oan Oe mem cae Thin cee nn Femand neped ih re ac hope aah ane fees conic he ae en a ei As you can ein th ° + examples, without their opening conjunctions, ‘sborinate clauses would be compete senenees P88 e Fersndo stepped up to the plate. [None wanted teak, These walle hope offing anyone alive Thepupos ofthe The puspose ofthe subondinaing conjneton sin sich nea ores i We he my ssn Sats fo a pic purpose Other common one "th te: Kj afar bg ed pe we en isan phates hae set Subordinate clauses are certainly common strucates in ou language. We use them automatically an often in comserstion. But in wring they te aot Suomi; nor ate they always ued ae efetvely they could be Two prob: ics that how up fay ofen ae lated vo the caning ofthe sentence 1. The wrong idea gets subordinated, 2. The mesning ofthe ubordnator is imprecise Here, for example are two rlated ideas that a writer mighe want eo com. Sine inca single sentence \We worked had for our candidates ‘We supeced thar our candidues dda tnd a chance Here are smn posible for connecting them: While we worked hard for our candidates, we suspected they didnt sand a chance Although we worked hard for our candidate, we suspected they didnt wand a chance We worked har forthe candidates, eventhough we suspected ‘they dint stand a chance. ‘We nee context of ous, o know preity hw th eaoship beoween ard work and he chanees of winning shouldbe exreseds but given m0 ther infomation, the las version expresses what would appear to beth og ‘alrelsionip. inshecompound sentence with na sabordinaton she sentence wath Jndependene clauses, wo equal fcr, that would be more acarate snd fice with a single fecur Here, for example che beginning of par isan fom sw fork Ts art abou slap by En El The ar {raph preceding his one gies examples of cident on the job connected Sth work sched ‘The biological clock i exible enough to adjust to slight changes ina persons wor schedule, but in many indus rot Sone in shift work are so drastic thar they play havoc with body ‘bys, leving employers unable wo dep at home sed inpasing ‘hei productive work In ow thisis a compound sentence, evo clauses connected by bu, oe of cur cooedinating conjunctions. But the substance and focus of she evo ‘Ghises ae nor equa: The statement inthe second clause cleaey the main Chapter 5 Lang and Short Sentences 107 ie so inloemaion. The ie in the Keele nonin ng ic se ough bila ack i ee nought ads il status iaapetankwnk hots n neonate ‘utr a dr hy ah ly nts evng employes unable wo dagpatheee anh ing hei pracy a wor i Altoagh bas now subostinted the ain tort she nc, iain he reader hat the Bou ort ds bls so muh ike fl enn (een isconsns of semence preceded by a ssbordinton, enn ie {or fixgnenhood— chat apa of entncepnceoeed ‘mont common sich genesis sppurcny the sun Fagone are cha out midterm was unin, Beco Glen iad uct abo caer whale «lass, Irtums out she hadnt even assigned them, | Een an bse a a eet ch ce ie aoc eee i let ther dee hee cen 0 ah he teaceon ic bss of spews in anon asin cna 1177 Howton och ae Whi are you lie? Beccsst Pmt the bus Wy are you ae? Tre bee mised the ba The Movability of Subordinate Clases The movably of subordinate lassi especally important fom a thetoe ical pot of view, Asa sentence opener. the dause often supplis the was tion fom the previous sentence ov paragraph, usally with a cohesive link ‘of known information asin our evson ofthe paragraph about sleep. The ‘ld standard rule of patting subordinate ides subordinate clauses and main ideas in thin clases probably more accurately stated as “known information inthe opening cause, new information inthe closing cau. ‘And crsny that closing clase could bea subordinate cause, depending on the contex. For example, he reson for an ation or decision ar stated in 4 Teco clase could easy be the new information, as we saw in the pre Although mou subordinate clauses occupy’ cthe the opening o dosing slots of the sentence, they can lo occur in the idl, bewcen the subject and poedicate ox beeucen the verb and complement, In ths position the ‘Fause wil be se off by commas, ne before and ane aes My broches, when hess only fur yas old, acrualy drove the ‘amily car for abou block That interruption in the usual low of che sentence los the reader down Notice alto that iad stress nd length tothe word jast preceding the dase, an ic changes the shythan pattern. We saw the same pnp a work “hapter 2, when we manipolted the intonation contour of dhe sentence rd onder and changing the punctuation. Ordinary the sub jecis ina unsucaed valleys eel information, Bu parcial some ment following i, a word ors phrase or a clase sc off by comanas as ‘ur example, wil pur che subject in a postion of tress the reader wl ve itexta length and emphasis, Compare the stese given to brother inthe pre- ‘ious example with the following revisions, where the subordinate clause tithe open or dows the entence ‘When he was ony four years od, my brother etal drove dhe family cr for abouts black My brother actually drove the family a for about a Hock when ewes four yar old ‘And igs noc only difercnee in the sere brter that makes dhe iseted. ‘uher-claase noteworthy: That internal positioning ofthe subordinate classe ‘unusual eaende a messiger he rade thay, "Pay tention dd eis on purpose. Chapter Long ana Shore Sentences 4109) Punctuation of Subordinate Clauses Theres one standard punctuation sue that applies the subordinate ase Aubondinae dase thc opens the sence bate aeaffysoma. | This rl applies ao mater how short chat clause ay be yon goo the par I go oo. Baan chaugh [ibe Bored, 1 gues 1 go tothe pay ‘When Eric cal ask him to ring some pes, When the subordinate se closes the sentence, he pctation wl ‘arn. dipendingom the itonship oft inborn wie elect cht that a the man clase es gnc ae hee eae ‘ain dss condo spon or denon upon tie i cae nat case thee 0 coma For angle eerste theopeinglaise—in flowing enn wile ead es ‘ne ubtnat case cael ou thus the maa snes ee the fase Pa wil go o Sue's pay if you promise o be there firms that lack of effect. * 7 “ cgi sh py Sas on Sy ight, hy she knows she'll be bored. = _ Hers another pair of sentences cha ilatates this dsinetion 1 chink hae Shaw lef the oie because he fl sik I hin hat Shawn et the afc, Because Twas js shee EE ECS == + ‘nastiest onusshaeeadebontier Sat 1 Serer ery oe eee eee 4 Wes w ig rnin de fe de Seite rec ee arin ne poe et ae Petia a eee [Brad wa te for work every dy ast week 1. Combine she two seaences using Bsc to introduce your opening aus: SL Ae EXERCISE 1s Se Combine each ofthe following groups of sentences into a singe sentence, — wing coordination and subordination, In some cases you may hog _ ees ‘he sercnce to make icsound natura You cn probably cate ap wah enc than one posit for exch, 2, Use comequenly tthe opening of the effect cause ite foes Caray Ankit SE, Kansas City cain the tle "Gateway to he West.” 2. Our sping romener does dunt the second wek of June. Hany sents have hard time lng suman sok Thomas Jefeson acquired the Ozark Mountain foe the United Stein 1803, Thar was the year ofthe Lousiana Purchase, ‘ : fa ‘We bought the Louisa Territory om Nopoeon 3. Use afer to introduce your sscond clause 4 What is called the Snake Rivet County includes nine milion [eincudes small pars of Moana, Wyoming, Oregon, and Washington Isrnine milion acres tke in aliose che entire sae oF Idaho, ie neighbors added a pitbull ew thie pet population, which now fambers dice untiendly Fourlegged exe, We have decided w fence in our Bkyard, The human ciculory tenia marl of efcency, _ leis oil subject toa wide vaticry of degen decay, 4, Comin dhe wo sentences without conjunction using punctuation ony “ spleen big pie sn ct T he alo. doa’ like the way their tax dollars are being spent. ‘He has made "No New Taxes” the main theme of his teelection 0 a i ofe eingehwhsobae o Ee eel dana so op appa be Wan wp ot Paani oto ee 1 bull for meat WRITING SHORT SENTENCES fouus is understandable, of course, bersiier we've heen discussing compound do ee ee naton a wing them. Or maybe e1o¥age Ei racine hho ao cae Mfume shortsenens and thee on the rode cl Chapter 5 Lang and Shor Sevens, 113 Inmest pans officer pole bu ooking but ae ofen soengedinbusyvork, Ofc ais bse back and fo cong 4 soup ole st hough emo hour mecoas eks sri nto thee tegen re ‘ris andar Soma nial al The fle ae chook or mre hour ah net na te hte, Gut in any gen four hey may hoa txteraing thems wile she ech aan oie sty een) a contig lpn Jeg or scrubbing the fos dang da eke hey san-p.” (Mout schools have no fired jana) nS The fh sen Snishnian ai agin is actual ie the hace east ch ntence inthe flowing cight-sentenceparageaph om a cle by Michael Parc has shat sume peat shating arene ly the opie sentence. The far reedng sentence aren round and prove vansion fo the ey peoue a wee sentences ht flow explain and apport thee eae ierever they can inspite of evidence thar many Amseog sae lls in Connect, and tached bison on thee The secs in his serge ten out i thet sn {eas on iter side ofthe mile even ord chiens fave tie 2nd ky one won, These shor, osned sentences se boa a rel ces are ound des the ances Herald uses he sume echnigae in he say sous teiooks, wig American History” In th the ih pangeph he dee oe ‘ince the top seman. she se ann *-tkind cession pan tha cnc le paragraph, other than the v-word gears hiking one ‘words each. In the paragraph about Japan ¢ = her shoe enenee athe en uno che flowing pera Chapter 5 Long and Short Sentences 115 114 ars 1 Unddernanding Sensences [——~... ‘OFcoune when one thinks about is ary suprising hat _ FOR GROUP DISCUSSION modern scholarship and modera perspectives hae found their Ary int cles books Yectbe changes seman shocking Tho Wen ahe ses complained of ee Bland optimism, the chas- sence tnd che matralsm of their ol civics ex dis i the Pet that for all hie provers, che ests would never change. Wh hout mat have ad someting reasaring aoa it for hat. ‘Pheminm ner naced when ts complaints pant ae fect seth songs about radioactive rafal and houses made fly abby begun appear in che textbooks. uc this happned Fieson writer aso use short sentences 0 good advantags, often to evoke she disconnected atu of thoughts and flings Srvc Tae et aan sh ones of ght weds | Step dexter ine ape ee Jao nw fou Hae youu shor sets Tee your topic | Seige at tntterdcpnc Br | Maybe she mines London She els age in his country. in thiv cay in this toon She could stare with che rom, she could pen window. 1s too stun hte Tat felsher own forehead, She wondes if shes running atm perature. Something omiaous ging on behind her back. There Fert hcen enough pone cal fom the magazine they ve been ae vo modle on without he, which is bad news. Reigning cs should never go on viciion o have operations, ether, inary es the head ‘Sh ian in good shape, She can hardly stand. She stands, despite hs ofc fs chai, She ses now what she's wanted. what heen missing. Gerd is what she been misng the table, ‘faaonale previous tgheased Gerald, Nor Get, no the one {ier in ber owa nage. The oher oe, before e got ined Margaret Atwood, “Kat” Detect tegen et | Bat | Havel served bus for signaling cones? Corrdaives | aed aken advantage |, retin advange esto fea tha econ po | i: cter-or nether rad nos nde but as Vite Hoel leah eed eat Cols | Here the shot sentence Signa signiant deal Fanci got home lt from rove, an Julia got chester while he dnased snl then hustied him oat of the house. The party Nesta al plea and Pace eed down 1 enjoy hsl ‘nwt maid pase she dink. Her hair was dank, and her face ‘rat ound an ple and sered fama to Frans John Cheever, "The Countey Husband Hive used the colon ro conn [eet he clon conn thse tne tha it pan ep Shore Sentences Hovete veel tention ofc iso shifted gears wid sh Asyou can ce, short sentences can be powesfl They il cll tention. 0 sheen a paragraph of long sentence. Because the reader will notice Sem Shan eo choose crf he ideas thar you pur to chem, PE =e [PUNCTUATION REMINDERS = {Use no comma with nd when joins a wort compound suc ‘within dhe senence, 1 coordinating conju Use comma before th con independent causes of compound se ion berween the vo on count coy ra ae be mpd ‘veer dor oth corning or one Son ‘sea comma rset off an opening subordinate clause CHAPTER 6 Choosing Verbs [you er kd ode wha makes pos die fom pune, wha ‘age roullou enion trim a dyin Theenseaeh ee col? The convol of language, perp Cerne ae nj contl the cael selection of words Poet badge ne ae SR Of es god wien lah worked ee ‘ches amon badge Adan imporane dteenec bone fo Dro ate hang a ea 3H the words of ew prove writers, Both of whom ‘The seis the maar wet lal Botan oh ke many ys wrote editorials on the outdoor forthe New ae sie SHES hp frm oft pray hich ope de me “The Mince ofthe Bad you cud cay mck we he cc eens ow withthe unseen micacle of now rots {2erng downward and young shoo maching oe ihe Set allude ap ee hand hud Oat of the bu, so coundest and so cotnoneas ee ‘Hevond gre ve wath efboom, he mde eo ‘fxigand branch and stem. The mizaslourear a ee Soni ofthe Sans he second i fom The Lite of C ‘Mist Les Thomas ‘Notes ofa Biology Watcher by thes sr ecing kevon yout sink we eds ay. in to ep Sch surrounded on al ides by human secking See ae 22 inition ind deh only by schema ieee oat SLIME, keep ing thm off Weare neve es {isipkcanes everywhere ito the ur of our bale eo ‘etches and wich special energy into bthtoonne sce very own gers that sem the worst kind, We explode clouds of. osol mised for good Tuck with deodoran, into our ns, ‘mouths; underarms prvlgedcranies—even into che intimate Insdes of our telephones We apply porentanibiotcs eo minor ‘erates and sel them wih plastic. Past the new protector, Ibe wrap the leady last eumblers of hols in moe plastic and Malthe colt seat lke state secrets ater ieaiating them with tira lighe We ive world where the microbes are alvays trying to ge at us ota x fom cell and we only tay alive tut whole dhrough diligence ad fea ‘One common exe sat hese passages share is thd active verbs. Intend se camp ven he HE ie ion predcating ara, vibe ss fancon heres odie, bs her ve Mess ema intace,contruting to the dae quality a the descrip. ‘nin us th hse seteac ofthe Thomas paragraph we nd whi ‘ink ied sone scbing side enable nd ling ‘Wien you gett the stay of adverbs (Chapter 7) and of adjectivals (Chap youl eave tha stents provide many plas ot as the tra predicate fo inlying veal Mdess.“New soo groping downed In "Young shoot aching for height and wane noun phases with exh patipors mode. Va cana suber noun phases peru sn sbordinate class (adverbial and lie clases (ade “af alvap hve prdiaing vb. With so many pombe sls or verbs The its iportan forthe weer eo chosen cath gre them vey ‘pert wd len wha thoy da bo prove easton, he move thn chi the fol pone athe saence, The sees is ers CHOOSING PRECISE VERBS A well-chosen verb not only heightens the deama of sentence and makes its meaning lea, itsends a message tothe reader tha the wer has cated thesentence cal chat he idea acts. Sometimes heel tha keeps {Sbemence fom sending that messager the two o teed ve, kaown ‘Sanidiomssurn den, bring bout bring on pu pith sand fo shink wp, take off tbe pd eth get on sith ie up, There’ nothing wong ‘with these common verbs hey certaaly ae common, part of out ‘repeiay speech, But the ingle word earsyonym may be mote prece— nd it aba ger “The legate rune dawa the govemor’s compromise propos be elated 7 Chapter 6 Choosing Verbs 119 Mee aka icing ‘The police ar loking blow he surice the police ae probing word omega ithe eof oma Torani po sed tpi Gee emcee oor general audience, sch as you might adda nae the lg Ig ke ae ciav Sa one np ino on pase gk mon gander web: make go. dy er tae nt as thy ava ca ake put inion} Resse he eb ne oman shi end weer ein Reger Tn sachet lew, make good (demonstrate), make out (discover, know, interpret). cn then doat use it Sometimes the dictionary will be a beret reminder fe wil ofeach) 120 Pan Tt Making Choices THE OVERUSE OF BE Another majo capri contbuting to fabbines isthe overuse ofthe inkng Be tin ae ua eve fave bes rng. might be ad soon 3 the main es oul recl fom Chaprer I shat he de pater commonly ee ot al atopic sentences bu as supporting sentences throughout the part ath You maybe surpeised, in checking spargraph o oof yout ova sick, a how ofen youve used» form of eas the link Bete the kaon nd the new informe. An abundance ofsuch examples moe than toot the in a pragraph--consiue a cleat "evise™ mesa. “The following reved example, eences fom this and erie haps, isc he aubsiuion of more active, meaningful eb nga Pos can sobs i words eto Toes ber tr words col Original: “The precise ve ini avay aaa wen you ned i eit “The reste ve dea conevomind when ou eed i Original: Asa writer, you must be ava your own inappro pre words Revision: Asatte you mast lam spor your own inppro- priaee word Original: In ft, sate notsurprisd i see that nonperonal ‘ice in certain inde of docamen evvon: face obe come expert mnpestonal voici Crain kinds of document Original: Further, i writing these ate certain molt, such ts noncstctve clases ad phases that we tary ein speaking Rovvion: Furtes, in writing we as cerain modes In this lst example the culprits an unnecesary shee are Jn Chapter 2, yout tral we looked this ere ansforaton 23 wells the clef anforma- Shon fs which ie beard ces of which oul eves Ta Chape 9 in the dscsion of ppositves, youl lan about another revtionthnigoe for eliminating the inking Meanwhile, dont worry if Jomean ind an alteratve. The sentence with alinkingbeis often she Tout atuigheforwars natural tuctre for making your point (a ‘Haded In econstdenng this sentence) For further example of be sentence ‘Bae hal be revised you can rw to almost any paragraph in his book Chaper 6 Chewing Vrte 124 (MN EXERCISE 16 SE Revise th following passages by finding more precise aleratves to the itl ‘cine verbs. In some caves you ‘Galt Tn some cases you wil hive wo make changes the shes a thn gt red No urs hee £89 pei deal bash tay caps wee ea attra epee He can cul finds wey around he bled pre Scalnasiee yale ro ih pas fap sr dip i et ISLE Nil pe np ll sch uesionable fa ang To “nor hare prom ome ape oa: Seal 6 am ite hang ds hen clr mop ns a ‘pean end wo idm aor sudens were routinely iced one "OPM 4? within, the complains t the shop new hem Int gong up thee enone FOR GROUP DISCUSSION. Plc do not annoy, rent, peer pl | woah ee ees lee, ml dinate Spier ce bbe een, | ‘122 Pare Making Choices ‘What you expect reid of couse, “Do noe ed the anial” And, | Reetlous thesign dct sy nt, no one eels th animal eh | “Tuyolieisteterand omeup ithaca frome fhe wten ees weencunter Cont you thst oni | Sistsacre | Nobiesing No no shoes, no serve | No parking Nosmoling Plse dono block the entrance es VERBS AND GRAMMAR “Thee are main gummi ese feb ha wll be expecially we {ulfr yout andstad ia concious way. One the son of ese {Speci for thse sentenos whee you have more han one causa thes {eon me atte ec of ese The coin oe St ageney, nich invoies an usando the reason ofthe jectund Verb. whether or no the subject he agen, or actor. Incl Under he heeding speny ithe Farr of yee “whether the vet is sever pane Tense For sapstiencd spsker the slecton of tenes eeely apron, even in tring. especialy for sentence with only one clause. + “Habitual” 06 mel" pret: ‘Kevin asa chemisy exam every Thun Weave cathqules in Calor quite often. + Prue point in tne TTunderstand your poston. + Pree action of ited ration ‘Shesty ining computer scence thi semester Noe Both hie foe and the simple present ca indicat aru time wit the adi of appropriate adverbial The bus lass at seven, Chapter 6 Checsing Verbs 123 We ae having pz tonight, + Specife point in the pa ‘The Asis carchuake demolished priceless works of act. Pein often the pa: In 193 we lied in Idaho, AST PROGRESSIVE: IVGFORM WITH THE PAST OF BE(WASOR WERE} + Paton of mie daraton (fen to show one parialar action during larger span of time) 7 ‘any wa seeping during the history ecru "yas ing study lastnight during the pany, busi was PRESET PERFECT: 2NFORM (AST PARTCIPLE WITH A FORM OF HAVE * Compe scion esting fam inn he pat ier be een or the near proent recur at en unecfedpa ne ‘The leaves have sumed yelow lead. {have finshed ny work "have memorized several of Frost's pooms. {AST PERFECT. THE PAST PQRTICILE WITH THE PAST OF HAVE 4D) * Pax acon completed before another actin inthe pa sion completed bie eet the ps gens only al the qucstont when the proctoe fallekoat Timea Y By thet the pole a dhe wd bad gu tt the picket line. ‘They per ion of te ees mos ely oe problem mae likly be wed neice othe rgung ome eee lng omore at one pn o feel ee en Rec siflees mes are incladed in hese sntencs, given the weed oe Siew inthe preset eal ‘io hex? “her Sam" ti win) ha nove cil ot ted begun esived EEE = ‘What you expect co ead of cous, s "Do not fed che animals.” And, cen though the sig doen sy not, noone feds the aimal thes? Pat yourheadsngeter and come up witha empl sign for some ofthe athe writen edie we encounter Const your thesaurus oly 2 Sloe reoe No litering No shit no shoes, no service No parking No smoking lease do nox block the entrance ieee ee VERBS AND GRAMMAR “There are two sin grammatical fexures of vers thar willbe especially use fal for you to understand ina conscious way. One is the selection of tense, ‘spell fr those sentences where you have mote dan oe else and thus, {decison to make abou the sequence of tenses. The second is the concept fl agency, which involves an understanding ofthe rfatonship of the sub- jectand verb, whether or not the subject the agent, or actor, Included Linder the heading of agency isthe feature of voice whether the verbs tive or pave, Tense For sapotiencd speaker the slecton of ene ezely a pene, even in tring especialy for sentence with only one clause. + Habiual”o “mel” pees: ‘Kevin asa chemise exam every Thun Weave cathqules in Calon quite oft. + Pret pone in tne Tunertand your postion. + Pree action of inte ration: ‘Shey ising computer scence thi semester Noe Bod chi foe and the spl present ea time wit dhe adi ofan appropriate adverbial The bus lass at seven, ict fare Chapter 6 Choosing Verbs 123 We ae having pz conight, + Specie point in the pas The Assisi catthuake demolished pices works of at + Pei often the pt: In 193 we id in Tho, ROGRESSIVE:-IVGFORM WITH THE PASF OF BE(WASOR WERE} * Pa action of nicl dation ins on patie action during larger span of time) any a lecpng during the history lecture, cag ty at night dang the par bat was * Completed ein esending oma pon in the ps tebe the rc en aio pred a 3 eaves ha ued yellow acy {have finshed ny work "hase ment vel of Fro poems STROM TERE THEO * at econ compl bf arabe action in he pat Tiamat nie quot ete te proctor ‘called out, “Time's up.” By theme the poli att, the crowd had bg ot the picker line 7 “The pas perfect i ne ofthe snes most kly be lay he linn athena ewe se fing to ore than one point or period of einen the pst Actaly th siden cms are incled in thee satencs, given te weed ego ‘view in the present: | srmarcr sr vss ior Wer” hen pati rie hed answered called ost 7 ted begun arcied 124 Parl Making Choices Htc ate some other sentences expresing the past that include more chan one ase: ‘elias in Calorado when Iwas boy. My fly had ae ehere rsx years before we moved wo Tes, Cote that inthe fst sentence the rwo clauses describe che same period of Ds the ple parted and aris appropriate becase the verbs reer {a minultancous happenings. Inthe second sentence, however, the dime ‘Spend by ed lied precedes the event descrbed in the efor cause. Kes ‘erTGnauel eo sce ort hear sentences such athe atone with the simple pin both clauses. My uly lv here for sx oars before we move to Texas Buc cael writers woul we hd edo maiaain ce time ditnction. ‘Sometimes the meaning is nelea without the dane distinction thatthe ps participle eontibutes ‘My dal ga me a motorcycle, which he drove for many yar. In thisertence the ime referred on the second cause could be ether prior to gineor both pio and fe Teeould mean ether ‘which he continued ro drive For many years which he had ven for many yes {slot of tenses occurs with Anothessituston dat calle frac whats ald he “hypothe pas IF we ad invited George, he woul have come, Inexpsinced writers sometimes ake the stake of inclding the modal tury woul in both clases: ‘i we would ave ini George, he would have come, Here the “coniona” meanings expesed by fo woul ssp redundant The ifclause can also denote whats called the subjunctive mood, t0 expss condition contay to factor conteary tothe bei o expectation ofthe speaker 1 Geonge sa here, we would probably be playing chara Ia the subjunctive we avid the form fhe webs "I George wer” not Me toull note woo, hac he subjuncrve applies in the aus only whea ie ittne epesns a wish ora codon contary factor expectation Chapter Choosing Vers pas Tene ch, Tbe diving a {wat rich, Tbe ving» BMW George wat here, jus non hed have ws playing charade The abjunctive doesnot apply in if. peas clauses that expres contingencies or he mal tae again oy mn ung to compli, the store sa closed, why mete ou foe hae * George ma here cates, why didnt he leave a sage? EXERCISE 17 Select paragraph oe page fom an exsay sendy vig Ls the main bs oh th malar) ea esc, th ia) in the cn 1 Wha percentage ata rm of br ha Remember hat both and bean serve as asia coun them only nwa lin hile as 2. Conse whether your ves oid: wih our eb as pein hey cul be Ue you , Reino i ind yt i wine pe singl-wordsubstats and compute ele ME 4 Count th number afters (ens) Jou ive wd they accurately convey the ine raonshipe ee Agen, ‘Thecorespe of agency might be. ‘Tiree fgeny nigh bei neuf ed hpi of- ago The agent th trator—generally human (or animate)—of mpeiad by eee, sh repeal pany In he act vos th ges oneion Teefans booed the refer. ‘Ts isthe asc rans sentence: Capes oar sample ante semen Muomate ke this apple pie. Heed om moe Wer “ho dig wa insti te cra oy pra rte eden Actin—Objcive (or Goal-In 126 Fan It Making Chelios: ‘rious ways, somtimes by uring the pasve voice when an acvevemtence Iroul be ssonget sometimer by toring verbs neo nouns—the process Ualed nomination; sometimes by asing’ er phrseor cause as subject Wohen the dre Agent-Action —Goal sentence would be mae eflecive ‘Whites who undeetand these sources of lame and Habby sentences wil have the tol for both ecognizing them and evising them, The Passive Voice When a rensence is inthe passive voice, tis che object (or goa, not che agent, tha ils the subject poston “Thefts was booed by the fis. [Natice how we have transformed dhe original sentence, in which the fs isthe subjece and the refere” is the dec object. And the pasve version ‘Four ater asin sentence is his ape pie was baked by my roommate, Youll notice that nthe pasve voice ofboth sentences the ver includes be tan allay follawed by the -en for, the pst partiple the agent when ‘edocs appear wl be the objec in by prepositional pise Tes posible that everthing youve heat about he passive voice wp 0 now thay been native; English teachers fen declare out of bounds, Such eds ‘come about~those "ps comments appear inthe margine-—becase wie ‘ts to often use passives when they shoulda And its tue tha ineffective pasivesdo sand out Bur theresa peat deal of misndersanding about she Pusey bath simpli and inaccurate to aly rae fou. Al good pease Includes both active and pasive vice. AS AE TT 1esimporanco recognize the passive vice when you sce itso that youl tow when youve wed cand tur wil use deere and ete Ia {Recon fc, nnn ve ses no he Shvevoce in he second par joil do the oposte—she pave int the detve And inthe hed pate, the vole ofthe sentence ot end Xl have fo puso ‘Tans telling ave ete int he pave sc Teember he the dt abet ofthe ace fncone athe ‘nije nthe pave 1. Myeoomate wot the a aril in toys Collen. Chap 5 Chong Verbs p27 Bach composed some of ur ios intiat gues, My brotherin-law builds che mos expensive houses in towa, Heat aoe ‘The county commission. i snien Eee 4 5. 8H outa new taxcallection sytem 3. Tianforen the following pasive enences imo the ac ‘emember that the subject ofthe pasive the de oie athe ce. (Noe I che agent is mising, you will hae oseeah na the subj for the sce} i 1. The football eam wi ed onto the Tes ont the ld by the cheeteding ‘This years cheerleading squad was chosen by aco hy ee bya commie bse 3, Bills apartment was burlaze las weekend 4 A snowstorm is predicted fortis weekend 5. The election ofthe sudene body offices wi Beat ty offices will be hell on 2 Fie decide if ee fellows Zin decd if che lowing eens ae active o pase then 1, John Kennedy was lected president in 1960, 2 ills grandmodier, ikamed him Buz ‘You should read the next six chapters before Monday. * The sicsin he Norte ee ace secent years 3 4 migration in Thousands of manufaceuing jobs have been moved to Mexico In the 1980s, he taxpayers mere cheated oa of the manages of Svingy and Lous inscrutone, Su PF ‘The sree its on campus are nally beng repaired Ous company i ying outa new vacation schedal hiya They wil close the plan for wo wee in ly. 1 Several new provisions were add to the Sov fed othe Federal Tax Code Le ES Rey atid Seen sei net ls mr naar ‘Sain cae af hee hcp tenon lester nom orha Tn 1905 the sets of Patterson, California, were nid ou in the Shape of whesL Sofa as we know rom Einstein's Special Theory of Relatives, the unter ksangaced nhs ay Greco ho) thncpo maul objet and oo noma san sani. ted faster chan che veloc of ight Carl Sagan, Brot Brin Th Viking ae had po. Thea aa hap and pla’ and hi epuaton for bray se ene thar of th ans an the Goa Carns hy SE fi ecm ined with orang amour which cons ‘its in many ways tei Fearsome nage James Graham-Campbll and Dafydd Kid The Vikings not explain who equates the “The authors purpot inthe lt paige nat ocx : ‘ing wih paper wo ess hn wth amo The the pane porch ates in th gory ofacoped bbe iRome cue the pate oie ie snply more aight Jee swat mound in Veo od omens in ene ad madi 0h et we push we anon mow coven arte nd of este yack wave ary hi moming ny poole wait bya diver rack ingakigh ped rough theses ena Whar See saily ore tha if the agent ween uj posiion, he res would be ‘ide eparion fhe suet hear and the Chapter 6 Chewing Verbs 129 Eaty this moming delivery sack craveling at highspeed through the intersection of lames Avenue sat Wise Sr hrm poodle ‘The chace of cous, wll ao depend on where the main facs should be "Ths pasive oie epcialy common and dliscratein echooed od sient i wtng in egal document and in lab reports whee the ot is he agent, butt 350 would be inapproprane Active: incase the hea © 450° and allowed ito seman at that cempeestre for twenty minus, ?Pasive: The beat eas increased to 450° and allowed x remain st tha empeaeae for wenty minutes Sones writs ifthe oes er the purpose of ranson Youll thas inmost setenes the new information which wh the sere a will oc o¢ near the end in objet poston, wie the kaa ‘atirsin the subjert dot. However ithe dice caste laowe ee sation, it canbe silted tothe subject slat by means ote nan ‘cansermaion, Tht opening information will provide sonsien Be e roo stn Hers, fr example is a paragraph rom a Time ate by Michal D. Lemonick abo the desmucton of te Bein rn foreas New dar oe second sentence, which paste, the sbjec provide tar nation IF Ameticans are ru inerested in saving the ein forest, they should move beyond hetorc and sugges poles tae Datta —andaeopew te unre ey ea opoaions Ifthe US. expec beret petoononce et Boo Bl asa sight o make demande ina In fk the US ce Bazi acd tw ngage ince cenepotaions pod go ‘ul dle: on te cvromen wee the inde mate and the developing counties The mo sides fequesty nega nde iefinancingand other asc Why nox pur the oe ‘mena the top ofthe spends In the fs sentence, polis s new information; the second, iis known, In the following paragraph fom Jane Brodys Coed Fond Book noe te Undestnedpasive, The subject (children! taste for al) the odin "ion in the clase: she "by" phrase—che sgent-—inew the pene of oe ura ose brn with she ably oe albu out ‘ase fora higher aan acquit one Newbossede eet Sela Tk sly fds: a when given thems ce she ey scquite «eae for sal, ad by ctlyt0 middle childhood they prefer salted foods to those tha ate unsalted, A Tongtere sadly Side the diction of De, David L. Yeung, snucional sient tthe University of Toronc, showed tha dildrent ste ot tthe age of is determined by how much le he pte feed then in infancy A preference fo sl doesnot develop in cles ‘versal noc added wo foods, In such soci, even the aduls Sonoelike sale And in the follwing pasage the frse paragraph of E.B. White’ Ineo duction othe second eon of Strunk and Whites Elen: f Spl, ol tecanother example of how the pastive voice provides transition by allow- ing he ol information o open the sentence [Ac the clos of the frst World War, when Iwasa student at Cornel, I rook a course called English 8. My professor wat ‘Will Strunk, Je A textbook requir fo the course was ie culume called The Elements of Se, 1919. The book known ‘he campusin sho aysas"the ine book” with theses on the word ile” lehad Been privatly pine by the thon ‘The subject of hose so final pasive sentences, the bot and arin both cases che know information, eefering tothe lim volume” in he parse pbs hind scence EE EXECS 1. The ves istered is noe che only pasive verb in the previous paragraph from Jane rods Goad Food Boat. deni the oes try hs Brody used pasve ineend of ative? Would any of them Tre moreefective in the active voice? Why or why not 2, Surly the moe famous words in ous coun’ history ate those vein by Thomas Jeflson inthe Declaration of Independence rere isthe opening ofthe Declaration send paragraph We hold thee rhs tobe elven, cha al men rece ated equal, the they ate endowed by thet Crestor with cee ‘ain unlenable Rights, ha among these ate Life Liber and the pur of lppines. That o saute thee ight, Gover ‘ments ae insiuted among Men, deriving thee jute powers fom the coset of te goer. Tht whenever ay Form of Government boomcs deci of thee end he Right ——EE lu ofthe People wake or bol and inne new - tne ying oundaton on sch rns ado sizing powers in sch form, to hee shall scm most ikl the Say sd Happier: Prudence index wile dt Gonna ln aed eal nent ogee ig and ransenceues and acorn ley Sere ha wnt mind se modes ses hl crash, han og tenses boing ‘bef o wh heya acura Undestne che passive sentence, Rewrite lo some of them in the active vice and compte the two versions. 3, The following paragraph she begoning of shor decripcion of Jelleson by Be A oeobas . ‘Thomas Jefferson, an exceptionally accomplished and well-educated man is probably bese kaown for writing the Dedstation of fadependence, 2 work composed unde the ‘es of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and she Continen {al Congres, which spent two and aha dys going over tery word. The ssbranse ofthe document was developed in ommitee, bu Jeffeson, because ofthe grace of hi le, vas chosen to do the acral writing, The resus one ofthe ‘most memorble sstements in America histor. Asin note the se ofthe passive voice. Write an active version and compare the re, ‘The Obscure Agent. Cerny che passive voice has a pli oF wring iiss legate ool ike any tole must he righ for the job Teo often the purpose ofthe pasive vice simply oabseurethe agent For example one of the most common responses that governmental vee ‘igaive comics hea rom indvidval ccused of mismanagement "Yes Senator mistakes were made” And te pases common ince oficial” yl wed by bureuctts Tewas reported today tha he feral uns tobe allocated for te pomer plant would not be forthcoming seal shad been tntiipated. Some conesers onthe preliminary work have bees ‘anced and others enepoited. Sachi” hc” ea a onan uty bce the ape ole has complely deppared frm the econ the rego ing example we do noc know who i eporting. allocating, sniipaing catesing renegotiating Thisind af ges ase epcilly common in ofa news con ferences, where pres scare and oer goverment ols explain what is happening wihou eveaing who response or naling i appr Recommendations ae bing made tothe Mexican government concerning drug enforcement ‘Aas hike hasbeen proposed, but several oer slations to the federal dest re alo being considered ‘The president has ben advised tha cera highly placed officals fae bekg amstigate Tne Ap we he grind dried oat enough tobe woke sweplantd the ‘peas and onions and potatoes and prepared the Telfr the reac ofthe eee Thonn mid May we rout he tomato and pepper plas hoping we had wc eo is, ‘Cersinly the fist person as used her would seem to be the logic choice Fr ‘ich usage nveecles some writers ake gest pins to oid i--and, Unfortunately, sme writing texts, for no ogi eon, warn pains using the first person (ce the discussion of pot of view on page 71-75). The result as applied othe foregoing paragraph, ia gardeners panive account of ‘ing planting—withou the gardener Tn late Api, when the ground dried ut enought be works, ‘he peas and onions and potatoes wexe plated and ee sol as ptcpate for the rest af the vegetables: Then in mil May the fomato and pepper plans were set out in hopes thatthe Fost This revnon i cersny nota sled the exer examples of gels prs, bu tds ak hie, human quality ha che ave versio ha nectar in is pal eae wr ht managed oso sing pth case he pps has no many of a Trad or bene he earl ut he re peson fee The incesane sound of foghorns could he heard slong the ‘waterfront, But remember chat English is versatile lngusge; fst person ot the oly alternative tothe passive. You doa hae to wate, "l lot we] heal he soon ‘of fghoms,..." Here. version ofthe sentence sing sath eos The foghors sounded along the waterfone And Ie one sac describes the movement ofthe sound The incesane sound offoghorns fat acros the water, ‘May times, of coun the writer simpy docs realize thi the passive ‘ice may be the eur producing the vagueness or worden of toe fe if. For example astudene writer ended his fay Chratnus sory aha limpesonal, inappropriate passive ‘That vs fom Sanca was an occurence that would neve he for: soc by he fii (Cel he needed ak hime, “Who was doing what?™ ‘Thc fiumily would nese forge ha vse from Sant. ‘And fo purposes of tansiton or shy fhe had wane to retain wisi as the suber he could easily have done so in an ative ways Tha vst ren Santa became pare of our family legend ‘The students orginal sentence ("That vi, was an occucemce) aca aly ha wo el as besides the pase that should hae geek thea for revion: bras the main verb andthe nomialzed ccuorne—she verb secur ttned into a noun. All ate posible weak spots, the nde ol Youshoald beware of inthe vison sage signals A EXECS’ 20 1. The writer ofthe fllowing passage has managed to avoid using the fss-peson point of view bu in doing so has ablated any sssemblance toa personal voice. Revs the passage, aviding both $i sie and th pion, Remember sc sat Te woods in the morning seemed both peaceful and lively Bids could be hear inthe pines and oe saking eee thei terior. Squires cul be cen sampering soos she leaves that covered the forest Hoos, while m the branches above, the new leaves ofthe birches and maples wete out lined by the runs rays. The leaves, to, could be heard ruslng to the chythen of he wind. 2 deny the pasive verbs in che flowing passage fom Sling he Wild lana by Euell Gibbons, Why do you tink he chose the pase Inead ofthe ative voice? Can you improve che passage by Fevsing ome o ll of che remences? Wild food is used at or house ina unique method of neering, Ould parties which are dinner where the ‘hie component of every di s some foraged food, have ive local fime. Many diferen meal ca be prepared Sliose wholly tom wild food without serving anything that ‘wll be gefised by the mor Fnicky guest Such diane are remembered and talked about long afer dhe most delicious ‘oF conventional dinner have been forgotten. ‘THE ABSTRACT SUBJECT As you hae learned inthe foregoing dacusion ofthe pasive voice, the agertethe perpetrator —i not away she object of the entenc in some pssive sentences doc appear at al. However, the more concrete nd Atv the enenc, the mow yd agen wil anton a he subject rarest mae an appearance, The mt sca and pe he sees the mre ikl che agent wl be msn “One common cate of ssrcton' the setene wih a preponderance of sominalned vere eto that hve been turned ino nous: The word ‘roumecin the pees daca one sch example And nan ert np of the pasve wesw snd eb in subject pain Recommendations ae being made to che Mexican goverament concerning drug enforcement. (ur language, of cous, i filled with nominalied vebsmost of which ate ‘tefl legitimate way of expressing Wea. Inthe previous paragraph. for trample, you sw division snd appearance, both of which began 2 verbs (Gets, sppear) ad are now ordinary, every nouns Turbeease nominalzed verb aren common ands yt produce, they an become ap frehe unwary weiter, intoducing abstraction where com {act ideas belong es ding the eviin stage of wing tha jou wat buying of so many American companies and so much rel wa ‘the Japanese is causing concern on Wall Street, SE EXERCISE 2] “tit leving page ping aon w indi pu annecesary nominations and problems of gen The fa Ce items arth examples fom he poteding dnc, Remon ou ho ding wags PINE Remeber ca 1. The buying of 0 many Am \mercan companies and so mach eel ‘se by che Japanese I exusng concern on Wall Suc Wh hone ofthe Ea Bl nat an Chin caval, whats happening i that American oan te locking foe ways of expanding thee mares Sake ranage othe sion, as and pod ines Aulyaing the ssation in China has shown tha pporsiits invstinee ar rowing ™ 7 4 In the biography of Lyndon Johnson by Robert Car, an account ofthe Seat leston of 1948 is described in grat deta 5. When Julie filled out an application Fr a works by she was surprised co leazn tha a detailed financial statement would have to be submited by her parents. 6, Geting his new pizza shop co Sally wana prof has meant le ‘of hard work and long hous fo Tm, 7. The overuse af ale in the rpical American dice as had the seule of obscuring the nacral taste of many fonds, Nutone main that a eduction in peoples dependence on salt would lead vo an enhancement of rane and heightened enjoytnet of fod, The measurement of the Far fragile one ayer was ane ofthe jmaporean misions undertaken by the crew ofthe space shure “Abdo The shut Was launched in October of 1994, The mission [ated ten day. Humans are puta greater risk of kin cancer ‘tacts, and other ailments because of overexposure to ultsviolt ‘adiation, Crops can also be spoiled and underwater food sources, devastated as esl of too much dict sualighe. A vase opone hol” ver Anartea fom Sepemiber ro December every yeti pudcuatly worome to sini. ed "RHETORICAL REMIND TT) Have I kept my se ofthe linking be to & mien? Cold 1 improve the ectivencs of my diction by sling precise singlesword synonyns far my phrasal vers? In sentences with more than one clas, do the tenses accurately deste the tne relationship Have [put the agent in subject postion whenever posible? Have I used the passive voice fectney? ‘Wold any of my nominalized verbs be move ecctive as vetb rater shan noun CHAPTE® ape Choosing Adverbials ‘You nay recall fom Chaper I that fw basic sentence patterns like these Noun Phrase Transitive Veth———-Noun Phrase Aaecve inc connate struts, an 3) by adding onc or mosc open de angie. et eae rei — a fliloueh the erm wert may be unfailia, you probably know dv” as one ofthe pers of pecch. Among hehe oe ee ‘osinon wads depuis pe: hen mn ts es omaine fen, Th easiest oso ean eon Te in each carly cl each poked Wee each ‘xchat spl cause there ate thouands fades te ng ‘arid quichand pac and probe rh we can oer ee of manne hse adverb acd gly by ald But adverbs ae noc he only word hat ad nfrmaton shout ime and place and ean and manner to our scenes Phrssd cheee on fsncsion in an avert way. Adverbs therm ha ates ha on, Inch flloning sentences the adverbial inbssonton ernie Prsposonal phy, subordinate chauesa we ante) Phen a, ‘oi pase, nation to advebs : 1. OnTussep igh we ode pin Base noone want so ceok

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