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The Arthurian legends are a combination of fact and fantasy, a composite of works

from different people, written at different times. Some historians believe that the
literary King Arthur had originated from a real figure called Riothamus. Riothamus
lived in post-Roman Britain in 5th century AD. Some say he came from Welsh origin
from the poem "Y Gododdin."However, The true origins of the legends will never be
answered with true certainty.

Sir Lancelot du Lac: one of King Arthur's best knights

Guenever: daughter to Leodegrance
Morgan le Fay: Uther Pendragon's third daughter
Sir Turquine: son of Mitrides and brother of Sir Caradoc of the Dolorous Tower
Sir Phelot: a knight of the King of Northgalis
damosel: daughter of King Bagdemagus

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