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iy v4 * Product Sales Specification Rev of 11/9/2004, Unicor C Property Specification Units Method Appearance Clear yellow to Amber liquid N/A. Visual Sp. Gr. at 15,6°C 0.86 -0.95 NIA ASTM D 1298 Flash Point (PMCC) >62 Per ASTM D 93 Pour Point Below -2] 1 ASTM D 97 Kinematic Viscosity at 38°C 2-6 cSt ASTM D 445 Basic Nitrogen (meq/gm) 0.62 0.72 NA UOP 751-74 Note: Where more than one test method is listed for a property, these methods are considered to be equivaient. Approved by: ice President - Operations Assistant Vice President — Works Marketing Manager Customer Approval Name: Date Shaju Parambil 11/9/2004 Mukesh Patel 11/9/2004 Pramod Menon 11/9/2004 Position: Date: For further information contact: Dorf Ketal Chemicals (1) Pvt. Ltd #1, Dorf Ketal Tower, D'Monte Lane, Orlem, Malad (West), Mumbai - 400064 Tel 91-22-88 13654/8828374 Fax__91-22-8813655 The information contained in this sheet is provided free of charge and ls based ‘on technical data that Dorf Ketal believes to be correct and reliable. It is intended for use by persons having technical skill and at their own discretion and risk. We make no warranties, express or implied, nd assume no liability in Connection with any ofthis information asthe conditions of use are outside our control. in addition, none of the contents ofthis publication should be taken as a licence to operate under, or a recommendation to infringe any patent, Page (of | Rev No. o# ‘ i maps as Product : UNICOR C Rev #05 Date 11/9/2004 Page of 4 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name: UOP"™ UNICOR™ ¢ Corrosion Inhibitor ction 2, COMPOSITION Ingredient GASNo, wee EUSymbol —-EURisk Phrase ‘Aromatic Hydrocarbons earazaas © 75-85 Xn R22 Alkyl dimer amine 68201-29-6 ©—16-28 — 4,2,4-Trimethyloenzene 95-63-6 <9 xn R-10,20,38/97138 Naphthalene 91-20:3 <6 xn R-22'36/37,40 Section 3. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION Emergency Overview : This clear yellow to amber liquid may cause severe skin iitation. Repeated or prolonged exposure may irritate ‘eyes and the respiratory tract. The product is combustibie and toxic vapors may be given off in a fire. Potential Health Effects Primary Routes of Exposure : Contact with skin, eyes and product vapor inhalation. Product Ingestion is unlikely to occur if proper ‘safety/nygione procedures are followed. ‘Skin Contact : May severely iitate tho skin. Eye Contact : Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause initation to some individuals. Ingestion : This product is considered to have a low orcer af oral toxily Inhalation : Inhalation of product vapors or mist may cause Iritation of the respiratory tract. Inhalation of high vapor concentrations may cause headaches, nausea, dizziness and central nervous system depression, Target Organ : May cause central nervous system disorder (e.g. narcosis involving a loss of co-ordination, weakness, fatigue, mental confusion, and blurred vision) andlor damage. Overexposure may cause lung damage. Overexposure may cause kidney damage. T AID N Skin Contact : REMOVE FROM SKIN EMERGENCY. Apply a generous amount of walerless and hand cleaner (such as GOOP*, GoJo”, or simiar product) to the affected area. Rub briskly on the skin, on and around the atfected area. Remove the mixture of cleane’-product with paper towels or clean dry rags. Repeat the entire procedure, then wash the skin with @ mild sosp, rinsing with warm water. firtation develops, obtain medial attention. =ye contact: Flush with water for atleast 15 minutes, Hf irrtation occurs, obtain medical attention ingestion : 00 not induce vomiting. Obtain immadiate medical attention. Inhalation : Remove effected area to fresh ai. I respiratory problems develop, obtain medical attention, Notes to physician : 1oxicty of amount of material ingested should be weighed against the risk f chemical pneumonia when emptying the stomach is considered ‘Section 5, FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash Point : > 62°C PMCC Extinguishing Media: Use wator fog, foam dry chemical or COs Fire and Explosion Hazards: Toxic vapors may be given off In @ fre (See section 10). Wear protective clathing and self-contained breathing apparatus. eoSEts is Ny Rev #05 Date: 11/9/2004 Page 2 of ‘Section 6, ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Large Spill : Standard hydrocarbon spit procedures apply to this product. Remove all sources of ignition, Isolate the affected areas, CConfina entry into the affected area to those persons property protected. Stop leak at the source. Cut off and redirect surtace runoft by trenching or diking. Spills should be contained through the use of commercial ol adsorbent, but other materials such earth, sand or sawdust may be more expedient to limit the extent of the spi, Prevent the release of this product into the waterway or sewer. To prevent further losses, reposition, plug or place the leaking container into an oversized recovery drumfcontainer. ‘Small Spill: VVear protective equipment. Absorb spilled product using 2 commercial all absorbent soaking up as much product as possible. Product should be disposed af in accordance with all applicable government regulations, ‘Seotion 7, HANDLING AND STORAGE Store in tightly closed, propery labeled containers in a cool, well ventilated area away from alt ignition sources. Store out of direct sunlight. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Avoid inhalation of product vapors or mist. Never use @ weiding or cutting torch on of near a drum (even empty) because vapors from the materal (even residue) can ignite explosively. Follow all MSDS/label precautions even after container is emptied because it may retain product residue. Section 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION Respiratory Protection : Where natural ventilation is inadequate, use mechanical ventiation, other engineering controls, or an organic ‘absorption respirator (in USA — NIOSH/ MSHA approved) io prevent inhalation of product vapor. ‘Skin protection : Gloves, foctwear, coveralls andior apron as necessary to prevent repeated oF prolonged skin contact. Any clothing, which becomes wet with product should be removed immediately and laundered before reuse. Eye Protection Chemical goggles or face shield as necessary to prevent eye contact Exposure Limits Ingredient MAK OEL-TWA(EH40/98) "ACGIH TLV-TWA(1997) Aromatic Hydrocarbons Ne ‘s0mgim NE ‘Alkyl dimmer amine NE NE 1,2.4-tvimethyibenzene NE ‘2emaing, 25 ppp 128mg/m*, 25 ppm Naphihelene 10 ppm, SOmgim® 10 ppm, 50 mg/m? 10 ppm,62mgim? STEL 15pm. 78mgim* ‘Section 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ‘These data do not represent technical or sales specifications. Appearance Clear yellow to Amber Liquid ‘Sp. Gr 086-095 @ 156°C Oder Hydrocarbon Apparent Bulk Density NA pH NA, ‘Solubility in water Insoluble % Volatile >75@16°C Boiling Point 300 °F (149°C) Pour Point Below -21°C Freezing Point NA Kinematic Viscosity @ 38°C: 2-6 cSt Melting Point NA, Vapor Density > (Air= 1) Vapor Pressure < 10 mmHg @ 60°F ‘Section 10, STABILITY Stability : Stable, Condition to avoid : Thermal decomposition. Exposure to heat, ight sparks and open flame, Hazardous Decomposition Products : The product itself does not readily decompose unless subject to extreme temperature or chemical concitions, CO, CO:, NOx may be generated in the event of incomplete burning. Hazardous Polymerization : Will not occur. Incompatible Materials : Reactive with mineral acids and bases, Msps Product : UNICOR C Rev # 05 Date : 11/9/2004 Page 3 of 11. TOXICOLOGICAL MATT Acute Oral Toxicity = Mixture of approximately 20% Alkyl dimer amine and 80% Aromat hydrocarbon: Oral LDsy > 5 g/kg (rat) ‘Acomate Solvent: Oral LDsy of 11.97 gfkg (rat) (includes 1.2.4-rimethylbenzene and naphthalene) Trimethylbenzene = Acute Oral LDzs: 8970 malig (rat) Naphthalene : Oral LDsa: 490 mg/kg (rat) Acute Dermal Toxicity : Mixture of approximately 20% Alky! dimer amine and 80% Aromatic hydrocarbon : Dermal LDzo > 2 glkg (rabbit) ‘Aromatic Selvent: Dermat LOw4 8 g/kg (rabbit) includes 1,2,4-rimethylbenzene and naphthalene) Acute Inhalation Toxicit ‘An inhalation LCzo's not available for this product ‘Aromatic Solvent: Inhalation LCap > 580 pprn/4H (rat) (Includes 1,2,4-rimethyloenzene and naphthalene) 4,24-timethyloerzene : Inhalation LCza" 18/m'/4H (rat) ‘ertation = vyin: Mixture of approximately 20% Alky| clmer amine and 80% Aromatic hydrocarbon had a primary irntation index = 3.5/8 maximum (jebbit. Material is a primary skin trtant but is not corrosive. Moderate imtation persisted longer than 72 hours. Eye. Mixture of approximately 20% Alkyl dimer amine and 80% Aromatic hydrocarbon had @_ maximum draize score of 18/110 (rabbit). ‘Mig conjunctivitis with complete clearing within 7 days. Not 2 primary eye irtant ‘Additional Toxicological Information : No other data shown. ‘Section 12, ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION, No data is available for the product. 13. DISPOSAL INFORM. Waste material, including liquids, contaminated absorbent and material from spill clean-up procedures, must be handled in accordance with all applicable government regulations. It ig up-to the user of this product to determine the hazards associated with any waste material generated. Recommended cisposal methods include incineration for contaminated liquids and solid, jon 14. ORT INFORM) ADR / RID : Not Regulated. International Maritime Organization (IMO) : Not requiated. ‘Section 15, REGULATORY INFORMATION, Council of European Communities Directive on Classification, Packing and Labeling of Dangerous Substences/Preparation (GTIS43IEEC 8 88/379IEEC) 38 Iritating to skin £28 After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of wateriess handcleaner. $36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves end eyeltace protection. Xi Iitant European Inventory of existing Commercial Chemical Substances : |All components of this preparation are included in EINECSIELINCS. ie we Product : UNICOR Rev #05 Date: 11/9/2004 Page 4 of 4 ‘Section 16. OTHER INFORMATION NA, Not applicable. NO. Not determined NE None established. MAK | Maximale Arbeitsplatzkonzentrationen, German exposure limits ore ‘Occupational Exposure Limits EH40, U.K. o - Total dust pa Fine dust. ACGIM - ‘American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists mW ‘Threshold Limit Value. For additional information conceming this product. contact the folowing PRODUGT EMERGENCIES Dorf Ketal Chemicals (I) Pvt. Ltd. Dorf Ketal LLC ‘#1 DORF KETAL TOWERS 3727 Greenbriar D Mone street, Marve Road Suite 114, Malad (W), dombay 64 Staffors, TX 77477. Tet +91-22-8819656 / =91-22-8628374 Tel No, 281-497-3700 Fax: +01-22-6813655 Fax No, 281-491-373 “The data and recommendations presented inthis date sheet concerting the use of our preduct and the materials contain there in are believed to be accurate and are based on information which is consteced reliable as of the date hereof However, the customer should determine the suitability of such ‘material er his purpose befave adopting therm on a commercial scale, Since the use our products by ches i beyond our contol, no quarartee, express OF implied. Is made and no responsiblity assumed for the use of this material or the results to te oblaned thre from. Information on tis form is furnished fer the purpose ot compliance with Goverment Health and Safety Regulations and shall not be used for any otver purposes. Moreover, the recommendations contained in tis dale sheet ave not lo be constructed as a icense to operate under, or@ recommendation to infiinge, any existing Patents, nor should they be confused with state, municipal or insurance requirements, or wih national safety codes END OF MSDS DORF KETAL CHEMICALS INDIA PVT LTD W-165/B, MIDC Teloja, Raigad Dist, India Telefax : +91-22-741-0466 Report No + Dated : CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS cCERIEKA_a Ser oe Product Batch Number mecca wast [em — a a Specific Gravity @ 15.6°C ASTM D 1298 Kinenacie Wiscosity @ 36°C Gaaipcaas _ Flash Point °C(PMCC) ‘ASTM D 93 ‘Pour Point °C ‘ASTM D 97 ) For Dorf Ketal Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. Authorized Signatory

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